神之墓地2.8c妖灵专属4b隐藏英雄密码 (迷失的妖灵从沉睡中醒来 唤醒...

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Copyright (C)
. All rights reserved.【4B】_资讯_突袭网
【4B】(图1)已知a.b满足b-a=-2014,求代数式【(a+b)(a-b)-,Come on!!【(a+b)(a-b)-(a-b)²-2b(b-a)】/(4b) =(a²-b²-a²+2ab-b²-2b²+2ab)/(4b) =(4ab-4b²)/(4b) =a-b b-a=-2014 原式 =-(-2014) =2014 如果你认可我的回答,请点击“采纳为满意***”,祝学习进步!。【4B】(图2)请问SOT-89封装的【4B 15】与【5B 12】是什么元件,Come on!!SOT-23双极型晶体管BC807,每盘3000PCS,印记5B, 4B一样道理,厂家印记而已 PNP双极型晶体管的线性和开关应用中使用而设计的。该器件采用SOT-23封装,这是专为低功率表面贴装应用中 应用: ESD保护反极性保护数据线保护感性负载保护控制逻辑 特点。【4B】(图3)谁有FAX-027 エロチックな夜の为に… アパート同栖,就是一个中国女人在日本边打***边那啥的片,网上找了很多链接都失败了magnet:?xt=urn:b删除tih:CB4F2B52B4B42E0BC97C5D1BB968BF3&dn=【真相问答机】,揭穿流言! 免费领榷知道日报》主题专刊 知道大数据,用数据解读。[防采集:本信息来自 突袭 .cn]
牛津小学英语 4B unit one 过关测试卷【4B】(图4)(a-b)(a-4b)+ab***因式,(a-b)(a-4b)+ab***因式解原题=a²+2ab+b²-4b² =a²+2ab-3b² =(a-b)(a+3b)。【4B】(图5)已知关于x的方程x2+2bx+c=0,在[-1,1]上有实数根,已知关于x的方程x2+2bx+c=0,在[-1,1]上有实数根,0≤4b+c≤3,则b的取值 。[防采集:本信息来自 突袭1 .cn]
听力部分(30 分)【4B】(图6)右乳外上象限钙化,BI-RADS4B。【乳腺结节】,病情描述(发病时间、主要症状、就诊医院等): 钼靶检查:双侧乳腺呈多应该问题不大,不要太害怕,可以切除活检,如果即使是恶性的也可以考虑保乳治疗,不需要将整个乳腺切除。 (泰州人民医院易彤波大夫郑重提醒:因不能面诊患者,无法全面了解病情,以上建议仅供参考,具体诊疗请一定到医院在医生指导下进行!)。【4B】(图7)【初中数学题】如图,已知在平面直角坐标系中点A(a,(1)求A、B坐标 (2)已知点C(0,b),点P从B点出发沿x轴负方向以一个单位每【1】∵(a-4)²+根号b+4=0 ∴a-4=0 b+4=0 ∴a=4,b=-4 ∴A(4,0) B(0,-4) 又∵C、B关于X轴对称 ∴C(0,4) 【2】过N作。【4B】(图8)摩托车电瓶【12n7d-4b]】 用12v400ma的充电器可以,(1)求A、B坐标 (2)已知点C(0,b),点P从B点出发沿x轴负方向以一个单位每这电瓶是12V7AH的,闸12V400ma充电器充电有点略小,但应该也能充,如果亏电较严重,充8-10小时比较合适。。[防采集:本信息来自 突袭2 .cn]
一、听录音、选出你所听到的内容。 (10 分) ( )1、 A、here B、there ( )2、 A、student B、teacher ( )3、 A、he B、she ( ( ( ( ( ( )5、 A、my father )6、 A、blouse B、my mother B、balloon C、hair C、study C、tea C、my brother C、black
)4、 A、I’ m new here B、I m a new student C、I’ m a new nurse【4B】(图9)神之墓地2.4b隐藏英雄密码 (迷失的妖灵从沉睡中醒,已知{x=2,y=-1是方程组{ax-3y=7, x-by=5的解,求代数式3a+4b-5的值。改了,是 唤醒沉睡的妖灵【妖灵】 唤醒迷失的精灵【冰精】。【4B】(图10)【初一数学题】解二元一次方程组 【紧急】已知{x=2,已知{x=2,y=-1是方程组{ax-3y=7, x-by=5的解,求代数式3a+4b-5的值。将x=2,y=-1代入 得2a-(-3)=7 2-(-b)=5 2a=4 a=2 b=3 3a+4b-5=3x2+4x3-5=18-5=13 望采纳可追问 我答的最快,只不过修改了一下,就不是了。钼靶检查诊断:左乳外上象限不对侧斑片稍高密度影,病情描述(发病时间、主要症状、就诊医院等): 32岁,女,已生产。不久最好再做下乳腺的超声检查,这样结合起来看更能够说明问题。毕竟红外线检查特异性不高。 (北京同仁医院肖晖大夫郑重提醒:因不能面诊患者,无法全面了解病情,以上建议仅供参考,具体诊疗请一定到医院在医生指导下进行!)。[防采集:本信息来自 突袭f .cn]
)7、 A、zebra B、girl C、pencil )8、 A、woman B、teacher C、boy )9、 A、welcome to our school B、welcome to our home C、welcome to our classroom
( )10、A、woman B、man C、window 二、听录音,根据所听内容,选择正确的应答句。 分) (8 ( )1、A、Thank you B、All right C、I’ m sorry ( )2、B、Thank you B、I’ m new here C、I’ m Ben ( ( ( ( )3、A、She’ s Helen B、He’ s Mike C、 s a student He’ )4、A、No, she’ s a doctor B、Yes, I am C、Yes, he is )5、A、Yes, he is. B、No, she’ s a nurse C、No, I’ m not )6、A、He’ s Mike, He’ s a student. B、He’ s Brown, He’ s a boy.哪位大神,帮我把这个无线密码破解下,谢谢!Tenda,病情描述(发病时间、主要症状、就诊医院等): 32岁,女,已生产。不久wifi万能钥匙能够连接wifi热点,其实是连接上共享的wifi网络的账号和密码,wifi万能钥匙在连接的时候下载了数据比对成功,才可以连接了该wifi网络。 如果wifi网络用户修改了无线密码,没有被其他用户上传分享热点信息,wifi万能钥匙只能连接以前。【求过程!追加!】(3a^2+7bc-6b^2)-(5a^2-3bc-4b^,(3a^2+7bc-6b^2)-(5a^2-3bc-4b^2)其中:a=5,b=-3,c=3分之1【先化(3a^2+7bc-6b^2)-(5a^2-3bc-4b^2) =-2a^2+10bc-2b^2 =-2*5^2+10*(-3)*1/3-2*(-3)^2 =-50-10-18 =-78。求一个,出包王女【1季+2季+3季+ova版】无修版,中,(3a^2+7bc-6b^2)-(5a^2-3bc-4b^2)其中:a=5,b=-3,c=3分之1【先化出包王女ToLove(无修正) 全3季+OVA 磁力链:magnet:?xt=urn:btih:4dfc7c5df47b8d0e4bf5fd03e13c40 百度云:/s。[防采集:本信息来自 突袭5 .cn]
C、He’ s a doctor. ( ) AI can see a picture on the wall.BI can see a dog C、 can see a cat 7、 I ( )8、A、Yes ,I do B、No ,I’ m not C、Yes, I’m not. 三、听录音,把句子补充完整。 (12 分) 1、A:Welcome to _________ _________. B:Thank you __________ _________. 2. A:_______ that boy ________ _________? B: _______ ________ ________.Wow!_______Ben .He’s
