
死亡之屋(英文名:The House of Dead 简称THOD)是一款由SEGA制作的一款恐怖游戏,路线已给确定,只须玩家放***,可以说就是看见僵尸就打,虽然自由度多了不少,但总体来说上手度很高,适合很多人玩。目前总共有5部,其中3部已经移植PC。中文名称:死亡之屋英文名称:The House of the Dead 版本:...
Chapter 0:Reminiscence(回忆)
Chapter 1:Chasing Shadows(追逐幻影)
Chapter 2:Bewilderment(混乱)
你要选择路径,有三个可选:EFI Geneone Ward; L3 BIO Plant; Information Systems Dept. West Wing。在下一关你将根据现在选择的路径来继续选择.
注意,结局分支是由路径决定的,但无论你选择哪个路径,你都将面对要出场的BOSS,所以我按默认顺序介绍BOSS,第一关:Death(Entrance);第二关:Fool(EFI Genome Ward);第三关:Sun(L2 BIO Plant);第四关:Death(Information Systems Dept. West Wing);第五关:Wheel of Fate
之后他重复前两讲(百家讲坛)的攻击,被打退后,他就停一下,然后举起右前爪向你越过来。注意:他停顿的时候千万要上满子弹,等他跃过来时,六***将他的攻击解决掉。之后他抓住另外的铁丝,这时他的身体也成了弱点。猛烈进攻!建议打12***,然后上子弹,效果最好。再重复1至2 次刚才说的之后,这个吃人成性的家伙就从广场中心掉了下去。
Chapter 3:Sensory Chaos(感知错乱)
Chapter 4:Ultimate Challenge(无限挑战)
回复举报飘过 0砸 0顶 0
2楼寒宇轩 发表于
Chapter 5:Wheel of Fate(命运之轮)
终于,Lisa和G来到了真相的所在地(就是在Chapter 0中Rogan所在的地方)。
Wheel of Fate:我…是…Curien。我将摧毁一切,然后重塑一切!
名称:Wheel of Fate(命运之轮)
附录: 命运之轮抽签
Wheel of Fate:这…就是你们人类想要的世界吗?这个世界已经人口超载了。即使是你们…也要意识到这些!Daniel,你…需要…我…
路线Entrance → L3 BIO Plant → Information System Dept. East Wing → EFI Genome Ward
路线Entrance → EFI Genome Ward → L2 BIO Plant → Information System Dept. West Wing
路线Entrance → EFI Genome Ward → Information System Dept. West Wing → L2 BIO Plant
top2:死亡之屋 秘技
  SKIDMARX - 启动***与编辑角色属性的选项
  CREATURE - 启动生物测试模式
SKIDMARX - 启动***与编辑角色属性的选项
CREATURE - 启动生物测试模式
大家若想在ORIGINAL MODE中使用《死亡之屋》一代的男主角THOMAS ROGAN的话,便要在PLAYER RANKING中取得第一。当进入ORIGINAL MODE的TORANKU后,玩家便选择RO-GANNO GURUMI一项。这样,玩者便可以选择使用THOMAS ROGAN了。 另外,玩家若将TRAINING MODE完成的话,便会获得&一击之弹&。之后,玩者就可以在ORIGINAL MODE中装备这个ITEM,之后无论玩者击中任何部分,敌人均会立即被击倒!
