patch notesnotes什么意思

Patch 1.18 Full Patchnotes
Discussion in 'Europa Universalis IV' started by DDRJake, Oct
10, 2016 at 18:00.
euiv-patchnotes-118-banner-v2.jpg TITLE="Patch&1.18&Full&Patchnotes(1.18补丁完全说明)" />
Patch 1.18 "Prussia Patch" is gearing up to be released
alongside Rights of Man Tomorrow on the 11th October.
While saves from 1.17.1 will likely function, due to massive
changes to the game there will undeniably be funky things going on
with them if played in 1.18. We recommend that if you wish to
complete your 1.17.1 games, roll back to version 1.17.1
These patchnotes are so long you could print them out into a
book and "disinherit" your heir with it. here they are in
# Expansion Features
- Rulers now develop personalities when they become adult.
Personalities are now also gained after 10 and 25 years on the
- An old monarch can now voluntarily abdicate in favor of an
adult heir.
- You can now Develop your Subjects' Provinces, which will
decrease their Liberty Desire.
- Monarchs now have obituaries & death reasons listed when
- Great Powers added.
- You can now construct buildings in your Subjects'
- The Take on Foreign Debt diplomatic action for Great Powers
enables you to pay off the debts of a lesser nation, for a
significant opinion boost.
- The Influence Nation diplomatic action for Great Powers
enables you to sway the opinion of and provide a +1 monarch power
boost to a lesser country in the category where it has the lowest
- Debasing your currency can provide cash corresponding to a
bank loan, but it increases corruption by 2% each time.
- Added ledger page for Great Powers.
- Added console commands add_trait and remove_trait to
manipulate ruler personalities.
- The "Intervene in War" diplomatic action allows a Great
Power to join unbalanced wars on the weaker side.
- As a Great Power, you can now demand that a country break
one of their Alliances. If they fear you enough to accept, treaties
will be annulled between the involved countries. This will worsen
the relations between you and the involved countries and cause a
truce between you and the target.
- Can now upgrade fleets in subject provinces.
- Leaders can now have traits. After a battle, there is a
chance that the "commanding officer" of each side gains a trait.
This chance is based on the Army/Navy Tradition gained in the
battle. All leader traits are positive and affect e.g. combat
abilities, movement speed, attrition, ship durability, chance of
capturing ships, reinforcement speed, etc.
- Countries following the fetishist religion can now select a
cult to worship. Cults can be rechosen for every new ruler.
Additional cults can be unlocked through fighting with other
religious groups and friendly relations with heathen
- Daimyos and Ottoman Government will now always maintain
their dynasty. New rulers and heirs will be of the original
dynasty, unless a union is formed.
- Ottoman Government: Pretender rebel leaders now get the
correct Dynasty.
- Revolutionary Republics will now have their own factions.
Girondists will attempt to spread the revolution abroad, Royalists
will try to create a Revolutionary Empire and Jacobins will support
the realization of the Revolutionary ideals internally.
- Can now peacefully abandon a Personal Union with a lesser
partner. This will cost 25 prestige and add a truce of 5 years
between the former overlord and the released country. The opinion
penalty linearly scales with liberty desire from -200 to 0 for 0%
to 100% liberty desire, respectively.
- Can now set Ruler Personalities to rulers and heirs in the
nation designer.
- Can now always pay off your subject countries' debt.
- You can now disinherit heirs if you have positive prestige
for a severe prestige hit.
- You can now strengthen your government for military power,
and you gain legitimacy, republican tradition, devotion or horde
unity depending on your government.
- Prussia Monarchy is a new goverment form, with the following
special mechanics, where military rating of monarchs can never go
below 3, and determening how militarised the state is.
Militarisation of Society impact several military abilities
- Leader Traits and Ruler Personalities are shown in the
Military Leaders, Current Rulers and Previous Rulers pages of the
- You can now spend military power to increase militarisation
of society in a Prussian Monarchy.
- 'stats' command in console now also list the top 20 nations
in greatpower ranking.
# Free Features
- Created a new technology system using Institutions, with no
more westernisation or directly differing technology groups.
- New Culture Acceptance mechanics, where you can decide which
cultures you want accepted in your nation, and which should be the
primary culture.
- Added the Braindead Player AI setting to completely disable
AI takeover if a player disconnects.
- Minimap displays player, friendly and enemy units.
- Added the "embrace" cheat to embrace all institutions in a
province (1st argument), or for a specific institution (2nd
- Added "exhaust" console command to alter war
- The Government View now shows more detailed information
about the different Cultures and the acceptance of them in your
state cores.
- When in a Succession War, the attacker can now demand Cancel
Subject on the Country in question as part of the war goal.
- Added "powerspend" console command that prints global
powerspend statistics to game.log, and that can optionally take a
country tag as argument.
- Added "reset_powerspend" console command to reset all
powerspend stats to zero (since it tracks spending so far).
- Added build datetime to version console command.
- As the leader of a Trade League, you can now create a
Trading City from one of your provinces (requires Mare Nostrum
DLC). This new nation will have the Trading City republic
government and will automatically join your Trade League.
- Added dialog for sending crash reports.
- Host now sees a checkbox on player disconnect notification
that lets him specify whether AI will be active or not for the
disconnected country.
