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[无冬之夜2] 全魔法列表(未整理)
签到天数: 6 天[LV.2]偶尔看看I
0 Acid Fog
2 Animate Dead
3 Barkskin
4 Bestow Curse
5 Blade Barrier
8 Blindness and Deafness
9 Bulls Strength
10 Burning Hands
11 Call Lightning
13 Cats Grace
14 Chain Lightning
15 Charm Monster
16 Charm Person
17 Charm Person or Animal
18 Circle of Death
19 Mass Inflict Light Wounds
20 Clairaudience and Clairvoyance
23 Cloudkill
24 Color Spray
25 Cone of Cold
26 Confusion
27 Contagion
28 Control Undead
29 Create Greater Undead
30 Create Undead
31 Cure Critical Wounds
32 Cure Light Wounds
33 Cure Minor Wounds
34 Cure Moderate Wounds
35 Cure Serious Wounds
36 Darkness
38 Death Ward
39 Delayed Blast Fireball
40 Dismissal
41 Dispel Magic
42 Divine Power
43 Dominate Animal
44 Dominate Monster
45 Dominate Person
47 Elemental Shield
48 Elemental Swarm
49 Bears Endurance
50 Endure Elements
51 Energy Drain
52 Enervation
53 Entangle
55 Feeblemind
56 Finger of Death
57 Fire Storm
58 Fireball
59 Flame Arrow
61 Flame Strike
62 Freedom of Movement
64 Ghoul Touch
65 Globe of Invulnerability
67 Greater Dispel Magic
69 Greater Planar Binding
70 Greater Restoration
71 Greater Shadow Conjuration
72 Greater Spell Breach
73 Greater Spell Mantle
74 Greater Stoneskin
75 Gust of Wind
76 Hammer of the Gods
80 Mass Cure Light Wounds
81 Hold Animal
82 Hold Monster
83 Hold Person
84 Holy Aura
85 DUPLICATE Holy Sword
86 Identify
87 Implosion
88 Greater Invisibility
89 Incendiary Cloud
90 Invisibility
91 Invisibility Purge
92 Invisibility Sphere
94 Lesser Dispel
95 Lesser Mind Blank
96 Lesser Planar Binding
97 Lesser Restoration
98 Lesser Spell Breach
99 Lesser Spell Mantle
101 Lightning Bolt
102 Mage Armor
103 Magic Circle against Chaos
104 Magic Circle against Evil
105 Magic Circle against Good
106 Magic Circle against Law
107 Magic Missile
108 DUPLICATE Magic Vestment
109 DUPLICATE Magic Weapon
110 Mass Blindness and Deafness
111 Mass Charm Monster
114 Mass Heal
115 Melfs Acid Arrow
116 Meteor Swarm
117 Mind Blank
118 Mind Fog
119 Lesser Globe of Invulnerability
120 Ghostly Visage
121 Ethereal Visage
122 Mordenkainens Disjunction
123 Mordenkainens Sword
126 Neutralize Poison
127 Phantasmal Killer
128 Planar Binding
129 Poison
130 Polymorph Self
131 Power Word Kill
132 Power Word Stun
133 Prayer
134 Premonition
135 Prismatic Spray
136 Protection from Chaos
137 Protection from Energy
138 Protection from Evil
139 Protection from Good
140 Protection from Law
141 Protection from Spells
142 Raise Dead
143 Ray of Enfeeblement
144 Ray of Frost
145 Remove Blindness and Deafness
146 Remove Curse
147 Remove Disease
148 Remove Fear
149 Remove Paralysis
