日,苏联同意介入太平洋战事。斯大林在8月8日对日宣战,苏联百万大军进入中国东北。同月美国在日本的广岛(6日)和长崎(9日)投下两颗原子弹。日本帝国在8月15日正式宣布投降。最终的投降书于日在美国战舰密苏里号上签署。The Holy Roman Empire 神圣罗马帝国 Faction 势力 - HTF: Eagle of the Elbe 易北河之鹰 HTF05 - Grand Campaign 帝国会战
/ HTF: Eagle of the Elbe 易北河之鹰 HTF05 / The Holy Roman Empire 神圣罗马帝国
Medieval II Total War 中世纪2Kingdoms: Americas 1.05 王国_美洲风云 1.05Kingdoms: Britannia 1.05 王国_英伦霸主 1.05Kingdoms: Crusades 1.05 王国_天国王朝 1.05Kingdoms: Tutonic 1.05 王国_条顿悲歌 1.05Broken Crescent 1.05 破碎的新月 1.05Broken Crescent 2.02 破碎的新月 2.02Stainless Steel 5.1b 钢铁咆啸 5.1bStainless Steel 6.1 钢铁咆啸 6.1Deus Lo Vult 5.7 因父之名 5.7Deus Lo Vult 6.0 因父之名 6.0HTF: Eagle of the Elbe 易北河之鹰 HTF05The Long Road 2.0 光荣战记 2.0Lands to Conquer Gold 征服之路 GoldDarthMod 1.4 D: The Last Episode 黑武士达斯 1.4DDas Heilige R?mische Reich 06 神圣罗马诸国志 06Third Age 1.3 魔戒第三纪元 1.3Third Age 1.4 魔戒第三纪元 1.4Third Age 2.1 魔戒第三纪元 2.1Third Age 3.1 魔戒第三纪元 3.1Grand Campaign 帝国会战
HTF: Eagle of the Elbe 易北河之鹰 HTF05
The Aztecs阿兹台克帝国
The Byzantine Empire拜占庭帝国
The Holy Roman Empire神圣罗马帝国
The Mongols蒙古帝国
The Moors摩尔帝国
The Papal States教皇国
The Timurids帖木儿汗国
The Turks塞尔柱帝国
The Norman Conquest诺曼征服
The Holy Roman Empire 神圣罗马帝国
The Holy Roman Empire, A.D. 1080 SummerThe Holy Roman Empire is a particularly misleading name for Europe's largest collective of kingdoms and fiefdoms, regardless which way one looks at it. For starters, it is the Byzantine Empire that truly carries on the legacy of the ancient Romans, and the notion that the Kaiser (the Germanic name for "Emperor") truly serves the Roman Catholic Church is presently quite laughable.A great rift in opinion exists between Kaiser Henry IV and Pope Gregory VII as to the legitimacy of the Papacy's recent move to do away with secular investiture, a change of law that has taken away all of the Kaiser's power over the Catholic Church. How the Kaiser should react to this is undoubtedly the biggest dilemma facing the Holy Roman Empire at present. When a ruler of nations allows a man of the cloth to dictate what he can and can't do, he sets a bad precedent. Of course, if he leads his people into open conflict with the church itself, he is arguably setting an even worse one.With both extremes looking like perilous choices the Kaiser will need to find the best middle ground he can, very much the same situation he faces when looking at his borders. The Empire itself is Europe's middle ground, centrally located, with opportunities to expand in almost every direction, but also potential competition to come with each opportunity. It is a far cry from the days of Charlemagne when all of Western Europe answered to the Emperor. Now France is a separate entity, Italy has become a formidable group of city states, the Danes block the route into Scandinavia and the kingdoms to the east are more of a threat than a place to lay claim to.Should the Kaiser successfully deal with the dissent that lingers within the Reich at present, there seems no reason the Reich cannot consolidate and expand into something to rival the first Roman Empire... Though this time it won't be a simple matter of bettering the barbarians.