- "economy" console command now displays the sum of all
expenses in each category since the beginning of time, or until
"reset_economy" is executed.
- Embrace console-command now lists the optional argument in
# Gamebalance
- Theocracies, especially the Papal State, have an increased
alliance acceptance penalty towards different religions now.
Turko-Papal diplomacy has hit an alltime low.
- There is now a scaled penalty to Liberty Desire up to +25%
at max Mercantilism.
- Vassals fighting each others (i.e. in Japan) now always
accept Enforce Peace requests of overlord, but all vassals except
the defending peace target get +10 Liberty Desire.
- Treasure fleets give the same inflation per gold as gold
- Trade Companies are now open to all technology groups.
- Natives reforming now get all institutions of the target
they reform from.
- Plutocracy is now 10% faster institution spread in your
country instead of 5% cheaper tech.
- Scientific Revolution now also gives 10% embracement cost as
- Added lots of logical places where province & country
status impacts institution spread.
- Institutions Penalty slowly ticks up by 1% per year after
- Spy network bonuses will now apply to the target's
- Modifiers for Very Easy difficulty should now never be worse
than those for Easy difficulty.
- You can no longer move capital to a continent that has less
than a third of your total provinces, unless your capital is the
last province you own on its continent.
- Subjects now have land and naval access to other subjects of
the same overlord.
- Eastern European starting development reduced.
- Buryatian starting development reduced and redistributed to
Manchuria and Mongolia.
- Lithuania now only have +3 tolerance to heretic instead of
- Lucky nations are now down to 8, sorry Poland, Brandenburg
- Sanction Commercial Monopoly now costs 50 PI, instead of
- Defender of Faith now gives you +10 opinion of all with that
- OPM Natives can now migrate over 1 seazone as well.
- Knights lots their tolerance for heretics, but can instead
do slave raids.
- Insitution Penalties can all tick up to 50%.
- Overhauled Lucky Nation bonuses.
- Primitive Status is now tied to starting techgroups.
- Native Reformation now removes primitive flag.
- Superiority Wargoal now requires 10% warscore from battles
instead of 80% of battles won.
- Score is now modified by -50%, -25%, 0, +25% and +50%
depending on difficulty selected.
- Increasing Development in a province now increases
institution spread of the earliest possible.
- Increasing Institution spread by increasing development
scales on the amount of development in the province, with
development 20 giving 5, and development of 2 giving 0.5.
- There is now an increase in efficiency of embargoes for a
nation scaled by its Mercantilism up to +50%.
- Ships now engage in a priority order from heavy, galley,
light to transport, up to a maximum of the engagement width (for
which heavies count as 3 rather than 1).
- Attrition loss for a given level of attrition is now
proportional to the strength of the unit, whereas previously it was
proportional to the maximum possible strength of the unit (and thus
- Relieving a siege now makes the sieging force the "attacker"
in the combat.
- If you have a port, now you get at least 5 sailors per
- Reworked foreign spy deteciton & counter espionage.
Counter espionage have less impact on discovery, but both now
impact the spy network buildup of the target in your nation.
- Parliament Issue: Nationwide Census now increases manpower
in a province instead of tax.
- Parliament Issue: Nationwide Land Survey now increases
production in a province instead of tax.
- Large colonial nations now gives you +5 land force limit
- Colonial nations only lose half the money the overlord is
getting in tariffs.
- When you change religion as a Monastic order, Devotion is
now decreased to the resulting Religious unity (if it is lower than
current Devotion).
- Reduced cost of Docks and Drydocks
- Patriach Authority no longer reduces tax income.
- Breaking vassalage with a vassal that has over 50% in
liberty desire no longer gives a relation penalty.
- Prussian Ambitions discipline have been nerfed from 7.5% to
- Prussia now gets Prussian Monarchy when forming.
- Heir Chance modifier no longer affects the life expectancy
of your Heir.
- All countries should now have access to at least one skill 2
advisor at start.
- HRE can no longer form Persia
- Slight changes in how Aggressive Expansion is
- Reduced unrest and Republican Tradition impact from Sowing
discontent spy action
- increased Liberty Desire from tariffs, up to 50% LD at 100%
- Penalty for not occupying forts in an area will no longer
apply if the enemy does not control any forts in the area.
- Decisions to become merchant republics now require you to
have 20 or fewer provinces in states.
- All subjects now get reduced AE from your actions, not just
vassals & marches.
- Embracing an institution no longer adds it to every
- Royal Marriages now have a 50% chance of getting a queen,
and a newborn heir is a 100% chance of getting a local noble as a
- Colonization Missions should now not trigger for Catholics
for regions already granted to someone else by the Pope.(requires
triggers by Marko, separate commit)
- Colonists that are working in occupied provinces will now
get sent home.
- privy_council_establishment_act &
the_mercenary_registration_act now uses MIL power instead of ADM
- Changed a few policies to reduce corruption or increase
institution spread.
- Boosted the following policies: the_recruiting_act,
the_foreign_support_act, unified_army_command, letters_of_marque,
the_integrated_administration_act, trade_connection_policy,
the_naval_supremacy_act, the_cooperation_act, supply_convoys,
overseas_embassies & the_stamp_act. Military_zeal_act now gives
+10% siege ability & 5% army morale instead of 10% army
- Muslims that have converted to another religiongroup will
now lose iqta and/or ottoman government.