150 Resist Energy
151 Resistance
152 Restoration
153 Resurrection
154 Sanctuary
155 Cause Fear
156 Searing Light
157 See Invisibility
158 Shades
159 Shadow Conjuration
160 Shadow Shield
161 Shapechange
163 Silence
164 Slay Living
167 Sound Burst
168 Spell Resistance
169 Spell Mantle
171 Stinking Cloud
172 Stoneskin
173 Storm of Vengeance
174 Summon Creature I
175 Summon Creature II
176 Summon Creature III
177 Summon Creature IV
178 Summon Creature IX
179 Summon Creature V
180 Summon Creature VI
181 Summon Creature VII
182 Summon Creature VIII
183 Sunbeam
184 Tensers Transformation
186 True Seeing
187 Unholy Aura
188 Vampiric Touch
189 Virtue
190 Wail of the Banshee
191 Wall of Fire
194 Word of Faith
196 Aura Cold
197 Aura Electricity
198 Aura Fear
199 Aura Fire
200 Aura Menace
201 Aura Protection
202 Aura Stun
203 Aura Unearthly Visage
204 Aura Unnatural
205 Bolt Ability Drain Charisma
206 Bolt Ability Drain Constitution
207 Bolt Ability Drain Dexterity
208 Bolt Ability Drain Intelligence
209 Bolt Ability Drain Strength
210 Bolt Ability Drain Wisdom
211 Bolt Acid
212 Bolt Charm
213 Bolt Cold
214 Bolt Confuse
215 Bolt Daze
216 Bolt Death
217 Bolt Disease
218 Bolt Dominate
219 Bolt Fire
220 Bolt Knockdown
221 Bolt Level Drain
222 Bolt Lightning
223 Bolt Paralyze
224 Bolt Poison
225 Bolt Shards
226 Bolt Slow
227 Bolt Stun
228 Bolt Web
229 Cone Acid
230 Cone Cold
231 Cone Disease
232 Cone Fire
233 Cone Lightning
234 Cone Poison
235 Cone Sonic
236 Dragon Breath Acid
237 Dragon Breath Cold
238 Dragon Breath Fear
239 Dragon Breath Fire
240 Dragon Breath Gas
241 Dragon Breath Lightning
242 Dragon Breath Paralyze
243 Dragon Breath Sleep
244 Dragon Breath Slow
245 Dragon Breath Weaken
246 Dragon Wing Buffet
247 Ferocity 1
248 Ferocity 2
249 Ferocity 3
250 Gaze Charm
251 Gaze Confusion
252 Gaze Daze
253 Gaze Death
254 Gaze Destroy Chaos
255 Gaze Destroy Evil
256 Gaze Destroy Good
257 Gaze Destroy Law
258 Gaze Dominate
259 Gaze Doom
260 Gaze Fear
261 Gaze Paralysis
262 Gaze Stunned
263 Golem Breath Gas
264 Hell Hound Firebreath
265 Howl Confuse
266 Howl Daze
267 Howl Death
268 Howl Doom
269 Howl Fear
270 Howl Paralysis
271 Howl Sonic
272 Howl Stun
273 Intensity 1
274 Intensity 2
275 Intensity 3
276 Krenshar Scare
277 Lesser Body Adjustment
278 Mephit Salt Breath
279 Mephit Steam Breath
280 Mummy Bolster Undead
281 Pulse Drown
282 Pulse Spores
283 Pulse Whirlwind
284 Pulse Fire
285 Pulse Lightning
286 Pulse Cold
287 Pulse Negative
288 Pulse Holy
289 Pulse Death
290 Pulse Level Drain
291 Pulse Ability Drain Intelligence
292 Pulse Ability Drain Charisma
293 Pulse Ability Drain Constitution