神圣罗马帝国, 公元 1080 夏无论从何种角度,作为欧洲最大的王国和采邑联盟,神圣罗马帝国之名称都是彻头彻尾的误导。拜占庭帝国方为古代罗马的真正衣钵传人。同时,神圣帝国皇帝须向罗马天主教会效忠,也颇为可笑。围绕主教叙任权问题,皇帝亨利四世与教皇格里高利七世产生严重分歧。教皇通谕废除世俗君主对教职任命权,此时无论皇帝作何反应,帝国都必将面临两难选择。若皇帝允许教廷对其任意摆布,无疑将开创危险先例。若皇帝号召人民公开质疑教廷权威,后果则更为严重。当面临两种同样危险的极端时,皇帝需要寻求温和的中庸之道。国土周边环境同样不容乐观,帝国位于欧洲地理中心,可向周边任意扩张,但同时也必须应付来自各个方向的威胁,机会本身带来了巨大压力。欧洲诸国对皇帝一呼百应的查理曼时代已然辉煌不再,现在,法兰西已成为独立国家,意大利城邦联盟令人望而生畏,丹麦屯兵北部虎视眈眈,堵住通往北欧所有去路,而东欧诸国已经悄然崛起,不再令人随意宰割。作为皇帝,能否泰然处置帝国当前窘境至为关键,这关系到德意志子孙们能否开疆辟土,直追往昔罗马帝国的荣光...但显然,这次并非如旧日征服蛮族那般简单。
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Popular units 受欢迎兵种
下马条顿骑士heavy infantry精锐,疯狂,恐怖的重装战士
infantry heavy
9 ratings 个评分
Legendary unit 极度推荐
帝国条顿卫士heavy infantry忠贞的重型皇家卫队
infantry heavy
6 ratings 个评分
Legendary unit 极度推荐
Bodyguard将领卫队heavy infantryWell armed and equipped these elite troops have the task of guarding and fighting alongside the army's general.将领卫队是保护将领征战沙场的忠诚护卫,装备精良,极为骁勇善战。
infantry heavy
5 ratings 个评分
Legendary unit 极度推荐
Well armed and equipped these elite troops have the task of guarding and fighting alongside the army's general.将领卫队是保护将领征战沙场的忠诚护卫,装备精良,极为骁勇善战。
皇家下马骑士heavy infantry威力十足的突击步兵
infantry heavy
3 ratings 个评分
Legendary unit 极度推荐
Grand Master Ulrich乌利希总团长heavy cavalryGrand Master Ulrich and his bodyguard.乌利希总团长和他的精锐卫队。
cavalry heavy
2 ratings 个评分
Legendary unit 极度推荐
Grand Master Ulrich and his bodyguard.乌利希总团长和他的精锐卫队。
Units List 兵种单位
Carrack卡拉克战舰light shipA large capital ship armed with broadside firing cannons. Capable of travelling across the ocean.卡拉克战舰侧舷密集排列舷炮,适合远洋航行。
Cog柯克战船light shipA small trading vessel armed with a basic armament of soldiers and archers.柯克战船是小型贸易货船,配备少量步兵和弓箭兵。
Gun Holk霍克炮舰light shipAn upgraded Holk, armed with cannons in the fore castle and extra marines armed with gunpowder weapons.霍克炮舰在霍克战舰基本设计上进行改进,前后甲板安置重型火炮,同时配备大量火***部队。
Holk霍克战舰light shipAn upgraded Cog equipped with small artillery pieces in the fore and aft castles and a durable oak hull.霍克战舰乃柯克改进型号,船体以橡木建成,前后甲板安置小型火炮。
Mailed Knights链甲骑兵heavy cavalryEncased in mail and equipped with lances and swords these early knights are formidable fighting machines.链甲骑兵属于早期骑兵,身穿链甲,手持骑***和长剑,是恐怖的杀戮机器。
Feudal Knights封建骑士heavy cavalryProtected by heavy armour and armed with a lance, these elite warriors crush and ride down their opponents.在重装盔甲的防护下,封建骑士们手持沉重骑***,将敌军踏为齑粉。
Imperial Knights帝国骑士heavy cavalryThese mace-wielding fighting machines wear plate armour and are equipped with lances for a deadly charge.这些挥舞狼牙棒的杀戮机器装备全钢板甲,冲锋威力恐怖无比。
Gothic Knights哥特骑士heavy cavalryImpressive looking heavy cavalry, well protected by armour for both rider and mount. Equipped with lance and mace.哥特骑士装备极为精良,无论人马都披挂重甲,用骑***和狼牙棒在敌军中杀开血路。
