100分,另追加高分寻高手!!!2求 “对于特大跨国毒物品案公...

翻译高手请进!100分!高分追加!是自己论文要用到的材料.以下一段英文是自己翻译的.觉得不大好.希望高手帮忙改改.意译就可以啦.希望认真翻译.不要用机器.翻译的好的追加分!另:这些都是本人自己认认真真的看书,自己节选的段落,自己翻译的.请尊重知识产权和别人的劳动成果.如果有同学写的论文也是这个专题的,请不要照抄照搬.你需要的话,我可以把相关的书籍介绍给你.非常感谢.1. 简而言之,广告牌名最基本的特点是语句短而美, 或曰音美、意美、形美.其形美得特质包括简短(英语最好不超过7个字母,汉语最好不超过4个字),对称;其音美得特质包括有节奏感、韵律感、容易拼读; 其意美得特质是富于美好的联想意义.202To be short, brand name needs to be short and beautiful. The beauty in sound, form and in meaning is required. Beauty in sound means to be short (a English brand name includes no more than 7 letters while a Chinese brand name includes no more than 4 characters) and symmetrical. Beauty in sound indicates it has rhythm and of beat and it is easy to spell. Beauty in meaning implies to be related with a good idea or a good image. 2. 一般来说,在确保意思转达无误的前提下,汉译英特别重视译文的“顺”,即特别强调译文语言的“通顺”和“地道(符合英语习惯)”. 之所以如此,至少有以下两个原因:.2. 由于英,汉语表达习惯不同,如果把汉语原文的表达方式原封不动地照搬到英文中去,译出来的文字往往会使英语读者感到生硬难懂,拐弯抹角或者华而不实,严重影响译文的可读性,破坏译文的效果.因此,汉译英中常包含一个“梳理”,“调整”甚至“消肿”的过程,而如何使用译文摆脱那些生硬,累赘的东西,使之流畅可读,也就成为汉译英中一个重要的关注点.“On the premise of conveying the meaning, it is essential to make the Chinese-English translation read smoothly. That is to say, to keep the Chinese-English translation clear, coherent and native. As English and Chinese are differ in their ways to express, the direct translation without removing its form or structure would be hard to understand, obscure and flashy without substance. It totally distorts the meaning. Thus, Chinese-English translation includes a procedure of reforming and adjusting to eliminate the stiff and clumsy element and to make it fluent and smooth.” 3.《简化异化与归化的运用理论》根据忠实原则和前述异化归化区分极其多样性,确定四条主要的大体的原则:1) 能够异化尽量异化.4)如若原文中具有文化特色的语句,在其上下文中或对于某个翻译目的来说,其实并无特殊文化意义,或可以不传递独特的文化信息,而只是原语的一种惯常的一般性使用,那也可以归化.Professor XX proposes four major principles in his essay Applying theory of Foreignization and Domestication,1) Foreignization is always the better choice… 4) Some phrases and sentences carrying particular cultural elements which may not be necessarily understood by readers, could be translated by domestication.非常感谢呀!我要的是汉译英!这三段汉语是丛书上摘抄过来的。。。我要的是它们的英语翻译。。。
给你改了第一段,我进行了:词汇置换(换成更贴切或更高级的词汇),语序和句型调整(更符合英语的写作方式),加了一些link word(更通顺),行的话继续改,不行就算了~btw,你写的还不错In brief,the basic characteristics of brand names should be brevity and beauty which ought to be presented in pronunciation,format and meaning.Beauty in format means to be short ,which is a English brand name includes no more than 7 letters while a Chinese one includes less than 4 characters,and symmetrical.Secondly,pronunciation-wise beauty indicates the rhythmization and accessible approaches to spell.Moreover,in terms of meaning,beauty implies it could reveal a imagination of a good idea or a good image
一般来说,在确保意思转达无误的前提下,汉译英特别重视译文的“顺”,即特别强调译文语言的“通顺”和“地道(符合英语习惯)”。 之所以如此,至少有以下两个原因:
。。。。。2. 由于英,汉语表达习惯不同,如果把汉语原文的表达方式原封不动地照搬到英文中去,译出来的文字往往会使英语读者感到生硬难懂,拐弯抹角或者华而不实,严重影响译文的可读性,破坏译文的效果。因此,汉译英中常包含一个“梳理”,“调整”甚至“消肿”的过程,而如何使用译文摆脱那些生硬,累赘的东西,使之流畅可读,也就成为汉译英中一个重要的关注点。
“On the premise of conveying the meaning correctly, it is essential for the Chinese-English translation to
be smooth, which is to keep it clear, coherent and native. As English and Chinese have different expressing ways, the direct translation without culture-adapting its form or structure would be intricate, obscure or insubstantially flashy so as to totally distorts the initial meaning. Thus, Chinese-English translation usually includes a procedure of reforming and adjusting to erase the stiff and clumsy stuff in order to make it fluent and comprehensible.
1) 能够异化尽量异化。。。4)如若原文中具有文化特色的语句,在其上下文中或对于某个翻译目的来说,其实并无特殊文化意义,或可以不传递独特的文化信息,而只是原语的一种惯常的一般性使用,那也可以归化。
Professor XX proposes four major principles in his essay Applying theory of Foreignization and Domestication,
1) Foreignization is always the better choice… 4) Some phrases and sentences carrying particular cultural elements which may not be necessarily understood by readers, could be translated by domestication.
总而言之,品牌需要短暂而美丽。美音、形、在意义上是必须的。美在声音的方式要短(一个英语品牌名称包括不超过7个字母,而中国品牌名称包括不超过四个字符)和对称。美丽的声音表明节奏和的吹打和操作简单的法术。在意义上意味着美关系有了一个好主意或有良好的形象。 总而言之,品牌需要短暂而美丽。美音、形、在意义上是必须的。美在声音的方式要短(一个英语品牌名称包括不超过7个字母,而中国品牌名称包括不超过...
简而言之,广告牌名最基本的特点是语句短而美, 或曰音美、意美、形美。其形美得特质包括简短(英语最好不超过7个字母,汉语最好不超过4个字),对称;其音美得特质包括有节奏感、韵律感、容易拼读; 其意美得特质是富于美好的联想意义。您看错了。。我是要汉译英。。...
一道应用题,高分且持续追加中!高手进!某公司t年有净资产w(t)万元,并以每年5%的速度增长,同时该公司要以300万元的数额连续支付员工工资 1,给出描述净资产w(t)的微分方程2,求解微分方程,假设w(0)=800这是一道大一的微分题目,恳请高手帮我解答并写出步骤.因为我悟性比较差,所以步骤越详细越好,如果我能理解的话我再追加100分
1.设任意t时刻 有净资产w 则每年增长数M=w*5%是 dt是无穷小量 以年为单位那么dt*M就是dt时间内的增长数每年工资是300 则300*dt就是dt时间内的工资数所以dw=w*5%*dt-300*dt2.dw=(0.05*w-300)dt 移过去积分∫1/(0.05w-300)dw=∫dt
dw的下限是800 上限就是w ...