294 Pulse Ability Drain Dexterity
295 Pulse Ability Drain Strength
296 Pulse Ability Drain Wisdom
297 Pulse Poison
298 Pulse Disease
299 Rage 3
300 Rage 4
301 Rage 5
302 Smoke Claw
303 Summon Slaad
304 Summon Tanarri
305 Trumpet Blast
306 Tyrant Fog Mist
308 Turn Undead
309 Wholeness of Body
310 Quivering Palm
311 Empty Body
312 Detect Evil
313 Lay On Hands
314 Aura Of Courage
315 Smite Evil
316 Remove Disease
317 Summon Animal Companion
318 Summon Familiar
319 Elemental Shape
320 Wild Shape
322 Magic Circle against Alignment
323 Aura versus Alignment
324 SHADES Summon Shadow
340 SHADES Cone of Cold
341 SHADES Fireball
342 SHADES Stoneskin
343 SHADES Wall of Fire
344 SHADOW CON Summon Shadow
345 SHADOW CON Darkness
346 SHADOW CON Inivsibility
347 SHADOW CON Mage Armor
348 SHADOW CON Magic Missile
349 GR SHADOW CON Summon Shadow
350 GR SHADOW CON Acid Arrow
351 GR SHADOW CON Ghostly Visage
353 GR SHADOW CON Minor Globe
354 Eagle Splendor
355 Owls Wisdom
356 Foxs Cunning
357 Greater Eagle Splendor
358 Greater Owls Wisdom
359 Greater Foxs Cunning
360 Greater Bulls Strength
361 Greater Cats Grace
362 Greater Bears Endurance
363 Awaken
364 Creeping Doom
366 Destruction
367 Horrid Wilting
368 Ice Storm
372 Aura of Vitality
373 War Cry
374 Regenerate
375 Evards Black Tentacles
376 Legend Lore
377 Find Traps
378 Summon Mephit
379 Summon Celestial
380 Battle Mastery Spell
381 Divine Strength
382 Divine Protection
383 Negative Plane Avatar
384 Divine Trickery
385 Rogues Cunning
387 Polymorph SWORD SPIDER
388 Polymorph TROLL
389 Polymorph UMBER HULK
390 Polymorph GARGOYLE
391 Polymorph MINDFLAYER
392 Shapechange FROST GIANT
393 Shapechange FIRE GIANT
394 Shapechange HORNED DEVIL
395 Shapechange NIGHTWALKER
396 Shapechange IRON GOLEM
397 Elemental Shape FIRE
398 Elemental Shape WATER
399 Elemental Shape EARTH
400 Elemental Shape AIR
401 Wild Shape BROWN BEAR
402 Wild Shape PANTHER
403 Wild Shape WOLF
404 Wild Shape BOAR
405 Wild Shape BADGER
406 Special Alcohol Beer
407 Special Alcohol Wine
408 Special Alcohol Spirits
409 Special Herb Belladonna
410 Special Herb Garlic
411 Bards Song
412 Aura Fear Dragon
414 Divine Favor
415 True Strike
417 Shield
418 Entropic Shield
421 Camoflage
423 Bombardment
424 Acid Splash
425 Quillfire
426 Earthquake
427 Sunburst
429 Aura Of Glory
430 Banishment
431 Inflict Minor Wounds
432 Inflict Light Wounds
433 Inflict Moderate Wounds
434 Inflict Serious Wounds
435 Inflict Critical Wounds
436 BalagarnsIronHorn
438 Owls Insight
440 Firebrand
442 Amplify
443 Etherealness
444 Undeaths Eternal Foe
446 Inferno
447 Isaacs Lesser Missile Storm
448 Isaacs Greater Missile Storm
450 Shield of Faith
