
崩龙民族解放阵线德昂民族解放军关于缅军在德昂区大举增兵和扩展行动的声明崩龙民族解放阵线德昂民族解放军关于缅军在德昂区大举增兵和扩展行动的声明2016年***声明日缅甸政府军在皎梅,南散,曼侗,南图,南坎,贵概等德昂地区大规模扩张和武力进攻,阻挠和破坏缅甸/帛玛的和平,我们崩龙民族解放阵线(PSLF / TNLA)对此表示谴责。为了缅甸获得真正的和平,在2015年大选之前PSLF / TNLA曾多次发表声明,关于在德昂族地区尽可能的减少武装冲突,同时给所有德昂民族解放军不同层次的作战单位发送命令,尽量避免冲突,除了自卫作战。然而,缅甸政府军(缅甸军)让已经签署了全国停火协议的掸邦重建委员会/掸邦军(RCSS / SSA),进入到我们领土并建立基地,通过支持并以多种方式煽动RCSS / SSA,让同胞少数民族武装自相残杀。其结果是,在我们德昂族地区爆发了RCSS / SSA和缅甸政府军结盟与我们德昂民族解放军之间的暴力冲突,造成当地百姓遭受战争之灾。在过去的几天里,战争武器和物资通过马匹和卡车源源不断运往掸邦北部。从2015年初开始,缅甸政府军部署1,16师和东北司令部指挥下的第11,第33,第66,第77,第88和第99战斗师到Ta'ang地区,果敢地区和克钦独立军旅4和6旅地区进行攻势作战,现在它在不断地通过部署55,101师和2,7和10师增加其军事实力。在权力即将转移到在2015年赢得大选胜利的全国民主联盟之际,缅甸军方领导人煽动内战之火。我们想提醒和敦促各政党和全国人民要警惕缅甸军头们通过各种手段试图使战争更猛烈,并拒绝缅甸社会内部的稳定与和平,。通过这个声明我们宣布PSLF / TNLA的立场,即对我们而言,我们准备进行对话,并和即将执政的民选政府找到和平的解决办法,同时尽可能避免与缅甸政府军军事冲突。巴朗国家解放阵线中央执行委员会-PSLF / TNLA原文PSLF Statement on Myanmar Tatmadaw’s MT’s Massive Strength Expansion and Offensive in Ta’ang RegionStatement No. (4/2016)March 1, 2016As the Myanmar Tatmadaw’s (MT) massive force expansion and stepping up of offensive in Kyauk-me, Namh-San, Man-tong, Nam -tu, Nam-kham, Kut-kai etc. areas of Ta’ang Region are an attempt, thwarting and wrecking of peace in Myanmar/Burma, we, the Palaung State Liberation Front (PSLF/TNLA) condemn it.With a view to gaining genuine peace in Myanmar, the PSLF/TNLA had issued several statements, well before 2015 election, regarding its position of reducing armed clashes in Ta’ang Region, as much as possible, while sending instructions to all TNLA units at different levels in the field, to avoid clashes, apart from fighting in self-defense.However, Myanmar Tatmadaw (Myanmar Army) let the Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA), which has signed the NCA, to enter into our operational areas and set up base, to create brutal armed clashes between fellow ethnic nationalities, by supporting and inciting RCSS/SSA in several ways. As a result, there have been violent battles in Ta’ang Region between RCSS/SSA allied with MT, and our TNLA troops, causing the local populations to suffer the violence of war. Since the past few days, war weapons are being transported continually from Burma Proper to Northern Shan State on draft horses and over 500 fully loaded trucks with war materials. From the beginning of 2015, Myanmar Tatmadaw has been conducting offensive operations by deploying, in addition to Military Operation Commands (MOC) 1, 16 and units under the North-East Command, the 11th, 33rd, 66th, 77th, 88th and 99th combat divisions, in the Ta’ang Region, Kokang Region and the KIA Brigades 4 and 6 Regions, and now it is increasing its military might constantly by sending in Div-55, 101 and MOC 2, 7 and 10.At a time when power has to be transferred to the NLD party, which the people have confidently elected in 2005 election, the Myanmar military leaders are stoking the fire of civil war. We would like to alert and urge the political parties and the entire people to face consciously and collectively the Myanmar military leaders’ activities to make the war more violent and to deny stability and peace within the Myanmar society, by various means.With this statement we announce the position of the PSLF/TNLA that on our part, we are prepared to hold dialogue and find resolutions on matters relating to peace with the civilian government, which is coming into being in the near future, and avoid the Myanmar Tatmadaw’s military offensives, as much as possible.Central Executive CommitteePalaung State Liberation Front -PSLF/TNLA【来源:K2pimcore】