打败老板模式(boss mode)下的所有老板,帝王和大战所有老板选项将被打开。
用所有难度完成training 模式或boss模式,并把所有项目也提升至4粒星以上,你就可以在original模式中获得所有物品。
打开training mode和boss mode
游戏一开始是没有这两个选项的,你只需打通original mode就可以了。
用5颗星的成绩打通training mode。
完在original mode。
左 左 右 右 右 左 右 Start。
先完成Original Mode,然后再让Boss Mode及Pratice Mode的所有项目也出现,Option内的接关次数便会变成无限了。
众多宝物一览 (呜谢: Cola Moster/ 栗头老师/ Dreamcast持有人 )
只要你选用Original Mode进行游戏,便会随机出现以下宝物:
ower times 1.2、 1.5、 2 ; 一击必杀;Bullets +2、+4、+8、 Life +2、 Life+5; Credits +2、+5、+10、 衫:Goldman、 Amy、 Harry、 G、 阿婆;***:lure、 谜之chemical***;点倍、UFO之素;原始肉、大头肉; mechine gun、 multi-way gun(San Dan Cheung)、 big bomb gun(the one T-800 used to kill T-1000 in T2);体力 1/4之素。
所有EXTRA必须使用1.5或2.0 ammo才能得到。
1.在第二关时,有个僵尸趴在车上向你冲来, 射杀它后,你会在右边的停车场里看到一辆蓝车。射蓝车的后门,它会打开。等那个人向你道谢后你就可以在车上得到宝物。
你会看到有只绿色怪兽在船上攻击一个人,杀了它,救那个人,然后射击在背景右边的箱子,里面有life extra,在你射击的同时,船上会出现一个宝物。
House of the Dead 在主选单中,一面按住Ctrl一面输入: SKIDMARX - 启动***与编辑角色属性的选项(进入此模式可看分) CREATURE - 启动生物测试模式
在街道背景开始时输入:(方向键)左 左 右 右 右 左 右。 进入游戏后可显示分数
显分:1122121 双***自动上弹:
1=1P*** 2=2P***
在主选单画面时输入:(方向键)左 左 右 右 左 右 左,开始游戏后可显分
在游戏未开始前输入:*** *** 手雷 手雷 *** 手雷 ***,开始游戏后可显分。
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& 死亡之屋 Welcome To Dead House
死亡之屋 Welcome To Dead House
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  Josh and I hated our new house.&  Sure, it was big. It looked like a mansion compared to our old house. It was a tall redbrick house with a sloping black roof and rows of windows framed by black shutters.&  It's so dark, I thought, studying it from the street. The whole house was covered in darkness, as if it were hiding in the shadows of the gnarled, old trees that bent over it.&  It was the middle of July, but dead brown leaves blanketed the front yard. Our sneakers crunched over them as we trudged up the gravel driveway.&  Tall weeds poked up everywhere through the dead leaves. Thick clumps of weeds had completely overgrown an old flower bed beside the front porch.&  This house is creepy, I thought unhappily.&  Josh must have been thinking the same thing. Looking up at the old house, we both groaned loudly. Mr. Dawes, the friendly young man from the local real estate office, stopped near the front walk and turned around.&  &Everything okay?& he asked, staring first at Josh, then at me, with his crinkly blue eyes.&  &Josh and Amanda aren't happy about moving,& Dad explained, tucking his shirttail in. Dad is a little overweight, and his shirts always seem to be coming untucked.&  &It's hard for kids,& my mother added, smiling at Mr. Dawes, her hands shoved into her jeans pockets as she continued up to the front door. &You know. Leaving all of their friends behind. Moving to a strange new place.&&  &Strange is right,& Josh said, shaking his head. &This house is gross.&&  Mr. Dawes chuckled. &It's an old house, that's for sure,& he said, patting Josh on the shoulder.&  &It just needs some work, Josh,& Dad said, smiling at Mr. Dawes. &No one has lived in it for a while, so it'll take some fixing up.&&  &Look how big it is,& Mom added, smoothing back her straight black hair and smiling at Josh. &We'll have room for a den and maybe a rec room, too. You'd like that--wouldn't you, Amanda?&&  I shrugged. A cold breeze made me shiver. It was actually a beautiful, hot summer day.&  But the closer we got to the house, the colder I felt.&  I guessed it was because of all the tall, old trees.&  I was wearing white tennis shorts and a sleeveless blue T-shirt. It had been hot in the car.&  But now I was freezing. Maybe it'll be warmer in the house, I thought.&  &How old are they?& Mr. Dawes asked Mom, stepping onto the front porch.&  &Amanda is twelve,& Mom answered. &And Josh turned eleven last month.&&  &They look so much alike,& Mr. Dawes told Mom.&  I couldn't decide if that was a compliment or not. I guess it's true. Josh and I are both tall and thin and have curly brown hair like Dad's, and dark brown eyes. Everyone says we have &serious& faces.&  &I really want to go home,& Josh said, his voice cracking. &I hate this place.&&  My brother is the most impatient kid in the world. And when he makes up his mind about something, that's it. He's a little spoiled. At least, I think so. Whenever he makes a big fuss about something, he usually gets his way.  We may look alike, but we're really not that similar. I'm a lot more patient than Josh is. A lot more sensible. Probably because I'm older and because I'm a girl.&  Josh had hold of Dad's hand and was trying to pull him back to the car. &Let's go. Come on, Dad. Let's go.