世界上最长的歌 《Art of Life》
《Art of Life》这首曲子鲜少有现场的演出,第一次是在日于 日本武道馆演出,而另外两次都在 东京巨蛋,分别在1993年的12月30日及31日;这些演出分别收录在专辑Art of life live以及DVD/VHS的Art of Life
Tokyo Dome中。日,X Japan的复出演唱会中再次将这首曲子以现场的方式重现于歌迷眼前,但在Yoshiki即将要钢琴独奏的前一刻,Yoshiki却因体力不支昏倒后而中断。之后几天的演唱会仍然有将这首曲子做完整的演出。其后的世界巡回演唱会中也多次演出这首曲目。
1. Art Of Life
Desert Rose
Why do you live alone
If you are sad
I&ll make you leave this life
Are you white, blue or bloody red
All I can see is drowning in cold grey sand
The winds of time
You knock me to the ground
I&m dying of thirst
I wanna run away
I don&t know how to set me free to live
My mind cries out feeling pain
I&ve been roaming to find myself
How long have I been feeling endless hurt
Falling down, rain flows into my heart
In the pain I&m waiting for you
Can&t go back
No place to go back to
Life is lost, Flowers fall
If it&s all dreams
Now wake me up
If it&s all real
Just kill me
I&m making the wall inside my heart
I don&t wanna let my emotions get out
It scares me to look at the world
Don&t want to find myself lost in your eyes
I tried to drown my past in grey
I never wanna feel more pain
Ran away from you without saying any words
What I don&t wanna lose is love
Through my eyes
Time goes by like tears
My emotion&s losing the color of life
Kill my heart
Release all my pain
I&m shouting out loud
Insanity takes hold over me
Turning away from the wall
Nothing I can see
The scream deep inside
reflecting another person in my heart
He calls me from within
&All existence you see before you
must be wiped out :
Dream, Reality, Memories,
and Yourself&
I begin to lose control of myself
My lust is so blind, destroys my mind
Nobody can stop my turning to madness
No matter how you try to hold me in your heart
Why do you wanna raise these walls
I don&t know the meaning of hatred
My brain gets blown away hearing words of lies
I only want to hold your love
Stab the dollls filled with hate
Wash yourself with their blood
Drive into the raging current of time
Swing your murderous weapon into the belly
&the earth&
Shout and start creating confusion
Shed your blood for pleasure
And what? For love?
What am I supposed to do?
I believe in the madness called &Now&
Past and future prison my heart
Time is blind
But I wanna trace my love
on the wall of time, over pain in my heart
Art of life
Insane blade stabbing dreams
Try to break all truth now
But I can&t heal this broken heart in pain
Cannot start to live, Cannot end my life
Keep on crying
Close my eyes
Time breathes I can hear
All love and sadness
melt in my heart
Dry my tears
Wipe my bloody face
I wanna feel me living my life
outside my walls
You can&t draw a picture of yesterday, so
You&re painting your heart with your blood
You can&t say &No&
Only turning the wheel of time
with a rope around your neck
You build a wall of morality and take a breath
from between the bricks
You make up imaginary ennemies and are chased by them
You&re trying to commit suicide
You&re satisfied with your prologue
Now you&re painting your first chapter black
You are putting the scraps of life together
and trying to make an asylum for yourself
You&re hitting a bell at the edge of the stage
You are trying to kill me
I believe in the madness called &Now&
Time goes flowing, breaking my heart
Wanna live
Can&t let my heart kill myself
Still I haven&t found what I&m looking for
Art of life
I try to stop myself
But my heart goes to destroy the truth
Tell me why
I want the meaning of my life
Do I try to live, Do I try to love
in my dream
I&m breaking the wall inside my heart
I just wanna let my emotions get out
Nobody can stop
I&m running to freedom
No matter how you try to hold me in your world
Like a doll carried by the flow of time
I sacrificed the present moment for the future
I was in chains of memory half-blinded
Losing my heart, walking in the sea of dreams
Close my eyes
Rose breathes I can hear
All love and sadness melt in my heart
Dry my tears
Wipe my bloody face
I wanna feel me living my life
outside my mind
Dreams can make me mad
I can&t leave my dream
I can&t stop myself
Don&t know what I am
What lies are truth?
What truths are lies?
