
& & dnf解封永久申诉成功
【攻略】DNF美服惊现大面积封号 官方FB大爆炸
8月18日官方Facebook说说。继日服前段时间出现大面积封号风波以后,这个星期美服也未能幸免于难,同样出现了大面积的误封。官方的Facebook已经爆炸,几乎被封号求助屠版,包括最新的ExStream官方直播预告说说的评论区,以及访客来帖。这个现象甚至已经波及到这边的DNF美服吧,这边也已经有多个玩家账号被封。起初我还说是不是***上有飞机导致的,但是看贴吧有人说Reddit论坛也出现了不少反映账号意外遭到停封的帖子,这说明这次遭遇封号的不仅仅是国内玩家,许多老外也遭到账号停封的情况。今天晚上鄙人已经进行了相关调查,官网目前还没有消息,官方Facebook也还没有公开声明这个问题,但是玩家的抱怨已经充斥官方Facebook。这里节选了部分于官方Facebook上的玩家留言,叙述这次的封号情况。图片写不下,就直接放文字翻译了。以下是部分访客来帖节选。&Conglin Zhang:I am very unhappy.My account is blackedThe reason is the third party programBut I never used it.NP blacked my only accountFrom the beginning of the DFO to the current that only account我很不高兴。我账号被封了。[鄙人:英文笔误blocked]原因是第三方软件但是我从来没用过。NP封了我仅有的账号从DFO开始到目前为止仅有的账号&&AJ Nichols:Dungeon Fighter Online This is unacceptable, accusing me of violating ToS when you can't even give me any&&details on what terms I supposedly &violated&. I have never nor would I ever use any third party programs,&&and yet I received a permanent account ban with no warning or proof of guilt. If this is a bug then I&&understand, but if you banned me with no proof after all the time, effort, and money I put into your game,&&then this is appalling and disgusting.I had just finished doing an Anton run with some friends and I tried to change characters, and I found&&that my account had been suspended with no notification or warning. I did nothing wrong and neither did&&any of the people I was playing with. Please explain to me why I was suspended for no apparent reason. I&&filed a ticket and I am waiting for a explanation.Request #53318I have been a long time player and I have put plenty of money into this game, so being treated like this&&without reason at all is disrespectful and it makes me feel unappreciated as a player and consumer.这简直搞笑,说我违反服务条款,甚至什么细节都没有说违反哪个条款就直接来个“违反”。我真的没有用过三方软件, 然后我就收到说永久封号,连个警告,证据什么的都没有。要是这是个BUG那还好说,问题是你连个证明都没有就封我号 。毕竟我也是花了时间,精力,资金的,然后这是可怕的和令人厌恶的。我就是跟几个网友刷了一趟安图1-5,然后我就是去换个角色,然后连个提示,警告都没有就来了个账号停封。我真的没 有做错任何事情,我队友也没做错任何事情。请解释清楚到底是为什么连个理由都没有我就这样被封了。我已经填好表单 了。我等着你们解释,回执编号53318。我也算是老玩家了吧,我也已经在游戏投入了不少钱了,现在你搞的连个理由都没有,这很不负责,我甚至有点觉得恩将 仇报,作为一个玩家,以及一个消费者。&Horace C Weekes III:Neople what happened to xigncode? played the game fine all last week. Then since the blitz event update&&thing I have had issues updating the game. And when I finally do get on today, I am banned for using a&&third party program? Contacted CS twice even sent in my xigncode log and I still banned and I don't know&&why. Can I get a clear explanation please?Neople,XignCode这次究竟怎么了?上个星期玩的好好的,然后就是这次登录领取奖励的活动开始,我更新客户端的时候 就遇到问题。好今天总算搞好了,结果一上线,就来个使用第三方软件停封?找了两次***了,把我当时的XignCode的日 志记录发过去了,现在账号还是被封着的。我都不知道这是怎么搞的。拜托你能解释清楚吗?Dungeon Fighter Online:Could you please let us know what your IGN is? It'll be helpful for our&&investigation.可否告知你的角色名是哪个?这有助于我们的审查。Horace C Weekes III:IGN:Rheaco&Rhone Erdrick:So my account just got blocked for no reason. Was in the middle of a dungeon, the game disconnected me and&&now I can't log back in. I've been playing since the Alpha, and I've never used cheats on my account.&&What's did you guys change to Xigncode?那么,我的账号就这样连个原因都没有就被封了。刷图刷到半路突然就六字真言[鄙人:美服的六字真言是:You have&&been disconnected. Please check your network connection. ],直到现在我都还登不上。我从内测就开始玩,我从来 没有任何***。