
CDS测试软件是哪个公司生产的?劳驾能不能发一个操... - 问通信专家
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• CDS7.1工参导入后提示转换失败时什么原因啊
• 求一份CDS7.1报告模板
• CDS如何用华为Mate7进行VO测试?
• 有大神有PTN替换SDH的流程跟操作?求救啊!
• CDS软件测试时出现TCPsetupfailure事件,说明什么问题
• 请问有没有CDS测试软件里生成报告所用的全部模板?
• 请问lte基站如何开启imsi采集功能,具体怎么操作,诺基亚
北京惠捷朗 给你软件的就会有操作说明!
• CDS7.1工参导入后提示转换失败时什么原因啊
• 求一份CDS7.1报告模板
• CDS如何用华为Mate7进行VO测试?
• 有大神有PTN替换SDH的流程跟操作?求救啊!
• CDS软件测试时出现TCPsetupfailure事件,说明什么问题
• 请问有没有CDS测试软件里生成报告所用的全部模板?
• 请问lte基站如何开启imsi采集功能,具体怎么操作,诺基亚
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大家还关注以下的是一个美丽的传说.为什么说是传说???  因为这个公式是这样的美丽,可是我经过实验,却一个也合不出来.包括单机和战网,都不行...点击“CUBE“无反应.公式不对?说得神乎其神的,像真的一样.可是为什么合不出来呢?请高人指教.  ************************************************************    《暗黑2:毁灭之王》+1+2技能护身符合成方法    作者:游戏之王         说明:对英文内容的解释方法是,上一行是英文原文,下一行是翻译文字。请大家看时不要把意思看重复了。     Amazon Class Amulets [亚马逊项链]    Magical Amulet+ Jewel (any) + Ith Rune (#6)+ Dol Rune (#14) + Any Other Item   magical项链+Jewel(任意) + Ith Rune (#6)+ Dol Rune (#14) +任意其他物品  =Amazon Amulet #1  =亚马逊项链#1  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  10 Faster Attack  10更快速攻击  40 Chance of +1 to all Amazon Skills   40的机会获得+1亚马逊技能    Magical Amulet+ Jewel (any)+ Ith Rune (#6)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ Po/Io Rune (#16)  Magical项链+ Jewel (任意)+ Ith Rune (#6)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ Po/Io Rune (#16)  = Amazon Amulet #2  = 亚马逊项链#2   Preset Mods:  预设属性:  10 or 20 Faster Attack  10或20更快速攻击  33 Chance of +1 to all Amazon Skills  33机会获得+1所有亚马逊技能  33 Chance of +1 to all Amazon Skills  33机会获得+1所有亚马逊技能  There are two 33 chances for a +1 to all skills bonus. This = 44.89 chance of no bonus, 44.22 chance of +1, and 10.89 chance of +2.   有两个“33机会获得+1亚马逊技能”。这意味着44.89的可能不加;44。22的可能+1;10.89的可能+2。      Assassin Class Amulets [杀手项链]    Magical Amulet+ Jewel (any)+ El Rune (#1)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ Any Other Item   Magical项链+ Jewel (任意)+ El Rune (#1)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ 任意其他物品  = Assassin Amulet #1  杀手项链#1  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  .25 Chance of Deadly Strike per Clvl  +人物等级* 0.25 的机会Deadly Strike  40 Chance of +1 to all Assassin Skills  40的机会获得+1杀手技能  A report that this might require an extra gem, a flawless sapphire according to the person who sent in this shot. Another report that a normal skull was required.   有人提出说这个配方还需要一块宝石,其中有人说是一块flawless saphire,还有人说是一块normal skull。    Magical Amulet+ Jewel (any)+ El Rune (#1) + Dol Rune (#14)+ Po/Io Rune (#16)   Magical项链+ Jewel (任意)+ El Rune (#1) + Dol Rune (#14)+ Po/Io Rune (#16)   = Assassin Amulet #2  =杀手项链#2  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  .5 Chance of Deadly Strike per Clvl  +人物等级 * 0.5的机会deadly strike  33 Chance of +1 to all Assassin Skills  33机会获得+1所有杀手技能  33 Chance of +1 to all Assassin Skills  33机会获得+1所有杀手技能  There are two 33 chances for a +1 to all skills bonus. This = 44.89 chance of no bonus, 44.22 chance of +1, and 10.89 chance of +2.   有两个“33机会获得+1杀手技能”。这意味着44.89的可能不加;44。22的可能+1;10.89的可能+2。      Barbarian Class Amulets [野蛮人项链]    Magical Amulet + Jewel (any)+ Eth Rune (#5)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ Any Other Item   Magical项链+ Jewel (任意)+ Eth Rune (#5)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ 任意其他物品   = Barbarian Amulet #1  = 野蛮人项链#1  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  40 Chance of +1 to all Barb Skills   40的机会获得+1野蛮人技能  The first property on Barbarian Amulets is Absorb Slash Damage. Types of physical damage were removed from the game, and a new property might be inserted in v1.09.   项链上的第一个属性是Aborb Slash Damage。  在v1.09中,一些物理伤害会被从游戏中移除,而且一个新的属性应该会被加入。    