- Ottoman mission for conquering the Levant now includes
inland Syrian provinces.
- Fixed tendency for AI to end up with too much artillery and
cavalry late game.
- Moddable AI added for Embracing Institutions that modifies
threshold as a proportion of monthly country income.
- Pathfinder no longer thinks you can move through TI when
allied in a war with owner.
- Fixed: Having units attached caused strange arrival time
calculations when changing target.
- AI now less regards corruption unbalanced tech penalty as a
hindrance for buying mil tech.
- AI made less likely to choose targets for Call Crusade that
aren't neighbors of any Catholic nations.
- AI tweaked to excommunicate less.
- AI should now care more about future coalitions when
accepting land in a peace deal.
- Made AI more likely to mothball forts that look
strategically safe and are easy to counter attack.
- AI may now offer loans to countries rather than send them
- Added new console command for building evaluation function
"mapmode buildingeval" and renamed army evaluation function mapmode
to "mapmode armyeval". Select building in macro builder/select army
- Fixed one case where AI couldn't recall an army of more than
2 units from overseas.
- Subjects with Siege focus will attempt to help allies in
- AI will build somewhat less cavalry in proportion to
infantry, depending on costs, combat power, and predicted front
rank size.
- AI somewhat less likely to ignore threat of good enemy
leaders in vicinity (or reassignable) joining a battle.
- AI now have less desire for provinces on which their allies
have cores.
- AI should be less interested in hiring out Condottieri in
amounts that prevents them from resieging a rebel controlled
- Made AI Send Warning less.
- AI will no longer mess around with increase/decrease
autonomy in provinces it at least for the moment knows it will want
to make into states.
- yesman cheat now prevents AI allies from rejecting receiving
provinces in peace deal.
- Added AI for Abandon Personal Union.
- AI got a bit better about understanding when to abandon a
siege or not.
- AI will no longer integrate countries it believes it can get
"for free" through decision.
- AI will now only do spy actions on rivals or on overlord,
(Fabricate Claims is the same as before.)
- War enthusiasm decrease from besieged and occupied provinces
now takes siege progress into account.
- AI will now do enforce peace again.
- AI will no longer do harsh treatment if they are behind in
military technology.
- AI is less likely to spend power on development when at
- AI will now only reduce war exhaustion if it grows large
enough, and the war is not being lost.
- Fixed bug with AI calculating power balance between subject
and overlord.
- AI now takes up to two years before fully counting in power
strength of countries at war with a potential target, to a greater
degree wait and see how the war goes before interfering.
- aiview debug tooltip has been moved to country name label on
the same screen from the country shield to make space for other
- Fixed AI armies effectively being frozen trying to assault
forts without breaches.
- Fixed bug which made AI hire advisors in order of ADM, DIP,
MIL no matter what.
- AI should now be somewhat smarter in hiring military
advisors (and disallowed firing these in particular during
- Tried to make AI be a bit more anticipative of reduced
advisor spending during wars (i.e. don't hire advisors that will
simply get fired during war).
- Idle maintenance set to 10% in peace if AI has any below
strength regiments, otherwise 0%.
- AI now demolishes outdated forts that are adjacent to
another fort of theirs.
- Subjects set to Supportive focus will only attach to
overlord henceforth.
- AI use Condottieri a bit less if they don't have the
personality for it.
- AI prefers to recruit further from front lines now.
- To save money, big nations no longer recruit up to
forcelimit in peacetime or when fighting inferior enemies.
- AI will now use "Denouncement of Sect Practices" Decision
- The effect that internal straits makes a country have a huge
navy is reduced, because straits are not as easy to block as
- AI will no longer be blocked from demanding Change
Government agains rivals.
- AI nauhatl countries will now be better at evaluating how
many provinces they can handle.
- Fixed bug that caused AI to be over careful about AE.
- AI won't pay for cores that will soon defect to colonial
- Pathfind now slightly more accurate.
- Fixed problem with AI forgetting wars it's preparing.
- AI Castile now much less likely not to pick exploration
- Entirely reworked AI pathfinding to solve sleepy army
problem introduced with blocking forts.
- Fixed indecisive AI while trying to avoid attrition with
attachments bug.
- Made gifts less frequent and magnanimous.
- Fixed a sleepy AI army bug.
- AI now more inclined to accept vital interest provinces from
friends in peace deals.
- AI no longer considers AE with countries it is already
fighting with in peace deal.
- AI is now a bit more likely to use War Taxes.
- AI will now use strengthen government if its legitimacy, rep
trade, unity or devotion is low and it got power to spare.
- Fixed issue with AI starting and canceling the same naval
invasion over and over.
- Fixed bug where AI didn't peace out.
- Rewrote AI leader assignment code to reduce derpy
- AI siege piling should be reduced somewhat now.
- AI now less likely to resend condottieri immediately after
they got killed.
- AI now doesn't want to rent out more than a cerain amount of
their force limit.
- AI will now dare to upgrade its units when at war if all
units are at a safe distance.
- AI will now Form Indian Trade Company when possible.