你们到底对XignCode动了什么手脚?Horace C Weekes III:Same thing happened to me earlier now I have customer service telling me I used a&&third party program and I am like ??我之前也遇到跟你一样的事情了,我跟***联系了,结果他们给我说我用第三方软件,大家觉得我像是用了吗??Dungeon Fighter Online:What is your IGN?你的角色名是什么?Rhone Erdrick:Cannock1 - Over the past day many other people have been banned the same way. I've seen&&posts on both reddit, the steam forum, and dfonexus from people who have been banned for no reason. Look&&at the comments under the EX Stream post, there are people there also saying they were banned for no&&reason. I can point you to all the posts in those other places if you need it. Please help.Cannock1 ——就前几天,已经有很多人都是同一个过程被封号了。我把Reddit论坛,Steam论坛,DFO Nexus论坛都看了 的,都是连个原因都没有就被封了。看看你们那个ExStream说说下面的评论,都有人在说账号没有原因就被封了。要是需 要的话,我可以带你们看看所有其他的帖子、说说反映这个事情的。求助。以下是ExStream官方直播预告说说评论区的部分评论节选。&Jacob Auron:XignCode has to friggin go... XignCode是被诅咒了吧。。。Dungeon Fighter Online:Could you please let us know what your IGN is? It'll be helpful for our&&investigation.可否告知您的角色名?这有助于我们的审核。Jacob Auron:SoriceJacob Auron:Would also love to know what triggered this suspension and when and what was I doing when it&&happened. Did the massive slowdown in the bugged Gruff fight with skeletons constantly spawning with each&&resurrection making game slow with 5-15 fps and Gruff stuck at 2nd phase? Or was it the 2nd Gruff fight&&which I won. First Gruff fight was with my Battlemage, Jaxene. 2nd one was with my Overmind and I won that&&fight through many blessings, super armor, soldoros, etc. Gruff was stuck at 2nd phase as well. No rocks&&came down. When the actual suspension happened, was just standing there with Seria, but I do not know what&&set XignCode or and when.也希望知道是什么导致这次的封号,以及何时出现的,我当时在做什么。我刷骨龙和那些骷髅的时候,游戏已经足够卡了 ,每次复活游戏直接卡到5-15帧,第二阶段都直接卡死。是这个原因吗?还是因为我杠赢了骨龙的缘故?第一把我是用的 战法Jaxene打的,第二把是用的元素号打的,我嗑了不少雷米,霸体药,索爷人偶,等等,第二阶段也是卡死。也没有滚 石(?)出现。真正封号出来的时候我就在赛丽亚房间站着,但是我也不知道XignCode怎么了,是什么时候。Cory Alexander Wilson:These bans need to be addressed on the stream ASAP. I got hit with one after&&running more than 400 fp's worth of Anton with guildies. I don't hack, I don't use 3rd party software, I&&don't use xpadder or other forms of controller support.这些封号需要在这次直播的时候公开。我跟工会的刷安图,费了400多PL的时候中***。我也没有用飞机,没有用第三方软 件,更不用连发,或者其他的按键脚本。Jacob Auron:Nexon allowed accounts to be hacked for years. Don't you guys dear allow XignCode to hand out&&false wrongful bans for more years. It's now year 2. Do something or else DFO dies. Can't especially have&&steam users get banned for no reason, they shall destroy the game's credibility with bad reviews on Steam.Nexon放任盗号好多年了,你们还放任他乱封号?[鄙人:感谢@睿不可挡 提供翻译]不要再让XignCode再持续更多年做出这些错误的封号,这已经是第2年运营了。赶紧 采取措施,不然美服DNF就又要黄了。尤其不应该让Steam的玩家也没有原因被封。不然他们就会在Steam平台给DNF不好的 印象。Jacob Auron:It would be fair to everyone if the compensate falsely banned users with items from events&&they missed while suspended.&&&&or at the very least the premium items found in cash&&from the event. The chances of getting free Samba avatars(or any Samba item) is now slim to none.应该给误封的玩家补偿那些封号期间的活动未能获得的物品才算公平。诸如签到活动,幸运7活动,起码也得给点商城物 品的。获得桑巴套的机会就这么空了,肯定不行。Eddie Tian:My friend's account is also banned for no reason. He did not log onto the game for the whole&&day and when he did after heading home from late work, it says account blocked by adminiatrator我一个朋友的账号也是没有原因被封了。