General's Bodyguard早期将领卫队heavy cavalryWell armed and equipped these elite troops have the task of guarding and fighting alongside the army's general.将领卫队装备精良,是时刻保护将领安危的精锐骑兵。
General's Bodyguard晚期将领卫队heavy cavalryElite knights hand picked to protect the general.将领卫队自军中精锐遴选而出,是时刻护卫将领安危的精锐骑兵部队。
Merchant Cavalry Militia商队骑马民兵heavy cavalryPoorly trained, but well equipped cavalry who fight with a sword.商队骑马民兵以长剑作战,他们装备精良,但训练较差。
Teutonic Knights条顿骑士heavy cavalryRuthless Germanic knightly order, well armoured with lances and large maces, these knights love a good melee.条顿骑士团是作风冷酷的德意志骑士团体,装备骑***和大型狼牙棒,热衷近身肉搏厮杀。
Mounted Sergeants骑马军士light cavalryThese veteran warriors wear light armour and are armed with a spear and a sword.骑马军士身穿轻甲,手持长矛和利剑。
Reiters黑衫骑士missile cavalryEffective gunpowder units, Reiters are armed with a pistol and spear, and protected by plate armour.黑衫骑士装备火***和长矛,身穿板甲,是出色的火***骑兵。
Mounted Crossbowmen***骑兵missile cavalryUsing smaller crossbows than the infantry, these units use their mobility to stay out of trouble while they reload.***骑兵使用较步兵***更为小巧的骑***,发射后利用骑兵优势远避敌军从容装填。
Peasant Archers平民弓箭兵missile infantryA peasant archer is armed with a small bow, and a knife. Unreliable, and only moderately effective as archers.平民弓箭兵装备猎弓和短刀,士气低落,只能作为远程部队使用。
Peasant Crossbowmen平民***兵missile infantryPeasant crossbowmen are armed with a crossbow, knife and if lucky enough, some armour.平民***兵装备军***和飞刀,部分幸运士兵尚可配备轻型链甲。
Pavise Crossbowmen巨盾***兵missile infantryThese troops are armed with a large shield to protect them during the slow process of reloading their crossbow.巨盾***兵背负全身巨盾,以防装填***箭途中遭受攻击。
Crossbow Militia持***民兵missile infantryCrossbow Militia are peasant crossbowmen called up to defend settlements. Very poorly armoured.持***民兵是装备军***的农夫,应征入伍为城邑提供远程防御力量,盔甲十分简陋。
Arquebusiers火绳***兵missile infantryFired at close range, this noisy, smokey and lethal weapon causes morale damage as well as physical hurt.火绳***兵通常近距离齐射,发射时的硝烟和巨响令这种恐怖武器极为震撼人心,无论精神还是肉体上都给敌军致命打击。
Hand Gunners手炮兵missile infantryEarliest hand-held firearm unit. Causes more fear than actual damage. These soldiers need to be capable in close combat due to the short range of their weapons.手炮兵是早期手持火***部队,对敌军的心理震撼远甚于其实际杀伤。由于手炮射程较短,士兵们必须应付近身肉搏。
Free Company Longbowmen雇佣长弓兵missile infantryMercenary Longbowmen armoured with light mail. Able to lay defensive stakes.雇佣长弓兵装备轻型链甲,可在阵前设置拒马尖桩,令敌军骑兵望而生畏。
Peasants农民light infantryIn times of war peasants are forced from their farms and drafted into levies. Good cannon fodder.农民经常在战时被强行征召入伍,充任廉价炮灰。
Sergeant Spearmen长矛军士spearmen infantryTrained and hardened warriors, protected by a large shield, armed with spears and able to form a defensive ring of spears.长矛军士是训练有素的精锐部队,手持巨盾和长矛,必要时可列圆阵接敌。
Armoured Sergeants重装军士spearmen infantryTrained and hardened warriors protected by a large shield and mail. Armed with spears and able to form a defensive ring of spears.重装军士是训练有素的精锐部队,手持巨盾和长矛,必要时可列圆阵接敌。