- AI now has a Fog of War simulation (shared among all enemies
of a country), so they shouldn't chase hiding armies/fleets that
haven't shown themselves as much.
- When wanting to get rid of land, AI will now release vassal
rather than returning cores.
- AI will no longer lose trust in you if they do a separate
peace and don't get enough land.
- Only nations with 5 or more provinces will develop beyond
cap to get institutions.
# Interface
- Sending ships on a trade mission now gives a more detailed
explanation of the effect on the trade value extracted from a
- Trade mission value estimations are now more accurate.
- Added army unrest reduction to unit panel.
- Can now cancel building construction from the outliner
- The strait icon in province view now changes according to
the status of the straits connecting to that province.
- The strait tooltip in province view now tells you whether
your troops can cross the strait.
- The strait indicator on the map now visibly changes texture
to indicate whether it is blocked for the viewer.
- Changed so that when diplomats are working their task is
shown in outliner rather than their name.
- Power icons for the cost of policies are now shown on idea
group tooltips.
- Added Mapmode for Great Powers.
- Selecting a rented out condottieri unit now shows forts of
the enemy country on the map.
- Added alert when you can embrace an Institution.
- Added alert for when there are AI countries that are likely
to hire troops from you for a profit.
- Offer Condottieri dialog now sets maintenance slider to
highest value that would be accepted by AI when selecting a
- Rebels in the Stability & Expansion view now list
potential size of rebels and current support.
- Country View tabs now have new shortcuts due to added
- Alert for Conversion now says the name of your religion,
instead of "your religion".
- Make State Alert now lists how many provinces you have in
that state.
- Added the flavor text of policies as delayed tooltip when
looking at them.
- Modifiers affecting powercost of Ideas and Natives are now
displayed when showing the cost.
- executedcommands.log will only log if -hardoos is enabled
(unless game is run in debug mode).
- Pressing "v" will now deselect the first unit in the list
when multiple units are selected.
- Pressing "z" will now select your own country when another
country is opened in country diplomacy view.
- Pressing "n" will now toggle the institution window in
province view.
- Pressing "n" will now toggle institution window in country
technology view.
- Improved behavior of unit movement arrows on the map.
- Country modifiers will now always say when they expire.
Might not work for old saves.
- Trade node interface now clearly shows the number of light
ships patrolling the node.
- Message when leaders die now depend on their personality and
cause of death.
- Macrobuilder now shows how many of each regiment or ship
that you already have.
- War overview now shows army sizes above 100000 without
decimals, to avoid overflow.
- Area/Region/etc. scopes now give proper auto-generated
- Added a more useful description for the "Attack Natives"
- "Grant Province" entries now show player flag instead of
Rebel flag.
- Subject view reworked.
- Ruler Personality AI effects are now shown in other
countries' diplomacy views when hovering the ruler name.
- Continue button added to launcher.
- Current Song is now the delayed tooltip on the next song
- Estate macro builder map icons now show tax, manpower,
production, and local autonomy rather than just influence for
- Transfer Trade Power slider will now default to the highest
value an AI would accept.
- Ship Price Slider in Sell Ship interface will now default to
the largest sum an AI would accept.
- Country flags added to Province Development ledger
- Can now show Subjects' active rebels and rebel progress in
the Stability View.
- Removed empty delayed tooltip for truce icon in foreign
province view.
- Merged Trade Company Region mapmode with Colonial Region
- It is now explained in the tooltip when a unit could move to
a province with the help from transport ships, but they are all
currently busy with something else.
- Improved trust gain tooltip.
- Added tooltip for message setting items.
- Fort mapmode now has green stripes for protective ZoC, and
red stripes for blocking ZoC.
- Subject Interaction tooltips are now better at showing how
much they will cost you or gain you.
- Added modifier icon and tooltip for Select Advisor
- Manpower mapmode now has more varied colours
- Manpower mapmode shows all countries when no province is
selected, and limits itself to the owner country if a province is
- Fixed "war shield" being partially hidden if playing e.g.
Revolutionary France.
- Intermediate values in trade income tooltip are now rounded
instead of floored.
- Right clicking diplomatic message icons will only close them
if they've been up for 1 s, similarly for Accept/Decline buttons
when opening them.
- Outliner shows different icon when navy is repairing.
- Unrest tooltip now says that Separatism declines.
- Giving subsidies to a country will now tell you the yearly
opinion gain instead of monthly.
- Unit View: Build cost added to Build buttons' tooltip.
- Fixed alignment issues in Find window.
- Added tooltips to battle-icon to show possible combat
penalties AND/OR if the defender will swap.
- Added Leader Trait name to unit tooltip.
- The Accept button is now disabled for a moment when an "A
Call to Arms!" dialog is shown to avoid misclicking.
- Government View: Country modifiers window size now adapts to
higher resolutions.
- Rivals mapmode will now show the rivals of the selected
country, not just the player.
- Added information about right click and shift + right click
also to gold demand increment/decrement buttons in peace
- Added a tooltip to local autonomy title in the province
- Added missing linebreak in delayed tooltip with multiple
fleets being movement locked in same seazone.
- Maximum garrison modifiers are now shown in garrison
- Revoltrisk alert is no longer shown if unrest is
- corruption tooltip now says "due to nothing" with nothing
affects it.
