
查看: 4638|回复: 2
高级玩家, 积分 577, 距离下一级还需 23 积分
高级玩家, 积分 577, 距离下一级还需 23 积分
Akuma (Gouki): 解开除Akuma, Gouken,Seth这三个人物之外的所有人物后,在街机模式下,选择任何一个已经完成游戏的角色,舞台设置为第一个,在打败seth后与Akuma对战,注意在与seth对战时候,不能输掉任何一个回合,并至少取得一次perfect,把akuma打败即可解锁他。
Cammy: 通关Crimson Viper街机模式.
Dan: 通关Sakura街机模式.
Fei Long: 通关Abel街机模式.
Gen: 通关Chun-Li街机模式.
Gouken: 通关Akuma (Gouki)的街机模式.然后,在街机模式下,用任意通关街机的角色,对战舞台选第一个,打败Gouken即可。注意,在对战中,需要至少去的一次perfect,三次Ultra combo KO,五次First Attack(先攻),而且不输掉任何一局。打败Gouken即可解锁。
Rose: 通关M. Bison街机模式.
Sakura: 通关Ryu街机模式.
Seth: 完成所有角色通关模式,包括隐藏人物。
选择街机模式,最简单难度,任意角色,不停的用HK[Hard Kick],所有人都被打败了,这样就能解锁除了Akuma和Gouken之外的所有人。为了达到要求的"erfects&和&Ultra Finishes&条件,按2pstart(单人游戏时)就可以了。
收集系统:完成挑战模式下任何角色的character's trials就能获得他/她的原画。
Official 3: Ryu and Ken
Official 4: C. Viper
Official 5: Abel
Official 6: Chun-Li
Chun Li vs. Crimson
Gouken vs Akuma
Guile vs. Abel
Ryu vs. Ken
Seth vs. M. Bison
Color 3: Time Attack (Normal) 1
Color 4: Survival (Normal) 1
Color 5: Time Attack (Normal) 6
Color 6: Survival (Normal) 6
Color 7: Time Attack (Normal) 11
Color 8: Survival (Normal) 11
Color 9: Time Attack (Normal) 16
Color 10: Survival (Normal) 16
Personal Action 2: Time Attack (Normal) 2
Personal Action 3: Survival (Normal) 2
Personal Action 4: Time Attack (Normal) 7
Personal Action 5: Survival (Normal) 7
Personal Action 6: Time Attack (Normal) 12
Personal Action 7: Survival (Normal) 12
Personal Action 8: Time Attack (Normal) 17
Personal Action 9: Survival (Normal) 17
Personal Action 10: Time Attack (Normal) 20
1&&Street Fighter IV Logo&&初始获得&&
2&&Fledgling Fighter&&一次网上对战胜利&&
3&&Bottom Feeder&&5次网战胜利&&
4&&Chump Fighter&&10次网战胜利
5&&Mercenary Fighter&&30次网战胜利&&
6&&Decent Fighter&&50次网战胜利&&
8&&Well Known Fighter&&101次网战胜利
9&&My Way&&151次网战胜利
10&&Deep Fighter&&301次网战胜利&&
11&&Absolute Perfection&&506次网战胜利&&
13&&Merciless&&30次Chip Damage最后一招取得胜利&&
16&&Normal Fighter&&30次对战一般结局胜利&&
17&&Bitter Victor&&30次rounds时间终结获胜&&
18&&Technician&&30次网战中使用Technical moves&&
19&&Not on My Watch&&30次网站中使用Reversals复仇攻击&&
20&&Saw That Coming&&30次网战中使用Counters反击&&
21&&1st Come 1st Served&&30次网战中使用First Attacks&&
22&&Dizzy chicks&&网上多人游戏中使对手至少dizzy 1次&&
23&&Chick Pea&&dizzy 5次
24&&Chick'n Noggin&&dizzy 15次&&
25&&Legendary Chick&&dizzy 30次&&
26&&Buster Jack&&网战对局接受剩余81-100%血量1次&&
27&&Buster Queen 6次
28&&Buster King 10次
29&&Buster Ace&&50次
30&&Smash Jack&&61-80% 1次&&
31&&Smash Queen 61-80% 6次&&
32&&Smash King&&61-80% 10次&&
33&&Smash Ace&&61-80% 50次&&
34&&Rush Jack&&41-60%&&1次&&
35&&Rush Queen&&41-60%&&6次
36&&Rush King&&41-60%&&10次&&
37&&Rush Ace&&41-60%&&50次&&
38&&Brave Jack&&21-40% 1次
39&&Brave Queen&&21-40% 6次&&
40&&Brave King&&21-40% 10次&&
41&&Brave Ace&&21-40% 50次&&
42&&Pinch Jack&&11-20% 1次&&
43&&Pinch Queen&&11-20% 6次&&
44&&Pinch King&&11-20% 10次&&
45&&Pinch Ace&&11-20% 50次
46&&Crisis Jack&&01-10% 1次
47&&Crisis Queen&&01-10% 6次
48&&Crisis King&&01-10% 10次&&
49&&Crisis Ace&&01-10% 50次&&
50&&Go Easy on Me&&网上对战使用???对局并解开一种称号&&
51&&Lil' Ol' Me&&一次网上对战&&
52&&In Training&&一次网上对战
57&&Dog Wagger&&一次网上对战&&
58&&Late Bloomer&&一次网上对战
59&&Average Joe&&一次网上对战&&
60&&Movin' on Up&&一次网上对战&&
63&&Dirty Dawg&&一次网上对战&&
66&&Bad Karma&&一次网上对战
69&&Assistant Manager&&一次网上对战
71&&Super Genius&&网上对战使用???对局并解开三种称号&&
72&&Assistant Instructor&&网上对战使用???对局并解开三种称号
73&&Half Baked&&网上对战使用???对局并解开三种称号&&
75&&Big Hearted&&网上对战使用???对局并解开三种称号&&
76&&Not the Face&&网上对战使用???对局并解开三种称号&&
77&&One With nature&&网上对战使用???对局并解开三种称号
78&&Wilted flower&&网上对战使用???对局并解开三种称号&&
79&&Middle Management&&网上对战使用???对局并解开三种称号&&
80&&Don't Hold Back&&网上对战使用???对局并解开四种称号&&
81&&Brave Warrior&&网上对战使用???对局并解开四种称号
83&&Full of Beans&&网上对战使用???对局并解开四种称号&&
86&&Tit For tat&&网上对战使用???对局并解开四种称号&&
87&&Samurai Spirit&&网上对战使用???对局并解开四种称号&&
93&&No Crybaby&&网上对战使用???对局并解开五种称号&&
