
Literature on archaeological remains of cultivated plants ()
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Literature on archaeological remains of cultivated plants ()Helmut KrollArticleDOI:
10.1007/BFCite this article as: Kroll, H. Veget Hist Archaebot (. doi:10.1007/BF
Publications on archaeological remains of cultivated plants have been collected, mainly from 1995, with some earlier and some later ones. A list is given of the finds according to taxon, country, site, and age.BibliographyCultivated plantsArchaeologyAaby B, Robinson D (1995) 9. Naturforholdene i Trabjerg. In: Bender J?rgensen L, Eriksen P, Trabjerg. En vestjysk landsby fra vikingetiden. Jysk Arkaeol Selsk Skr 31, 1, Aarhus, pp 125-130; 227-238 [notes, references]Aalto M (1994) Turun linnan esilinnan kasvillisuus. In: Tutkimuksia turun linnasta -- ?bo slott-studier 1. Turun Maakuntamuseo raportteja 16: 21-38Abakumova M, Sillasoo ? (1991) Taimej??nused arheoloogilistes proovides. In: Botaanilised Uurimused 6. Pühendatud prof. L.-M. Laasimeri m?lestusele. Eest Teadustie Akadeemia Zooloogia ja Botaanika Instituut (ed). Tallin, pp 197-217Adam-Veleni P, Ioannidou E, Mangafa M (1995) Ossa 1992. 1 keramiki tou oikismou kai ta archaeobotanika kataloipa [Ossa 1992. The pottery and the archaeobotanical remains of the settlement]. Archaeol Ergo Makedonia Thraki 6 (1992): 383-393Adams R, Simmons D (1993) Appendix. Botanical remains from Bronze Age Marki-Alonia, Cyprus. Rep Dep Antiquities Cyprus Allen MJ (1996) The carbonised plant remains. In: Rawlings M, Fitzpatrick AP, Prehistoric sites and a Romano-British settlement at Butterfield Down, Amesbury. Wiltshire Archaeol Nat Hist Mag 89: 1-43Alonso N, Buxo i Capdevila R (1991) Estudi sobre restes paleocarpològiques al Vallès Occidental: primers resultats del jaciment de les Sitges UAB (Cerdanyola del Vallès). Limes 1: 19-35Alonso i Martínez N (1992) Conreus i agricultura a la Plana Occidental Catalana en ?poca Ibérica. Estudi Arqueobotànic da Margalef (Torregrossa, et Pla d'Urgell) i Tossal de les Tenalles (Sidamon, et Pla d'Urgell). Quaderns Arqueol Grup Recerques “La Femosa” 7, Artesa de Lleida, 56 ppAlonso i Martínez N (1995) Estudi de llavors i fruits dels jaciments arqueolàgics de la cova d'Anes (Prullans, la Cerdanya) i de la cova de les Portes (Lladurs, et Solsonès) i et seu context pirinenc. In: Cultures i medi de la prehist?ria a l'edat mitjana. 20 anys d'arqueologia pirinenca. Homenatge al Professor Jean Guilaine. X Coll Internat Arqueol Puigcerdà [Nov 10-12 1994] Puigcerdà, pp 97-104Alonso i Martínez N, Juan i Tresserras J (1994) Anexo. Fibras de lino en las piletas del poblado ibérico del Coll del Moro (Gandesa, Terra Alta): Estudio paleoetnobotànico. Trab Prehist 51: 137-142Alonso i Martínez N, Buxó i Capdevila R (1995) Agricultura, alimentación y entorno vegetal en la Cava de Punto Farisa (Fraga, Huesca) durante et Bronce medio. Quaderns Depart Geogr Hist Lleida 24, Lleida, 100 ppAndel TH van, Runnels CN (1995) The earliest farmers in Europe. Antiquity 69: 481-500Anderson-Gerfaud P, Deraprahamian G, Willcox G (1991) Les premières cultures de céréales sauvages et domestiques primitives au Proche-Orient néolithique: Résultats