Magical Amulet+ Jewel (any)+ Eth Rune (#5)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ Po/Io Rune (#16)   Magical项链+ Jewel (任意)+ Eth Rune (#5)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ Po/Io Rune (#16)   = Barbarian Amulet #2  = 野蛮人项链#2  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  33 Chance of +1 to all Barb Skills  33机会获得+1所有野蛮人技能  33 Chance of +1 to all Barb Skills  33机会获得+1所有野蛮人技能  There are two 33 chances for a +1 to all skills bonus. This = 44.89 chance of no bonus, 44.22 chance of +1, and 10.89 chance of +2.   有两个“33机会获得+1野蛮人技能”。这意味着44.89的可能不加;44。22的可能+1;10.89的可能+2。      Druid Class Amulets [德鲁伊项链]    Magical Amulet+ Jewel (any)+ Eld Rune (#5)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ Any Other Item   Magical项链+Jewel (任意)+ Eld Rune (#5)+ Dol Rune (#14)+任意其他物品  = Druid Amulet #1  = 德鲁伊项链#1  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  +3 Energy per Clvl  + 3*人物等级的energy  40 Chance of +1 to all Druid Skills   40的机会得到+1德路伊技能  If you don’t get lucky with the +1 skills, you’ll need to really score with the random mods to make this a useful item.  如果你不够幸运,没得到+1技能的属性,它必须有很好的随机属性才能有点用。 Magical Amulet+ Jewel (any)+ Eld Rune (#5)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ Po/Io Rune (#19)   Magical项链+ Jewel (任意)+ Eld Rune (#5)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ Po/Io Rune (#19)   = Druid Amulet #2  = 德鲁伊项链#2  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  +6 Energy per Clvl  + 6*人物属性 的 energy  33 Chance of +1 to all Druid Skills  33机会获得+1所有德鲁伊技能  33 Chance of +1 to all Druid Skills  33机会获得+1所有德鲁伊技能  There are two 33 chances for a +1 to all skills bonus. This = 44.89 chance of no bonus, 44.22 chance of +1, and 10.89 chance of +2.   有两个“33机会获得+1德鲁伊技能”。这意味着44.89的可能不加;44。22的可能+1;10.89的可能+2。      Necromancer Class Amulets [男巫项链]    Magical Amulet+ Jewel (any)+ Tal Rune (#7)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ Any Other Item   Magical项链+ Jewel (任意)+ Tal Rune (#7)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ 任意其他物品  = Necromancer Amulet #1  = 男巫项链#1  Preset Mods:  预设属性  +5-10 Maximum Mana  +5-10的最大魔法  40 Chance of +1 to all Necro Skills   40的机会得到+1所有男巫技能  There is speculation the Sorc and necro bonuses were accidentally switched.   有可能男巫和女巫项链的属性颠倒了。    Magical Amulet+ Jewel (any)+ Tal Rune (#7)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ Po/Io Rune (#16)  Magical项链+ Jewel (任意)+ Tal Rune (#7)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ Po/Io Rune (#16)  = Necromancer Amulet #2  = 男巫项链#2  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  +5-20 Maximum Mana  +5-20最大魔法  33 Chance of +1 to all Necro Skills  33机会获得+1所有男巫技能  33 Chance of +1 to all Necro Skills  33机会获得+1所有男巫技能  There are two 33 chances for a +1 to all skills bonus. This = 44.89 chance of no bonus, 44.22 chance of +1, and 10.89 chance of +2.   有两个“33机会获得+1男巫技能”。这意味着44.89的可能不加;44。22的可能+1;10.89的可能+2。      Paladin Class Amulets [游侠项链]    Magical Amulet+ Jewel (any)+ Nef Rune (#3)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ Any Other Item   Magical项链+ Jewel (任意)+ Nef Rune (#3)+ Dol Rune (#14)+任意物品  =Paladin Amulet #1  =游侠项链#1  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  +50-150 Attack Rating  +50-150攻击指数  40 Chance of +1 to all Paladin Skills   40 的机会得到+1游侠技能    Magical Amulet+ Jewel (any)+ Nef Rune (#3)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ Po/Io Rune (#16)   Magical项链+ Jewel (任意)+ Nef Rune (#3)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ Po/Io Rune (#16)   = Paladin Amulet #2  = 游侠项链#2  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  +100-250 Attack Rating  +100-250攻击指数  33 Chance of +1 to all Paladin Skills  33机会获得+1所有游侠技能。  