- tooltip for diplomatic relations is now also shown over the
- Simplified Text for Exploration missions so that it fits the
- Shortened text to fit button for coring
- Locked movement delayed-tooltip of units now shows flag as
well of unit name.
- Made Hindu religion screen buttons more consistent with the
other religions.
- Made Protestant religion screen buttons more consistent with
the other religions.
- Added a linebreak to "Create a State" button tooltip.
- Added information about right click and shift + right click
also to gold demand increment/decrement buttons in peace
- Added a tooltip to local autonomy title in the province
- Version info in launcher/lobby now shows version name (e.g.
- define_ruler tooltips will no longer list claim strength if
it is not relevant.
- Cleaned up institution tooltips.
- Added transport_power icon
- Updated tooltip for an institution spread modifier.
- Clarified Shadow Kingdom requirements.
# Usermodding
- Added 'has_institution = ' trigger to check if country has
embraced an institution or not.
- Added 'is_institution_enabled = ' trigger to check if it has
been discovered at all.
- Added ' = num' trigger for province scope. Range 0-100 (100
= fully embraced)
- Added 'add_institution_embracement = { which = x value = y
}' effect for province scope.
- Added "any_friendly_coast_border_province = {}" trigger
scope, which checks all neighbor provinces up to 1 seazone away
that has positive relation & is not at war.
- Institutions have an ai_will_do section that defines at what
threshold in proportion to country income an AI will Embrace
- Added MAX_REBEL_SUPPRESSION to defines.lua.
- Added different_religion_acceptance and
different_religion_group_acceptance to control government specific
alliance acceptance penalty.
- Added the defines DEBASE_MAX_STORED_MONTHS,
DEBASE_ADDED_CORRUPTION to control Debase Currency.
- It is now possible to change unit suppression by unit
- is_great_power trigger keeps its old meaning without DLC,
but uses new meaning instead if Rights of Man is enabled.
- The new great_power_rank trigger is the rank (from 1 to 8 in
vanilla). Max + 1 (9 in vanilla) is granted Leaving Great Powers
and Max + 2 to others.
- The define TREASURE_FLEET_INFLATION is now directly
comparable to GOLD_INFLATION.
- Added defines for Take on Foreign Debt:
- Added defines for Influence Nation:
- Added define LIBERTY_DESIRE_ENFORCE_PEACE for amount of LD
given for enforcing peace between vassals.
- Added true_faith, heretic, and heathen as alternatives for
employed_advisor's home_religion.
- Added ROOT as a an alternative in employed_advisor's
home_religion and home_culture.
- Added SHIELD_GLOW_RANGE define for moddable Great Power
shield glow.
- Defines for Break Alliance added:
- Added embracement_cost, local_institution_spread &
global_institution_spread modifieres.
- GUI Listboxes can now be horizontal.
- In_state & In_territory modifers now work.
- Added while effect
- Added export_to_variable effect
- xx_active_trade_node scope for trigger & effects now
also considers the tradecapital node you collect in as well.
- Added a has_merchant = prev/root/etc trigger.
- Added a "set_primitive" effect.
- 'kill_leader' now needs to specify death reason.
- Maximum amount of rivals is now possible to be set in
- Leader pronouns can now where supported be accessed in
localization just like advisors/heirs/kings.
- Government Trigger now handles "government = tribal" to be
true for governments that are tagged as tribal.
- Added the define DEVELOP_IN_SUBJECTS_PREFERENCE to control
how much AI likes to develop in subjects compared to its own
- Refactored mercantilism to be 0-100 instead of 0-1
- Added institution_difference trigger (based on has_opinion)
to compare number of embraced institutions. Can also check number
of institutions if both who and target are the same.
- Added on_fetishist_cult_change OnAction
- [Root/From/Prev.GetCult] now returns the currently adopted
cult's name.
- cavalry_flanking, shock_damage_received, movement_speed,
capture_ship_chance, sunk_ship_morale_hit_recieved,
naval_tradition_from_battle, army_tradition_from_battle &
fire_damage now works from ANY country modifier.
- Added country onactions on_gain_great_power_status and
on_lose_great_power_status (fairly self-explanatory).
- Added highly specific flags pick_your_poison,
greedy_cracker, core_fu, aaa_credit, gentle_convincing.
- Added country flag just_a_statistic to record if a player
won a war (they were war leader in) with at least 1 million deaths
on each side.
- Added new triggers: num_of_active_blessings,
num_of_unlocked_cults, num_of_admirals_with_traits,
num_of_generals_with_traits, is_institution_origin.
Abandon PU AI.
- "AI" console command now works for your own country as
- "spectate" console command enters Spectator Mode.
- The "diplocount" command prints how many times each
diploaction has been used to game.log.
- The AI will no longer disband forts if you have set
fortress_cost to 0.
- There's now an ai_will_do section for advisor types,
allowing you to specify a priority for AI hiring them.
- Heir title is now dynamic just as Ruler title.
- Console command add_republican_tradition is now available in
- Coptic cross inactivation modulation defines are called
- Console commands debug_reload_areas and debug_reload_regions
are no longer developer only.
- Added 'militarized_society' trigger &
'add_militarised_society' effect. (range is 0-100)
- Renamed Palatinate, Roman Empire and Papal file names in
- Country Tags can now be written in lower case, in console
and script.