préliminaires d'expériences à Jalès (Ardèche). Cahiers Euphrate 5-6: 191-232D'Andrea AC, Crawford GW, Yoshizaki M, Kudo T (1995) Late Jomon cultigens in northeast Japan. Antiquity 69: 146-152Arnanz AM (1991) Materiales carpológicos del yacimiento de Pe?alosa (Ba?os de la Encina, Jaén). Trab Prehist 48:405-418Bakels C (1995a) Les restes carbonisés de graines et de fruits. In: Ilett M, Plateaux M (eds), Le site néolithique de Berry-au-Bac. Le Chemin de la Pêcherie (Aisne). Monogr Centre Rech Archéol 15, CNRS, Paris, pp 142-143Bakels C (1995b) Bucy-le-Long “La Fosse Tounise/La Héronnière” et la continuité rubané -- Villeneuve-Saint-Germain: L'apport de l'analyse des graines carbonisées. In: Ilett M, Constantin C, Farruggia J-P, B?timents voisins du Rubané et du groupe de Villeneuve-Saint-Germain sur le site de Bucy-le-Long “La Fosse Tounise” (Aisne). Revue Archéol Picardie No spécial 9: 17-39 [pp37-38]Bakkevig S (1992) Prehistoric cereal raising at Forsandmoen, south-west Norway: Changes between the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. Laborativ Arkeologi 6: 49-55Bakkevik S (1993) Rekonstruksjon av and klar til bruk! Spor 8 (2): 19Banck, J (1996) Spinnen, Weben, F?rben. Feine Tuche für den Fürsten. In: Biel J (ed) Experiment Hochdorf. Keltische Handwerkskunst wiederbelebt. Schr Keltenmus Hochdorf/Ens 1: 40-63Bastiaens J, Verbryggen C (1995) Archeobotanisch onderzoek van het Romeinse kamp van Maldegem-Vake (Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgi?). Macroresten van de opgravingscampagnes 1986 en 1987. Handel Maatsch Gesch Oudheidk Gent 49: 33-44Becker W-D (1993) Untersuchungen pflanzlicher Grossreste im Elsbachtal. Arch?ol Rheinland 3Becker W-D (1995) Von verkohlten Nahrungsvorr?ten, geheimnisvollen W?llen und bitteren Mahlzeiten -- Arch?obotanische Untersuchungen in Westfalen. In: Ein Land macht Geschichte. Arch?ologie in Nordrhein-Westfalen (eds Horn HG, Hellenkemper H, Koschik H, Trier B), K?ln, pp 191-194 [exhibition catalogue K?ln, Münster]Behre K-E, Oeggl K (1996) Early Farming in the Old World. Recent advances in archaeobotanical research. Springer, Berlin (Vegetation History and Archaeobotany, Vol 5/no 1-2)Biagi P, Caimi R, Castelletti L, Marinis R de, Martino S di, Maspero A (1994) Note sugh scavi a Erbonne, località Cimitero, commune di S. Fedele Intelvi (CO). Rivista Archaeol Antica Prov Diocesi Como 175 [1993]: 5-36 [pp 17-19]B?k?nyi A, Costantini L, Fitt J (1993) The farming economy. Chapter 7 in: Gualtieri M (ed), Fourth century B.C. Magna Graecia: a case study. 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Jahresber Arch?ol Bodenforsch Kanton Basel-Stadt ; 58Butler A (1996) Trifolieae and related seeds from archaeological contexts: problems in identification. Veget Hist Archaeobot 5: 157-167Buurman J (1995) Planteresten uit een riool van de burg te Middelburg. In: Heeringen M van, Henderikx PA, Mars A, Vroeg-Middeleeuwse ringwalburgen in Zeeland. Amersfoort, Rijksdienst Oudheidk Bodemonderz, pp 58-66; 237; 243-244Buurman J, Geel B van, Reenen GBA van (1995) Palaeoecological investigations of a late Bronze Age watering-place at Bovenkarspel, the Netherlands. In: Herngreen GFW and Valk L van der (eds) Neogene and Quaternary geology: contributions on the occasion of Waldo H. Zagwijn's retirement. Med Rijks Geol Dienst 52: 249-270Buxó i Capdevila R (1995) Sobre la vinya i la viticultura durant la prehistòria a l'occident de la Mediterránia. In: Cultures i medi de la prehistòria a l'edat mitjana. 