
PSP如何下载歌曲?_百度知道PSP GTA Liberty City Stories /GTA罪恶都市 自由城 播放你自己的电台音乐 - 教程
看到很多PSP朋友在找如何让PSP版本的 GTA Liberty City Stories 播放自己想要的音乐,所以偶找了一下,发现一个官方的工具以及教程,特此翻译一下给大家,希望能帮助有此需要的朋友们!
1、你需要一个PSP版本的 GTA Liberty City Stories 游戏不区分版本(日版、美版均可),并且存档过一次
(846.87 KB)
下载次数: 674
& &&&注意:解压密码为小写的 u2game.net& &
4、查看PSP的记忆棒 S***EDATA 里面的 ULES00151S0 存档(罪恶都市 自由之城的存档)
& &&&如果是GTA Vice City 则叫做:ULES00502CUSTOMTRACKS
& &&&备注一下:这里很奇怪,本来我们讨论的是 GTA Liberty City Stories,但英文版教程这里说法貌似支持其他GTA版本
6、启动你刚才***在电脑上面的 Codemasters 程序,选择你要转换的MP3或者抓取CD音轨,然后把路径指向刚才PSP建立的文件夹
7、转换MP3或者抓取CD之后,进入你刚才PSP建立的文件夹 把里面的 *.toc 文件 改名为 *.gta
8、现在进入GTA游戏,在 audio options 里面就可以看到你刚才自己搞的音乐了
IGN网站的那个转换工具,貌似不支持MP3来转换,只能是CD抓轨,上面给的附件是可以抓CD也可以转换MP3的! 本帖最后由 PGVC视频组 于
02:18 编辑
GTA Liberty City Stories – Custom Soundtracks
Picked up GTA:Liberty City Stories for the PSP today. Great game – if you liked any of the other GTA games you’ll love this. One warning – it gets of to a very slow start but then the missions start to pick up. Another warning – the soundtracks included in the game are mince which is something of a letdown as the GTA games have become renowned for their use of music.
However Rockstar have included a custom soundtrack feature which allows you to play your own tracks from the PSP’s memory disk. Way! The problem is this feature won’t play mp3′s from the memory stick – you need to use Rockstar’s software () to convert music to their format and transfer that to the PSP. An added twist is that the utility will not covert mp3′s to their own format – only music ripped from a bought music CD using their utility can be used. Boo! There is another way…
Codemasters also had a custom soundtrack feature for their Toca game on the PSP. They also used a utility to convert music to a PSP format – the difference is that their utility allowed you to convert mp3′s from your hard disk as well as music CD’s. Therefore:
1) Download the Codemasters utility –&&
2) Make sure you have a game save for GTA on your PSP memory disk
3) Install the Codemasters utility on your PC
4) Connect the PSP to your PC in USB mode.
5) Goto the folder PSP and then S***EDATA – look for the name of your GTA gamesave folder. For me it was ULES00151S0
6) Now you need to create a new folder in S***EDATA that holds the custom soundtracks. Using the name of the game save folder remove the final S0 and add CUSTOMTRACKS – create a folder using this name. So for me my GTA music folder is called ULES00151CUSTOMTRACKS. Note that is a new folder – NOT the game folder renamed. For Vice City name the folder ULES00502CUSTOMTRACKS.
7) Fire up the Codemasters utility on the PC, select mp3′s from the hard disk or a music CD, select the custom tracks folder created above and convert your music.
8) Once converted, goto the custom tracks folder and rename all the files from *.toc to *.gta
9) Fire up GTA, select custom soundtrack in audio options and enjoy your own music.
It’s ironic that Rockstar, a company who have made money out of glamorizing drug trafficing, prostitution, stabbing, shooting, car theft, killing of innocents and now gang violence, have taken the moral high ground and limited their software to bought music only. You really have got to laugh.
访客来源地图展示 / Since 2011-10 Visiter MapPSP里文件夹MUSIC 等文件怎么没有了_百度知道