- Added colonial_claim_by_anyone_of_religion ( =
[countryname/religionname]) trigger, which checks if anyone from
that religion (or the country's religion) has gotten a colonial
grant for the scope's colonial region from any potential pope-like
- Added is_religion_grant_colonial_claim = yes/no/country that
checks if a province has been granted by any/all religious
leader(s) to any country, to no country, or by their own religious
leader to a specific country.
- Added ruler_has_personality, , heir_has_personality
- Added add_ruler_personality, remove_ruler_personality,
add_heir_personality, remove_heir_personality effects.
- Added random_owned_area effect scope. The limit defaults to
checking for any province, but the behavior can be changed with
"type = all" outside the limit.
- Added is_religion_grant_colonial_claim trigger
- Proper tooltips for is_religion_grant_colonial_claim
- Added on_province_religion_converted,
on_province_culture_converted, on_province_owner_change hooks to
the on_action system.
- Added add_territorial_core effect.
- Added is_territorial_core, is_state_core triggers.
- Added add_territorial_core, remove_territorial_core province
history commands.
- Added local_core_creation modifier.
- Added obituary notices and death causes for dying
- Moved around some Near Eastern Development slightly.
- Added Pattani Ideas.
- Added Malvi Ideas.
- Great Lakes ideas are now known as Interlacustrine
- Northern Thailand is now part of the Indo-China
- The bonus for Trading in Coffee is now +5% Global
Institution Spread.
- Celestial Empire no longer gives a tech discount.
- Added negative institution spread modifiers to Tribal
Governments, Sakoku Law and closed China.
- Added missions related to increasing institution spread
available to both the players and the AI.
- Changing government from Celestial Empire (and getting rid
of the Mandate of heaven) now entails taking a decision that
requires you to have embraced all institutions.
- Reforming Government now requires the Feudalism
- Yarkand is now a tribal federation and starts as a vassal of
- Instead of pre-empting the split of the Chagatai Khanate
Yarkand no longer controls their northernmost provinces, these are
instead directly under Chagatai rule until 1462. The Yarkand tag is
now restricted to the Tarim basin and prior to 1462 just covers the
Dughlat Amirs and the regions subjected to them.
- Government view: Stars for primary/accepted/brother cultures
now set correctly.
- USA is now called 'United States' in the game.
- UPCA is now called 'United Central America' in the
- Event options now take a "highlight" parameter that will
highlight the option button in the event window.
- The Death of Haji Giray in the Crimean Khanate will now
trigger an event where the pretenders may seek Ottoman Support.
Should the Ottoman candidate be enthroned in Crimea the country
will become an Ottoman March and may grant coastal provinces to
their new overlord.
- Mali now starts as a Despotic Monarchy.
- Kanem Bornu now starts as a Despotic Monarchy.
- Guge and Ladakh now start the game as Tribal
- Added decision to reform for Native American tags without
the Conquest of Paradise or El Dorado DLC respectively
- A number of national idea groups that previously gave tech
cost reduction now give a bonus to institution spread
- Updated Data for historically accepted cultures in history
files to work with new cultural acceptance mechanic.
- You can now specify trait in define_general, define_admiral,
define_explorer and define_conquistador effects.
- Added Ottoman Government.
- Added has_adopted_cult trigger for Fetishist cults. Checks
if a given cult is currently chosen.
- Added has_unlocked_cult trigger for Fethisist cults.
- Added unlock_cult effect for Fethisist cults. Makes the
given cult available for the country.
- Added change_cult effect for Fethisist cults. Changes the
currently chosen cult.
- Country history entries now support unlock_cult.
- Added max_random_adm/dip/mil parameters to define ruler.
These will set the max values for randomly generated ruler skills
unless fixed = yes.
- "original_dynasty" now supported in define_heir/monarch
effects, dynasty effect and trigger. "original_dynasty" is the
dynasty of the country's first ruler.
- Added Ottoman Harem Events.
- Root.Heir.GetWomanMan now works.
- Added new missions for Russia to conquer land on it's way
east in Siberia.
- Added Triggered Modifier "Rapid Collapse of Society" which
will trigger once Native Americans have been hit by European
Diseases (within 10 years of European contact) and highly disrupt
your country for 25 years.
- The Russian DHE has been completely overhauled and are now
far more likely to occur in games.
- Nation Designer countries in the New World using High
American, West African, Chinese, Indian, Muslim, Ottoman, Eastern
or Western Tech group will always start with Feudalism Enabled.
These tech groups now cost 75 Nation Designer points for countries
in the New World.
- Added more potential female monarch names for about 250 tags
that previously had less than 3.
- Added triggered_faction_name to faction database that can be
used to dynamically change the name and description of a
- Added allow trigger to factions in the faction
- Can now refer to faction names in localisation with
- Added on_new_consort and on_government_change
- Added [Root.Consort.x] localisation keys that monarchs and
heirs already have
- Added [Root.Consort.GetTitle]
- Added has_consort_regency Trigger.
- Added has_consort Trigger.
- Added has_female_consort Trigger
- Added has_foreign_consort Trigger.
- Added heir_has_consort_dynasty Trigger.
