
09-02-19 &
现象:上线后看到别人全是未知目标,身上装备全是问号,无法正常游戏,走几步就卡掉.很是苦恼啊~~~我用了下面的方法,第一中不好使.第二种方法中里面有个名为Checksum Offload的选项,可我找不到,我的网卡设置里面都是中文选项,不知道哪个是相对应的. 所以情急之下我就把C盘GHOST,因为我觉得是某个环节出错了,结果真的好使了,再没出现过未知目标. 可装了瑞星之后又出现未知目标了,这我才知道是瑞星的防火墙搞鬼. 如果你跟我出现一样的状况,那你就看看你是不是用的瑞星啊,关了防火墙试试看再谢我哦~~~~ 步骤1:(网上通用的解决方法) 解决这个问题是删除整个 WDB 目录(在魔兽世界目录中)然后测试游戏是否正常。这个目录的缓存文件有时会导致这种问题,删除它们有可能马上能够解决此类问题。如果这样解决不了问题,或者当时好了,可过了一段时间后又出现了,那你需要按照步骤2来解决。 步骤2:(终极解决方法,通过实践验证) 在 NPCs 和玩家身上的“未知目标”的标签是由于你的电脑和服务器之间网络传输崩溃造成的。出错的症状也表现为角色模型无法载入,物品显示为红色的问号,如果确定自己的网线连接正常(以前玩都没问题),WOW文件无损毁(压根就没改动过),插件无影响(还是以前的插件),硬件设施无故障。那么请打开你的设备管理器,把你的网络适配器打开,把网卡的属性打开,点高级,里面有个名为Checksum Offload的选项,把这个选项的值改为DISABLE。 (Checksum Offload:这个选项会在传输过程中总是检测数据长度,导致传输的性能和速度下降,引起魔兽数据交换错误。关闭此选项,可关闭网卡效验数据功能,把数据效验交给CPU。) 这个现象只发现征对Nforce网卡 如果Nforce网卡会引起魔兽未知目标问题,可关闭此选项,即可完全解决魔兽问题
哦。 多谢你分享。
.2以后MF官方关于延迟问题的蓝帖,其中写清楚了:Network card related - Some network adapters may require a driver update or duplex change to stabilize connectivity. S Realtek RTL 8139/69 series, Intel Pro series, Broadcom 440 series, Marvell Yukon Series, Via Rhine series, and the nVidia nForce series. Please visit the link below for assistance in making these changes.如果你的网卡是Realtek RTL 8139/69系列、Intel Pro系列、Broadcom 440系列、Marvell Yukon系列、Via Rhine系列、nVidia nForce系列,那么恭喜你,你很有可能出这种问题。解决方法也说了There are several drivers that, if out-of-date, could cause issues for broadband users. If you need more help in locating drivers for your hardware or finding the settings listed, please contact the hardware manufacturer or a qualified technician. If you access the internet through an external broadband modem, be sure you have the latest firmware and drivers available for your modem. If your computer connects to the modem via USB, be sure you have the latest drivers for your motherboard or your USB PCI card. If your computer onnects to the modem via Ethernet, be sure that your network card has the latest drivers installed. if you have a power management tab in our network card properties, click it and unselect the &allow the computer to turn off this device to save power& if selected. Checksum offloading. To turn the checksum offloading off go to start & control panel & click network connections & right click on your active etwork connection profile and select properties & then click the configure utton at the top & under 'CHECKSUM OFFLOAD' (if listed) change it to 'DISABLED'. This will disconnect you from the internet for a brief moment. You should automatically reconnect, if not restart your machine.You can also try changing the Speed/Duplex to Force 100 Full Duplex. This has shown to fix these types of issues as well. Todo this, go into your computer properties, and then into your device manager. Locate your network card, and go into theproperties for it. click on the advanced tab, and you should see a list of items. One of them should be Speed/duplex settings.Change this to Force base 100 Full duplex. If you have an older router or hub you may need to use base 10 full duplex.1、在网卡设置中,去掉&allow the computer to turn off this device to save power&(很难想象这个居然会出问题,难道在游戏过程中,网卡也会进入节电状态?不过我没看文章之前,看网卡设置的时候居然第一直觉也是他,改了之后确实好的多了)2、在网卡的高级选项之中,将&Checksum offloading&选为Disable。(看样子这才是关键所在,可能是由于网卡的自动校验而导致一旦有一点问题,后续的包便
还真遇到过和你类似的问题 不过我是下线=段时间在上就好了的