my________.当a:b=一又三分之一时,那么3a=4b .对错?,(3a^2+7bc-6b^2)-(5a^2-3bc-4b^2)其中:a=5,b=-3,c=3分之1【先化a:b=一又三分之一 a:b=3分之4 3a=4b 所以你的是对的 很高兴为您解答,祝你学习进步>the1900】团队为您答题。 有不明白的可以追问!如果您认可我的回答。 请点击下面的【选为满意回答】按钮,谢谢! 如果有其他需要帮助的题目,您可以求助我。。【初二数学】求(a+b)的七次方 和 (a+b)的八次方,(3a^2+7bc-6b^2)-(5a^2-3bc-4b^2)其中:a=5,b=-3,c=3分之1【先化用杨辉三角公式来求。 (a+b)的七次方=a^7+7a^6b+21a^5b^2+35a^4b^3+35a^3b^4+21a^2b^5+7ab^6+b^7 贾宪三角的第n行就是(a+b)^(。用多少512×4b的RAM芯片可以构成16KB的存储系统,(3a^2+7bc-6b^2)-(5a^2-3bc-4b^2)其中:a=5,b=-3,c=3分之1【先化个人觉得应该是2^14(16k)*2^3(8bit)除以【2^9(512)*2^2(4bit)】为2^6即64片。[防采集:本信息来自 突袭g .cn]
笔试部分(70 分)4B295C40是电喷的吗,(3a^2+7bc-6b^2)-(5a^2-3bc-4b^2)其中:a=5,b=-3,c=3分之1【先化现在的车 基本都是电喷 化油器的都很老了 希望对你有用【汽车有问题,问汽车大师。4S店专业技师,10分钟解决。】。标着4B的橡皮上面写为什么写着韩文?,如图,这是正版橡皮.上方的韩文是"4b???",其中三个韩文字是英语"design"的音译,"设计"的意思.右下角的商标是"??"(花郎),确实是韩国产的.这是曾经在网络上流传的山寨橡皮,不仅"???"变成了不知所云的"叶刘叫",商标都变成了山寨的"花乡".。[防采集:本信息来自 突袭fd .cn]
一、选出与其他三项不是同一类的单词。 分) (6
( )1、A、boy B、student C、girl D、woman ( )2、A、big B、new C、small D、man ( )3、A、tree B、nurse C、doctor D、teacher ( )4、A、zebra B、zoo C、panda D、lion ( )5、A、Ben B、boy C、Helen D、Mike ( )6、A、mother B、brother C、woman D、father 二、你能按要求写出单词吗?写出下列单词的对应词。 分) (6 1、woman_________ 2、girl____________ 3、mother__________ 4、brother_________ 5、he_____________ 6、Mr.______________ 三、翻泽下列词组。 (10 分) 1、一位新护士_____________ 2、 an old man__________ 3、打扰一下___________________ 4、my brother___________ 5、谢谢你_________________ 6、climb trees___________ 7、下来___________________ 8、that woman__________ 9、我们的老师 ____________ 10、over there___________ 四、选择填空。 (18 分)
( )1、Welcome our school. Thank you. A. too B. to C. two D. in ( )2、Who’s that man? Mr Green. A. He’s B. he’s C. his D. His ( )3、Excuse me, you a doctor? Yes, I am. A. are B. Is C. is D. Are ( )4、 Mr Black a teacher? No, isn’t. A. is, he B. its, He C. Is, he D. It’s, she ( )5、Is that woman your mother? Which one? one in blue dress. A、the, The B. \, \ C. \, The D. the, \ ( )6、 the girl the red T-shirt. A. Who’s, in B. Whose, on C. Who’
s, on D. Whose, in ( )7、______ that girl? A、she B、he C、who D、who’ s ( )8、Excuse me, _________ your mother a teacher? A、are B、am C、is ( )9、Who’ s the boy________ the tree? A、 in B、over C、on D、to ( )10、She is ________ nurse. A、the B、an C、\ D、a ( )11、Who’ s the man_____________?
( ( ( ( ( ( (
A、 over there B、 there at C、 over school D、 there go ) 12、 This is my family photo, _________ is my brother Mike A、he B、his C、she D、her )13、 Are you a student?_____ A、Yes ,I am B、Yes, I do C、No ,I’ m notD、No, I don’ t )14、 Hi, Mimi ,Don’ t_______ on the table A、climbing B、sit C、 sitting )15、Is that boy in blue Ann’s friend?________ A、Yes, it is. B、No, he isn’t C、No ,she isn’t )16、Hi, I’m Kite, I’m ________here A、come B、big C、new D、go )17、Who’s the boy big ? A. with, ear B. with, ears C. in, ear D. in, ears )18、We____ late___ the party. A. is, of B. is, for C. are, of D. are, for
五、 你能根据所给情景判断下列句子运用是否恰当?用 T 和 F 表示。 (10分) ( ( ( )1、当你做错事的时候你说:Excuse me. ) 当你想进老师的办公室的时候。 2、 你说: I come in? May ) 3、 当你的同桌没有蜡笔画画时你说: Here are some crayons for you. ( ( ) 当你想知道对方是谁时, 4、 你说: you a doctor? Are ) 5、 当你想告诉别人不要爬树时你说: Don’t climb the
tree ,please. 六、连词成句。 (10 分) 1、me, are, a, teacher ,you, new ,excuse. (?) _____________________________ 2、look, the, zebra, at ,the, in ,zoo(.) _____________________________ 3、who’ s, tall, that, man,(?) _____________________________
4、in, tree, the ,boy ,who’ s ,the (?) ______________________________ 5. climb don’t tree the. 七、阅读短文,1-4 小题判断对错,5-7 小题根据短文填空。 (10 分) Miss Lin is a new teacher. She is thin. She likes lemons very much. She has some good friends: Nancy, Mike, Lily and Wang Dong. They’re her students. Nancy has blue eyes and yellow hair. Mike is tall and thin. Lily likes oranges, Miss Lin likes oranges, too. And Wang Dong is a Chinese boy, he likes watermelons. ( )1、Miss Lin likes lemons. ( )2、Wang Dong is an English student. ( )3、Miss Lin is a new student. She is thin. ( )4、Wang Dong likes oranges, too. 5、Nancy is the girl with ______ ______ and _____ _______. 6、Mike is a ________ boy. He is thin. 7、Lily and Miss Lin like __________.