94&&Solid as a Rock&&网上对战使用???对局并解开五种称号&&
96&&Moth to a Flame&&网上对战使用???对局并解开五种称号&&
97&&King of the Hill&&网上对战使用???对局并解开五种称号&&
98&&Out of Control&&网上对战使用???对局并解开五种称号&&
100&&Self Proclaimed Best&&网上对战使用???对局并解开六种称号&&
102&&Eternal Challenger&&网上对战使用???对局并解开六种称号&&
103&&No Problem!&&网上对战使用???对局并解开六种称号&&
104&&The Artiste&&网上对战使用???对局并解开六种称号&&
106&&Knowledge is Power&&网上对战使用???对局并解开六种称号&&
108&&Once in a Lifetime&&网上对战使用???对局并解开六种称号&&
109&&managing Director&&网上对战使用???对局并解开六种称号&&
110&&Victory Declaration&&网上对战使用???对局并解开七种称号&&
112&&Fist Crosser&&网上对战使用???对局并解开七种称号&&
114&&Grab King&&网上对战使用???对局并解开七种称号&&
115&&The Natural&&网上对战使用???对局并解开七种称号&&
116&&The Fool&&网上对战使用???对局并解开七种称号&&
117&&Sudden Anger&&网上对战使用???对局并解开七种称号&&
118&&Head of the Class&&网上对战使用???对局并解开七种称号&&
120&&Wine & Diner&&网上对战使用???对局并解开八种称号&&
121&&Fist King&&网上对战使用???对局并解开八种称号&&
122&&A Breed Apart&&网上对战使用???对局并解开八种称号&&
123&&Quarter Man&&网上对战使用???对局并解开八种称号&&
126&&Surprise Surprise&&网上对战使用???对局并解开八种称号&&
127&&Demon King&&网上对战使用???对局并解开八种称号&&
128&&Battle Hardened&&网上对战使用???对局并解开八种称号& &
132&&True Warriror&&61次网战&&
133&&Too Cool For You&&61次网战&&
134&&Master of Timing&&61次网战&&
136&&Complete Package&&61次网战&&
137&&Living Large&&61次网战&&
138&&Machine Gunner&&61次网战&&
139&&Top Chairman&&61次网战&&
140&&So Serious&&81次网战&&
141&&Cream of the Crop&&81次网战&&
142&&Legendary Fighter&&81次网战&&
143&&Legendary Loser&&81次网战&&
145&&Love Missionary&&81次网战&&
146&&Early Bird&&81次网战&&
148&&One Deadly Blow&&81次网战&&
150&&I'll Do My Best&&完成一般难度下Time Attack Stage 3&&
151&&Daily Duty& && &&&Stage 4&&
152&&One Track Mind& && &Stage 5&&
153&&15 Minutes of Fame& & Stage 8&&
154&&One Hit Wonder& && &Stage 9&&
155&&Universalist& && &Stage 10&&
156&&Rags to Riches& && &Stage 13&&
157&&Waxing and Waning& && &Stage 14&&
158&&Hard Worker& && &Stage 15&&
159&&Close Call& && &Stage 18&&
160&&Infalliable& && &Stage 19&&
161&&Mighty Warrior&&完成困难难度下Time Attack Stage 1&&
162&&One Fell Swoop& && &Stage 2&&
163&&Sink or Swim& && &Stage 3&&
164&&Hair Trigger& && &Stage 4&&
165&&Gordian Knot& && &Stage 5&&
166&&Trial By Fire&&完成一半难度下Survival Stage 3&&
167&&Haste Makes Waste& && &Stage 4&&
168&&Better Safe& && &Stage 5&&
169&&The Past is Over& && &Stage 8&&
170&&Calm Before Storm& && &Stage 9&&
171&&Blessing in Disguise& && &Stage 10&&
172&&Lady Luck Smiles& && &Stage 13&&
173&&Devil May Care& && &Stage 14&&
174&&Conspicious Consumer& && &Stage 15&&
175&&Out of the Blue& && &Stage 18&&
176&&Rob Peter for paul& && &Stage 19&&
177&&Sleep on it& && &Stage 20&&
178&&Fight Fire With Fire&&完成困难难度下Survival Stage 1&&
179&&Opportunity knocks& && &Stage 2&&
180&&Experience Counts& && &Stage 3&&
181&&Reuse Recycle& && &Stage 4&&
182&&Nice and Easy& && &Stage 5&&
183&&Tireless Wanderer&&完成普通难度下Ryu的Trial Stage 1&&
184&&Sleeps Anywhere& && & Stage 2&&
185&&Karateman&&Complete& &&&Stage 3&&
186&&I Like Bean Jam& && &Stage 4&&
187&&No Home No Job& && &Stage 5&&
188&&Samurai Fighter&&完成困难难度下Ryu的Trial Stage 1&&
189&&Hungry Fighter& && &Stage 2&&
190&&Heart of Battle& && &Stage 3&&
191&&Satsui Ryu& && &Stage 4&&
192&&Fists of Wind& && &Stage 5
193&&Scarlet Warrior& & 肯 一般难度&&Stage 1&&
194&&Fighting Playboy& && &Stage 2&&
195&&My Darling Eliza& && &Stage 3&&
196&&Masters Scion& && &Stage 4&&
197&&Shoryureppa!&&C& & Stage 5&&
198&&I'm Ready For Ya!&&困难难度Stage 1&&
199&&Bring it on!& && &Stage 2&&
200&&Flaming Dragon& && &Stage 3&&
201&&Aim For the Top& && &Stage 4&&
202&&Fists of Fire& && &Stage 5&&
203&&Heavenly Kicks& &Chun Li Normal Trial Stage 1&&
204&&Hair Buns& && &Stage 2&&
205&&Chinese Dress& && &Stage 3&&
206&&Strongest Woman& && &Stage 4&&
207&&Regular Girl& && &Stage 5&&
208&&Hope You're Ready!& &Chun Li Hard Trial Stage 1&&
209&&Sorry!& && &Stage 2&&
