i can't 赵坤美 唱的歌? 谁有?

楼主发言:46次 发图:0张 | 更多
  一次去茂业百货听到过,后来在沃尔玛也有听到,英文歌曲,男声独唱的,感觉挺老的歌,曲调不算太快,抒情类的,歌词没怎么听懂,只隐约听到 baby can you see ~~类似的音,罪过,不好好学习英语的后果呀,不知道到底叫什么歌名,好好听的歌曲,强迫症患者 心里被猫抓似的,谁能帮我找找呀~~么么哒~
  上次不是有个天涯儿发帖求找歌嘛,好高的楼据说还找到了,谁来帮我找下 拜托啦~万能的天涯兄弟姐妹们
  The Police(***乐队)的&Every Breath You Take&
  @伤心人只需要伤心 8楼
13:32:54  The Police(***乐队)的&Every Breath You Take&  -----------------------------  特地去搜了,不是这首哦,~~~~(&_&)~~~~
  baby can you see 语调唱的时候像是问句
  抒情曲调 舒缓的
  seal的kiss from a rose?
  seal 的kiss from a rose?
  歌名:2004(两个人烟火)  歌手:卫兰
  ove to be loved by you--Marc Terenzi
  @黑色素胸脯肉2 15楼
13:53:10  ove to be loved by you--Marc Terenzi  -----------------------------  Love to be loved by you
  @Winona12 12楼
13:50:53  seal的kiss from a rose?  -----------------------------   听了这首 不是 挺歌感觉是个白人歌手唱的
13:53:10  ove to be loved by you--Marc Terenzi  -----------------------------  @黑色素胸脯肉2 16楼
13:54:36  Love to be loved by you  -----------------------------  也不是西城男孩的哦 是单人独唱的
  Love to be loved by you?????  
  my jj is big
  love to be loved by you?_?  
13:14:49  一次去茂业百货听到过,后来在沃尔玛也有听到,英文歌曲,男声独唱的,感觉挺老的歌,曲调不算太快,抒情类的,歌词没怎么听懂,只隐约听到 baby can you see ~~类似的音,罪过,不好好学...  -----------------------  Toxic 布兰妮
  !!!!!!!!!!我知道哪首!!!当时还特意找过!!!!旋律都还记得。。。= =
  你说的不会是当当的time for miracle吧?奇迹是这么拼的吧…(-.-)baby can you see it coming…不算老,你给的也忒笼统了  
  @Garigie 19楼
13:58:30  Love to be loved by you?????  -----------------------------  不是这个孽
  @lkvay 22楼
13:59:46  my jj is big  -----------------------------  so what?you want to some one cut it? shen jing bing!chu men you guai bu song !!
13:14:49  一次去茂业百货听到过,后来在沃尔玛也有听到,英文歌曲,男声独唱的,感觉挺老的歌,曲调不算太快,抒情类的,歌词没怎么听懂,只隐约听到 baby can you see ~~类似的音,罪过,不好好学...  -----------------------  @danyu0716 24楼
14:06:29  Toxic 布兰妮  -----------------------------  男声额 听音色像中年男士唱的起码30岁以上
  @王二宝呀 23楼
14:01:24  love to be loved by you?_?  -----------------------------  不是这个呢
  好像是流星花园的插曲吧,台版的  是不是还有什么back ,bring it back
  @我爱多串君 26楼
14:16:25  你说的不会是当当的time for miracle吧?奇迹是这么拼的吧…(-.-)baby can you see it coming…不算老,你给的也忒笼统了  -----------------------------  不是我给的笼统 的我就听懂这一句咧
  love of my life 皇后乐队的,是不是这首
  Everyday I Love You ??
  Save The Last Dance for Me  第一感觉是这首歌,希望能帮到你  
  @我住20号 33楼
14:21:23  love of my life 皇后乐队的,是不是这首  -----------------------------  不是额???
  @青爷丶 34楼
14:21:27  Everyday I Love You ??  -----------------------------  no
  Can't you see
  taylor swift的you belong with me ?
  @巴中2012 35楼
14:24:15  你肯定说的是美国国歌《星条旗永不落》  -----------------------------  别闹,舒缓情歌
  @蒙蒙曾经 39楼
14:29:02  Can't you see  -----------------------------  这明显的黑人音乐 不是哟
  @王子是个受 36楼
14:24:41  Save The Last Dance for Me  第一感觉是这首歌,希望能帮到你  -----------------------------  听了也不是这个 怎么说呢 感觉是首很老的歌 起码是上个世纪流行的 舒缓情歌,中年男声独唱
  Toxic ...看到这个回复脑子里就无限重复这首歌了。。。嚓嚓嚓。。。爵士版的很好听哟
  Right Here Waiting   when can I see you
  @枫叶随景 46楼
14:47:24  Right Here Waiting  when can I see you  -----------------------------  也不是额
  love to be loved by you  
  好难 怎么办啊
  第一反应也是love to be loved by you  
  自己去下一个音乐雷达,哼一下,就出来了。  你这就一句歌词,我们也不知道什么调,怎么找。。
15:51:17  自己去下一个音乐雷达,哼一下,就出来了。  你这就一句歌词,我们也不知道什么调,怎么找。。  -----------------------------  天涯果然强大 学到个音乐雷达 好的 晚上回去试试!!!