Town Militia城镇民兵light infantryTown Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with short spears.城镇民兵不穿盔甲,使用短矛作战。他们来自城镇平民,应征入伍防御自己的家园,有时亦会外出作战。
Spear Militia长矛民兵spearmen infantrySpear Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with long spears.长矛民兵在欧洲随处可见,通常为招入本地民兵部队的平民,负责防御城镇、道路或支援主力部队,装备长矛和盾牌。
Pike Militia长***民兵spearmen infantryPike Militias range from armed peasants to semi-professional well trained and equipped soldiers.长***民兵含义广泛,从简陋装备的农民,到半职业精锐重装部队,应有尽有。
Swiss Pikemen瑞士戟兵spearmen infantryThe most renowned mercenaries of their age. Lightly equipped, but exceptionally brave and fierce瑞士戟兵是中世纪最负盛名的雇佣兵,尽管盔甲简陋,但极为骁勇善战。
Landsknecht Pikemen朗斯克纳长***兵spearmen infantryOriginally from the Holy Roman Empire, these elite mercenaries are armed with pikes and their distinctive slash and puffy clothing朗斯克纳长***兵最初来自于神圣罗马帝国,装备长***,身穿独特的精致宽松上衣和长袜,是极为精锐的雇佣部队。
Zwei Hander双手剑士heavy infantryThese well trained warriors are protected by plate armour and wield a mighty two-handed sword.双手剑士身穿板甲,挥动双手巨剑,极为训练有素。
Forlorn Hope敢死团heavy infantryThese desperate men are armed with a massive two-handed sword and thick armour.敢死团成员身穿重型盔甲,双手挥舞巨型长剑,通常伴随着狂呼厉吼,令敌军血肉横飞。
Halberd Militia长戟民兵heavy infantryMilitia units armed with a halberd which can fend off cavalry, and pierce or crush armour.长戟民兵擅长对抗骑兵,其手中长戟破甲极为有效。
Dismounted Feudal Knights步行封建骑士heavy infantryKnights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry.当战局需要时,骑士们经常跨下马背步战厮杀,即便如此,依然骁勇异常。
Dismounted Imperial Knights步行帝国骑士heavy infantryThese mace wielding fighting machines wear plate armour, but prefer to fight on foot.这些挥舞狼牙棒的杀戮机器装备全钢板甲,极为热衷步战厮杀。
Dismounted Gothic Knights步行哥特骑士heavy infantryImpressive looking knights, well protected by armour and armed with a two-handed sword.哥特骑士装备极为精良,身穿重甲,挥舞双手长剑。
Dismounted Frankish Knights步行法兰克骑士spearmen infantryThese Feudal mercenary knights are powerful troops and invaluable for whomever can afford them.步行法兰克骑士颇为骁勇善战,对任何雇主都物有所值。
Ballista***炮missile siegeResembling a giant crossbow, this powerful weapon can fling a javelin to a great range, skewering men with ease.***炮即巨型***弓,可发射类似标***的粗壮***箭,射程极远,能穿透敌阵。
Catapult投石车missile siegeOlder style rock-flinging wooden artillery piece. Can throw flaming and normal shots.投石车为投掷巨石的木质器械,可投掷巨石和火球。
Trebuchet攻城秤车missile siegeGiant rock flinging artillery piece. Capable of flaming and normal shot. Also able to fling diseased cows!攻城秤车为巨型投掷攻城武器,可投掷巨石、火球和腐烂牛尸。
Bombard攻城炮missile siegePrimitive siege-gun forged of bronze or iron, can shoot solid stone or flaming shot. Inaccurate versus units.攻城炮为最早的攻城火炮,炮身由青铜或黑铁铸成,能发射巨型石弹或火球,对部队射击精准程度不高。
Grand Bombard重型攻城炮missile siegeThe Grand Bombard has increased range, damage and accuracy compared to the bombard.与旧式攻城炮相比,重型攻城炮无论射程、威力和精准程度都大为提高。