牛津小学英语 4B Unit2 测试卷
听力部分( 听力部分(30 分) 一、选择你所听到的内容。(听两遍)( 分) 选择你所听到的内容。(听两遍)(10 。(听两遍)( ( )1、A. a new student B. a nice girl C. a new boy ( )2、A. at a party B. for the party C. go to the party ( )3、A. your job B. your name C. your friend ( )4、A. come
here B. over there C. come down ( )5、A. climb trees B. listen to C. welcome to 听问句,选择正确应答。(听两遍)( 。(听两遍)(10 二、听问句,选择正确应答。(听两遍)( 分) ( )1、A. He’s Ben. B. She’s Miss Li. C. He’s Mr Green. ( )2、A. I’m a nurse. B. Yes, I am. C. Thank you. ( )3、A. Yes, she is . B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, it is. ( )4、A.He’s my father. B.He’s my grandfather. C.She’s my sister. ( )5、A. All right. B. Not at all. C. Thank you. 听录音,完成对话。(听两遍)( 。(听两遍)(10 三、听录音,完成对话。(听两遍)( 分) H: Good evening, Mike. M: evening, Helen. Welcome my party. . that your ? H: Thank M: Which ? H: The one the blue shirt. M: No, isn’t. one in the white shirt is brother. H: that ? M: one? H: The one long . M: my . Wait here, Mike. I’ll get you ______drinks.
笔试部分(70) 笔试部分
一、 根据要求写出所给单词的适当形式( 根据要求写出所给单词的适当形式(8 分)
1. we(宾格)
2.can not (缩略形式)
3. father (父亲的父亲) 5. party (复数) 7. young (反义词)
4. who’s (完全形式) 6. for (同音词) 8. right (反义词)
三、翻译词组(10 分) 翻译词组( 1、穿着红毛衣的女孩 穿着红毛衣的女孩______________ 2、一只眼睛 穿着红毛衣的女孩 、 3、我的好朋友 4.他的爷爷 他的爷爷___________________ 、 他的爷爷 5.一名新同学 一名新同学___________ 6.白色的短裙 白色的短裙________________ 一名新同学 白色的短裙 7、Let’s hurry! 8、come down 、 9、climb trees 10、be late for the party 选择填空。 四.选择填空。(15 分) ( )1._______ the boy ______ a big nose? A. Whose, with B. Who’s, in C. Who’s, with ( )2.The girl _______ is my sister. A. in the red B. in red C. in red coat ( ) 3.________ is that man? A. She B. Who C. No ( )4.Are you a teacher? No, _____ _____. A. I am B. I’m not C. I’m ( )5. I can see the girl ____ the tree. A. in B.with C. on ( )6. ______ that girl? She’s Yang Ling. A. Who’s B. Whose C What’s ( )7. It’s nine o’clock. It’s late _____ the party A. to B. for C. in ( )8.He is your mother’s father. He’s your . A father B:grandfather C: sister ( )9. Who’s that woman over there? _______ Mrs Green. A. He’s B. She’s C. It’s
)10.This is my brother. _______ is a doctor. A. He B. She C. It ( )11._________________ ? Yes, I am. A. Is he a teacher? B. Are they teachers? C. Are you a nurse? ( )12.Who’s the man ________ the green caot? A. in B. at C. with ( )13.Is the girl ______ big eyes your sister? A. in B. on C. with ( )14. _____ write on the desk. A. Do B. Not C. Don’t ( )15.Who’s the man ________ ? A. with big ears B. with a big ears C. in big ears 五、连词成句(5 分) 连词成句( 1.long , who’s , woman , the , with , hair(?) 2. me, nurse, a, you, e
xcuse, are (?) 3.that , is ,your , boy , brother ( ? ) 4.in boy tree the who the is(?) 5.again don’t trees climb(.)
从第Ⅱ 六.从第Ⅱ栏中找出第Ⅰ栏中的正确应答语(10 分) 从第 栏中找出第Ⅰ栏中的正确应答语( Ⅰ Ⅱ ( )1. Nice to meet you. A.Yes. Let’s hurry ( )2. We’re late for the party. B.He’s Mike. ( )3. Who’s that boy? C.Thank you. ( )4.Welcome to our school. D.Nice to meet you,too.
( )5. Are you a teacher? E. Yes, I am. ( )6.Where’s your brother? F.All right. ( )7.Which one? G.The one in the red skirt. ( )8.Is she new here? H.He’s in the study. ( )9.Here’s a book for you? I.Yes ,she is . ( )10.Let’s go and say :Hi. J.Thank you. 根据上下文填空( 七、根据上下文填空(12 分) 1._______the man ______big ears? . _______my grandmother. 2.Is that ______your grandmother? ______ _______? The one ______the brown skirt. Yes,________ _________. 3._____ _____ ________a tiger in the zoo? Yes , I can.
阅读短文, 小题判断对错, 小题根据短文填空。( 。(10 八.阅读短文,1-4 小题判断对错,5-7 小题根据短文填空。( 分) 阅读短文
Miss Lin is a new teacher. She is thin. She likes apples very much. She has some good friends: Nancy, Mike, Lily and Wang Dong. They’re her students. Nancy has blue eyes and yellow hair. Mike is tall and thin. Lily likes oranges, Miss Lin likes oranges, too. And Wang Dong is a Chinese boy, he likes watermelons. ( )1、Miss Lin likes apples. ( )2、Wang Dong is an English student. ( )3、Miss Lin is a new student. She is thin. ( )4、Wang Dong likes oranges, too. 5、Nancy is the girl with ________ ________ and _________ ________. 6、Mike is a ________ boy. He is thin. 7、Lily and Miss Lin like __________.
牛津小学英语 4B Unit3 测试卷
听力部分( 听力部分(30 分) 听录音,选出你所听到的单词,将序号填写在括号里面( 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词,将序号填写在括号里面(10 分)
( )1. A. policeman B. policewoman C.woman ( )2. A. waiter B. waitress C.wait. ( )3. A. Mr. Brown B. Mrs. Brown C.Miss Brown. ( )4. A. walkman B. woman C.man ( )5. A. dress B. driver C.doctor ( )6. A. for B. farmer C.fan ( )7. A. worker B. cook C.dog ( )8. A. nurse B.purse C.pen ( )9. A. mouth B.nurse C.month ( )10. A.ear B.eye C.nurse 二.听录音,判断下列句子与你听到的句子是否一致,用(T)或(F)表示(10 分) ( )1.How old are you? ( )2.Are they policeman? ( )3.What’s her job? ( )4.They’re wprkers. ( )5.Are you a cook? ( )6.He;s a policeman. ( )7.She’s a farmer. ( )8.I’m fifteen. ( )9.What are their jobs? ( )10.My job is a student.
