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My Favourite Celebrity
You can read what celebrities say and think through extensive quotation collection on Saidwhat... but what do you think of celebrities?
Who is your favourite celebrity, and why are they so popular with you, why do you like them?
Do you prefer celebrities of the moment, those from yesteryear, politicians, actors, movie stars or what?
Here's a list of all the celebrities people said were their favourite, along with a link to read our viewers opinions on why they like them so much!
They are sorted by popularity, so your very favourite celebrity is at the top of the list!
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favourite favorite中文是什么意思
中文翻译宠幸很受欢迎的流连忘返的所宠爱的人最宠爱的最得意的最喜欢&&&&n. 1.亲信,受宠信者。 2.受人特别喜爱的人[物]; ...&&&&n. 1.亲信,受宠信者。 2.受人特别喜爱的人[物]; ...&&&&n. 1.亲信,受宠信者。 2.受人特别喜爱的人[物];〔美国〕党内有声望的政治家。 3.有希望的获胜者(尤指马)。
She is a gene ...&&&&n. 1.亲信,受宠信者。 2.受人特别喜爱的人[物];〔美国〕党内有声望的政治家。 3.有希望的获胜者(尤指马)。
She is a gene ...&&&&收藏夹&&&&宠儿&&&&夺标呼声同样高的运动员&&&&嬖妾&&&&得意门生&&&&擅长的一手&&&&得到本州支持的总统候选人, 在故乡受尊敬的人&&&&得意的一击&&&&最喜欢喝的茶&&&&最喜爱的东西&&&&经典珍藏圆舞曲集&&&&夺标呼声很高的选手&&&&最热门的获奖者&&&&丢丢最爱; 口水鱼&&&&新宠&&&&他们最喜欢的礼物&&&&宠遇&&&&爱谈论的话题&&&&加入收藏夹; 添加收藏夹&&&&是某人的宠儿&&&&什么是品牌美誉度
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