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英文翻译clean the house&&&& clean&&&& building&&&&clean the house thoroughly&&&& cleani ...&&&& housecleaner&&&&make uthe room /immediate maid service&&&&clean uthe room/house&&&&thats where i draw the line&&&& general house-cleanin ...&&&& clean
打扫垃圾 sweep away rub ...&&&&before sweeping the house she bound up ...&&&&1.(供人居住或做其他用途的建筑物) building 短语和 ...&&&&do out&&&&sweep&&&&clean
例句与用法I would do all my own work and clean the house and cook the meals .我愿意包揽一切家务,打扫房子和做饭。They cleaned out the house in order to live in it during the summer vacation .他们打扫房子以便暑假期间居住。Before sweeping the house she bound up her hair in a large handkerchief .在打扫房子之前她把头发用一块大手帕扎起来。I have lost my ring -- could you keep an eye out for it when you clean the house ?我的戒指不见了你打扫房子时能留点儿神吗?Cleaning the house can be quite a tedious task打扫房子会是挺单调乏味的事情Wife : you shall clean the house this weekend老婆:你必须周末打扫房子。 The animals help her . they clean the house动物们帮助她。它们打扫房子。 He cleaned the house with much ado他煞费苦心地打扫房子。 She tried to clean the house , but the baby was always in the way她想打扫房子,但婴孩总是妨碍她的工作。 You have to understand , dear , that vacuums don ' t clean houses你要知道,亲爱的,吸尘器不会自动打扫房子更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
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All rights reserved翻译:大床房,出租房,正在打扫房,主菜的英文翻译
King Bed Room and Regular Rental Room and under housekeeping.主菜 Main Dish
Big Bed Rooms, Rental Room, Be cleaning, Main dish
Bed rooms, rental housing, is cleaning house, main course
大床房King size bed room 出租房:rental house 正在打扫房:tiding room
主菜:Main Dish
扫描下载二维码非常感谢帮我打扫房间 英文翻译
Thank you very much for cleaning room for me.
Thanks for helping me clean the room.
Many thanks for your cleaning my room.
Thanks for cleaning my room
Thank you very much for helping me (to)clean the room. help sb.with doing sth帮某人做某事 help sb (to) do sth. 帮某人做某事 ... 知识在于点滴积累,更在于不懈努力。祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!----另外,正在冲正确率,请记得采纳,谢谢合作!(...
Thanks/thank you for cleaning my room