听录音,选择正确的答句( 三、 听录音,选择正确的答句(10 分)
( ( ( ( )1. )2. )3. )4. A. A. A. A. I’m four B. I’m fine She is a waiter B. I’m a student No, I’m not. B. Yes, I’m not. They are
drivers.B. We’re students. C. I’m here C. He’s my father C. No, they are not. C. I’m jack.
笔试部分( 笔试部分(70 分)
一、英汉互译。 (10) 1、一个厨师 3、他的工作 5、在那边 7、in the red sweater 9、in the car
2、两位农民 4、哪一个 6、about sixty 8、let me see 10、all right
二、按要求写单词(8 分) 按要求写单词( 1、new(反义词) 2、let’s(完全形式) 3、too(同音词) 4、man(复数) 5、there(同音词) 6、boy(对应词) 7、we’re(完全形式) 8、waitress(复数) 选择填空( 三、选择填空(20 分) ( )1 . Are they workers? A. Yes, they aren’t. B. Yes, they are. C. No, he isn’t. ( )2. —— How old is ?—— He’s eleven. A. he B. she C. he’s ( )3. —— What’s name?—— I’m Nancy. A. your B. his C. her ( )4. What their job? A. is B. are C. am ( )5. —— What are their job? —— They’re . A. policeman B. policemans C. policemen ( ) 6. —— who’s that woman? —— is Mrs. Brown. A. he B. she C. it ( )7. —— What’s job? —— He’s a cook. A. his B. her C. he ( ) 8. —— Is a farmer? —— No, she isn’t.. A. she B. her C. he ( )9. who’s the boy a big mouth? A. in B. to C. with ( ) 10. —— Which man is your father? —— The one the white shirt.
A. in B. to C. with 四、句子配对. (10%) ( ) 1. Excuse me, are you a teacher ? A. They’re pears. ( )2. What are those? B. The tall one. ( ) 3. How many kilos? C. Five, please. ( ) 4. We are late for the party. D. Yes. ( )5. How old are you? E.Some lemons,please. ( )6.Is the bus for the theater? F. Great! ( )7. Can I help you ? G. Yes, let’s hurry. ( )8. Which man is a cook? H. No, I’m a doctor. ( )9.Shall we go and play football? I. Not at all. ( )10.Thanks. J. I’m ten.
五、根据中文,完成下列句子(10 分) 根据中文,完成下列句子(
1. 我是一名新工人。 a worker. 2. 他的工作是什么? What’s ? 3. 看那位老妇人! Look that ! 4. —— 你的朋友是一个男孩吗? —— 不,我的朋友是一位女孩。. —— your friend a ? —— No, my friend is a . 六、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F) A:I can’t find Lucy.Where’s she,d o you know? B:She’s in the classroom . A:But where is her classroom?
B:It’s over there,next to Class2,Grade 6. A:I know.Is Lily in the classroom,too? B:No,she is in the teachers’ office.It’s on the second floor,on the right. A:Where’s Jim ? B:He’s in the toilet.the toilet is behind Class3. A:I see.Who are they in the playground? B:They’re Liu Tao and Helen . A:Can you tell me the way to the Tv room? B:Sure,This way,please.Kate is there,too. A:Great! ( ( ( ( ( )1.Lucy is in Class2,Grade6 )2.Lily is in the teachers’ office . )3.The teachers’ office is on the second floor ,on the left. )4.Jim isn’t in the toilet. )5.Liu Tao and Helen are in the playground.
题( 牛津小学英语 4B 单元测试题(四)
听力部分( 听力部分(30 分)
(10 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 10 分) 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 ( ( )1、A、puppet ( )2、A、head ( )3、A、cup ( )4、A、grapes ( )5、A、thin B、puzzle B、hair B、cat B、ground B、think C、panda C、hello C、car C、grandma C、thank
(10 二、听录音,选择正确的答语。 10 分) 听录音,选择正确的答语。 (
( )1、A、They are mangos. B、They are lemons. ( )2、A、They are peaches. B、They are bananas. ( )3、A、Four kilos ,please B、Four kilos ,please. ( )4、A、Some grapes ,please. B、Some apples, please. ( )5、A、The red ones please. B、The yellow ones please.
(10 三、听录音,补全所缺单词。 10 分) 听录音,补全所缺单词。 (
1、A: What are_______ ? B: They’re __________. 2、A: What’ s __________? B: _____ an orange. 3、A: ________ like some grapes please. B: ______ ________kilos? A: ________ kilos please. 4、A: Can I__________ you? B: Some_______ please.
笔试部分( 笔试部分(70 分)
一、英汉互译(10 分) 英汉互译(
1 能为你效劳吗?_________ 2、那些橘子_____________ 3、 几岁__________________ 4、 很高兴认识你___________ 5、 一些梨_________________ 6、 glass of_______________ a 7、 boys and girls___________ 8、 computer room___________ 9、welcome to our school____________ 10、Here you are_____________
二、选择(20 分) 选择(
( )1、Who is the man_________ there? A、with B、over C、on ( )2、 “_________is your bag?” ’s here.” “It A、How B、Where C、What ( )3、What’s the time? It’ s________ A、seven----thirty B、seven o’clock C、four and thirty ( )4、My grandfather is________ the yellow car.
A、on B、at C、in ( )5、What______ ________ name? A、are her B、is my C、is your ( )6、What________ their___________? A、is job B、are job C、are jobs ( )7、What________ that?——It’ s a pen A、are B、is C、am ( )8、I’d like________ apple please A、some B、an C、l ( )9、——How________ kilos?——Ten kilos please A、l B、much C、many ( )10、——How much_________?——they A、 they are B、is it C、They’re fifty yuan 三.用括号里所给词的适当形式填空(10 分) 1.I have two________(book) 2.Look, these are big _______(box) 3.Look at those ________(woman)over there.They look nice. 4.The _________(policeman)are in the room. 5.Can I help you ? I’d like four ________(glass).
四、连词成句(10 分) 连词成句(
1、red ,the ,ones, please (.) _______________________________ 2、those ,I ,over, think, dogs, thin, very, there, are(.) ________________________________ 3、grapes ,would ,too, I, some, like(.) ________________________________ 4、her, jobs ,are, brothers ,what(?) _______
__________________________ 5、your, boy ,brother, is, that(?) ___________________________________
栏中间句的正确***。 10) 五、从 B 栏中选出 A 栏中间句的正确***。 10) (
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
)1、Is that your friend? )3、Some cakes? )4、What’ s your job? )5、Are they strawberries? )6.What are those? )7.Good evening. )8.Who’s that boy? )9.Nice to meet you. )10.What’s your name?