33 Chance of +1 to all paladin Skills  33机会获得+1所有游侠技能。  There are two 33 chances for a +1 to all skills bonus. This = 44.89 chance of no bonus, 44.22 chance of +1, and 10.89 chance of +2.   有两个“33机会获得+1游侠技能”。这意味着44.89的可能不加;44。22的可能+1;10.89的可能+2。      Sorceress Class Amulets [女巫项链]    Magical Amulet+ Jewel (any)+ Tir Rune (#3)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ Any Other Item   Magical项链+ Jewel (任意)+ Tir Rune (#3)+ Dol Rune (#14)+任意其他物品  = Sorceress Amulet #1  = 女巫戒指#1  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  +5-15 Poison Dmg over 4.8 seconds  +5-15毒系伤害在4.8秒内  40 Chance of +1 to all Sorc Skills   40的机会获得+1所有女巫技能  There is speculation the Sorc and Necro bonuses were accidentally switched, since Sorcs have no use for Poison damage. The display of the poison damage is very buggy also.   有可能男巫和女巫项链的属性颠倒了。同时,毒系伤害的现实也有很大问题。  Magical Amulet+ Jewel (any)+ Tir Rune (#3)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ Po/Io Rune (#16)   Magical项链+ Jewel (任意)+ Tir Rune (#3)+ Dol Rune (#14)+ Po/Io Rune (#16)   = Sorceress Amulet #2  = 女巫项链#2  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  +5-30 Poison Dmg over 4.8 seconds  +5-30毒系伤害在4.8秒内  33 Chance of +1 to all Sorc Skills  33机会获得+1所有女巫技能  33 Chance of +1 to all Sorc Skills  33机会获得+1所有女巫技能  There are two 33 chances for a +1 to all skills bonus. This = 44.89 chance of no bonus, 44.22 chance of +1, and 10.89 chance of +2.   有两个“33机会获得+1女巫技能”。这意味着44.89的可能不加;44。22的可能+1;10.89的可能+2。                      《暗黑2:破坏之王》加1级技能戒指合成方法       说明:有英文内容时,上一行是英文原文,下一行是翻译文字。不要把意思看重复了。    Amazon Class Rings   亚马逊戒指  Magical Ring  Magical戒指  + Jewel (any)  + Jewel(任意一个)  + Ith Rune (#6)  + Ith Rune (#6)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Any Other Item  + 任意一个其他物品  Amazon Ring #1  (得到)亚马逊戒指 #1  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  3-6 Mana Steal  3-6吸魔法  10 chance of +1 to Amazon Skills   10机会得到+1亚马逊技能  Note: that this is one of very few ways to get mana steal on a ring in the Expansion. Dual leech is possible, if you get life leech as a random mod.   注意:这是很少的几种在资料片中获得带吸魔法属性的戒指的方法中的一种。血魔双吸也是有可能的,只要合成的戒指的随机属性中有吸血的属性。   Magical Ring  Magical戒指  + Jewel (any)  + Jewel(任意一个)  + Ith Rune (#6)  + Ith Rune (#6)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Po/Io Rune (#16)   + Po/Io Rune (#16)    Amazon Ring #2  (得到)亚马逊戒指 #2  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  3-12 Mana Steal  3-12吸魔法  33 chance of +1 to Amazon Skills   33机会得到+1亚马逊技能 Assassin Class Rings   杀手戒指  Magical Ring  Magical戒指  + Jewel (any)  + Jewel(任意一个)  + El Rune (#1)  + El Rune (#1)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Any Other Item  任意一个其他物品      Assassin Ring #1  (得到)杀手戒指 #1  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  +6-18 Faster Mana Regeneration  +6-18更快的魔法恢复  10 chance of +1 to Assassin Skills   10机会得到+1杀手技能    Magical Ring  Magical戒指  + Jewel (any)  + Jewel(任意一个)  + El Rune (#1)  + El Rune (#1)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Po/Io Rune (#16)  + Po/Io Rune (#16)  Assassin Ring #2  (得到)杀手戒指#2  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  +6-36 Faster Mana Regeneration  +6-36更快的魔法恢复  33 chance of +1 to Assassin Skills   33机会得到+1杀手技能      Barbarian Class Rings  野蛮人戒指  Magical Ring  Magical戒指  + Jewel (any)  + Jewel(任意一个)  + Eth Rune (#5)  + Eth Rune (#5)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Any Other Item  + 任意其他物品  Barbarian Ring #1  (得到)野蛮人戒指#1  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  3-6 Life Steal  3-6吸血  10 chance of +1 to Barbarian Skills   10机会得到+1野蛮人技能    Magical Ring  Magical戒指  + Jewel (any)  + Jewel(任意一个)  + Eth Rune (#5)  + Eth Rune (#5)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Po/Io Rune (#16)   + Po/Io Rune (#16)  Barbarian Ring #2  (得到)野蛮人戒指#2  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  3-12 Life Steal  3-12吸血  10 chance of +1 to Barbarian Skills   10机会得到+1野蛮人技能  The list steal on these can stack with a random life steal suffix, potentially up to 20 on Barb ring #2.   