- Added heir_has_ruler_dynasty Trigger.
- Added consort_age Trigger.
- Added consort_dynasty Trigger.
- Added consort_has_dynasty_of_ruler Trigger.
- Added consort_adm Trigger.
- Added consort_dip Trigger.
- Added consort_mil Trigger.
- Added is_origin_of_consort Trigger.
- Added heir_dynasty Trigger.
- Added kill_consort Effect.
- Added remove_consort Effect.
- Added remove_heir Effect.
- Added change_consort_adm Effect.
- Added change_consort_dip Effect.
- Added change_consort_mil Effect.
- Added define_consort (define_heir with default consort =
yes) Effect that also supports country_of_origin =
- monarch_age is now an exportable variable.
- heir_age is now an exportable variable.
- consort_age is now an exportable variable.
- consort_adm, consort_dip and consort_mil are now exportable
- Added discounts to historical advisors.
- Added Heir Flag support (set_heir_flag, clr_heir_flag,
has_heir_flag, had_heir_flag)
- Added Consort Flag support (set_consort_flag,
clr_consort_flag, has_consort_flag, had_consort_flag)
- has_estate = no will now return true if the province has no
estate (province scope) or the country has no estates (country
- Added ruler_consort_marriage_length integer Trigger.
- ruler_consort_marriage_length is now an exportable
- Updated Dynamic Province Names for Poland.
- Added advisor localisation keys
([ROOT.Mil_Advisor.GetName/GetSheHe/etc., ROOT.Dip_Advisor.x,
- Added Republican Faction Events.
- Added change_consort_regent_to_ruler effect.
- Added Missions for Coptic conquest of Holy Sites.
- define_heir now allows no_consort_with_heir = yes to prevent
the chance of spawning a new consort.
- Added has_given_consort_to Trigger.
- Changsheng will now use Chinese ideas.
- Reduced the power of the Golden Age of Timbuktu.
- Added trigger "has_saved_event_target".
- Added W&rtemburger Ideas.
- Added Lorraine Ideas.
- Some more dynamic province names now go by owner culture
rather than owner tag.
- Angra Pequena renamed to Ezorongondo.
- Pagan Countries with a non-tribal government can now adopt
other religions if they own provinces of that religion.
- Events that would add 1 stability will now instead give 50
ADM points if you're already at +3 stability.
- Palatinate ideas now give Advisor cost discount and Better
relations over time instead of tolerance to heretics and +1 advisor
- Navajo's map color changed to teal.
- Added has_game_started trigger.
- Carib and Arawak now starts with better maps.
- Added Czech dynamic province names.
- Added event to make Important Natural Harbor grow into a
Coastal Center of Trade.
- Added more tiles to the Random New World.
- Added the Faklands XL tile by Elzephor.
- Added the Antarctica Tile by Elzephor.
- Added Haida Gwaii XL Tile by Elzephor.
- When you abolish slavery all slave producing provinces that
you own at that point will stop producing slaves instead of slaves
being removed on a province per province basis (new Slave provinces
that you conquer can still trigger the old event).
- Updated the Brandenburg & Prussia DHE to be likelier to
fire for players.
- Merchant Republics with a very dominant ruling faction can
now have the other two factions revolt, forcing the ruler to resign
or face a hefty hit to Republican Tradition.
- Religious and Humanist ideas events can now affect your
- Restoration of Union Casus Belli now lasts for 20
- Icelandic Separatists are now a bit more restricted.
- Added 20 new flavor events for Brandenburg/Prussia.
- Removed Brandenburg's starting core on Neumark (as it had
already been sold by our start date and it can now be reacquired
via event.)
- Najdi Tradition changed from leader land manouver to
increased movement speed
- Air Traditions now give increased movement speed instead of
decreased land attrition.
- Rajput Idea Marwari horses now also gives increased movement
- Fulani Jihad Ambition will now give increased army tradition
from battles.
- Mapuche Tactics now gives increased army tradition from
- Legacy of the Miao Rebellions now give increased army
tradition from battles.
- Thomonds Army reform Idea now gives increased army tradition
from battles.
- Malayan Sultanate ambition now gives increased naval
tradition from battles.
- Betsimisarakan Traditions now give decreased morale hit from
sunk ships instead of increased defensiveness.
- Catalonian Ambition now decreases morale hit from sunk
- Naxian Idea Naxos rules the waves now gives decreased morale
hit from sunk ships.
- Sailors of the Cantabrian sea idea now gives decreased
morale hit from sunk ships.
- Janjira Traditions now give Increased chance to capture
- Knights Idea Reconquista of the Sea now gives increased
capture ship chance instead of privateer efficiency.
- Dutch Idea Platoon Fire will now increase Fire Damage.
- Armories of Smolensk now give increased Fire damage.
- Armories of Smolensk now give increased Fire damage.
- Jaunpuri ideas Purbias now increases fire damage.
- Benin Ambition is now increased fire damage.
- Munster Idea Bommen Berend now gives increased fire
- Tirhuti idea 'Purbias' now increases fire damage.
- Najdi Idea Arabian Horsemanship will now increase cavalry
- Albanian idea Hit and Run now gives increased cavalry
- Mossi Cavalry Raids now increase cavalry flanking.