A、No, they aren’t C、Yes ,he is. D、I am a policeman E、No thanks. F.I’m Helen. G.Nice to meet you. H.They are apples. I.Good evening. J.He;s my brother.
六、阅读理解(10) 阅读理解( ) 阅读下面短文,完成表格,并判断正误。正确的用(T)表示,错误的用(F)表示。 David: What time do you get up, Mike? At six o’clock? Mike: No, I get up at six thirty. David: What time do you have breakfast? Mike: At about six forty-five. Then I go to school at seven five. David: What do you do in the evening? Mike: I do my homework at seven thirty-five and go to bed at about nine fifty. David: Nine fifty? I go to bed at nine. Mike’s day Things to do get up 6:45 go to school do homework Time
1. Mikegetsupataboutsix. 2. Mikegoestoschoolatsevenfive. 3. Mikedoeshishomeworkathalfpastseven. 4Davidgoestobedatnine.
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
牛津小学英语 4B 期中测试卷
听力部分( 听力部分(30 分)
一.听录音,选出与所听到的单词属同一类的单词(5 分)
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( A: B: A: B: A: B: A: B: ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A A A A A A A A A A girl Nancy eats walkman doctor B B B B B nurse Miss Li woman zebra man B B B B B C C C C C pen Ben bear zoo boy C C C C C All right Yes, it is No, she isn’t Yes, she is I’m Jack
二.听录音,选出正确的答语(5 分)
I `m here He is Tom No , he isn’t The one in the blue coat They’re drivers a driver? Thank you She is Nancy Yes ,she is He’s a doctor We’re students
三.听录音,补全对话(10 分)
Excuse me, . No, What’s your job? I’m . ? Who’s that She’s my . a driver? Is your No, She’s a . ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A A A A A A A A A A purse mouth Mr. Brown walkman pear puppet teacher head this grandfather
四.听录音,选出你听到的单词(10 分)
B B B B B B B B B B put nose Mrs. Brown woman peach puzzle doctor hair these grandmother C. C C C C C C C C C pen no miss brown policeman pencil pen nurse here that grandson
笔试部分( 笔试部分(70 分)
一.按要求写出下列单词的相应形式(10 分)
1. 3. 5. 7. 9. isn’t (完全形式) boy (复数形式) student (对应词) peach (复数) They are (缩写形式) 2. are not(缩写形式) 4. those (单数形式) 6. girl (对应词) 8. orange (复数) 10. It’s (完全形式)
二.英汉互译(10 分)
1. 3. 5. 7. 9. 哪一个 多少钱 欢迎到我们学校来 让我看一看 下来 2.
in the red sweater
4. Two kilos 6. Excuse me 8 climb trees 10. in the car
三.从Ⅱ栏中找出Ⅰ栏中句子的相应答语(10 分)
Ⅰ ( )1.What are those ? ( )2.Let`s go to the park. ( )3.What`s his job ? ( )4.How much is it ? ( )5.who`s that boy ? ( )6.Is she a doctor ? ( )7.Come here Ben. ( )8.Look at my dress. ( )9.Are they waiters ? ( )10.How many kilos ?
Ⅱ A. They’re pears. B. How nice! C. Two kilos. D. Yes sir. E. He’s Mike. F. Yes, she is.
G. No, they aren’t. H. Ok. I. Nine yuan please J. He’s a worker.
四.连词成句(10 分)
1. to welcome our school (.)
again climb trees Don’t
meet to Nice you (!)
their are What jobs (?)
are those What (?)
五、选择填空(20 分)
( )1.—Which —The one A. with B. in one ? the white skirt . C. for D. to a big mouth ? D. for
( )2. Who’s the boy A. in B. to C. with job ?
( )3. —What’s
—He’s a cooker . A. his B. he C. her D. him
( )4. Are they workers ? A. Yes, they aren’t C. Yes, they are ( )5. —Is B. No, he isn’t D. Yes, he is. a farmer ?
—No ,she isn’t . A. she B. her C. his
( )6. Welcome A. of ( )7. A. Is B. B. to you are
our school. C. on a doctor ? C. Does D. Are D. for
( )8. —Come —All right . A. there ( )9. A. are ( )10. — B.
that man your father ? B. is C. Is D. Are
that woman ?
— She’s Mrs. Black. A. Whose B. Who’s C. What’s D. Where
六、阅读短文,判断正误。 (10 分)
This is a picture of Jack’s family. Jack’s is a boy, He is ten years old .The man in the brown shirt is Jack’s father, Mr. Green .He’s a policeman. The woman in the blue is Jack’s mother, Mrs. Green. She’s a nurse. They are very happy. ( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. This is a picture of Mike’s family Jack is a boy The man in the white shirt is Jack’s father The woman in the blue skirt is Jack’s mother Jack’s mother is a doctor
牛津小学英语 4B Unit 6 测试卷
班级 姓名 成绩
听力部分( 听力部分(30 分)
(10 一、认真听,选出你听到的单词或词组。 10 分) 认真听,选出你听到的单词或词组。 (
( ( ( ( ( )1. A.supermarket )2. A. library )3.A.cinema )4. A. by bus )5 . A. excuse me B. train B. school B.theatre B. by taxi B. but how C. station C. taxi C.bike C. by train C. on foot
听问句,找答句,别忘了把序号写在题前的括号内。 二 、 听问句 , 找答句 , 别忘了把序号写在题前的括号内 。 (6 分)
( ( ( ( ( ( )A . No, it isn’t. It’s for Shanghai. )B . I go to school on foot. )C . Good idea. )D . All right. )E . It’s his ball. )F . Yes.
(14 三、请根据录音,完成所缺单词。 14 分) 请根据录音,完成所缺单词。 (
1. A: go to the theatre. B: Great! do we go ? A: we go to the theatre B: O
K! 2. A: Excuse , bus B: No, it . The bus is the airport. . A: I see. Thank
? the airport?
笔试部分( 笔试部分(70 分) 完成单词,并把中文意思写在横线上( 一.完成单词,并把中文意思写在横线上(10 分) 1. __l__ne ___________ 2.tr__ ___n _________ 3st__t__on __________ 4.a__rp___rt __________ ___t____ 5.m__n___bus ___________ 6.l ___t____ _______ 7.t___x___ __________ 8.th___ ___tr___ _____ 9.f__ __t ________ 10.p___ __ k ________
(10 二、英汉互译。 10 分) 英汉互译。 (
1、 去那儿___________________6、 到医院__________________ 2、 好主意___________________7、 在学校__________________ 3、那家图书馆________________8、步 行__________________ 4、 乘小型公共汽车____________9、 plane________________ by 5、 to the theatre_________ 10、 football______________ go play
(10 三、选择填空。 10 分) 选择填空。 (
( )1. ball is this? It’s his ball. A. Whose B. Who C. Who’s )2. Shall we go to school ? A.by plane B. by bike C.by foot C. play football )3. She some shoes in the shop? A. see B. to see C. sees )4. --Shall we go to school by ? --Good idea. A. plane B. foot C. bike )5. Let’s go to the library. . A. All right B. Yes . I’m free now C. all right )6. Shall we go to the park foot? A. by B. at C. on )7. Excuse____,_____this bus _____the park? A.me,it , to B. we,is for C. me ,is ,for )8. --Let see, please. --Oh, it isn’t my watch.
