跪求qq堂表情包下载 是那个在脸上的

这个兔子的表情,跪键盘 脸上有巴掌印_百度知道QQ表情怎么用字母打出来_百度知道那个流眼泪 的表情叫什么_百度知道当前位置: &
英文翻译as if u’re never hurtas if you’re never hurt:&&&&in the face:&&&&4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...:&&&& loo ...:&&&&as if u’re never hurt:&&&&you should have seen the loo ...:&&&&the surprise in his face was ...:&&&&a maniacal expression on his ...:&&&&the disappointed look on his ...
例句与用法He smiled, his face natural again .她微笑了,脸上的表情重归自然。He stood there, getting his face under control .他站在那里,竭力控制脸上的表情。He seemed to be all in one piece, but he had a queer look on his face .看来他虽安然无恙,脸上的表情却挺奇怪。I knew those fellows were up to something, by the look on their faces .我就知道那些伙计们要搞什么名堂的,这从他们脸上的表情就看得出来。For a moment the set of his face could be described in just that fantastic way .可是一刹那间他脸上的表情恰恰可以用那种荒唐的方式来形容。He could not divine what her look signified, whether she spoke in earnest or in jest .他看不透她脸上的表情,究竟她说的是认真的还是戏谑的。He gave no reasons, but we could tell by his face that he was immovable .他没有提出理由,不过从他脸上的表情可以看出,他的态度是无法更改的。She flung him a look of arch triumph, which caused that diplomatist almost to choke with envy .她得意洋洋地瞧了他一眼,脸上的表情着实顽皮,那外交官妒忌得差点一口气上不来。Lt ' s what l saw . l saw the look on her face我亲眼看到的我看到她脸上的表情了I saw your face when i got out of the limo我下礼车的时候看到了你脸上的表情更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
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