210&&Thighs of Steel& && &Stage 3&&
211&&Beautiful Detective& && &Stage 4&&
212&&Legs of Legend& && &Stage 5&&
213&&Hot Blooded Sumo& &E. Honda Normal Trial Stage 1&&
214&&Heavy Hitter& && &Stage 2&&
215&&Off The Wall Sumo& && &Stage 3&&
216&&Sumo Wrestler&&Complete E. Honda Normal Trial Stage 4&&
217&&Chanko Stew& && &Stage 5&&
218&&Bath Time& && &Stage 1&&
219&&Ozeki&&Complete E. Honda Hard Trial Stage 2&&
220&&Chanko Stew #1&&Complete E. Honda Hard Trial Stage 3&&
221&&Red Fundoshi&&Complete E. Honda Hard Trial Stage 4&&
222&&Sumo Slammer&&Complete E. Honda Hard Trial Stage 5&&
223&&Jungle Warrior&&Complete Blanka Normal Trial Stage 1&&
224&&Ankle Bearer&&Complete Blanka Normal Trial Stage 2&&
225&&Electric Man&&Complete Blanka Normal Trial Stage 3&&
226&&Feral Child&&Complete Blanka Normal Trial Stage 4&&
227&&High Voltage&&Complete Blanka Normal Trial Stage 5&&
228&&Jungle Boy&&Complete Blanka Hard Trial Stage 1&&
229&&Like My Shorts?&&Complete Blanka Hard Trial Stage 2&&
230&&I Love Pirarucu&&Complete Blanka Hard Trial Stage 3&&
231&&Samantha's Boy&&Complete Blanka Hard Trial Stage 4&&
232&&Jimmy&&Complete Blanka Hard Trial Stage 5&&
233&&Hardbody&&Complete Zangief Normal Trial Stage 1&&
234&&Cossak Dancer&&Complete Zangief Normal Trial Stage 2&&
235&&Check Out My Muscles&&Complete Zangief Normal Trial Stage 3&&
236&&Mohawked Wrestler&&Complete Zangief Normal Trial Stage 4&&
237&&Give it a Whirl&&Complete Zangief Normal Trial Stage 5&&
238&&Spin it Again&&Complete Zangief Hard Stage Trial 1&&
239&&Iron Muscles&&Complete Zangief Hard Stage Trial 2&&
240&&Muscles Forever&&Complete Zangief Hard Stage Trial 3&&
241&&I Hate Projectiles&&Complete Zangief Hard Stage Trial 4&&
242&&Red Cyclone&&Complete Zangief Hard Stage Trial 5&&
243&&Air Slicer&&Complete Guile Normal Trial Stage 1&&
244&&Out For Revenge&&Complete Guile Normal Trial Stage 2&&
245&&Gotta Love The Hair&&Complete Guile Normal Trial Stage 3&&
246&&Looking for Charlie&&Complete Guile Normal Trial Stage 4&&
247&&Decisions Decisions&&Complete Guile Normal Trial Stage 5&&
248&&Rightous Avenger&&Complete Guile Hard Trial Stage 1&&
249&&Hard boiled&&Complete Guile Hard Trial Stage 2
高级玩家, 积分 577, 距离下一级还需 23 积分
高级玩家, 积分 577, 距离下一级还需 23 积分
250&&Sonic Flash&&Complete Guile Hard Trial Stage 3&&
251&&You Lose, You Leave&&Complete Guile Hard Trial Stage 4&&
252&&Family Man&&Complete Guile Hard Trial Stage 5&&
253&&Man of Meditation&&Complete Dhalsim Normal Trial Stage 1&&
254&&Flaming Yogi&&Complete Dhalsim Normal Trial Stage 2&&
255&&Stretch&&Complete Dhalsim Normal Trial Stage 3&&
256&&For My Son&&Complete Dhalsim Normal Trial Stage 4&&
257&&Man of Compassion&&Complete Dhalsim Normal Trial Stage 5&&
258&&Ultimate Yogi&&Complete Dhalsim Hard Trial Stage 1&&
259&&Victory is Destiny&&Complete Dhalsim Hard Trial Stage 2&&
260&&Unlimited Reach&&Complete Dhalsim Hard Trial Stage 3&&
261&&Above it All&&Complete Dhalsim Hard Trial Stage 4&&
262&&Hot Stuff&&Complete Dhalsim Hard Trial Stage 5&&
263&&Arms of Steel&&Complete Balrog Normal Trial Stage 1&&
264&&Punch Drunk&&Complete Balrog Normal Trial Stage 2&&
265&&Can't Kick&&Complete Balrog Normal Trial Stage 3&&
266&&Rabid Dog&&Complete Balrog Normal Trial Stage 4&&
267&&Once a Champ&&Complete Balrog Normal Trial Stage 5&&
268&&Victory by Fist&&Complete Balrog Hard Trial Stage 1&&
269&&Get Rich Quick&&Complete Balrog Hard Trial Stage 2&&
270&&One Arm Behind Back&&Complete Balrog Hard Trial Stage 3&&
271&&Raging Buffalo&&Complete Balrog Hard Trial Stage 4&&
272&&I'm the Champ!&&Complete Balrog Hard Trial Stage 5&&
273&&Bloody Claw&&Complete Vega Normal Trial Stage 1&&
274&&Beauty is Everything&&Complete Vega Normal Trial Stage 2&&
