I visited my prandmy parents and i.什么意思

At 13 years of age, my parents and I visited an eye surgeon (外科医生). As I sat in the examining chair, the doctor looked into my eyes, shining a bright light. &She did inherit(经遗传得的) it,& he said with coldness. &There is no cure.& My father carried a gene (基因) causing blindness. I’d gotten the gene since my birth. He gradually lost his eyesight and so did I. At last we were both completely blind. At that time, he was 57 years old, but I was only 30. My world fell apart (崩溃) as the darkness fell, destroying the dreams my husband and I had for us and for our three little boys. But when I tried to find some hope and strength, my eyes were opened to a new realization. My father had given me not just failing eyesight, but an example of determination in the face of trouble as well。We were all living in Bolivia in 1964 when he decided to move the family to America. He and Mom worked tirelessly to win the right of living in the US. Alone in the States, he overcame his helplessness and lack of fluency in English to rent a small apartment, and buy airline tickets for my mom, my brother and me. Decades later, as an American citizen, I looked back at what he’d taught me. He set an example proving that determination is crucial to success. His journey taught me valuable lessons for dealing with my blindness. I did the same as I stepped into a dark world. My father’s example made me gain confidence and learn to be thankful for what I had. In this way, now know how to continue life as a wife, mom, Sunday school teacher, Spanish court interpreter, inspirational speaker and writer. What I inherited from my father helped me to see my life with a more meaningful glow.
Last winter va..
&&&& Last winter vacation, I visited Murdoch School in Australia with my parents. It was a beautiful school. &&1&& the attraction for me was that life at the school was quite relaxing. The students didn’t have&&&2 & schoolbags.&&&& The teachers there said classes were from 8 am to 3 pm on weekdays. That means the students&&&&&3&& only six hours a day for study (one hour for lunch). The teachers don’t&&&4&& too much homework, so the students can&&&5 && themselves on weekends or during winter and summer holidays. &&&& But in China, we have to study all the time. Usually, we have to get up at 6 o’clock in the morning and then study&&&6&& 10 o’clock at night. There is too much homework for&&&7&& to finish after school.&&&8 && all this, our schoolbags are extremely heavy with many textbooks, reference books, notebooks, and exam papers. Long hours of study and too much homework&&&9& & most of us wear glasses.&&&& With light schoolbags, studen with heavy schoolbags, school life does not&&&10&& students anymore. Of course, I really want the former (前者), but who can give it to me?
(&&&& )1.&&A. But&&(&&&& )2.&&A. light&&(&&&& )3.&&A. waste&&(&&&& )4.&&A. get&&(&&&& )5.&&A. enjoy&&(&&&& )6.&&A. until&&(&&&& )7.&&A. me&&&&&& (&&&& )8.&&A. Including(&&&& )9.&&A. get&&(&&&& )10. A. teach
B. So&&&&B. heavyB. spendB. do B. help&&&&B. at&&&&B. us&&&&&& B. BecauseB. make&&&&B. influence
C. Though&& C. cheap&&C. divideC. setC. introduceC. on&&&&&& C. them&&&& C. ExceptC. keep&& C. catch
D. Unless&&&&D. expensive D. have&&&&&&D. put&&&&&& D. develop&& D. since&&&& D. him&&&&&& D. Because ofD. Allow&&&& D. interest&&
1-5 ABDCA&&&&6-10 ABDBD
Last winter va..”主要考查你对&&科教类阅读&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
科普类的阅读:科普类的阅读理解包含介绍科学知识、社会知识的短文。阅读这类短文时,要以事实为中心进行思考,抓住事物的特征、用途、相互关系等。如果是介绍社会现象的文章,要掌握所谈现象的内涵。答题技巧:1. 加强整体意识,把握文章的主要内容。在阅读的时候可给段落标上序号,并给重要的句子和&& 关键词做上记号,尤其是各段中心句,为答题提供更快捷更多的信息源。 2. 审清题干,发觉和把握试题中有效的提示性信息,确认命题的角度、阅读范围和答题方式。 3. 定位阅读,强化对应意识。同时要注意原文利用和自我加工相结合。
Last winter va..”考查相似的试题有:
741151065332562399263011537751716Last week, I visited the village &&&&&&&&&& my parents lived many years ago.
A.that&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.which&&&&&&&&&&&& C.where&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&D.when