A. my B.I C. me )9. It’s time . A. to go home B. go home C. to go to home )10. Do you like apples? A. Yes , I do B. Yes, I am C. Yes , I can )1. Thanks you very much. A B C D )2. He’s a English teacher. A B C D )3. Let’s go to the park by foot. A B C D )4. Shall we play the ball? A B C D )5. Can I help your? A B C D )1. Whose pencil is this? )2. Who’s that man? )3. Is this bus for the zoo? )4. Shall we go by taxi? )5. How do we go there? A. All right. B. It’s his. C. No, it isn’t. D. He’s my uncle. E. By train.
(10 三、请找出下列句子中错误的部分,并订正在后面横线上。 10 分) 请找出下列句子中错误的部分,并订正在后面横线上。 出下列句子中错误的部分 (
(5 四、请试着从右栏中选出左栏中句子的***。 5 分) 请试着从右栏中选出左栏中句子的***。 (
( ( ( ( (
(10 五、连词成句,注意标点噢! 10 分) 连词成句,注意标点噢! (
1. We, go, airport, the, to, how, do ( ? ) 2. to, let’s, theatre, go, the ( . ) 3. play, school, the, let’s, at ( . ) 4. like, what, you, would ( ? )
5. these, apples, at, red, look ( . ) 六.根据上下文完成短文(5 分) A:Are you ______,now? B:Yes. A:Let’s go ____the cinema. B:Great! _____do we go there? A:______ we go there ____bus? B:OK.
(10 七、阅读理解:根据短文内容
,选择正确的***。 10 分) 阅读理解:根据短文内容,选择正确的***。 (
I usually get up at 6. o’clock. I have a cup of milk and some bread for my breakfast. Then I go to school by bike. I get to school at seven thirty and I come home at four thirty in the afternoon. I have rice and meat for my supper. ( ) 1. I get up A. at 6:00 ( . B. at 7:30 . C. at eight . C. car . B. 4:30 in the afternoon C. at 7:00
) 2. I have breakfast A. at six B. before eight
) 3. I go to school by A. bus B. bike
) 4. I come home at A. 5:00 in the afternoon
) 5. I have
for my supper. C. meat and juice
A. rice and meat B. rice and fish
牛津小学英语 4B Unit seven 过关测试卷
班级 姓名 成绩
一,听录音,选出你所听到的单词.(10 分) ( ) 1、A、pies B、pair C、pen ( )2、A、cake B、chips C、cinema ( )3、A、sweet B、sweater C、sleepy ( )4、A、coffee B、co lour C、copy ( )5、A、monkey B、mango C、milk ( )6、A、mouth B、mother C、woman ( )7、A、zero B、hello C、yellow ( )8、A、fifty B、fifteen C、fifty--five ( )9、A、head B、hair C、here ( )10、A、back B、black C、bag 二、听问句,找答句,仔细听哦! (10 分) ( )1、A、Thank you B、An apple pie, please C、I like mangoes ( )2、A、Anything else? B、Yes, I would C、I’ d like chips ( )3、A、They are five. B、Five C、Five Yuan ( )4、A、 Here’ s a chair for you B、Here’ s a cup of tea for you C、Here’ s a car for you ( )5、A、Let’ s go by taxi B、No, I can’ t move now C、I’m free now 三、听录音,根据短文判下列句子对或错,打“√”或“×”(10 分) 。 ( )1、Nancy would like some orange juice。 ( )2、Tom would like a hamburger。 ( )3、Mike would like some chips。 ( )4、They are five Yuan。 ( )5、Maybe they are at a snack bar 四、英汉互泽。 (20 分) 1、一块面包_________________ 2、两杯咖啡_________________ 3、一杯牛奶_______________ 4、多少(钱)__________________ 5、踢足球_________________ 6、I can t move________________ 7、here’ s some water for you______________ 8、anything else?_______________________ 9、How about you?____________ 10、something to drink__________ 五、单项选择。 (10 分) ( )1、__________do we go to the supermarket?
A、 How B、What C、Which ( )2、 A:__________hamburgers can you see? B:Five A、How much B、How many C、How ( )3、A:__________ milk can you see? B:A carton of milk A、How much B、How many C、How ( )4、A:_________is the juice? B:Five Yuan A、How much B、How many C、How ( )5、A:I’ m___________ B:Here’ s a chair for you A、tired B、hungry C、hot ( )6、——What would you like?__________ I d like some.__________ A、pie B、chips C、juice ( )7、Here’ s some_________ for you A、sweets B、noodles C、juice ( )
8、I’ m___________ ,I don’ t want to go to school today A、fine B、ill C、happy ( )9、Can I help___________? A、your B、yours C、you ( )10、——Something___________ drink? ——Orange drink, please. A、for B、to C、at 六、请你从 A、 B 、C、D、四个选项中选出错误的一项。 分) (5 ( )1、Shall we go to the theatre on bus? A B C D ( )2、Excuse me,is this bus to the hospital? A B C D ( )3、What do you go to Shanghai? A B C D ( )4、A apple pie please A B C D ( )5、He see some shoes in the shop。 A B C D 七、连词成句。 (10 分) 1、cup, coffee ,of, a ,please,(。 ) ______________________________________ 2、Mike ,like, would, what ,you(?) _______________________________________ 3、sandwich a, chips, please, some, and,(。 )
__________________________________________ 4、us, let, basketball, play, go, and,(。 ) _________________________________________ 5、for ,water ,is, have, some, you(。 ) ____________________________________________ 八、请你根据下列对话情景选择正确***。 Mike:Hello,__________________ ? David: Yes, Today is my birthday。 Mike:Really? 2 as your birthday present(作生日礼物)? David:A 3 cake。 Mike:4 ? 5 some flowers(花)? David:No, thank you ( )1、A、Are you new ? B、Are you free ? C、A re you David? D、How are you? ( )2、A、Would you like B、I’ d like something C、What would you like D、Do you like something ( )3、A、fat B、thin C、new D、big ( )4、A、Anything else B、How about C、What about D、Any else ( )5、A、Anything else B、I’ d like C、Would you like D、What would you like 九、看图完成对话。 1 、
A:Oh ,where__________ the_______________?