275&&Narcissist&&Complete Vega Normal Trial Stage 3&&
276&&Self Lover&&Complete Vega Normal Trial Stage 4&&
277&&Spanish Ninja&&Complete Vega Normal Trial Stage 5&&
278&&Masked Nobleman&&Complete Vega Hard Trial Stage 1&&
279&&Spanish Snake&&Complete Vega Hard Trial Stage 2&&
280&&Acrobatic Dancer&&Complete Vega Hard Trial Stage 3&&
281&&Snake Tattoo&&Complete Vega Hard Trial Stage 4&&
282&&Mask and Claw&&Complete Vega Hard Trial Stage 5&&
283&&Tenacious King&&Complete Sagat Normal Trial Stage 1&&
284&&Password is 'Tiger'&&Complete Sagat Normal Trial Stage 2&&
285&&Eyepatch&&Complete Sagat Normal Trial Stage 3&&
286&&King of Muay Thai&&Complete Sagat Normal Trial Stage 4&&
287&&Comeback King&&Complete Sagat Normal Trial Stage 5&&
288&&Anti-Shoryuken&&Complete Sagat Hard Trial Stage 1&&
289&&Tiger&&Complete Sagat Hard Trial Stage 2&&
290&&One Eyed Warrior&&Complete Sagat Hard Trial Stage 3&&
291&&Scarred Chest&&Complete Sagat Hard Trial Stage 4&&
292&&Invincible Tiger&&Complete Sagat Hard Trial Stage 5&&
293&&Demon From Hell&&Complete M. Bison Normal Trial Stage 1&&
294&&Psycho Power&&Complete M. Bison Normal Trial Stage 2&&
295&&Seeking New Body&&Complete M. Bison Normal Trial Stage 3&&
296&&Slicked Back Hair&&Complete M. Bison Normal Trial Stage 4&&
297&&Super Psycho&&Complete M. Bison Normal Trial Stage 5&&
298&&You Are Beneath Me&&Complete M. Bison Hard Trial Stage 1&&
299&&Ruler of Shadaloo&&Complete M. Bison Hard Trial Stage 2&&
300&&King of Darkness&&Complete M. Bison Hard Trial Stage 3&&
301&&Now Hiring Henchmen&&Complete M. Bison Hard Trial Stage 4&&
302&&Ruler of Darkness&&Complete M. Bison Hard Trial Stage 5&&
303&&Miss Perfect&&Complete Crimson Viper Normal Trial Stage 1&&
304&&No More Games&&Complete Crimson Viper Normal Trial Stage 2&&
305&&Stylish&&Complete Crimson Viper Normal Trial Stage 3&&
306&&Gadget User&&Complete Crimson Viper Normal Trial Stage 4&&
307&&Business Woman&&Complete Crimson Viper Normal Trial Stage 5&&
308&&Gotta Quit Smoking&&Complete Crimson Viper Hard Trial Stage 1&&
309&&Lightning and Fire&&Complete Crimson Viper Hard Trial Stage 2&&
310&&I Love Lauren&&Complete Crimson Viper Hard Trial Stage 3&&
311&&Nice Shades&&Complete Crimson Viper Hard Trial Stage 4&&
312&&Deadly Beauty&&Complete Crimson Viper Hard Trial Stage 5&&
313&&Giant Glam&&Complete Rufus Normal Trial Stage 1&&
314&&Dig My Hairstyle&&Complete Rufus Normal Trial Stage 2&&
315&&Roly-poly&&Complete Rufus Normal Trial Stage 3&&
316&&Mad Biker&&Complete Rufus Normal Trial Stage 4&&
317&&Skintight Suit&&Complete Rufus Normal Trial Stage 5&&
318&&Working Up a Sweat&&Complete Rufus Hard Trial Stage 1&&
319&&I Love Candy&&Complete Rufus Hard Trial Stage 2&&
320&&Doofus&&Complete Rufus Hard Trial Stage 3&&
321&&Kung Food&&Complete Rufus Hard Trial Stage 4&&
322&&I'm Number One&&Complete Rufus Hard Trial Stage 5&&
323&&Hurricane&&Complete El Fuerte Normal Trial Stage 1&&
324&&Flavor is Power&&Complete El Fuerte Normal Trial Stage 2&&
325&&Masked Man&&Complete El Fuerte Normal Trial Stage 3&&
326&&Spicy Fighter&&Complete El Fuerte Normal Trial Stage 4&&
327&&Lucha!&&Complete El Fuerte Normal Trial Stage 5&&
328&&Amigo&&Complete El Fuerte Hard Trial Stage 1&&
329&&Tastes Great!&&Complete El Fuerte Hard Trial Stage 2&&
330&&Double Life&&Complete El Fuerte Hard Trial Stage 3&&
331&&Run! Run! Run!&&Complete El Fuerte Hard Trial Stage 4&&
332&&Viva Mexico!&&Complete El Fuerte Hard Trial Stage 5&&
333&&Man With No Past&&Complete Abel Normal Trial Stage 1&&
334&&Mix Up Master&&Complete Abel Normal Trial Stage 2&&
335&&Changing Eye Colour&&Complete Abel Normal Trial Stage 3&&
336&&Sewing Hobbiest&&Complete Abel Normal Trial Stage 4&&
337&&Stranger&&Complete Abel Normal Trial Stage 5&&