Cannon加农炮missile siegeThe typical 'cannon' is powerful and good against both units and defences. Capable of firing solid and explosive shots.加农炮对敌军防御设施和有生力量都能进行致命打击,可发射实心或开花炮弹。
Serpentine蛇炮missile siegeLight cannon designed for use against troops rather than walls.蛇炮是用于专门杀伤敌军部队而非轰击城墙的轻型加农炮。
Basilisk蜥炮missile siegeVery powerful cannon with great range, damage and accuracy. Punishing against defences and units. Can fire solid or explosive shots.蜥炮的远程精准轰炸威力极为惊人,对敌军防御设施和有生力量都造成重大打击,可发射实心或开花炮弹。
Bodyguard将领卫队heavy infantryWell armed and equipped these elite troops have the task of guarding and fighting alongside the army's general.将领卫队是保护将领征战沙场的忠诚护卫,装备精良,极为骁勇善战。
下马条顿骑士heavy infantry精锐,疯狂,恐怖的重装战士
下马龙骑兵missile infantry下马的龙骑兵,注重火***威力
帝国条顿卫士heavy infantry忠贞的重型皇家卫队
下马皇室卫队heavy infantry纪律严明的贵族卫队
皇家下马骑士heavy infantry威力十足的突击步兵
封建战士heavy infantry中世纪战场的主力
十字军长弓手missile infantry简陋的长弓手
下马黑龙骑士heavy infantry强大的步行宗教骑士
黑龙骑士heavy cavalry强大的宗教骑士
骑士侍从spearmen infantry英勇的支援步兵
斧手突击队heavy infantry突击能力极强的步兵
民兵剑士heavy infantry城市民兵剑士
北方卫队spearmen infantry对抗骑兵的好手
瑞士剑客light infantry瑞士剑客是中世纪最负盛名的雇佣兵,尽管盔甲简陋,但极为骁勇善战。
西欧后期剑客heavy infantry强力进攻性剑客
标***骑士missile cavalry标***骑兵来去如风.所向披靡。
博格长***兵spearmen infantry北欧训练最为出色的民兵。
「红胡子」巴巴罗萨heavy cavalry红胡子与其卫队
Cannot recruit units 无法招募兵种
Scots Guard苏格兰卫队missile infantryThese Scottish troops are elite armoured longbowmen, and form part of the French King's guard.这些苏格兰卫队是精锐的重装长弓战士,隶属禁卫军编制。
Religious Fanatics宗教狂热团light infantryA motley assortment of zealots and maniacs from amongst the common folk of Europe, travelling to the Holy Land.宗教狂热团包括欧洲各色宗教极端分子和平民狂徒,踏上前往圣地旅途。
Welsh Longbowmen威尔士长弓兵missile infantryThe first wielders of the longbow. Totally unarmoured means they need to stay out of melee. Can lay stakes.威尔士长弓兵是长弓的始作俑者,由于没有任何盔甲防护,他们必须竭力避免近战。长弓兵可于阵前设置拒马尖桩,令敌军骑兵望而生畏。
Earl's Huscarls萨克森伯爵卫队heavy infantryGuards to a Saxon Earl.萨克森伯爵卫队是保护伯爵征战沙场的忠诚护卫。
Grand Master Ulrich乌利希总团长heavy cavalryGrand Master Ulrich and his bodyguard.乌利希总团长和他的精锐卫队。
瓦蓝吉人heavy infantry彪悍、残忍的勇士。
瓦蓝吉骑兵heavy cavalry骑马的勇猛步兵
高地贵族重剑骑士heavy cavalry高地贵族重剑骑士
马利库亚标***手missile infantry马库纳标***手
马库纳标***骑兵missile cavalry马库纳标***骑兵
Faction strength国家优势
Strong all-round.军中各兵种均颇为强悍
Faction weakness国家劣势
Lacks the late period professional armies of England and France.后期缺乏精锐职业部队无法与英格兰和法兰西争锋
Special unit特色兵种
Gothic Knights哥特骑士
City Buildings List 城市建筑
Wooden Palisade (Upgrade)木栅(可升级)A Wooden Palisade gives a sense of security but is unlikely to delay determined attackers for very long.城邑周围用削尖木桩围成栅栏可以满足居民的安全需要,但无法抵御长期进攻。
Ballista Towers投石塔Ballista Towers provide the defenders with enough firepower to keep attackers at bay.投石塔为守军提供强大远程火力,密集杀伤来犯敌军。
Town Watch治安军营The Town Watch have the minimum equipment and resources needed to train infantry.治安军营提供最基本的步兵训练设施和场所。
Ballista Maker***炮工坊A Ballista Maker allows the construction of ballista siege weaponry.***炮工坊能够制造攻城***炮。