&&  I knew this was one time Josh wouldn't get his way. We were moving to this house. No doubt about it. After all, the house was absolutely free. A great-uncle of Dad's, a man we didn't even know, had died and left the house to Dad in his will.&  I'll never forget the look on Dad's face when he got the letter from the lawyer. He let out a loud whoop and began dancing around the living room. Josh and I thought he'd flipped or something.&  &My Great-Uncle Charles has left us a house in his will,& Dad explained, reading and rereading the letter. &It's in a town called Dark Falls.&&  &Huh?& Josh and I cried. &Where's Dark Falls?&&  Dad shrugged.&  &I don't remember your Uncle Charles,& Mom said, moving behind Dad to read the letter over his shoulder.&  &Neither do I,& admitted Dad. &But he must've been a great guy! Wow! This sounds like an incredible house!& He grabbed Mom's hands and began dancing happily with her across the living room.&  Dad sure was excited. He'd been looking for an excuse to quit his boring office job and devote all of his time to his writing career. This house--absolutely free--would be just the excuse he needed.&  And now, a week later, here we were in Dark Falls, a four-hour drive from our home, seeing our new house for the first time. We hadn't even gone inside, and Josh was trying to drag Dad back to the car.  &Josh--stop pulling me,& Dad snapped impatiently, trying to tug his hand out of Josh's grasp.&  Dad glanced helplessly at Mr. Dawes. I could see that he was embarrassed by how Josh was carrying on. I decided maybe I could help.&  &Let go, Josh,& I said quietly, grabbing Josh by the shoulder. &We promised we'd give Dark Falls a chance--remember?&&  &I already gave it a chance,& Josh whined, not letting go of Dad's hand. &This house is old and ugly and I hate it.&&  &You haven't even gone inside,& Dad said angrily.&  &Yes. Let's go in,& Mr. Dawes urged, staring at Josh.&  &I'm staying outside,& Josh insisted.&  He can be really stubborn sometimes. I felt just as unhappy as Josh looking at this dark, old house. But I'd never carry on the way Josh was.&  &Josh, don't you want to pick out your own room?& Mom asked.&  &No,& Josh muttered.&  He and I both glanced up to the second floor. There were two large bay windows side by side up there. They looked like two dark eyes staring back at us.&  &How long have you lived in your present house?& Mr. Dawes asked Dad.&  Dad had to think for a second. &About fourteen years,& he answered. &The kids have lived there for their whole lives.&&  &Moving is always hard,& Mr. Dawes said sympathetically, turning his gaze on me. &You know, Amanda, I moved here to Dark Falls just a few months ago. I didn't like it much either, at first. But now I wouldn't live anywhere else.& He winked at me. He had a cute dimple in his chin when he smiled. &Let's go inside. It's really quite nice. You'll be surprised.&  All of us followed Mr. Dawes, except Josh. &Are there other kids on this block?& Josh demanded. He made it sound more like a challenge than a question.&  Mr. Dawes nodded. &The school's just two blocks away,& he said, pointing up the street.&  &See?& Mom quickly cut in. &A short walk to school. No more long bus rides every morning.&&  &I liked the bus,& Josh insisted.&  His mind was made up. He wasn't going to give my parents a break, even though we'd both promised to be open-minded about this move.&  I don't know what Josh thought he had to gain by being such a pain. I mean, Dad already had plenty to worry about. For one thing, he hadn't been able to sell our old house yet.&  I didn't like the idea of moving. But I knew that inheriting this big house was a great opportunity for us. We were so cramped in our little house. And once Dad managed to sell the old place, we wouldn't have to worry at all about money anymore.&  Josh should at least give it a chance. That's what I thought.&  Suddenly, from our car at the foot of the driveway, we heard Petey barking and howling and making a fuss.&  Petey is our dog, a white, curly-haired terrier, cute as a button, and usually well-behaved. He never minded being left in the car. But now he was yowling and yapping at full volume and&  scratching at the car window, desperate to get out.&  &Petey--quiet! Quiet!& I shouted. Petey usually listened to me.&  But not this time.&  &I'm going to let him out!& Josh declared, and took off down the driveway toward the car.&  &No. Wait--& Dad called.&  But I don't think Josh could hear him over Petey's wails.  &Might as well let the dog explore,& Mr. Dawes said. &It's going to be his house, too.