338&&Seriously Emo&&Complete Abel Hard Trial Stage 1&&
339&&Gi and Shorts&&Complete Abel Hard Trial Stage 2&&
340&&Lonely&&Complete Abel Hard Trial Stage 3&&
341&&I Like Dogs&&Complete Abel Hard Trial Stage 4&&
342&&Wish I Had a Family&&Complete Abel Hard Trial Stage 5&&
343&&Ultimate Demon&&Complete Akuma Normal Trial Stage 1&&
344&&Ready For Pain?&&Complete Akuma Normal Trial Stage 2&&
345&&Instant Death&&Complete Akuma Normal Trial Stage 3&&
346&&Fool&&Complete Akuma Normal Trial Stage 4&&
347&&Satsui No Hado&&Complete Akuma Normal Trial Stage 5&&
348&&Messatsu!&&Complete Akuma Hard Trial Stage 1&&
349&&Evil Eye&&Complete Akuma Hard Trial Stage 2&&
350&&I am Supreme&&Complete Akuma Hard Trial Stage 3&&
351&&Shin Akuma&&Complete Akuma Hard Trial Stage 4&&
352&&Heavenly Sky&&Complete Akuma Hard Trial Stage 5&&
353&&Wise Teacher&&Complete Gouken Normal Trial Stage 1&&
354&&AKA Shen Long&&Complete Gouken Normal Trial Stage 2&&
355&&Give it Your All&&Complete Gouken Normal Trial Stage 3&&
356&&Pointless!&&Complete Gouken Normal Trial Stage 4&&
357&&Back in the Fray&&Complete Gouken Normal Trial Stage 5&&
358&&Not Really Dead&&Complete Gouken Hard Trial Stage 1&&
359&&Eyebrow Man&&Complete Gouken Hard Trial Stage 2&&
360&&Furious Death&&Complete Gouken Hard Trial Stage 3&&
361&&Long Time No See&&Complete Gouken Hard Trial Stage 4&&
362&&Above All Others&&Complete Gouken Hard Trial Stage 5&&
363&&Puppet Master&&Complete Seth Normal Trial Stage 1&&
364&&Master of All Moves&&Complete Seth Normal Trial Stage 2&&
365&&Tanden Engine Rules&&Complete Seth Normal Trial Stage 3&&
366&&No Stomach For Me&&Complete Seth Normal Trial Stage 4&&
367&&Self Improver&&Complete Seth Normal Trial Stage 5&&
368&&CEO&&Complete Seth Hard Trial Stage 1&&
369&&Nude and Rude&&Complete Seth Hard Trial Stage 2&&
370&&Prepare For Doom!&&Complete Seth Hard Trial Stage 3&&
371&&Ultimate Bio Weapon&&Complete Seth Hard Trial Stage 4&&
372&&Ruler of Death&&Complete Seth Hard Trial Stage 5&&
373&&Killer Bee&&Complete Cammy Normal Trial Stage 1&&
374&&Buns Out&&Complete Cammy Normal Trial Stage 2&&
375&&Pigtailed&&Complete Cammy Normal Trial Stage 3&&
376&&I Like Cats&&Complete Cammy Normal Trial Stage 4&&
377&&Espionage Agent&&Complete Cammy Normal Trial Stage 5&&
378&&Delta Red&&Complete Cammy Hard Trial Stage 1&&
379&&Target Aquired&&Complete Cammy Hard Trial Stage 2&&
380&&Mission Start&&Complete Cammy Hard Trial Stage 3&&
381&&Not Alone&&Complete Cammy Hard Trial Stage 4&&
382&&Blonde Arrow&&Complete Cammy Hard Trial Stage 5&&
383&&Achachachacha!&&Complete Fei Long Normal Trial Stage 1&&
384&&Rising Star&&Complete Fei Long Normal Trial Stage 2&&
385&&Daredevil&&Complete Fei Long Normal Trial Stage 3&&
386&&Fighting Spirit&&Complete Fei Long Normal Trial Stage 4&&
387&&Action Star&&Complete Fei Long Normal Trial Stage 5&&
388&&Hitenryu Kung Fu&&Complete Fei Long Hard Trial Stage 1&&
389&&Disciplined&&Complete Fei Long Hard Trial Stage 2&&
390&&Feel, Don't Think&&Complete Fei Long Hard Trial Stage 3&&
391&&Be Yourself&&Complete Fei Long Hard Trial Stage 4&&
392&&Flashy Fighter&&Complete Fei Long Hard Trial Stage 5&&
393&&Cherry Blossom&&Complete Sakura Normal Trial Stage 1&&
394&&Heart Professor&&Complete Sakura Normal Trial Stage 2&&
395&&Tokyo Native&&Complete Sakura Normal Trial Stage 3&&
396&&In a Class by Myself&&Complete Sakura Normal Trial Stage 4&&
397&&Imitator&&Complete Sakura Normal Trial Stage 5&&
398&&Rice For The Win&&Complete Sakura Hard Trial Stage 1&&
399&&No Good at Games&&Complete Sakura Hard Trial Stage 2&&
400&&Late Again&&Complete Sakura Hard Trial Stage 3&&
401&&Not Much of a Cook&&Complete Sakura Hard Trial Stage 4&&