戒指预设的吸血属性可以与随机获得的吸血属性相叠加,这有可能使野蛮人戒指#2达到20吸血。      Druid Class Rings   德鲁伊戒指  Magical Ring  Magical戒指  + Jewel (any)  + Jewel(任意一个)  + Eld Rune (#2)  + Eld Rune (#2)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Any Other Item  + 任意其他物品  Druid Ring #1  (得到)德鲁伊戒指#1  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  +3-9 Life Regeneration  +3-9生命恢复  10 chance of +1 to Druid Skills   10机会得到+1德鲁伊技能  This is a pretty lame ring unless you get the Druid bonus skill or very lucky with the random mods.  这是个可爱的的垃圾,除非它也有德鲁伊技能奖励或者你你得到很幸运的随机属性。    Magical Ring  Magical戒指  + Jewel (any)  + Jewel(任意一个)  + Eld Rune (#2)  + Eld Rune (#2)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Po/Io Rune (#16)  + Po/Io Rune (#16)  Druid Ring #2  (得到)德鲁伊戒指#2  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  +3-18 Life Regeneration  +3-18生命恢复  33 chance of +1 to Druid Skills   33机会得到+1德鲁伊技能    Necromancer Class Rings   男巫戒指  Magical Ring  Magical戒指  + Jewel (any)  + Jewel(任意一个)  + Tal Rune (#7)  + Tal Rune (#7)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Any Other Item  + 任意其他物品  Necromancer Ring #1  (得到)男巫戒指#1  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  +5-35 Mana  +5-35魔法  10 chance of +1 to Necromancer Skills   10机会得到+1男巫技能    Magical Ring  Magical戒指  + Jewel (any)  + Jewel(任意一个)  + Tal Rune (#7)  + Tal Rune (#7)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Po/Io Rune (#16)  + Po/Io Rune (#16)   Necromancer Ring #2  (得到)男巫戒指#2  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  +5-70 Mana  +5-70魔法  33 chance of +1 to Necromancer Skills   33机会得到+1男巫技能      Paladin Class Rings   游侠戒指  Magical Ring  Magical戒指  + Jewel (any)  + Jewel(任意一个)  + Nef Rune (#4)  + Nef Rune (#4)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Any Other Item  + 任意其他物品  Paladin Ring #1  (得到)游侠戒指#1  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  Can Not be Frozen  不可被冰冻  10 chance of +1 to Paladin Skills   10机会得到+1游侠技能    Magical Ring  Magical戒指  + Jewel (any)  + Jewwl(任意一个)  + Nef Rune (#4)  + Nef Rune (#4)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Po/Io Rune (#16)  + Po/Io Rune (#16)   Paladin Ring #2  (得到)游侠戒指#2  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  Can Not be Frozen  不可被冰冻  33 chance of +1 to Paladin Skills   33机会获得+1游侠技能      Sorceress Class Rings   女巫戒指  Magical Ring  Magical戒指  + Jewel (any)  + Jewel(任意一个)  + Tir Rune (#3)  + Tir Rune (#3)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Any Other Item  任意其他物品  Sorceress Ring #1  (得到)女巫戒指#2  Preset Mods:  预设属性  1 Faster Cast  1更快速施法  10 chance of +1 to Sorceress Skills   10机会获得+1女巫技能  The fast cast bonus on both Sorc rings is bugged in v1.08, it should be 10 and 20,   and should be fixed in v1.09.   两个女巫戒指的更快速施放属性奖励在1.08版出错了,她应该是10和20,估计会在1.09版修复这个错误。    Magical Ring  Magical戒指  + Jewel (any)  + Jewel(任意一个)  + Tir Rune (#3)  + Tir Rune (#3)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Hel Rune (#15)  + Po/Io Rune (#16)  + Po/Io Rune (#16)  Sorceress Ring #2  (得到)女巫戒指#2  Preset Mods:  预设属性:  5 Faster Cast  5更快速施法  33 chance of +1 to Sorceress Skills   33机会获得+1女巫技能  This recipe works as it’s listed, you can see one right here that didn’t turn out very well. Multiple attempts will usually be needed to get one with at least the +1 skills bonus.   这个配方是正确的,但是它有时合不好。你必须试几次才能得到+1技能的属性。  
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