451 Planar Ally
452 Magic Fang
453 Greater Magic Fang
454 Spike Growth
455 Mass Camoflage
456 Expeditious Retreat
457 Tashas Hideous Laughter
458 Displacement
459 Bigbys Interposing Hand
460 Bigbys Forceful Hand
461 Bigbys Grasping Hand
462 Bigbys Clenched Fist
463 Bigbys Crushing Hand
464 Grenade Fire
465 Grenade Tangle
466 Grenade Holy
467 Grenade Choking
468 Grenade Thunderstone
469 Grenade Acid
470 Grenade Chicken
471 Grenade Caltrops
473 Divine Might
474 Divine Shield
481 Cats Grace
482 Eagle Splendor
483 Invisibility
485 Flesh to stone
486 Stone to flesh
487 Trap Arrow
488 Trap Bolt
493 Trap Dart
494 Trap Shuriken
495 Breath Petrify
496 Touch Petrify
497 Gaze Petrify
498 Manticore Spikes
499 Rod Of Wonder
500 Deck Of Many Things
502 Elemental Summoning Item
503 Deck Avatar
504 Gem Spray
505 Butterfly Spray
506 Healing Kit
507 Power Stone
508 Spellstaff
509 Charger
510 Decharger
511 Kobold Jump
512 Crumble
513 Infestation of Maggots
517 Battletide
518 Combust
519 Death Armor
520 Gedlees Electric Loop
523 Mestils Acid Breath
526 Scintillating Sphere
528 Undeath to Death
529 Vine Mine
530 Vine Mine Entangle
531 Vine Mine Hamper Movement
532 Vine Mine Camouflage
537 Bless Weapon
538 Holy Sword
539 Keen Edge
541 Blackstaff
542 Flame Weapon
544 Magic Weapon
545 Greater Magic Weapon
546 Magic Vestment
547 Stonehold
549 Glyph of Warding
551 MONSTER MindBlast
552 MONSTER CharmMonster
553 Goblin Ballista Fireball
554 Ioun Stone Dusty Rose
555 Ioun Stone Pale Blue
556 Ioun Stone Scarlet Blue
557 Ioun Stone Blue
558 Ioun Stone Deep Red
559 Ioun Stone Pink
560 Ioun Stone Pink Green
561 Whirlwind
562 Aura Of Glory X2
563 Haste Slow X2
564 Summon Shadow X2
565 Tide of Battle
566 Evil Blight
567 Cure Critical Wounds Others
568 Restoration Others
569 Cloud of Bewilderment
600 AR Imbue Arrow
601 AR Seeker Arrow
602 AR Seeker Arrow 2
603 AR Hail Of Arrows
604 AR Arrow Of Death
605 AS Ghostly Visage
606 AS Darkness
607 AS Invisibility
608 AS Improved Invisibility
609 BG Create Dead
610 BG Fiendish
611 BG Inflict Serious
612 BG Inflict Critical
613 BK Contagion
614 BK Bulls Strength
615 Twinfists
616 Lich Lyrics
617 Iceberry
618 Flameberry
619 PrayerBox
620 Flying Debris
622 DC Divine Wrath
623 PM Animate Dead
624 PM Summon Undead
625 PM Undead Graft1
626 PM Undead Graft2
627 PM Summon Greater Undead
628 PM Deathless Master Touch
636 Hellball
637 Mummy Dust
638 Dragon Knight
639 Epic Mage Armor
641 DWDEF Defensive Stance
642 Mighty Rage
643 PlanarTurning
644 Curse Song
645 Improved Whirlwind
647 Epic Blinding speed
648 Dye Armor cloth1
649 Dye Armor Cloth2
650 Dye Armor Leather1
651 Dye Armor Leather2
652 Dye Armor Metal1