402&&High School Girl&&Complete Sakura Hard Trial Stage 5&&
403&&Card of Destiny&&Complete Rose Normal Trial Stage 1&&
404&&Soul Power&&Complete Rose Normal Trial Stage 2&&
405&&Low Blood Pressure&&Complete Rose Normal Trial Stage 3&&
406&&Elaborate Hairdo&&Complete Rose Normal Trial Stage 4&&
407&&Long Scarl&&Complete Rose Normal Trial Stage 5&&
408&&Scent of Poison&&Complete Rose Hard Trial Stage 1&&
409&&Tease&&Complete Rose Hard Trial Stage 2&&
410&&Sexy&&Complete Rose Hard Trial Stage 3&&
411&&Psychic Goddess&&Complete Rose Hard Trial Stage 4&&
412&&Arcane Fox&&Complete Rose Hard Trial Stage 5&&
413&&Silent Assassin&&Complete Gen Normal Trial Stage 1&&
414&&Fight to the Death&&Complete Gen Normal Trial Stage 2&&
415&&Tricky&&Complete Gen Normal Trial Stage 3&&
416&&I like Meat Buns&&Complete Gen Normal Trial Stage 4&&
417&&Two Styles&&Complete Gen Normal Trial Stage 5&&
418&&Death's Fangs&&Complete Gen Hard Trial Stage 1&&
419&&Cannot Fight Death&&Complete Gen Hard Trial Stage 2&&
420&&Deadly Kicks&&Complete Gen Hard Trial Stage 3&&
421&&Strike From Darkness&&Complete Gen Hard Trial Stage 4&&
422&&Blood Feud&&Complete Gen Hard Trial Stage 5&&
423&&The Road to Saikyo&&Complete Dan Normal Trial Stage 1&&
424&&Baseless Pride&&Complete Dan Normal Trial Stage 2&&
425&&Sakura's Teacher&&Complete Dan Normal Trial Stage 3&&
426&&Saikyo!&&Complete Dan Normal Trial Stage 4&&
427&&Jimmy's Pal&&Complete Dan Normal Trial Stage 5&&
428&&Taunt Master&&Complete Dan Hard Trial Stage 1&&
429&&Lame Duck&&Complete Dan Hard Trial Stage 1&&
430&&In The Pink!&&Complete Dan Hard Trial Stage 1&&
431&&Half Baked&&Complete Dan Hard Trial Stage 1&&
432&&Third Rate Fighter&&Complete Dan Hard Trial Stage 1&&
Number Icon Method
1&&Street Fighter 4 Logo&&自动获得&&
2&&Green Shoot&&1 Online wins 网站胜利
3&&Green Stem&&5 Online wins&&
4&&Green Flower&&10 Online wins&&
5&&Peach Flower&&30 Online wins&&
6&&3 Peach Flowers&&50 Online wins&&
7&&Bunch of Orange Flowers&&75 Online wins&&
8&&Bunch of Multi colored Flowers&&101 Online wins&&
9&&Floral Wreath&&151 Online wins&&
10&&Star in Wreath&&301 Online Wins&&
11&&Crown&&506 Online Wins&&
12&&Trophy&&30 "erfect& Rounds&&
13&&Red Silouhette&&30 &Chip Damage& 对局&&
14&&Gold Street Fighter 4 Record&&&Ultra!& title 称号系统对应
15&&Silver Street Fighter 4 Record&&&Super!& title&&
16&&Bronze Street Fighter 4 Record&&&Normal Fighter& title&&
17&&Blue Street Fighter 4 Record&&&Bitter Victor& title&&
18&&Pink Balled Joystick&&&Technician& title&&
19&&Japanese Scroll&&&Not On My Watch& title&&
20&&Angry Eye&&&Saw That Coming& title
21&&Sakura Blue Background&&&1st Come 1st Served& title&&
22&&Chick With Bandana&&&Dizzy Chicks& title&&
23&&Chick With Sunglasses&&&Chick Pea& title&&
24&&Chick With Cowboy Hat&&&Chick'n Noggin& title&&
25&&Chick with Crown&&&Legendary Chick& title
26&&Street Fighter 4 Cube Ryu&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
27&&Monochrome Ryu&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
28&&Cartoony Head Ryu&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
29&&Character Flag Ryu&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
30&&Street Fighter 4 Cube Ken&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
31&&Monochrome Ken&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
32&&Cartoony Head Ken&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
33&&Character Flag Ken&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
34&&Street Fighter 4 Cube Chun Li&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
35&&Monochrome Chun Li&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
36&&Cartoony Chun Li&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