  搜下Shayne Ward
  是不是Until you或者Breathless
  @21gunsG 53楼
16:11:33  搜下Shayne Ward
这个人  是不是Until you或者Breathless
这两首歌  -----------------------------  不是这个 声音太嫩 要稍微老一些的声音
  在我记忆里是听过这首歌的 所以在商场听到才会觉得好熟悉 但怎么也想不出是哪里听过 感觉好像是电影歌曲
  @huglie毛毛 56楼
16:37:54  布兰妮的,womanizer?  -----------------------------  男的唱的额
  @删楼主帖子 57楼
16:39:44  楼主找到了记得上来说下名字,好奇  -----------------------------  找不到呀 我只记得一个调 就是 baby can you see ,成熟男声,舒缓深情情调 ,不是很闹的配乐,感觉是很老的歌曲,起码是上个世纪的
  是can you see, 还是can't you see啊楼主?  楼主试试这个  Can'T You See - Engelbert Humperdinck
  哦,漏了baby的那个..  Can't you see - Blero Feat Memlin
  @imgur 60楼
16:50:12  是can you see, 还是can't you see啊楼主?  楼主试试这个  Can'T You See - Engelbert Humperdinck  -----------------------------  舒缓的 这个太闹
  @呼叫哆啦A梦 63楼
17:14:02  又是这样的帖子。o(?□?)o  -----------------------------  我是认真的!
16:50:12  是can you see, 还是can't you see啊楼主?  楼主试试这个  Can'T You See - Engelbert Humperdinck  -----------------------------  @小蒙古的小麻雀 62楼
17:13:29  舒缓的 这个太闹  -----------------------------  什么...这首是很缓慢安静的啊...前奏钢琴...
  what makes you beautiful 肯定是这个  
  @本女子谢绝调戏 67楼
17:21:00  what makes you beautiful 肯定是这个  -----------------------------  太闹 不是这个
  @本女子谢绝调戏 67楼
17:21:00  what makes you beautiful 肯定是这个  -----------------------------  配乐的不是这种电吉他之类的 好闹 我死也忘不了那个调,就那一句 但是其他的却记不住 唉 抓狂
  @淡定的小豆包 73楼
17:33:34  哈哈楼主我知道,你先说是不是比较慢抒情柔软的男声?  -----------------------------  是的
  @我们相差35岁 71楼
17:32:34  楼主真是个贱人,别人说一个你说不是,存心吊人胃口是吧?想你这种贱人现在天涯还真不少。说不定根本没有什么歌曲就是你犯贱~那句歌词尼玛基本上每个英文歌甚至中文歌都有尼玛你还有脸讲出来自己英文不好,真是个bitch  -----------------------------  该吃脑残片了。来给你倒点水,快点服下以免全身抽搐大脑缺氧倒地不起呀
17:33:34  哈哈楼主我知道,你先说是不是比较慢抒情柔软的男声?  -----------------------------  @小蒙古的小麻雀 74楼
17:36:03  是的  -----------------------------  你不是骗帖的吧?不管我说的对不对大家都去搜搜这个歌,真的挺好听的  等我把MP3翻出来里面有歌手名,晕我不是合谋骗帖的
15:48:37  第一反应也是love to be loved by you   -----------------------------  我觉得也是这首啊,楼主再听听?  
  Toxic 布兰妮
  @0麻理惠0 80楼
17:42:33  Toxic 布兰妮  -----------------------------  男声呀 老歌
15:48:37  第一反应也是love to be loved by you  -----------------------------  @菜市场的虫虫 79楼
17:41:39  我觉得也是这首啊,楼主再听听?  -----------------------------  听过了 不是这个
  叫the one  stevie hoang唱的  快去听听是不是
  难道是王力宏的can you feel my world?
  @浪里个白条 84楼
17:53:57  难道是王力宏的can you feel my world?  -----------------------------  宇直的声音一听就听出来啦,我听那个感觉是很老的很老的歌 上世纪89十年代的感觉
  这个啦Short change hero
  love tobe loved by you大学回忆啊。。。。  
  @liujiaaiwgtt 87楼
18:07:43  为什么不直接问商场嘞?  -----------------------------  别人会不会把我当神经病111
  @路过围观楼主 86楼
18:06:29  这个啦Short change hero  -----------------------------  我也听了hero ,不是,那男的声音要更深情一些
  回复第24楼(作者:@苦瓜君 于
14:10)  !!!!!!!!!!我知道哪首!!!当时还特意找过!!!!旋律都还记得。。。= =
不过。。。……  ==========  !!!  