&&  A few seconds later, Petey came charging across the lawn, kicking up brown leaves, yipping excitedly as he ran up to us. He jumped on all of us as if he hadn't seen us in weeks and then, to our surprise, he started growling menacingly and barking at Mr. Dawes.&  &Petey--stop!& Mom yelled.&  &He's never done this,& Dad said apologetically. &Really. He's usually very friendly.&&  &He probably smells something on me. Another dog, maybe,& Mr. Dawes said, loosening his striped tie, looking warily at our growling dog.&  Finally, Josh grabbed Petey around the middle and lifted him away from Mr. Dawes. &Stop it, Petey,& Josh scolded, holding the dog up close to his face so that they were nose-to-nose. &Mr. Dawes is our friend.&&  Petey whimpered and licked Josh's face. After a short while, Josh set him back down on the ground. Petey looked up at Mr. Dawes, then at me, then decided to go sniffing around the yard, letting his nose lead the way.&  &Let's go inside,& Mr. Dawes urged, moving a hand through his short blond hair. He unlocked the front door and pushed it open.&  Mr. Dawes held the screen door open for us. I started to follow my parents into the house.&  &I'll stay out here with Petey,& Josh insisted from the walk.&  Dad started to protest, but changed his mind. &Okay. Fine,& he said, sighing and shaking his head. &I'm not going to argue with you. Don't come in. You can live outside if you want.& He sounded really exasperated.&  &I want to stay with Petey,& Josh said again, watching Petey nose his way through the dead flower bed.&  Mr. Dawes followed us into the hallway, gently closing the screen door behind him, giving Josh a final glance. &He'll be fine,& he said softly, smiling at Mom.  &He can be so stubborn sometimes,& Mom said apologetically. She peeked into the living room. &I'm really sorry about Petey. I don't know what got into that dog.&&  &No problem. Let's start in the living room,& Mr. Dawes said, leading the way. &I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by how spacious it is. Of course, it needs work.&&  He took us on a tour of every room in the house. I was beginning to get excited. The house was really kind of neat. There were so many rooms and so many closets. And my room was huge and had its own bathroom and an old-fashioned window seat where I could sit at the window and look down at the street.&  I wished Josh had come inside with us. If he could see how great the house was inside, I knew he'd start to cheer up.&  I couldn't believe how many rooms there were. Even a finished attic filled with old furniture and stacks of old, mysterious cartons we could explore.&  We must have been inside for at least half an hour. I didn't really keep track of the time. I think all three of us were feeling cheered up.&  &Well, I think I've shown you everything,& Mr. Dawes said, glancing at his watch. He led the way to the front door.&  &Wait--I want to take one more look at my room,& I told them excitedly. I started up the stairs, taking them two at a time. &I'll be down in a second.&&  &Hurry, dear. I'm sure Mr. Dawes has other appointments,& Mom called after me.&  I reached the second-floor landing and hurried down the narrow hallway and into my new room. &Wow!& I said aloud, and the word echoed faintly against the empty walls.&  It was so big. And I loved the bay window with the window seat. I walked over to it and peered out. Through the trees, I could see our car in the driveway and, beyond it, a house that looked a lot like ours across the street.&  I'm going to put my bed against that wall across from the window, I thought happily. And my desk can go over there. I'll have room for a computer now!&  I took one more look at my closet, a long, walk-in closet with a light in the ceiling, and wide shelves against the back wall.&  I was heading to the door, thinking about which of my posters I wanted to bring with me, when I saw the boy.&  He stood in the doorway for just a second. And then he turned and disappeared down the hall.&  &Josh?& I cried. &Hey--come look!&&  With a shock, I realized it wasn't Josh.&  For one thing, the boy had blond hair.&  &Hey!& I called and ran to the hallway, stopping just outside my bedroom door, looking both ways. &Who's here?&&  But the long hall was empty. All of the doors were closed.&  &Whoa, Amanda,& I said aloud.&  Was I seeing things?&  Mom and Dad were calling from downstairs. I took one last look down the dark corridor, then hurried to rejoin them.&  &Hey, Mr. Dawes,& I called as I ran down the stairs, &is this house haunted?&&  He chuckled. The question seemed to strike him funny. &No. Sorry,& he said, looking at me with those crinkly blue eyes. &No ghost included. A lot of old houses around here are said to be haunted. But I'm afraid this isn't one of them.&&  &I--I thought I saw something,& I said, feeling a little foolish.&  &Probably just shadows,& Mom said. &With all the trees, this house is so dark.&  &Why don't you run outside and tell Josh about the house,& Dad suggested, tucking in the front of his shirt. &Your Mom and I have some things to talk over with Mr. Dawes.&&  &Yes, master,& I said with a little bow, and obediently ran out to tell Josh all about what he had missed. &Hey, Josh,& I called, eagerly searching the yard. &Josh?&&  My heart sank.&  Josh and Petey were gone.&