I believe in the madness called &Now&
Time goes flowing, breaking my heart
Wanna to live
Can&t let my heart kill myself
Still I haven&t found what I&m looking for
Art of life
I try to stop myself
But my heart goes to destroy the truth
Tell me why
I want the meaning of my life
Do I try to live, Do I try to love
Art of life
An Eternal Bleeding heart
You never wanna breathe your last
Wanna live
Can&t let my heart kill myself
Still I&m feeling for
A Rose is breathing love
in my life相关文章最新文章活着就是折腾----歌词最长的中文歌
于N年前就写出这样的歌,我个人觉得是值得钦佩的。这个人的名字叫宋岳庭,已经故去。他的哥哥叫宋学庭,传说就是这个叫宋学庭的哥哥和叫吴宗宪的哥哥发现了叫周杰伦的弟弟。&&& 我听歌二十年,这是所发现的最长的一首歌词,我为这样长的歌词而惊诧。在没有发现这首歌之前,我一直觉得黄舒骏的《恋爱症候群》是国语歌中最长的歌词。然而十几年后再一次偶然的机会我发现了这首歌。将近两千字的歌词,充满了对现实、对社会、对人性的批判和理解。所以这首歌一直被禁播,也因此,直到如今我才偶然发现。&&& 其他的我不想多说,看着歌词听歌吧。&活着就是折腾我睁开双眼踏入这个世界妈妈给我生命现在让我自生自灭这让我恐惧在我的眼里每个人都戴着面具回想过去难道生命就是这样延续?我抽烟抽得我的肺都黑了就像整个社会被人心笼罩着它也是黑的我背着宿命的十字架也渴望power, paper and respect我想这大概就是human nature佛家说烦恼即是菩提我暂且不提我倒是希望能够回到母体老妈对不起我时常把你气得跺脚你说你后悔当初没有把我堕掉每当我放学回家放下那沉重的背包家里空无一人只残留着你香水的味道那时我知道你那天晚上又要加班我打开冰箱拿出微波炉吃冰的晚餐老爸在凌晨两点钟醉醺醺地回家我从睡梦中醒来只听到你们在吵架我没有办法专心面对第二天的考试老师他不喜欢我我也不喜欢老师我讨厌穿制服我讨厌学校的制度我讨厌训导主任的嘴脸讨厌被束缚that's true很多人不屑我的态度他们说我太cool***不爽我都曾将我逮捕i don't give a **** about 人家说什么他们想说什么就说什么但是他们算什么没有谁有权利拿他的标准衡量我主宰是我自己随便人家如何想我还是我爱钱的女人只给凯子摸不懂得用保险套的人别嫌孩子多金钱力量虽大却生不带来死不带走紧握着双拳的人们何时能松开手?life's a struggle 日子还要过品尝喜怒哀乐之后又是数不尽的troubleseveryday 有多少问题要去面对有多少夜痛苦烦恼着你无法入睡…life's a struggle 日子还要过品尝喜怒哀乐之后又是数不尽的troubleseveryday 有多少问题要去面对有多少夜痛苦烦恼着你无法入睡…法庭严肃的空气逼得我快不能呼吸当时面临着终生监禁的我开始反省铁栏杆之后又是个截然不同的景象刑犯们眼神中看不到一点和平的气象仅有一寸短的铅笔写的是监狱风云日记上描绘的不是美好的户外风景自由在他们眼里才是憧憬放一把自制武器在枕头旁以防随时有人偷袭有些人怀疑老婆在外偷情有些人把家人寄来的信件一张一张好好收集有些人二十四小时几乎在床上休息有些人精神失常因为受不了打击三个月如火如荼的漫长等待已过去出狱后的我得面对三年的缓刑期这也好一生中第一次感觉到幸福但生命中的考验何止如此我不清楚我不知道接下来还有什么会发生翻开报纸的新闻又是看到放火杀人还记得某年无意间发现的照片上面有阿姨对男人施行XXXXXX的恶心画面这简直摧毁了她在我心目中的形象我无法忘怀照片中那笑容多么XXXXXX我抵抗胸口存在着不安及惶恐我不断听到痛苦的声音在内心怒吼life's a struggle 日子还要过品尝喜怒哀乐之后又是数不尽的troubleseveryday 有多少问题要去面对有多少夜痛苦烦恼着你无法入睡…life's a struggle 日子还要过品尝喜怒哀乐之后又是数不尽的troubleseveryday 有多少问题要去面对有多少夜痛苦烦恼着你无法入睡…不论我走到天南不论我走到地北不论我走到哪都见识到人心的虚伪it's kinda funny 在人的眼里只有money外表好像要帮你却只是想帮他自己笑容可掬的脸后面谁知道是个狼心狗肺
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