Gunsmith火炮工坊A Gunsmith allows the construction of a bombard cannon.火炮工坊能够制造臼炮。
Leather Tanner制革工坊A Leather Tanner offers the most basic armour improvements to new and retrained units.制革工坊可以为军队提供精良的盔甲。
Port港口A Port allows a settlement to trade with the far-distant corners of the world.港口令城邑可与世界任何角落进行海路贸易。
Merchant's Wharf商业码头A Merchant's Wharf allows an extra trade fleet, and increases trade to the settlement.商业码头可以增添一条全新海运路线,并且提高海运贸易量。
Grain Exchange谷物商行A Grain Exchange is absolutely essential if townsfolk are to be fed and good profits made.谷物商行令城邑居民食物充足,并可通过贸易积累财富。
Dirt Roads道路Dirt Roads increase the movement speed of units that travel along them, as well as improve trade.道路能够提高军队行军速度,对加快贸易运输亦贡献良多。
Land Clearance平整土地Land Clearance allows a region to begin producing enough food to encourage growth.平整土地令城邑粮食充裕,进而刺激人口规模增长。
Mines矿场Mines increase the trade income generated by metal deposits in the region.矿场通过大量开采金属矿石,有效提高城邑贸易收入。
Alchemist's Lab炼金实验室An Alchemist's Lab allows gunpowder infantry to upgrade their weapons, as well as improve the education of characters created here.炼金实验室能够为火药部队提供更强威力***械,同时提高该城邑居民教育水平。
Small Church诵经院A Small Church converts a very small percentage of the region to Catholicism, and improves happiness.诵经院能够感化少数居民皈依天主教,并提高城邑居民快乐程度。
Brothel妓院A Brothel increases happiness in the settlement slightly, and allows the recruitment of a spy.妓院能够提高城邑居民快乐程度,并且可以招募间谍。
Town Hall城镇公所A Town Hall helps maintain law and order, as well as reduce squalor.城镇公所维护城邑法律和秩序,同时减少城邑脏乱程度。
Merchant Bank商业银行A Merchant Bank improves trade in the region, and allows the recruitment of an extra merchant.商业银行能够增进城邑贸易发展,并允许额外雇用一位商人。
Printing Press印刷工坊A Printing Press improves both trade and happiness throughout its host city.印刷工坊令城邑贸易规模和居民快乐程度都得以提高。
Assassins' Guild刺客行会An Assassins' Guild house improves law and order in the region, and the quality of locally trained assassins.刺客行会提高城邑法律和秩序,同时亦提高本地刺客的职业技能。
Masons' Guild石匠行会A Masons' Guild house reduces the cost of stone buildings, and improves happiness.石匠行会能够削减石制建筑修建成本,并可以提高城邑居民快乐程度。
Theologians' Guild初级神学院A Theologians' Guild house improves the quality of priests created in the region.初级神学院可以增加城邑中牧师数量。
Merchants' Guild商业行会A Merchants' Guild house improves both the trade income, and the quality of merchants created in the region.商业行会提高城邑贸易收入和城邑中商人的职业技能。
Alchemists' Guild炼金行会An Alchemists' Guild house improves the experience level of gunpowder units trained in the same settlement.炼金行会提高城邑中火药部队的作战经验。
Thieves' Guild盗贼行会A Thieves' Guild house improves the quality of spies hired in the same settlement.盗贼行会提高城邑中间谍的职业技能。
Explorers' Guild探险行会An Explorers' Guild house slightly increases the movement speed of those trained in the same settlement.探险行会能够提高城邑中军队的行军效率。
Swordsmiths' Guild锻冶行会A Swordsmiths' Guild house allows trained melee units to upgrade their weaponry by retraining in the same settlement.锻冶行会能够令城邑中近战步兵部队武器更为精良。