  can't you see----Engelbert Humperdinck
  right here waiting  我只能想到这首,但是歌手当时二十岁
18:06:29  这个啦Short change hero  -----------------------------  @小蒙古的小麻雀 90楼
18:19:49  我也听了hero ,不是,那男的声音要更深情一些  -----------------------------  no promise,你听听
  @小蒙古的小麻雀 1楼
13:14:49  一次去茂业百货听到过,后来在沃尔玛也有听到,英文歌曲,男声独唱的,感觉挺老的歌,曲调不算太快,抒情类的,歌词没怎么听懂,只隐约听到 baby can you see ~~类似的音,罪过,不好好学习英语的后果呀,不知道到底叫什么歌名,好好听的歌曲,强迫症患者 心里被猫抓似的,谁能帮我找找呀~~么么哒~  -----------------------------  No Promises创作者是丹麦流行歌手Bryan Rice,后被英国歌手Shayne Ward翻唱,收录于同名专辑“Shayne Ward”中。
请遵守言论规则,不得违反国家法律法规回复(Ctrl+Enter)一首男的唱的英文歌,前面rep是说唱歌曲,开头歌词是baby girl you know.....sonmetimes i know..
时间: 来源: 编辑:ljb01
一首男的唱的英文歌,前面rep是说唱歌曲,开头歌词是baby girl you know.....sonmetimes i know..
推荐***1:Can't Let You Go-Fabolous 百度MP3可以搜到
you know my situation
and sometimes i know you get impatient
but you don't put to on a show to get ovations
take it to court and go through litagations
and i respect ya gangsta
treat you like a princess
and put something on your neck to thank ya
shes my pinch hitta
when the startin lineup aint playin right
i come off the bench wit her
it might sound like im gassin ya
but it took time to get from the back seat to the passenger
we been creepin and sneakin
just to keep it from leakin
we so deep in our freakin
that we don't sleep on the weekend
a little bit uptight
wonderin why he comin home in the middle of the night
it'll be alright if ya'll bump heads it'll be a fight
but i said it'll be alright
[chorus - lil mo]
i really wanna be with you (be with you)
but i gotta be real with you (real with you)
i can't leave you alone (lone)
and i know i live and grown
but i can't let ya go
your the one i want in my life (want in my life)
already got a wife (got a wife)
can't leave you alone (lone)
and i know i live and grown
but i can't let ya go
you aint ever step out of line
or get out a pocket
so i made sure canary sent out your locket
to protect you, i'll get out and cock it
and you know the barrel of my gun is big enough to spit out a rocket
oh, you gonna play dumb if cops do come through
i gotta keep the top up if my drop do come through
推荐***2:歌手:Britney 专辑:I'm A Slave 4 U
(Do you know what it's like, c'mon, c'mon)
Baby Tell me
To My Heart
Like the kinda girl
That you wanna take me home
Wanna meet me alone
Do you even know what I like
Just what I'm living for,
What I adore
Baby, take the time to realize I'm
not the kind to sacrifice
The way I am
So if you wanna be my man (baby)
Walk a mile in my shoes
Do me right or I'm through
Can't you see that
If you wanna stay around
(you're telling me)
You got to picka me up
Take your time or you loose
This is my game, my rules
Something I can see, obviously,
Baby You don't know
What It's like to be me
Don't you get it twisted boy
I want you to
But you got my heart to win
Before I let you in
And it deceives you baby
I'm not the other in leading
I need tomorrow to love
Baby, take the time to realize I'm
not the kind to sacrifice
The way I am
So if you wanna be my man (baby)
Walk a mile in my shoes
Do me right or I'm through
Can't you see that
If you wanna stay around
You got to picka me up
Take your time or you loose
This is my game, my rules
And I can see, obviously,
Baby You don't know
What It's like to be me
Baby, Get to know me
Then you can show me
that you love for me is true
I'll give you everything
That a girl can give
Don't you wanna be my man?
Walk a mile in my shoes
Do me right or I'm through
Can't you see that
If you wanna sta......
推荐***3:Can't Let You Go-Fabolous
Artist: Fabolous f/ Lil' Mo & Mike Shorey
Album: Street Dreams
Song: Can't Let You Go
Uh, Uh, Uh
You know my situation
And sometimes I know you get impatient
But you don't put on a show to get ovations
Take it to court and go through litagations
And I respect you gangsta
Treat you like a princess
And put something on your neck to thank you
She's my pinch hitter
When the startin lineup ain't playin right
I come off the bench with her
It might sound like I'm gassin you
But it take time to get from the back seat to the passenger
We been creepin and sneakin
Just to keep it from leakin
We so deep in our freakin
That we don't sleep on the weekend
Wifey's a little bit uptight
Wonderin why I keep coming home in the middle of the night
It'll be alright if y'all bump heads it'll be a fight
But I said it'll be alright
I really wanna be with you (be with you)
But I gotta be real with you (real with you)
I can't leave you alone (no)
And I know I'll live in wrong
But I can't let you go
You're the one I want in my life (want in my life)
I already got a wife (got a wife)
I can't leave you alone (no)
And I know I'll live in wrong
But I can't let you go
You ain't never step out of line
Or get out a pocket
So I made sure canary sent out your locket
To protect you I'll get out and cock it
And you know the barrel of my gun is big enou......
推荐***4:Can't Let You Go-Fabolous