37&&Character Flag Chun Li&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
38&&Street Fighter 4 Cube E.Honda&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
39&&Monochrome E.Honda&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
40&&Cartoony Head E.Honda&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
41&&Character Flag E.Honda&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
42&&Street Fighter 4 Cube Blanka&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
43&&Monochrome Blanka&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
44&&Cartoony Head Blanka&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
45&&Character Flag Blanka&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
46&&Street Fighter 4 Cube Zangief&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
47&&Monochrome Zangief&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
48&&Cartoony Head Zangief&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
49&&Character Flag Zangief&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
50&&Street Fighter 4 Cube Guile&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
51&&Monochrome Guile&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
52&&Cartoony Head Guile&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
53&&Character Flag Guile&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
54&&Street Fighter 4 Cube Dhalsim&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
55&&Monochrome Dhalsim&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
56&&Cartoony Head Dhalsim&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
57&&Character Flag Dhalsim&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
58&&Street Fighter 4 Cube Balrog&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
59&&Monochrome Balrog&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
60&&Cartoony Head Balrog&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
61&&Character Flag Balrog&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
62&&Street Fighter 4 Cube Vega&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
63&&Monochrome Vega&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
64&&Cartoony Head Vega&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
65&&Character Flag Vega&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
66&&Street Fighter 4 Cube Sagat&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
67&&Monochrome Sagat&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
68&&Cartoony Head Sagat&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
69&&Character Flag Sagat&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
70&&Street Fighter 4 Cube M. Bison&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
71&&Monochrome M. Bison&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
72&&Cartoony Head M. Bison&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
73&&Character Flag M. Bison&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
74&&Street Fighter 4 Cube Ken&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
75&&Monochrome Crimson Viper&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
76&&Cartoony Head Crimson Viper&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
77&&Character Flag Crimson Viper&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
78&&Street Fighter 4 Cube Rufus&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
79&&Monochrome Rufus&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
80&&Cartoony Head Rufus&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
81&&Character Flag Rufus&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
82&&Street Fighter 4 Cube El Feurte&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