Teutonic Knights' Minor Chapter House条顿骑士分部A Teutonic Knights' Minor Chapter House allows the recruitment of Teutonic knights.条顿骑士分部能够招募条顿骑士。
Horse Breeders' Guild牧马行会A Horse Breeders' Guild improves the quality of cavalry units recruited in the region.牧马行会能够提高城邑中骑兵部队作战能力。
Convert to Motte and Bailey转换为城寨Converting a Village into a Motte & Bailey makes the settlement less conducive to trade, but allow for more diverse recruitment options.村庄转换为城寨会降低贸易规模,但能够招募更多种类的部队。
Castle Buildings List 城堡建筑
Motte and Bailey (Upgrade)城寨(可升级)A Motte and Bailey is a simple, defensible outpost, little more than a watchtower and protective fence.城寨是简易前沿防御基地,略强于哨塔和栅栏。
Ballista Towers投石塔Ballista Towers provide the defenders with enough firepower to keep attackers at bay.投石塔为守军提供强大远程火力,密集杀伤来犯敌军。
Stables马厩A Stable allows for the recruitment of basic cavalry units.马厩允许训练基本的骑兵部队。
Mustering Hall城寨军营Men must be gathered, selected and trained if military strength is to be maintained.城寨军营训练和装备基本的民兵部队。
Bowyer弓箭作坊A Bowyer allows for the recruitment of basic missile units.制弓作坊允许训练基本的远程部队。
Ballista Maker***炮工坊A Ballista Maker allows the construction of ballista siege weaponry.***炮工坊能够制造攻城***炮。
Gunsmith火炮工坊A Gunsmith allows the construction of a bombard cannon.火炮工坊能够制造臼炮。
Leather Tanner制革工坊A Leather Tanner offers the most basic armour improvements to new and retrained units.制革工坊可以为军队提供精良的盔甲。
Port港口A Port allows a settlement to trade with the far-distant corners of the world.港口令城邑可与世界任何角落进行海路贸易。
Dirt Roads道路Dirt Roads increase the movement speed of units that travel along them, as well as improve trade.道路能够提高军队行军速度,对加快贸易运输亦贡献良多。
Land Clearance平整土地Land Clearance allows a region to begin producing enough food to encourage growth.平整土地令城邑粮食充裕,进而刺激人口规模增长。
Mines矿场Mines increase the trade income generated by metal deposits in the region.矿场通过大量开采金属矿石,有效提高城邑贸易收入。
Small Chapel诵经院A Small Chapel converts a very small percentage of the region to Catholicism, and improves happiness.诵经院能够感化少数居民皈依天主教,并提高城堡居民快乐程度。
Jousting Lists***术赛场Jousting Lists improve the quality of knights recruited here.***术赛场提高城邑中骑兵部队的作战技巧。
Swordsmiths' Guild锻冶行会A Swordsmiths' Guild house allows trained melee units to upgrade their weaponry by retraining in the same settlement.锻冶行会能够令城邑中近战步兵部队武器更为精良。
Teutonic Knights' Minor Chapter House条顿骑士分部A Teutonic Knights' Minor Chapter House allows the recruitment of Teutonic knights.条顿骑士分部能够招募条顿骑士。
Convert to Village转换为村庄Converting a Large Town into a Castle makes the settlement less conducive to trade, but allow for more diverse recruitment options.城寨转换为村庄将提高贸易规模,但会减少可供招募部队种类。
- Sitemaps
Total War: Rome II
Total War: Shogun 2
Shogun 2: Rise of the Samurai
Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai
Total War: Napoleon
Total War: Empire
Total War: Medieval II
Total War: Medieval II - MODs
& 2008 - 2013,