B:They are_________ ___________ _____________。 A:___________ ____________ kilos? B:Two. A:________- ____________ are they? B:I think______________ Mr. Green’ s。 A:Can I_________ ______________ ? B:Sure, This big one________ __________ ______________ 2
A:____________ _____________ these? B:They are_________________。 A:What are_______________? B:They’ re__________________。 A:I’ d like some_______________,please。 B:How____________ kilos? A:One kilo please。 B:How_____________ are they? A:Eight Yuan, please。 B;Here________ ____________。 A:Thank you。
牛津小学英语 4B 第八单元试卷
听力部分( 听力部分(30 分)
听录音, 一.听录音,选出你所听到的内容(10 分) 听录音 选出你所听到的内容( B.these ( )1.A.this ( )2.A.man B.postman ( )3.A.where B.what ( )4.A.white B.black ( )5.A.she B.he ( )6.A.worker B.driver ( )7.A.seventeen B.seven ( )8.A.those B.they ( )9.A.apple B.orange ( )10.A.woman B.purse C.that D.those C.policemanD.woman C.how D.who C.orange D.brown C.his D.her C.teacher D.doctor C.eleven D.seventy C.their D.these C.pear D.pine
apple C.nurse D.student
(10 分) 二、根据所听到的问题,选择正确的***。 根据所听到的问题,选择正确的***。 ( ( )1. A. It’s red and green. B. It’s on the desk. C. I have two pencils. ( )2. A. They are Tom’s plate. B. Tom has three plates. C. They are in the cupboard. ( )3. A. I can ride a bike. B. I can’t climb the tree. C. Yes, I can. ( )4. A. It’s on the red. B. It’s clean and tide. C. It’s yellow. ( )5. A. A bike, car and a jeep. B. birds, a dog and a tiger. C. Mike, bread and eggs. 听录音完成句子。注意句子开头字母要大写。 (10 三、 听录音完成句子。注意句子开头字母要大写。 ( 分) A: Mike, lunch? B: Noodles, and . A: Where’s my ? B: It’s the cupboard. A: the eggs? B: on the table.
The cake on the table,
笔试部分( 笔试部分(70 分)
一、 英汉互译。 (12 分) 英汉互译。 (
1. go and see _________ 2. 一间新的办公室 ______________ 3. lots of ____________ 4. 一个大的操场 ______________ 5. big and bright ___________ 6. 在窗户附近 ______________ 7. a map of china _________ 8. 一张漂亮的图片 ____________ 9. let me see _____________ 10. 看黑板 ______________ 11.在电脑上面 12. what’s for breakfast? 选择题。 (22 二、 选择题。 ( 分) ( )1. —— What’s the young man? —— he is . A. Tom B. a student C. sixteen D. here ( )2. —— whose blouse is this? —— It’s blouse. A. her B. she C. she’s D. hers ( )3. There a pen and two pencils in the desk. A. is B. are C. be D. / ( )4. Can you use chopsticks? A. yes, I can’t. B. no, I don’t. C. yes, I do.. D. no, I can. ( )5. Which is my fork? A. The blue one. B. No, I don’t. C. Yes, it is. D. No, it isn’t. ( )6,Kate is a nurse.Helen is a nurse,_____. A. too B. two C. to ( )7. There are _____cats in the tree. A. some B. any C. a ( )8. There _______two pens and one pencil in my pencilbox. A. is B. am C. are
( )9. Do you like ? A. swim B. swimming C. are swimming ( )10. Is there a toy car in the box? __________ A. Yes,it is. B. Yes,they is. C. Yes,there is. ( )11。 —— Would you like some juice? —— . A. It’s all right. B. You are welcome C. No, thanks 在第Ⅱ栏中找出Ⅰ栏相对应的答句。 (5 三、 三、在第Ⅱ栏中找出Ⅰ栏相对应的答句。 分) ( ( )1.What is for breakfast ? A. Thank you. ( )2.What can you see in the picture? B. Hamburgers and milk. ( ) 3.Have some juice. C. A bird and some flowers. ( )4.How much are they? D. No, I can’t. But I’d like to try. ( )5.Can you use chopsticks? E. Thirty—two Yuan, please. 找出错误选项,并将正确的***写在横线上。 (8 四、 找出错误选项,并将正确的***写在横线上。 分) ( ( ) 1. We can see lot of books on the desk. A B C D 2. There are a blackboard in the classroom. ( ) A B C D 3. Here is lots of apple juice for you. ( ) A B C D 4. Shall we go to
the hospital on bike? ( ) A B C D 句型转换。 (8 五、 句型转换。 分) ( 1. My violin is in the music room.(对划线部分提问) 2. There are some peaches in the basket. (改成单数) 3. fridge, no, is, the, there, milk, in, (.) (连词成句)
4. There is an apple on the plate. (改成一般疑问句)
六.根据上下文完成对话(5 分) A:Let’s go and______football. B:OK,But ______hungry. A:Here _____some cakes for you. B:Thank you ,But _____thirsty too. A:Here______some water for you. B.Thanks. A.Shall we go now? B:No, I can’t move now. 阅读短文,判断正( (10 六、 阅读短文,判断正(√)误(×)( 分) 。 Look!This is our classroom.Let’s go and have a look. There are some flowers on the teacher’s desk.There is a blackboard on the wall.There are forty-seven students in our class,twenty-three boys and twenty-four girls.There are two English girls.Their names are Lily and Lucy. They are twins.They are ten.Our classroom is big and bright. We love it. ( ( ( ( ( )1.There is a blackboard in the classroom. )2.There are some flowers on the teacher’s desk. )3.There are forty-five students in our class. )4.There are three English girls. )5.Our classroom is big and brighth.