653 Dye Armor Metal2
654 Add Item Property
655 Poison Weapon
656 Craft Weapon
657 Craft Armor
663 Wyrmling PC Breath Cold
664 Wyrmling PC Breath Acid
665 Wyrmling PC Breath Fire
666 Wyrmling PC Breath Gas
667 Wyrmling PC Breath Lightning
686 Harpysong
687 G Wild Shape Stonegaze
688 G Wild Shape Drider Darkness
689 Slay Rakshasa
690 Red Dragon Disciple Breath
692 Greater Wild Shape Spikes
693 G Wild Shape Mindblast
695 Epic Warding
696 On Hit Fire Damage
698 Dragon Breath Negative
701 Summon Baatezu
702 On Hit Planar Rift
703 On Hit Darkfire
710 Eyeball Ray 0
711 Eyeball Ray 1
712 Eyeball Ray 2
713 Mindflayer Mindblast 10
714 Mindflayer Paragon Mindblast
715 Golem Ranged Slam
716 Suck Brain
721 On Hit Flaming Skin
722 Mimic Eat
723 Mimic Gem Thrower
724 Ethereal Jaunt
726 Mimic Eat Enemy
727 Beholder Anti Magic Cone
729 Mimic Steal armor
736 Beholder Special Spell AI
741 Psionic Inertial Barrier
742 Craft Weapon Component
743 Craft Armor Component
744 Grenade Fire Bomb
745 Grenade Acid Bomb
746 Hell Catapult Male
747 Hell Catapult Female
748 Hell Br Catapult Male
749 Hell Brazier Male
750 Hell Fence Male
751 Hell Boulder Male
752 Hell Tree Male
756 On Hit Bebilith Attack
757 Shadow Blend
758 On Hit Demilich Touch
759 Undead Self Harm
760 On Hit Dracolich Touch
761 Aura of Hellfire
762 Hell Inferno
763 Psionic Mass Concussion
764 Glyph Of Warding (Default)
767 Intelligent Weapon Talk
768 Intelligent Weapon OnHit
769 Shadow Attack
770 Slaad Chaos Spittle
771 Dragon Breath Prismatic
772 accelerating Fireball
773 Battle Boulder Toss
774 Deflecting Force
775 Giant hurl rock
776 Beholder Node 1
777 Beholder Node 2
778 Beholder Node 3
779 Beholder Node 4
780 Beholder Node 5
781 Bridge VFX
782 Sphere Spell
783 Beholder Node 6
784 Beholder Node 7
785 Beholder Node 8
786 Beholder Node 9
787 Beholder Node 10
788 On Hit Paralyze
789 Illithid Mindblast
790 On Hit Deafen Clang
791 On Hit Knock Down
792 On Hit Freeze
793 Demonic Grappling Hand
794 Ballista Bolt
796 Dragon Breath Lightning
797 Dragon Breath Fire
798 Dragon Breath Gas
799 Vampire Invisibility
800 Vampire Domination Gaze
801 Azer Fire Blast
802 Shifter Spectre Attack
803 Gray Enlarge
804 Gray Invisibility
805 Faerie Fire
807 Beguiling Influence
809 Dark One's Own Luck
810 Darkness
811 Devil's Sight
812 Draining Blast
813 Eldritch Spear
814 Entropic Warding
815 Frightful Blast
816 Hideous Blow
817 Leaps and Bounds
818 See the Unseen
819 Beshadowed Blast
820 Brimstone Blast
822 Curse of Despair
823 The Dead Walk
824 Eldritch Chain
825 Flee the Scene
826 Hellrime Blast
828 Voracious Dispelling
829 Walk Unseen
830 Bewitching Blast
831 Chilling Tentacles