20 anys d'arqueologia pirinenca. Homenatge al Professor Jean Guilaine. X Coll Internat Arqueol Puigcerdà [Nov 10-12 1994]. Puigcerdà, pp 105-112Buxó i Capdevila R (1996) Evidence for vines and ancient cultivation from an urban area, Lattes (Hérault), southern France. Antiquity 70: 393-407Buxó i Capdevila R, Alonso N, Canal D, Català M, Echave C, González I (1995) Estudios recientes sobre agricultura y alimentación vegetal a pertir se semillas y frutos en Catalunya (Neolitico-2a Edad del Hierro). Actas Trab Antropol Etnol (Porto) 35,1: 467-483Cappers RTJ (1996) Chapter 19. Archaeobotanical remains. In: Sidebotham SE, Wendrich WZ (eds) Berenike 1995, preliminary report. Leiden, Centre for non-Western StudiesCarruthers W (1994) Charred plant remains. In: Lewis MJ, Excavations at Loughor Castle, West Glamorgan 1969-73. Archaeol Cambrensis 142: 173-181Carugati MG (1994) Nota sui rest vegetali carbonizati del sito neolitico di Valer (Azzano Decimo - Pordenone). Atti Soc Preist Protoist Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Trieste) 8 [1993]: 115-120Castelletti L, Carugati MG (1994) I resti vegetali del sito neolitico di Sammardenchi di Pozzuolo del Friuli (Udine). In: Atti della XXIX Riunione Scientifica. Preistoria e Protoistoria del Friuli-Venezia Giulia e dell'Istria. 28-30 Settembre 1990 (ed Ist Ital Preist Protoist) Firenze, pp 167-184Castiglioni E, Rottoli M (1994) Resti vegetali: carboni, semi e frutti. Ricostruzione dell'ambiente naturale e coltivato. In: Cavada E (ed) Archaeologia a Mezzocorona. Documenti per la storia del popolamento rustico di età romana nell'area atesina. Patrimonio Storico Artistico Trentino 15: 205-231Cooremans B (1993a) Botanische macroresten. In: Hollevoet Y, Cooremans B, Desender K, Ervynck A, Een Karolingische vlechtwerkwaterput uit Zerkegem: culturele en ecologische archaeologia. Archaeol Vlaanderen 3: 243-254 [pp 246-251]Cooremans B (1993b) 4 De planteresten. In: Van Akkerland tot Heilige Geestkapel. Een kijk op de evolutie van de bewoningsgeschiedenis in de Kattestraat te Aalst (prov. Oost-Vlaanderen). Archaeol Vlaanderen 3: 299-329 [pp 313-319]Cooremans B (1994a) 4 Het plantaardige materiaal. In: Wouters W, Cooremans B (1994) Noodonderzoek in de Sint-Mauritiuskerk te Bilzen (prov. Limburg). Archaeol Vlaanderen 4: 169-186 [pp182-186]Cooremans B (1994b) 6 De botanische macroresten. In: Pieters M, Ervynck A, Neer W van, Verhaeghe F, Riversijde: een 15deeeuwse kuil, een lens met platvisresten, en de beteknis voor de studie van de site en haar bewoners. Archaeol Vlaanderen 4: 253-277 [pp 271-273]Cooremans B (1994c) 5 Het plantaardige materiaal. In: Wouters W, Ervynck A, Cooremans B, Neer W van, Bulck G van (1994) Een postmiddeleeuwse beerput aan de Hasselte Poort te Tongeren (prov. Limburg). Archaeol Vlaanderen 4: 323-363 [pp 344-348]Cooremans B, Ervynck A, Neer W van (1993) De voedselvoorziening in de Sint-Salvatorsabdij te Ename (stad Oudenaarde, prov. Oost-Vlaanderen). 