1 我们的新房子
  Josh and I hated our new house.&  Sure, it was big. It looked like a mansion compared to our old house. It was a tall redbrick house with a sloping black roof and rows of windows framed by black shutters.&  It's so dark, I thought, studying it from the street. The whole house was covered in darkness, as if it were hiding in the shadows of the gnarled, old trees that bent over it.&  It was the middle of July, but dead brown leaves blanketed the front yard. Our sneakers crunched over them as we trudged up the gravel driveway.&  Tall weeds poked up everywhere through the dead leaves. Thick clumps of weeds had completely overgrown an old flower bed beside the front porch.&  This house is creepy, I thought unhappily.&  Josh must have been thinking the same thing. Looking up at the old house, we both groaned loudly. Mr. Dawes, the friendly young man from the local real estate office, stopped near the front walk and turned around.&  &Everything okay?& he asked, staring first at Josh, then at me, with his crinkly blue eyes.&  &Josh and Amanda aren't happy about moving,& Dad explained, tucking his shirttail in. Dad is a little overweight, and his shirts always seem to be coming untucked.&  &It's hard for kids,& my mother added, smiling at Mr. Dawes, her hands shoved into her jeans pockets as she continued up to the front door. &You know. Leaving all of their friends behind. Moving to a strange new place.&&  &Strange is right,& Josh said, shaking his head. &This house is gross.&&  Mr. Dawes chuckled. &It's an old house, that's for sure,& he said, patting Josh on the shoulder.&  &It just needs some work, Josh,& Dad said, smiling at Mr. Dawes. &No one has lived in it for a while, so it'll take some fixing up.&&  &Look how big it is,& Mom added, smoothing back her straight black hair and smiling at Josh. &We'll have room for a den and maybe a rec room, too. You'd like that--wouldn't you, Amanda?&&  I shrugged. A cold breeze made me shiver. It was actually a beautiful, hot summer day.&  But the closer we got to the house, the colder I felt.&  I guessed it was because of all the tall, old trees.&  I was wearing white tennis shorts and a sleeveless blue T-shirt. It had been hot in the car.&  But now I was freezing. Maybe it'll be warmer in the house, I thought.&  &How old are they?& Mr. Dawes asked Mom, stepping onto the front porch.&  &Amanda is twelve,& Mom answered. &And Josh turned eleven last month.&&  &They look so much alike,& Mr. Dawes told Mom.&  I couldn't decide if that was a compliment or not. I guess it's true. Josh and I are both tall and thin and have curly brown hair like Dad's, and dark brown eyes. Everyone says we have &serious& faces.&  &I really want to go home,& Josh said, his voice cracking. &I hate this place.&&  My brother is the most impatient kid in the world. And when he makes up his mind about something, that's it. He's a little spoiled. At least, I think so. Whenever he makes a big fuss about something, he usually gets his way.  We may look alike, but we're really not that similar. I'm a lot more patient than Josh is. A lot more sensible. Probably because I'm older and because I'm a girl.&  Josh had hold of Dad's hand and was trying to pull him back to the car. &Let's go. Come on, Dad. Let's go.&&  I knew this was one time Josh wouldn't get his way. We were moving to this house. No doubt about it. After all, the house was absolutely free. A great-uncle of Dad's, a man we didn't even know, had died and left the house to Dad in his will.&  I'll never forget the look on Dad's face when he got the letter from the lawyer. He let out a loud whoop and began dancing around the living room. Josh and I thought he'd flipped or something.&  &My Great-Uncle Charles has left us a house in his will,& Dad explained, reading and rereading the letter. &It's in a town called Dark Falls.&&  &Huh?& Josh and I cried. &Where's Dark Falls?&&  Dad shrugged.&  &I don't remember your Uncle Charles,& Mom said, moving behind Dad to read the letter over his shoulder.