unit5 i aunit6im watching tvv如何导入

7年级新目标下 Unit 5 i am watching tv.ppt
作者:欧阳 来源:原创 更新时间:  
你可能喜欢新目标英语说课稿7bunit5 I am watchingTV
Unit5 I'm watching TV. Language Goal: Talk about what people are doing. Teaching Aims: The present Progressive (结构式: Be + V-ing ) Key Points: ---Is he reading ? ---Yes, he is. /No, he isn&t. Difficult points: 现在进行时的用法和动词V-ing 形式的构成。 Teaching Methods: 由浅入深,设置场景、对话以及表演来教授新句型。 Teaching Aids: 教学图片、教学光盘、VCD机、录音机 Teaching Procedures: Step1. Warming & up A. Duty report Teacher: How are you, boys and girls? S s : Fine, thank you. Teacher: OK, who&s on duty today? (the student who is on duty starts to make a duty report) B. Ask and answer (The teacher asks some Ss to answer questions and writes down the verbs in the sentences on the blackboard.) T: Usually, what time do you go to school? S1: && T: When does your father watch TV in the evening? S2: && T: Do you do your homework in the evening? S3: && T: When do you play soccer? S4: && T: what time do you usually eat dinner? S5: && (The teacher should encourage the students after questions.) The teacher ask the students to read these five verbs for several times. Step 2. Presentation A. Match the words and the activities. Ask the students to turn to page 83, and look at the pictures in 1a. Then,the teacher ask questions: ----What&s he doing? (Picture 1) ----He&s making a telephone call. (Help the students answer the question with body language .) Ask and answer just like that, and finish 1a.(Ss can guess the meaning of doing homework, watching TV, cleaning, eating dinner and reading.) The Ss read these V-ing words after the teacher. B. Play the video. To make the Ss clear what they are learning in this class. Mr. Gong&s words do give the teacher a big hand. (Write down the title of Unit 14 I&m watching TV on the blackboard and ask the Ss to read it.) C. Teach the Present Progressive. 1. Introduction Tell the Ss what the Present Progressive is. (现在进行时表示现在正在进行或发生的动作, 它的表现形式为Be Verbs + V-ing ---- 这也即为它的结构式.) 2. Tell the difference Write down the V-ing forms by another lines of go, watch, do, play and eat on the blackboard. Ask the Ss to have a look and find the difference between them. For example: go and going, watch and watching, do and doing, etc. Then, ask the Ss to read them again. 3. Listen to the tape.
Let the Ss get ready to listen to the tape (paper and ball-point pen).
Check the answer: 2 4 1
4. Activities.
The teacher acts several actions and say :&What am I doing?&, help Ss answer: &I&m opening the door.&
(The other actions: look at someone, clean the window)
Write down the three sentences on the blackboard, and ask the Ss to pay attention to the important words underlined:
n What am I doing?
n I&m opening the door.
n What am I doing?
I&m looking at him.
n What am I doing?
n I&m cleaning the window.
5. Pairwork.
Ask and answer questions about what people are doing in the picture.
u What&s he doing?
u He&s reading.
The Ss can practice different sentences upon the verbs on the blackboard.
6. Guessing game.
The teacher prepare several pieces of paper and there are different actions on it. Ask a pair of Ss to act it out. (Each pair of Ss choose two pieces of paper and act.)
(The Ss must like to do it, so the teacher can ask many pairs to do this game and, the Ss can be familiar with the Present Progressive step by step. They can have fun in the classroom during this class, it&s the most important.)
7. Self-assessment.
The teacher prepare for the Ss some listening exercises, and play the cassette, let them finish these exercises at once. Then, check the answer. The Ss can understand whether they have learned about the Present Progressive.
8. Do the exercises.
The teacher have the Ss some exercises, and ask the Ss to do at once.
&1&--What&s Li Lei doing? -- He_____________. ( read )
&2&--What&s his mother doing? --She_____________. ( write )
&3&--What are they doing? --They_____________. ( play soccer)
&4&--What are David and Mary doing?
--They_____________. (have dinner)
&5&--What&s Jenny doing? --She______________. ( run )
(In fact, the Ss don&t have enough time to finish the exercises, so they can go on and finish these exercises after class.
Step 3. Homework
1. Finish the exercises in the class.
2. Make a conversation and act it out with your partner.
Step 4. The end
T: You are very good today, boys and girls! And thank you for listening. Bye.
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