2. 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In: Wilhelm G, Zaccagnini C, Tell Karrana 3. Tell Jikan. Tell Khirbet Salih. Baghdader Forsch 15: 237-250, pl. 104-105Costantini L, Costantini Biasini L, Lentini A (1994) Macrorest vegetali e intonaci del villaggio neolitico di Scamuso (Ba): indagini archeobotaniche. Giorn Bot Ital 128, 1: 421Cubero Corpas C (1994) Analisis paleocarpológico. In: Oliver Foix A et al., El poblado ibérico del Puig de la Misericordia de Vinaròs. Assoc Cult Amics Vinarós, pp 215-225Cubero Corpas C (1995) Estudio paleocarpológico de yacimientos del valle medio del Duero. In: Delibes G, Romero F, Escudero Z, Sanz C, Miguel LC et al., Arqueológia y medio ambiente. El primer milenio a. C. en et Duero medio. Junta Castilla y León, Valladolid, pp 371-394; 543-582Culiberg M, ?ercelj A (1995) Karpolo?ke in antrakotomske analize iz prazgodovinskih vi?inskih naselj na Dolenjskem. Arheol Vestnik (Ljubljana) 46: 169-176Damp JE, Pearsall DM (1994) Early cotton from coastal Ecuador. Econ Bot 48: 163-165Dickson C (1996) Food, medicinal and other plants from the 15th century drains of Paisley Abbey, Scotland. Veget Hist Archaeobot 5: 25-31Dietsch M-F (1996) Gathered fruits and cultivated plants at Bercy (Paris), a Neolithic village in a fluvial context. Veget Hist Archaeobot 5: 89-97Drda P, Rybová A (1995) Les celtes de Bohème (ed Centre archéologique européen du Mont Beuvray). Errance, Paris [p 148; there is no reference to the specialist who did the analyses!]Drexhage H-J (1993) Kυμινoν und sein Vertrieb im griechischr?mischen Agypten. Münstersche Beitr Antike Handelsgesch 12 (2): 27-32Duplaix-Rata A (1995) Les dépots alimentaires carbonisés. In: ?clats d'histoire. 10 ans d'archéologie en Franche-Comté, 25000 ans d'héritages. Besan?on, pp 129-130Erroux J (+) (1993) Annexe 2. Les céréales carbonisées. In: Roudil J-L, Dedet B, Les débuts du Bronze final dans les garges de la Cèze (Gard) I -- La grotte du Hasard à Tharaux. Doc Archéol Meridionale 16: 111-162 [pp 157-158]Erskine W, Smartt J, Muehlbauer FJ (1994) Mimicry of lentil and the domestication of common vetch and grass pea. Econ Bot 48: 326-332Ervynck A, Cooremans B, Neer W van (1994) De voedselvoorziening in de Sint-Salvatorsabdij te Ename (stad Oudenaarde, prov. Oost-Vlaanderen). 3. Een latrine bij de abstwoning (12de-begin 13de eeuw). Archaeol Vlaanderen 4: 311-322Fairbairn AS (1993) Charred plant remains. In: Whittle A, Rouse AJ, Evans JG, A Neolithic downland monument in its environment: excavations at the Easton Down Long Barrow, Bishops Cannings, north Wiltshire. Proc Prehist Soc 59: 197-239 [221 table 10]Figueiral I (1996) Wood resources in north-west Portugal: their availability and use from the late Bronze Age to the Roman period. Veget Hist Archaeobot 5: 121-129Fischer E, R?sch M (1994) Aufschüsse und Bohrungen in der Altstadt von Schw?bisch Hall. Arch?ol Ausgr Baden-Württemberg 5Fredskild B, Humle L (1991) Plant remains from the Norse farm Sandnes in the Western Settlement, Greenland. Acta Borealia 1: 69-81Fritz GJ (1994) Precolumbian Cucurbita argyrosperma ssp. argyrosperma (Cucurbitaceae) in the eastern