&  &Neither do I,& admitted Dad. &But he must've been a great guy! Wow! This sounds like an incredible house!& He grabbed Mom's hands and began dancing happily with her across the living room.&  Dad sure was excited. He'd been looking for an excuse to quit his boring office job and devote all of his time to his writing career. This house--absolutely free--would be just the excuse he needed.&  And now, a week later, here we were in Dark Falls, a four-hour drive from our home, seeing our new house for the first time. We hadn't even gone inside, and Josh was trying to drag Dad back to the car.  &Josh--stop pulling me,& Dad snapped impatiently, trying to tug his hand out of Josh's grasp.&  Dad glanced helplessly at Mr. Dawes. I could see that he was embarrassed by how Josh was carrying on. I decided maybe I could help.&  &Let go, Josh,& I said quietly, grabbing Josh by the shoulder. &We promised we'd give Dark Falls a chance--remember?&&  &I already gave it a chance,& Josh whined, not letting go of Dad's hand. &This house is old and ugly and I hate it.&&  &You haven't even gone inside,& Dad said angrily.&  &Yes. Let's go in,& Mr. Dawes urged, staring at Josh.&  &I'm staying outside,& Josh insisted.&  He can be really stubborn sometimes. I felt just as unhappy as Josh looking at this dark, old house. But I'd never carry on the way Josh was.&  &Josh, don't you want to pick out your own room?& Mom asked.&  &No,& Josh muttered.&  He and I both glanced up to the second floor. There were two large bay windows side by side up there. They looked like two dark eyes staring back at us.&  &How long have you lived in your present house?& Mr. Dawes asked Dad.&  Dad had to think for a second. &About fourteen years,& he answered. &The kids have lived there for their whole lives.&&  &Moving is always hard,& Mr. Dawes said sympathetically, turning his gaze on me. &You know, Amanda, I moved here to Dark Falls just a few months ago. I didn't like it much either, at first. But now I wouldn't live anywhere else.& He winked at me. He had a cute dimple in his chin when he smiled. &Let's go inside. It's really quite nice. You'll be surprised.&  All of us followed Mr. Dawes, except Josh. &Are there other kids on this block?& Josh demanded. He made it sound more like a challenge than a question.&  Mr. Dawes nodded. &The school's just two blocks away,& he said, pointing up the street.&  &See?& Mom quickly cut in. &A short walk to school. No more long bus rides every morning.&&  &I liked the bus,& Josh insisted.&  His mind was made up. He wasn't going to give my parents a break, even though we'd both promised to be open-minded about this move.&  I don't know what Josh thought he had to gain by being such a pain. I mean, Dad already had plenty to worry about. For one thing, he hadn't been able to sell our old house yet.&  I didn't like the idea of moving. But I knew that inheriting this big house was a great opportunity for us. We were so cramped in our little house. And once Dad managed to sell the old place, we wouldn't have to worry at all about money anymore.&  Josh should at least give it a chance. That's what I thought.&  Suddenly, from our car at the foot of the driveway, we heard Petey barking and howling and making a fuss.&  Petey is our dog, a white, curly-haired terrier, cute as a button, and usually well-behaved. He never minded being left in the car. But now he was yowling and yapping at full volume and&  scratching at the car window, desperate to get out.&  &Petey--quiet! Quiet!& I shouted. Petey usually listened to me.&  But not this time.&  &I'm going to let him out!& Josh declared, and took off down the driveway toward the car.&  &No. Wait--& Dad called.&  But I don't think Josh could hear him over Petey's wails.  &Might as well let the dog explore,& Mr. Dawes said. &It's going to be his house, too.&&  A few seconds later, Petey came charging across the lawn, kicking up brown leaves, yipping excitedly as he ran up to us. He jumped on all of us as if he hadn't seen us in weeks and then, to our surprise, he started growling menacingly and barking at Mr. Dawes.&  &Petey--stop!& Mom yelled.&  &He's never done this,& Dad said apologetically. &Really. He's usually very friendly.&&  &He probably smells something on me. Another dog, maybe,& Mr. Dawes said, loosening his striped tie, looking warily at our growling dog.&  Finally, Josh grabbed Petey around the middle and lifted him away from Mr. Dawes. &Stop it, Petey,& Josh scolded, holding the dog up close to his face so that they were nose-to-nose. &Mr. Dawes is our friend.