83&&Monochrome El Feurte&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
84&&Cartoony Head El Feurte&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
85&&Character Flag El Feurte&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
86&&Street Fighter 4 Cube Abel&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
87&&Monochrome Abel&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
88&&Cartoony Head Abel&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
89&&Character Flag Abel&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
90&&Street Fighter 4 Cube Akuma&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
91&&Monochrome Akuma&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
92&&Cartoony Head Akuma&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
93&&Character Flag Akuma&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
94&&Street Fighter 4 Cube Gouken&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
95&&Monochrome Gouken&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
96&&Cartoony Head Gouken&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
97&&Character Flag Gouken&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
98&&Street Fighter 4 Cube Seth&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
99&&Monochrome Seth&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
100&&Cartoony Head Seth&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
101&&Character Flag Seth&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
102&&Street Fighter 4 Cube Cammy&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
103&&Monochrome Cammy&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
104&&Cartoony Head Cammy&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
105&&Character Flag Cammy&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
106&&Street Fighter 4 Cube Fei Long&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
107&&Monochrome Fei Long&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
108&&Cartoony Head Fei Long&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
109&&Character Flag Fei Long&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
110&&Street Fighter 4 Cube Sakura&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
111&&Monochrome Sakura&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
112&&Cartoony Head Sakura&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
113&&Character Flag Sakura&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
114&&Street Fighter 4 Cube Rose&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
115&&Monochrome Rose&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
116&&Cartoony Head Rose&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
117&&Character Flag Rose&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
118&&Street Fighter 4 Cube Gen&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
119&&Monochrome Gen&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
120&&Cartoony Head Gen&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
121&&Character Flag Gen&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
122&&Street Fighter 4 Cube Dan&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
123&&Monochrome Dan&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
124&&Cartoony Head Dan&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
125&&Character Flag Dan&&Complete all of this character's Trials on Normal and Hard&&
126-175&&Japanese Symbols&&完成所有普通和困难模式下的Time Attack modes&&
176-239&&Animal Silhouettes&&完成所有普通和困难模式下的Survival modes
与Street Fighter 3的联系:
游戏狂人, 积分 1229, 距离下一级还需 771 积分
游戏狂人, 积分 1229, 距离下一级还需 771 积分
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