I'i m so bad i m goodnow什么意思?

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Unit6 I’m watching TV
1.do one’s homework(此处的do是“做”的意思)
2.talk on the phone 打***交谈
3.watch look
观看,看watch TV 看电视watch a football game 看一场足球比赛
看见(看的结果)I can see the bird in the tree.
看(看的动作) Please look at the blackboard.
read阅读,读书,读报 She is reading a story.
4.go to the movies去看电影5.That sounds good. 那听起来不错
7.at six o’clock在六点钟
8. wait for sb /sth
9. all 、 also 、often 、never
He never stop talking. I often get up at six.
We are all students The boys can also swim.
They all like EnglishLions also come from South Africa.
10. thanks for sth 谢谢某物Thanks for your letter
thanks for doing sth 谢谢做了某事
Thanks for joining us.
11. some of + 宾格代词(us / you /them ) some of us 我门当中的一些人 Some of +名词复数 some of
the students 一些学生
12. in the first /second /next / last photo 在第一/第二/下一个/最后一张照片里
13. at school 在学校at home 在家at the pool 在游泳池
at the mall在商店
14. be with sb
与某人一起 He is with his parents他和他的父母在一起。
15. with 是一个介词,with短语不能做主语:请区别以下两个句子:
Tom with his friends is playing soccer.
Tom and his friends are playing soccer.
16. a photo of my family
17. what about doing sth. 用于提出建议,做点什么怎么样?
What about watching TV18. ***中介绍自己:This is …speaking或 It is …speaking 问对方是谁:Who is that或 Is that …speaking19. Not much
Nothing much没忙什么 be free 空闲的
20. join sb. for sth./ doing sth. 和某人一起做某事21. live with sb. 和某人住在一起
live in +地名 住在某地
正在加载中,请稍后...I feel so bad and stupid
I am 39 weeks and 4 days....Wednesday is supposed to be THE day..... I feel terrible because my fear of the delivery (and the unknown) is out weighing my excitement.
Everyones telling me ways to speed things up..... but then I know whats too come before I can meet my little man that I'm too damn scared to try anything. But the waiting is driving me crazy. PLEASE TELL ME IM NOT THE ONLY WHO FEELS THIS WAY????? or am I being a terrible person???
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I feel the same way I'm 37 weeks and 2 days and I am scared I want to meet our princess but I don't know if. I'm dilateing and I'm due in August
I feel the same way I'm 37 weeks and 2 days and I am scared I want to meet our princess but I don't know if. I'm dilateing and I'm due in August
Just remember, it's only temporary.and you can ask for pain meds at Any time.
I wouldn't be looking into inducing labor, i would be looking into how to make labor shorter.
For example studies show raspberry leaf tea shortens labor
Just remember, it's only temporary.and you can ask for pain meds at Any time.
I wouldn't be looking into inducing labor, i would be looking into how to make labor shorter.
For example studies show raspberry leaf tea shortens labor
I was the same way, i cried as time got closer with my first son. All i could think was wth are you doing, i was so damn scared. It wasnt as bad as i thought, and here i am pregnant with my third child. It will be ok, pain meds help. Good luck try to relax and know that once your baby is in your arms you will realize it was all worth it.
I was the same way, i cried as time got closer with my first son. All i could think was wth are you doing, i was so damn scared. It wasnt as bad as i thought, and here i am pregnant with my third child. It will be ok, pain meds help. Good luck try to relax and know that once your baby is in your arms you will realize it was all worth it.
Don't worry im the same way I'll be 38 weeks friday and im excited for her to be here but im scared to give birth. Everyone keeps telling me to have it natural no meds. But this is my first one. I don't want to scare myself and never want to do it again.
Don't worry im the same way I'll be 38 weeks friday and im excited for her to be here but im scared to give birth. Everyone keeps telling me to have it natural no meds. But this is my first one. I don't want to scare myself and never want to do it again.
Same is happening to me I am due the same day as you and I feel exactly the same, I might be induce cause I have no signs of dilatation :( feel so scared
Same is happening to me I am due the same day as you and I feel exactly the same, I might be induce cause I have no signs of dilatation :( feel so scared
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I feel so bad and stupid
I am 39 weeks and 4 days....Wednesday is supposed to be THE day..... I feel terrible because my fear of the delivery (and the unknown) is out weighing my excitement.
Everyones telling me ways to speed things up..... but then I know whats too come before I can meet my little man that I'm too damn scared to try anything. But the waiting is driving me crazy. PLEASE TELL ME IM NOT THE ONLY WHO FEELS THIS WAY????? or am I being a terrible person???
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