&&  Petey whimpered and licked Josh's face. After a short while, Josh set him back down on the ground. Petey looked up at Mr. Dawes, then at me, then decided to go sniffing around the yard, letting his nose lead the way.&  &Let's go inside,& Mr. Dawes urged, moving a hand through his short blond hair. He unlocked the front door and pushed it open.&  Mr. Dawes held the screen door open for us. I started to follow my parents into the house.&  &I'll stay out here with Petey,& Josh insisted from the walk.&  Dad started to protest, but changed his mind. &Okay. Fine,& he said, sighing and shaking his head. &I'm not going to argue with you. Don't come in. You can live outside if you want.& He sounded really exasperated.&  &I want to stay with Petey,& Josh said again, watching Petey nose his way through the dead flower bed.&  Mr. Dawes followed us into the hallway, gently closing the screen door behind him, giving Josh a final glance. &He'll be fine,& he said softly, smiling at Mom.  &He can be so stubborn sometimes,& Mom said apologetically. She peeked into the living room. &I'm really sorry about Petey. I don't know what got into that dog.&&  &No problem. Let's start in the living room,& Mr. Dawes said, leading the way. &I think you'll be pleasantly surprised by how spacious it is. Of course, it needs work.&&  He took us on a tour of every room in the house. I was beginning to get excited. The house was really kind of neat. There were so many rooms and so many closets. And my room was huge and had its own bathroom and an old-fashioned window seat where I could sit at the window and look down at the street.&  I wished Josh had come inside with us. If he could see how great the house was inside, I knew he'd start to cheer up.&  I couldn't believe how many rooms there were. Even a finished attic filled with old furniture and stacks of old, mysterious cartons we could explore.&  We must have been inside for at least half an hour. I didn't really keep track of the time. I think all three of us were feeling cheered up.&  &Well, I think I've shown you everything,& Mr. Dawes said, glancing at his watch. He led the way to the front door.&  &Wait--I want to take one more look at my room,& I told them excitedly. I started up the stairs, taking them two at a time. &I'll be down in a second.&&  &Hurry, dear. I'm sure Mr. Dawes has other appointments,& Mom called after me.&  I reached the second-floor landing and hurried down the narrow hallway and into my new room. &Wow!& I said aloud, and the word echoed faintly against the empty walls.&  It was so big. And I loved the bay window with the window seat. I walked over to it and peered out. Through the trees, I could see our car in the driveway and, beyond it, a house that looked a lot like ours across the street.&  I'm going to put my bed against that wall across from the window, I thought happily. And my desk can go over there. I'll have room for a computer now!&  I took one more look at my closet, a long, walk-in closet with a light in the ceiling, and wide shelves against the back wall.&  I was heading to the door, thinking about which of my posters I wanted to bring with me, when I saw the boy.&  He stood in the doorway for just a second. And then he turned and disappeared down the hall.&  &Josh?& I cried. &Hey--come look!&&  With a shock, I realized it wasn't Josh.&  For one thing, the boy had blond hair.&  &Hey!& I called and ran to the hallway, stopping just outside my bedroom door, looking both ways. &Who's here?&&  But the long hall was empty. All of the doors were closed.&  &Whoa, Amanda,& I said aloud.&  Was I seeing things?&  Mom and Dad were calling from downstairs. I took one last look down the dark corridor, then hurried to rejoin them.&  &Hey, Mr. Dawes,& I called as I ran down the stairs, &is this house haunted?&&  He chuckled. The question seemed to strike him funny. &No. Sorry,& he said, looking at me with those crinkly blue eyes. &No ghost included. A lot of old houses around here are said to be haunted. But I'm afraid this isn't one of them.&&  &I--I thought I saw something,& I said, feeling a little foolish.&  &Probably just shadows,& Mom said. &With all the trees, this house is so dark.&  &Why don't you run outside and tell Josh about the house,& Dad suggested, tucking in the front of his shirt. &Your Mom and I have some things to talk over with Mr. Dawes.&&  &Yes, master,& I said with a little bow, and obediently ran out to tell Josh all about what he had missed. &Hey, Josh,& I called, eagerly searching the yard. &Josh?&&  My heart sank.&  Josh and Petey were gone.&
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