832 Devour Magic
833 Eldritch Cone
834 Noxious Blast
835 Tenacious Plague
836 Vitriolic Blast
837 Wall of Perilous Flame
838 Dark Foresight
839 Eldritch Doom
841 Retributive Invisibility
842 Utterdark Blast
843 Word of Changing
844 Eldritch Blast
845 Detect Undead
846 Enlarge Person
847 Shocking Grasp
848 Low Light Vision
849 Blindsight
850 False Life
851 Fireburst
852 Mirror Image
853 Protection From Arrows
855 Deep Slumber
856 Enhance Familiar
857 Heroism
858 Improved Mage Armor
860 Spiderskin
861 Weapon of Impact
862 Assay Resistance
863 Crushing Despair
864 Joyful Noise
866 Death Knell
867 Shield Other
869 Greater Fireburst
871 Shroud of Flame
873 Vitriolic Sphere
875 Disintegrate
876 Greater Heroism
878 Stone Body
879 Energy Immunity
881 Mass Hold Person
885 Iron Body
886 Polar Ray
887 Mass Hold Monster
890 Righteous Might
891 Mass Cure Moderate Wounds
892 Mass Inflict Moderate Wounds
894 Mass Cure Serious Wounds
895 Mass Inflict Serious Wounds
897 Mass Cure Critical Wounds
898 Mass Inflict Critical Wounds
900 Song of Discord
901 Fiendish Resilience
902 Frenzy
903 Inspire Frenzy
904 On Hit Flame Damage
905 Song Inspire Courage
906 Song Inspire Competence
907 Song Inspire Defense
908 Song Inspire Regeneration
909 Song Inspire Toughness
910 Song Inspire Slowing
911 Song Inspire Jarring
912 Song Countersong
913 Song Fascinate
914 Song Haven Song
915 Song Cloud Mind
916 Song Ironskin Chant
917 Song of Freedom
918 Song Inspire Heroics
919 Song Inspire Legion
920 Song Leavetakings
921 Song The Spirit of the Wood
922 Song The Fall of Zeeaire
923 Song The Battle of Highcliff
924 Song The Siege of Crossroad Keep
925 Song A Tale of Heroes
926 Song The Tinkers Song
927 Song Dirge of Ancient Illefarn
928 Song of Ages
929 Guarding the Lord
930 Detect Magic
931 Hideous Blow Impact
941 Darkness Racial
942 Light Racial
943 See Invisibility
944 Racial Invisibility
945 Racial Entropic Shield
946 Racial Blindness and Deafness
947 Harper Dominate Animal
949 Eldritch Blast2
950 Eldritch Blast3
951 Eldritch Blast4
952 Eldritch Blast5
953 Eldritch Blast6
954 Eldritch Blast7
955 Eldritch Blast8
956 Eldritch Blast9
967 Least Spell Mantle
969 SHADES Target Caster
970 Catapult
971 SHADES Target Creature
972 SHADES Target Ground
973 Meteor Swarm Self
974 Meteor Swarm Location
975 Meteor Swarm Creature
976 Energy Immunity ACID
977 Energy Immunity COLD
978 Energy Immunity ELECTRICAL
979 Energy Immunity FIRE
980 Energy Immunity SONIC
981 Hezrou Stench
982 Ghast Stench
983 Potion of Lore
985 Pilfer Magic
986 Blade Barrier Wall
987 Blade Barrier Self
988 Dragon Tail Sweep
991 Air Elemental Appearance
992 Blessed Of Waukeen