牛津小学英语 4B 期末素质调研试卷
听力部分: 分 ( 听力部分: 20分)
一、听录音,选出你所听到的选项(5分) ( )1. A. shirt B. skirt ( )2. A. watch B. water ( )3. A. which B. white ( )4. A. books B. boxes ( )5. A. this word B. these words 二、听录音,选择正确的译文(5 分) ( ( ( ( ( )1.A .我的祖父 )2.A.十二点 )3.A在树上 )4.A.一位医生 )5. A. 新学生 B. 他的妹妹 B. 九点 B. 在照片上 B.一位服务员 B .新老师 C. 她的哥哥 C.十一点 C.在冰箱里 C. 一位*** C .新学校 C. short C. waiter C. with C. ball C. those words
三、听录音,填入所缺单词(10 分) 1. There are many _______ in the _______. 2. Where’s my _______? It’s on the _______. 3. Shall we go to the _______ by _______? Good idea. 4. What are _______ jobs? They’re _______. 5. A:What would you like? Some _______, please. B:Anything else? No, _______. 笔试部分: 分 ( 笔试部分: 80分) 一.补全下列单词并写出中文意思(10 分) 1.d ct _____ 2.fr en _____ 3.wa tr s _______ 4. ra e _________ 5. p ac ______ 6. ho pi l _________ 7. f id e ________ 8. ic u e ___________ 9. ni e ___________ 10. bl ck o d __________
二、英汉互译(10 分) 1、长着大眼睛的女警 2、 买一些面包 3、乘飞机去上海 4、他的祖母 5、在操场上 6、see the doctor 7、near the train station 8、two cartons of juice 9、climb trees 10、be late for class 三、选择题(15 分) ( )1、 some juice in the bottle. A.Here B.There are C.Here are D.There is you like? some biscuits. ( )2、What A.do, I’d B.would, I’d like C.about, I D.would,I’d ( )3、What’s name? S
he’s YangLing. A.he B.her C.his D.your ( )4、Where are the chairs? A.It’s in the room. B.They’re near the bed. C.It’s over there. D.Five. ( )5、What’s for breakfast? A.It’s in the bottle. B.How about some bread. C.They’re in the fridge. ( )6.Something ____drink? A.for B.to C.at D.with ( )7.Can I help ____? A.your B.yours B.me D. you ( )8.Here’s some _____for you. A.sweets B.noodles C.juice D.biscuits ( )9.Is the bus____the cinema? A.to B.for C.at D.with ( )10.Are you free now?_____ A.Yes,I am B.Yes, it is C.No it isn’t ( )11、Who’s that man? A.He’s Mr Green. B.She’s my aunt. C.His my father. D.Yes,he is. ( )12、 do you go to school? At eight.
A.How B.What C.What time D.Shall we ( )13、Is that girl your sister? A.Yes,she is. B.No,she is. C.Yes,she’s. D.Yes,she isn’t.. ( )14、One pie is eight yuan .How much are three pies? A.Eight yuan. B.Sixteen yuan. C.Twenty-four yuan. D.Twenty yuan ( )15、What’s your mother’s job? A.He’s a cook. B.She’s a farmer. C.She’s farmer. D.Yes,she is. ( )16、These or those? A.The big one. B.The big ones. C.The one in red. D.That one. ( )17、 kilos? One A.How much,kilo B.How many,kilo C.How,kilos D.How many,kilos ( )18、 go to the theatre?OK. A.How do B.Let’s C.What D.Shall we ( )19、Who’s the boy small eyes? A.in B.on C.for D.with ( )20、What are these? A.It’s a cake. B.She’s a worker. C.They’re peach. D.Peaches. 四、根据中文意思完成句子(20 分) 1、 那个穿白色毛衣的妇女是谁?是我的英语老师。 ________ that woman ________ thewhite sweater? ________ my English teacher 2、 那个长着一个大头的男孩是她的弟弟吗?不,不是。 ________ the boy _________ a big head her brother? No, ________ isn’t. 3、 冰箱里没有牛奶。 __________ __________ milk in the fridge. 4、 你想要些什么?一些面条和一瓶子橙汁。 __________ would you __________? __________ noodles and a __________ of orange juice.
5、 我们乘火车去机场好吗? __________ we go to the airport __________ trian? 6、 这里有一些桃子给你。 Here __________ some __________ for you. 7、 你的办公室里有什么?有一个书架和大量的书籍。 __________ in your office? __________ a __________ and lots of __________. 五、从 II 栏中找出与 I 栏相对应的答句(10 分) I II ( )1.What are those? A.There’s a big park. ( )2.How many kilos? B.An egg and some bread. ( )3.How much are they? C.They’re bananas. ( )4.What’s in the picture? D.Good idea. ( )5.Have some biscuits,please. E.Thre kilos,please. ( )6I’ve got a new T_shirt. F.Thank you. ( )7.What’s for breakfast? G.No,thank you. ( )8.Where’re the songbooks? H.Three yuan. ( )9.Anything else? I.It’s smart. ( )10.Shall we go to the library by bike?J.They’re on the piano. 六、阅读理解(10 分) 阅读短文, 并根据短文内容判断所给句子是否与短文内容相符。 相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F
”。 Linda is a Chinese girl. She’s only three , but she can use chopsticks . Today Linda and her parents(父母) are having dinner in an English friend’s home . There are no chopsticks on the table . There are only some forks and spoons . The English friend teaches Linda how to use the fork and spoon . Linda is very happy to learn . Now she can eat very well . ( ) 1. Linda can eat with chopsticks . ( ) 2. There are no chopsticks in Linda’s home . ( ) 3. Linda’s parents teach her how to use forks and spoons . ( ) 4. There aren’t any chopsticks on the table of the English friend’s home . ( ) 5. Linda is a clever girl .
36如何强有力反击〔呵呵 〕〔你开心就好〕〔关你屁事〕这类4B式回复?,你开心就好 !回复:关你屁事?关你屁事?回复:呵呵.呵呵回复:你开心就好.。素描为什么要用 2B、HB、B、4B、6B 等多种铅笔?,b越多越黑(black),h越多越硬(hard),铅芯硬了颜色也浅.素描是通过颜色的深浅明暗来塑造真实立体效果的,所以要用各种软硬深浅不同的铅笔.。海鸥4b出片靠谱么,有同档次120方画幅推荐么。?,找个靠谱的4b,熟悉性能和操作方式,好好用,4b简直就是中画幅界的小痰盂.如果你要同档次的,4a啊128g啊都可以考虑.4b出的图,都是我拍的.。pc NBA2K17错误代码4b538e50怎么解决?,裸连成功的一般不会过来留言,今天我mc打到季后赛了.。如何评价 [ 花花公子爱大胸,宅男都是贫乳控 ] 这种4B言论?,果壳网发表过这样一篇文章/article/437924/。4B橡皮和2B有什么区别?,h是hard的意思,b是black.4b就是4个单位的石墨,也就是写字很重,能擦掉4b的就说橡皮有很强的清洁力.也就是能擦掉3b,2b,hb.。lomography 120 400度 黑白胶卷 适用于海鸥4b双反相机吗?,lomography的产品说白了就是卖牌子,他们的120胶卷就与普通的120规格胶卷一样,可以放各种双反相机使用如你提到的海鸥4b.但个人建议这样的价格真不值.lomo颗粒、暗角、边缘模糊等效果主要是因他的塑料镜头.若用在海鸥上倒不如用富士、柯达、ilford的普通胶卷.。三菱翼神4b10能改装4b11或4b63吗?,你是说4g63吧!?你说的这两个都可以换,其实只要机舱大小可以,能塞进去机器,再有一个具有丰富想象力的技师(比如在下=_=),什么车移植什么发动机都可以.问题在于值不值得换,一部没有潜力的车子你装那么好的引擎岂不是浪费!? 翼神移植4b11的案例我见过几个,移植4…显示全部。潮湿天气下,海鸥双反4b快门没反应,该如何解决?,怕麻烦就不要拍照…不怕麻烦就老实找人修,没办法的.就是这么简单~另外我是不修海鸥的…开价够你买台新的。[防采集:本信息来自 突袭4 .cn]