他白天根本都没上线,晚上下班回来了上线,他说账号被管理员停封[鄙人:美 服的封号一般是在登陆器登录的时候会提示Account blocked by administrator. ]Jacob Auron:Due to the high volume of mistakenly suspended accounts , why not sanction recently suspended&&accounts(at least those who claim to be mistakenly suspended) this month and at the end of July, but&&continue investigating these accounts and reinstate suspension as you see fit. I imagine that the&&investigation of each account is going to take weeks and no one should be sitting out DFO for a week for&&unjust bans, especially steam users reviewing DFO on Steam. Especially during events with daily rewards.&&If the account is found mistakenly suspended you can hand out compensation. How about this? It'll keep&&them negative review numbers on team page down. You can quickly review account for any reason, then&&sanction it, but continue investigating accounts and reinstate suspension if needed. There are things in&&the mailbox of many people that are gonna get deleted when mail expires.由于这次的大面积误封,应该封停这个月,以及七月最后一段时间最近封停的账号(至少那些声称误封的)[鄙人:大面 积误封发生在8月15日前后],但是继续审核这些账号然后恢复封禁,这样不知道合适不合适。我想的是每个账号的审核应 该多花几个星期来搞,不能出现有谁被不公平的封停,尤其是那些来自Steam的玩家。特别是那些封停期间刚好处于每天 都有奖励的活动。要是账号被确认误封了,你们可以给予补偿。这样可以吗?这样会让他们在团队页面上的负面评论。你 们也可以快速的以任何原因审核账号,然后停封,但是继续审核,然后解封,如果需要的话。游戏的邮件箱里面还有的物 品,邮件到期了就消失了。[鄙人:貌似邮件消失了物品会重新以无限期的邮件发送到邮件箱]Rhone Erdrick:Any updates for the people who have been wrongly banned in the last week? This is a serious&&issue.上周被封的人现在你们有什么进展吗?这是个很严重的问题。Ken Ryoga:I seriously hope they get on that issue, I got banned for no reason..another person has been&&banned for two days straight without reason...老实说,我倒希望他们已经了解这个问题,我也是没有原因被封了。。。还有一个没有原因被封了已经有两天了。。。Jeffrey Pan:I got blocked too. I was walking in town then I got disconnected. when I tried to re-login it&&says I got blocked by administrator like what is happening anyone got the same issue?我也被封了。我就是在大街上走然后就六字真言了,再登陆就是账号被管理员封禁。有谁遇到这个问题的知道怎么回事吗 ?John A Williams V:You know what would be nice. Removing my false ban.你们知道应该怎么做。去掉我的误封。Jacob Auron:They better address XignCodes incompetency on the stream and falsely banned users.他们最好把这些封号,以及XignCode在此的缺陷在这次直播的时候公开。Joey Lo Also:got d/ced, then banned after trying to complete the first awakening in ToD, submitted a&&ticket last week, still no reply.掉线了,然后就被封了。当时在做一觉任务刷死亡之塔。上个星期就已经提交表单了,现在还没有回复。[鄙人:是不是提交的人太 多了导致的]Daniel Estrada:Dungeon Fighter Online Tonight while streaming more than 5 players were banned while&&running dungeons using no 3rd party programs. While changing characters they received a suspension&¬ice.This is not a good look if you're trying to get players to enjoy steam perks if they are being&&flagged for crimes they haven't committed.큅#53318are the two of the different players who were booted today after changing characters. The others were&&steam users.今天晚上直播的时候已经有超过5个在刷图的时候没有用第三方软件就被封了[鄙人:何止5个。。。5000个都不好说],就 是切换角色的时候收到的账号停封。这是不是一个好的结果,如果你想把停封他们,他们没有致力于让玩家享受Steam津 贴。回执编号,这是两个不同的玩家今天切换角色的时候被封的情形。其他的是Steam用户。Louis Gonzalez:You guys should make a private testing server!!!!你们竟然弄出一个私下的测试服!!!!以上是所有内容。有何疏漏谬误之处,不吝指正,鄙人不胜感激。鄙人翻译 COLG发行 @wujiuqier&转载请注明出处:wujiuqier,COLG,DNF美服官方Facebook——————————————END——————————————【路过的吐槽君】美服这次爆炸相当莫名其妙,以前都还是因为外挂什么的封号,但是这次完全是直接无理由就封了....


