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823.00 B21-07-10 11:11
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1.29 kB20-07-10 23:10
955.00 B21-07-10 11:11
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1.18 kB21-07-10 11:11
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3.74 kB28-10-10 15:06
7.06 kB07-11-10 16:17
1.42 kB21-07-10 11:11
2.87 kB08-11-10 13:23
1.66 kB28-10-10 10:12
865.00 B21-07-10 11:11
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2.10 kB21-07-10 11:11
2.35 kB08-11-10 13:19
2.19 kB23-10-10 08:56
2.29 kB21-07-10 11:11
8.05 kB02-11-10 15:29
5.17 kB21-07-10 11:11
6.39 kB02-11-10 18:11
9.43 kB21-07-10 11:11
1.22 kB27-10-10 11:42
15.76 kB21-07-10 11:11
2.27 kB29-10-10 16:42
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3.52 kB21-07-10 11:11
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9.16 kB21-07-10 11:11
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33.17 kB21-07-10 11:11
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14.99 kB21-07-10 11:11
10.42 kB29-10-10 14:05
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798.00 B14-11-10 09:59
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5.27 kB14-11-10 09:30
2.13 kB08-11-10 18:36
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2.41 kB07-11-10 15:23
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1.47 kB14-11-10 09:13
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1.22 kB14-11-10 09:08
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76.00 B21-07-10 11:11
1.84 kB21-07-10 11:11
4.14 kB21-07-10 11:11
2.07 kB21-07-10 20:40
894.00 B21-07-10 11:11
1.84 kB21-07-10 11:11
807.00 B21-07-10 11:11
1.29 kB21-07-10 11:11
513.00 B21-07-10 11:11
2.97 kB27-10-10 12:27
1.30 kB21-07-10 11:11
4.29 kB01-11-10 15:00
159.00 B21-07-10 11:11
165.00 B21-07-10 11:11
385.00 B21-07-10 11:11
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1.66 kB21-07-10 11:11
794.00 B21-07-10 11:11
135.00 B21-07-10 11:11
795.00 B21-07-10 11:11
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603.00 B21-07-10 11:11
631.00 B21-07-10 11:11
662.00 B21-07-10 11:11
634.00 B21-07-10 11:11
1.64 kB27-10-10 12:21
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2.54 kB01-11-10 11:46
1.74 kB21-07-10 11:11
626.00 B21-07-10 11:11
439.00 B21-07-10 11:11
185.00 B21-07-10 11:11
905.00 B21-07-10 11:11
1.42 kB21-07-10 11:11
1.90 kB21-07-10 11:11
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