woodlands of North America. Econ Bot 49: 280-292Fryer V (1995) Environmental material. In: Ecclestone J, Early Iron Age settlement at Southend: excavations at Fox Hall Farm, 1993. Essex Archaeol Hist 26: 24-39Fryer V, Murphy P (1995) Macrobotanical remains: an assessment. In: Brown N, Excavations at 1-5 Sun Street, Waltham Abbey. Essex Archaeol Hist 26: 105-125Galili E, Weinstein-Evron M, Hershkovitz I, Gopher A, Kislev M, Lenuan O, Kolska-Horwitz L, Leman H (1993) Atlit-Yam: A prehistoric site on the sea floor off the Israeli coast. J Field Archaeol 20: 133-157Ganard V, Piningre J-F (1995) Les structures de stockage à l'?ge du bronze. In: ?clats d'histoire.10 ans d'archéologie en Franche-Comté, 25000 ans d'héritages. Besan?on, pp 149-151Grewenig MM (ed) (1996) Mysterium Wein. Die G?tter, der Wein und die Kunst. Hist Mus Pfalz, Speyer, 333 ppGriffin K, Sandvik PU (1989) Frukter, fro og andre makrofossiler. Funksjoner og aktiviteter belyst gjenom analyser av jordpr?ver. Fortiden Trondheim Bygrunn Folkebibliotekstomten Medd 19, Trondheim, 108 ppGuòmundsson G (1996) Gathering and processing of lyme grass (Elymus arenarius L.) in Iceland: an ethnohistorical approach. Veget Hist Archaeobot 5: 13-23Gyulai F (1991) Remnants of food from the Bronze Age. Industr Archaeol Archaeometry News (Budapest) 9: 4-9Gyulai F (1995a) The analytical study of carbonized grain remains from the Lake Balaton region (Hungary). Annali Bot 53: 251-260Gyulai F (1995b) Plant exploitation and agriculture. In: Bartosiewicz L, Animals in the urban landscape in the Wake of the Middle Ages. A case study from Vac, Hungary. Brit Archaeol Rep (BAR) Int Ser 609: 93-110 Tab 19-20H?kkinen K, Lempi?inen T (1996) Die ?ltesten Getreidepflanzen der Finnen und ihre Namen. Finnisch-Ugrische Forsch 53: 115-182Hall AR (1992) The last teasel factory in Britain, and some observations on teasel (Dipsacus fullonum L. and D. sativus (L.) Honckeney) remains from archaeological deposits. Circaea 9(1): 9-13Hall AR, Kenward HK (1990) Environmental evidence from the Colonia: General Accident and Rougier Street. Archaeol York 14(6), York, Council for British Archaeology, London, ca. 150 pp [pp 289-434 p12-9 microfiche 2-11 of vol 14]Hamilakis Y (1996) Wine, oil and the dialectics of power in Bronze Age Crete: a review of the evidence. Oxford J Archaeol 15: 1-32Hansson A-M (1988) Vegetationshistorisk studie fr?n ?verg?ngen Brons?lder-Jem?lder vid Oakbank Crannog, Skottland. Laborativ Arkeol 3: 19-29Hansson A-M (1994) Grain-paste, porridge and bread. Ancient cereal-based food. Laborativ Arkeol 7: 5-20Hansson A-M (1995a) Seeds and fruits found in the Black Earth of Birka: Excavation Season 1990. In: Ambrosiani B, Clarke H (eds) Excavations in the Black Earth 1990. Birka Stud 2: 117-134Hansson A-M (1995b) Bilaga 4. Analys av fossilt v?xtmaterial fr?n RA? 235, Odensala Pr?stg?rd, Odensala socken. In: Olausson M, Det inneslutna rummet - om kultiska h?gnader, fornborgar och bef?sta g?rdar i Uppland fr?n 1300 f Kr till Kristi f?delse. Riksantikvarie?mbetet Arkeol Unders?k Skr 9: 262-269Hansson A-M (1995c) The bread from Ljunga in central Sweden. New analyses. Laborativ Arkeol 8: 38-49Hansson A-M, Lidén K, Isaksson S (1992) The charred seed-cake from Eketorp. Pact 38: 303-315Hansson A-M, Isaksson S (1994) Analyses of charred organic remains. Laborativ Arkeol 7: 21-29Harris D (1995) Early agriculture in New Guinea and the Torres Strait divide. Antiquity 69: 848-854Heim J (1995a) Des graines carbonisées de seigle (Secale cereale L.) parmi les paléosemences provenant des fouilles de la cathédrale Saint-Michel à Bruxelles. In: “Le seigle”, Secale cereale. Histoire et ethnologie. Centre Belge Hist Rurale, Ecomus Treignes, Publication No. 112, pp 87-99Heim J (1995b) Les macrorestes découverts dans la structure 251 de la villa romaine de Hollogne-Waha (Marche-en-Famenne). In: Colloque Archéologie gallo-romaine en Belgique. Namurs, pp 39-41Henriksen PS, Robinson D (1996) Early Iron Age agriculture. Archaeobotanical evidence from an underground granary at Overbyg?rdin northem Jutland, Denmark. Veget Hist Archaeobot 5: 1-11Hingh A de, Bakels C (1996) Palaeobotanical evidence for social differences? The example of the early medieval domain of Serris-Les Ruelles, France. Veget Hist Archaeobot 5: 117-120Hinton P (1993a) Plant remains. In: Gardiner M, The Excavations of the late Anglo-Saxon settlement at Market Field, Steyning, 1988-89. Sussex ?rchaeol Coll 131: 21-67 [57-64]Hinton P (1993b) Plant remains. In: Rudling D, Barber L, Martin D, Excavations at the Phoenix Brewery site, Hastings, 1988. Sussex Archaeol Coll 131: 73-113 [101-102]Hinton P (1995a) The seeds. In: Bedwin O, Place C, Late Iron Age and Romano British occupatiopn at Ounce Bam, Boxgrove, West S excavations 1982-83. Sussex Archaeol Coll 133: 45-101 [95-971Hinton P (1995b) Plant remains. In: Rawlings M, Archaeological sites along the Wiltshire section of the Codford-Ilchester water pipeline. Wiltshire Archaeol Nat Hist Mag 88: 26-49 [40-42]Hinton P (1996) Charred plant macro-fossils. In: McKinley JI, Heaton M, A Romano-British farmstead and associated burials at Maddington Farm, Shrewton. Wiltshire Archaeol Nat Hist Mag 89: 44-72Huntley JP (1995) The plant remains. In: Fraser P, Jamfrey C, Vaughan J, Excavation on the Site of the Mansion House, Newcastle, 1990. 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In: Hagmann D, Hellinger P, 700 Jahre Stadt Laufen. Basel, pp 79-84Karg S (1996a) Einmal gegessen und verdaut -- zum Nachweis von Nahrungsmittelpflanzen in Latrinenablagerungen. In: Fundgruben. Hist Mus Basel, Barfdsserkirche [Catalogue exhibition Fundgruben -- Stille ?rtchen ausgesch?pft, June 1 - Sept 30 I996] Basel, pp 69-74Karg S (1996b) Nüsse mit dem Einbaum emten. Arch?ol Deutschland 1996(2): 58Karg S (1996c) Bizarre Früchte aus dem Wasser. Am Federsee wurde eine vergessene Nutzpflanze wiederentdeckt. Sch?nes Schwaben -11Karg S (1996d) Aus Pfahlbauers Pflanzenwelt. Trapa natans -- Die Wassernuss [Exhibition guide Württemberg Landesmus] Stuttgart, 8 ppKarg S (1996e) Ern?hrung und Agrarwirtschaft in der sp?tmittelalterlichen Stadt Laufen (Sweiz). Pal?obotanische Funde aus der H?userzeile am Rathausplatz. Diss Bot 262, Stuttgart, 217 pp, 2 suppl tablesKenward HK, Hall AR (1995) Biological evidence from AngloScandinavian deposits at 16-22 Coppergate. 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