签到天数: 6 天[LV.2]偶尔看看I
送个 巫师/法师法术简介
巫师/法师0级法术 名称 中文名 简介
Daze 迷乱术 使生命骰小于5的目标迷乱
Light 照明术 生成微弱的光源
Ray of Frost 霜冻射线 造成1d4的寒冷伤害
Resistance 抵抗术 所有豁免获得+1改善
巫师/法师1级法术 名称 中文名 简介
Burning Hands 燃烧之手 发出扇形火焰,每等级造成1d4点火焰伤害
Charm Person 魅惑人类 针对目标使施法者的声望获得50%的改善
Color Spray 七彩喷射 使生物失去知觉,stun或失明
Grease 油脂术 使对手减速或滑倒
Identify 鉴识术 施法者的lore技能获得25+1/等级的改善
Mage Armor 魔法盔甲 Ac获得+4奖励
Magic Missile 魔法飞弹 每两个等级发出一颗飞弹,每颗造成1d4+1的伤害
Negative Energy Ray 负能量射线 造成1d6的伤害
Protection from Alignment 防护阵营 目标阵对特定阵营的生物获得+2的ac改善和+2的豁免改善
Ray of Enfeeblement 虚弱射线 造成1d6的力量属性伤害
Scare 恐吓术 使弱小生物恐惧
Sleep 沉睡术 使生命骰总数低于2d4的一个或数个生物沉睡
Summon Creature I 一级召唤生物术 召唤一个Dire Badger
巫师/法师2级法术 名称 中文名 简介
Blindness/Deafness 致盲/聋术 被施法的生物眼盲或耳聋
Bull's Strength 公牛之力 目标的力量获得1d4+1的改善
Cat's Grace 猫之优雅 目标的敏捷获得1d4+1的改善
Darkness 黑暗术 使生物陷入一团黑暗之中
Eagle's Splendor 鹰之光彩 使目标的魅力获得1d4+1的改善
Endurance 耐力术 目标的体质获得1d4+1的改善
Fox's Cunning 狐之狡猾 目标的智力获得1d4+1的改善
Ghostly Visage 鬼面术 伤害减少5/+1,对1级和0级法术免疫
Ghoul Touch 食尸鬼之触 碰触后使目标瘫痪
Invisibility 隐身术 目标隐身直到其做出攻击或施放法术
Knock 敲击术 可以撬开门和箱子
Lesser Dispel 低级驱魔术 驱魔术的低级版本
Melf's Acid Arrow 马儿夫强酸箭 酸箭造成3d6的伤害,每回合再增加1d6点伤害,直到法术失效
Owl's Wisdom 猫头鹰的智慧 目标的智慧获得1d4+1的改善
Resist Elements 元素抵抗 对元素类伤害的伤害抵抗为20/-
See Invisibility 发现隐身 目标可以看到所有隐身的生物
Summon Creature II 二级召唤怪物术 召唤一只dire boar
Web 蛛网术 使敌人陷入网中
巫师/法师3级法术 名称 中文名 简介
Animate Dead 召唤不死生物 召唤出一个不死生物
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance 洞察术 目标的探察与听觉技能获得10点奖励
Clarity 清醒术 移除或防护沉睡,混乱,眩晕,魅惑等影响
Dispel Magic 驱魔术 移除生物身上的魔法效果
Find Traps 找寻陷阱 搜索技能检定获得10点奖励
Fireball 火球术 每等级造成1d6点火伤害
Flame Arrow 火焰箭 每枝火箭造成4d6的伤害,每四个等级一枝箭
Haste 加速 每回合增加一次攻击,移动速度提升50%
Hold Person 定身术 目标麻痹
Invisibility Sphere 隐形球体 将自己与队友都隐藏在一个隐形的球体中
Lightning Bolt 闪电术 每等级造成1d6点的电击伤害
Magic Circle Against Alignment 阵营抗拒魔环 针对特定阵营,施法者与所有邻近的队友的ac和豁免获得+2的改善,对精神控制效果类魔法免疫
Negative Energy Burst 负能量爆裂 造成1d8点的负面能量伤害,每等级增加1点伤害
Protection from Elements 防护元素 目标对元素伤害的伤害抵抗为30/-
Slow 减速 目标速度减少50%
Stinking Cloud 臭云术 使生物恶心、dazed
Summon Creature III 三级召唤怪物术 召唤一只dire wolf
Vampiric Touch 吸血鬼之触 每两个施法等级造成1d6的伤害
巫师/法师4级法术 名称 中文名 简介
Bestow Curse 诅咒术 将目标生物的所有基本属性点数降低2
Charm Monster 魅惑怪物 针对目标使施法者的声望获得50%的改善
Confusion 混乱术 目标行为陷入混乱
Contagion 传染术 使目标染上随机的一种疾病
Enervation 衰弱术 目标等级临时减少1d4
Evard's Black Tentacles 爱华德之触手 用触手缠绕并攻击敌人
Fear 恐惧术 使敌人逃走
Ice Storm 冰风暴 施加3d6的重击伤害与2d6的寒冷伤害
Improved Invisibility 高级隐形术 在隐形下攻击或施法仍然保持隐身状态
Lesser Spell Breach 低级魔法破坏术 驱除法师的最多3个防护魔法
Minor Globe of Invulnerability 小型魔法结界 施法者对三级及以下的魔法免疫
Phantasmal Killer 幻影杀手 产生幻影,吓死目标或者对目标造成伤害
Polymorph Self 自我变形 施法者可以变身为pixie, troll, umber hulk, giant spider和zombie
Remove Blindness/Deafness 驱除聋盲 所有邻近队友的目盲与耳聋效果被驱除
Remove Curse 移除诅咒 从目标身上移除所有诅咒
Shadow Conjuration 阴影咒法 可以用阴影咒法以下法术:黑暗术、隐身术、魔法盔甲、魔法飞弹或者召唤阴影
Stoneskin 石头皮肤 目标获得10/+5的伤害抵抗
Summon Creature IV 四级召唤怪物术 召唤一只dire spider
Wall of Fire 火墙术 造成4d6点的火焰伤害
巫师/法师5级法术 名称 中文名 简介
Cloudkill 死云术 直接杀死3个生命骰以下的生物,4-6生命骰的生物必须通过豁免,否则死亡
Cone of Cold 冰锥术 每等级造成1d6的寒冷伤害
Dismissal 遣散术 目标召唤出的所有助手都被反召唤
Dominate Person 控制人类 目标暂时处于施法者控制之下
Elemental Shield 元素之盾 形成一个反击攻击方的火环,并使施法者获得对寒冷与火焰的50%的抵抗
Energy Buffer 能量缓冲术 目标的元素伤害抵抗为40/-
Feeblemind 精神衰弱 每4级对目标造成1d4点的智力属性伤害
Greater Shadow Conjuration 高级阴影咒法 可以阴影咒法一系列地法术
Hold Monster 怪物定身术 目标怪物麻痹瘫痪
Lesser Mind Blank 低级精神空白术 使目标免疫精神控制类魔法,移除现有的所有精神控制魔法效果
Lesser Planar Binding 低级位面捆绑术 攻击或召唤一名外界者
Lesser Spell Mantle 低级魔法吸收术 吸收总等级为1d4+6的1个或多个法术
Mind Fog 迷雾术 在雾中的生物的意志豁免受到-10的惩罚
Summon Creature V 五级召唤怪物术 召唤一只dire tiger
巫师/法师6级法术 名称 中文名 简介
Acid Fog 酸雾术 雾中的生物减速并受到酸液伤害
Chain Lightning 连环闪电 每等级造成1d6点伤害,生成第二道闪电
Circle of Death 死亡之环 每等级杀死1d4名生物
Ethereal Visage 轻灵术 目标的伤害抵抗为20/+3,且对二级和二级以下法术免疫
Greater Dispelling 超级驱魔 驱魔术的增强版本
Greater Spell Breach 高级魔法破坏术 驱除法师的最多6个防护魔法
Greater Stoneskin 高级石头皮肤 目标的伤害抵抗为20/+5
Globe of Invulnerability 魔法结界 免疫四级以下法术
Legend Lore 传奇术 Lore技能判定+10,每两个施法者等级再增加1点
Mass Haste 群体加速 所有邻近的队友每回合增加一次攻击,移动速度提升50%
Planar Binding 位面捆绑术 控制或召唤一名外界者
Shades 阴影 可以用阴影咒法以下法术:冰锥术,火球l, 石头皮肤,火墙,召唤阴影
Summon Creature VI 六级召唤怪物术 召唤一只dire bear
Tenser's Transformation 谭森变形术 施法者变得身强体壮
True Seeing 真正视野 可以看出隐形和处于圣域术保护的生物
巫师/法师7级法术 名称 中文名 简介
Control Undead 控制不死生物 控制一名不死生物
Delayed Blast Fireball 延迟火球 每等级造成1d8点火焰伤害,可以延迟至目标进入特定区域
Finger of Death 死亡一指 目标死亡
Mordenkainen's Sword Mordenkainen之剑 召唤一名强力持剑生物
Power Word Stun Power Word Stun 使单个目标stun
Prismatic Spray Prismatic Spray 随机施加伤害或死亡影响
Protection from Spells 防护法术 对法术的所有豁免获得+8改善
Shadow Shield 阴影之盾 对死亡及负能量影响免疫、防御+5、伤害抵抗为10/+3
Spell Mantle 魔法吸收 吸收总等级为1d8+8的一个或多个法术
Summon Creature VII 七级召唤怪物术 随机召唤一只元素生物
巫师/法师8级法术 名称 中文名 简介
Create Undead 制造不死生物 造出食尸鬼、影鬼、妖鬼、尸妖或幽魂等不死生物
Greater Planar Binding 高级位面绑定术 使外界者瘫痪或召唤一名外界者
Horrid Wilting 枯萎术 每个施法等级造成1d8的负能量伤害
Incendiary Cloud 火云术 对在云中的生物每回合造成4d6点火焰伤害
Mass Blindness and Deafness 群体致盲/聋术 所有附近生物致盲或致聋
Mass Charm 群体魅惑术 所有邻近生物对施法者的敬意上升50%
Mind Blank 精神空白术 使所有临近友军对心智法术与影响免疫
Premonition 预知术 目标的伤害抵抗为30/+5
Summon Creature VIII 八级召唤怪物术 随机召唤一只大型元素生物
巫师/法师9级法术 名称 中文名 简介
Dominate Monster 控制怪物 目标怪物暂时处于施法者控制之下
Energy Drain 能量吸取 目标等级临时减少2d4
Gate Gate 召唤一只balor
Greater Spell Mantle 高级魔法吸收术 吸收1d12+10等级的法术
Meteor Swarm 流星雨 区域中的所有生物受到20d6点伤害
Mordenkainen's Disjunction Mordenkainen的解析术 驱魔术的超强版本
Power Word Kill Power Word Kill 生命低于100点的生物立即死亡
Shapechange 变身术 可以变身为dragon, giant, balor, slaad和golem
Summon Creature IX 九级召唤怪物术 随机召唤一只elder的元素生物
Time Stop 时间停止 施法者可以使外界时间凝固,但是自己可以施法或进行攻击
Wail of the Banshee 女妖的嚎哭 区域中所有的生物都必须通过对死亡的豁免检定
Weird 魔力术 杀死区域中的生物
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