- Kazani Ambition is now increased cavalry flanking.
- Lan Na Idea Elephant Charge now gives increased cavalry
- Hausan Idea Sarkin Yaki now gives decreased shock damage
- Georgian War Exhaustion Cost reduction tradition changed to
decreased shock damage recieved.
- Kanem Bornu Idea Fixed Military Camps now give decreased
shock damage recieved.
- Bohemian Idea Wagenburg will now also reduce Shock damage
- Orissan Tradition for increased garrison size changed to
decreased shock damage recieved.
- Ahom Idea River Warfare now reduces shock damage by instead
of increasing defensivess.
- Manipuri Traditions now give decreased shock damage recieved
instead of garrison growth.
- Baloch Idea Hani and Sheh Mureed now gives reduced shock
damage recieved.
- Yi traditions now gives reduced shock damage recieved
instead of infantry power.
- Butuan Ambition is now reduced shock damage recieved.
- Irish Endurance idea now gives reduced shock damage
- Colonial Nations will no longer be able to become Noble
Republics upon independence to better reflect the new role of that
- Polish event the Royal Struggle now offers an Oligarch
republic rather than a Noble Republic.
- Added Kaffan Ideas.
- Added Kaffan Ruler Titles.
- Revised Kaffan name list.
- Added Corfiote ideas.
- Updated Greek Naming list.
- Changes to Ethiopian Ideas
- Define_general/admiral/conquistador/explorer now shows the
actual stats in the tooltip.
- Fixed too high weight on a random new world tile.
- Added Potential triggers for many institution spread
- Added Weights for custom ideas
- Separated tribal government reform decisions to better
handle institution and native reform.
# Bugfixes
- Fixed reduce war exhaustion cost modifiers in the stability
view being listed twice
- Fixed the "Exclaves use region name" setting.
- Fixed wrong scope for triggers in corruption events.
- Decision to change government to oligarchic republic now
requires a full set of Aristocratic Ideas OR a a full set of the
Plutocratic Ideas.
- Fixed: "Capital Moved" message was sometimes shown when a
country was annexed.
- Fixed province estate grant tooltip showing wrong values for
estate effects after grant.
- Navies will now end their circumnavigation mission once they
are done with it.
- It is now possible to accept another country's offer of
fleet basing rights.
- Fixed siege view showing exiled friendly units participating
in a siege in some situations.
- The Colonial Border Conflict Event series now clears flags
- Fixed some oddities in the Holstein leader list.
- Local autonomy in a province is now taken into account in
army generation when starting a new game.
- Country military view tooltip for land force limits now
takes estates into account when calculating provincial
- The declare war diplomatic action will no longer list the
recipient country as a coalition member that will be called to
- Issuing a movement order to a coastal TI province with a
fleet that has an explorer will now explore the coast, or the
adjacent sea if coast is already explored. This only applies to
regions that are valid exploration targets.
- No longer possible to reassign a leader from an exploring
- Fixed CTD when developing provinces.
- Fixed divide by zero CTD in RNW generation (presumably
caused by arctic island provinces).
- Issuing a movement order to a coastal province with a fleet
that has an explorer will now explore the coast, or the adjacent
sea if coast is already explored. This only applies to regions that
are valid exploration targets.
- Fixed a crash when clicking the back button after starting a
- Releasing a colonial nation freely now creates a truce
between the releasing and the released country.
- Achievements are now granted on loading a valid ironman save
if the achievements were obtained while not connected to
- Fixed terrain map blockiness, especially near
- No longer possible to take provinces with "Humiliate rival"
- Chinese Faction event Gold Mine Discovered will no longer
trigger unless you have a province that matches the effect. It will
also only target provinces of less than 10 development.
- Added an explanation into macro builder building tooltips
when building is prevented by lack of tech.
- You can no longer change difficulty setting after starting
an Ironman game.
- Calling an ally to war using favours will now fail if the
favours were used before the ally accepts.
- Mothballed navies will no longer count for sailor
- Claims now cost what they say they will, instead of up to an
additional 5 network points.
- Fixed issue where settings were overwritten after loading a
"Continue" save game, potentially disabling Achievements.
- The game will no longer consume as much resources when
alt-tabbed out of the game.
- Attached armies will now try to follow the leading armies
more closely, and get possible movement bonuses from the
- Can now upgrade territorial cores to full cores even when
doing something else in a province.
- Gaining PU on a nation that is defending in an independence
war against a former lesser partner will now drag the new overlord
into the war instead of ending it.
- When declaring war, Humiliate Rival CB is no longer always
listed as the first one, but should be below any CBs that can take
- Fixed trust tooltip in diplomatic feedback window being
- "Raise Host" estate interaction can now only be triggered in
provinces that are controlled by you.
- Liberty desire reduction now makes sense
- Event to accept spanish ideas when forming Spain is now
available for those that form it militarily .
- Can no longer reassign a leader from an army that is in
hostile territory.
- Chat in multiplayer will no longer capture most non-relevant
input when not shown and/or focused.
- Treasure fleet pirating opinion penalty now goes to the
overlord instead of the colony.
- Nationalist rebels will no longer demand provinces outside
their own culture.
- AI will now break alliances with other rebellious subjects
after a while when they turn loyal.
- Education for a King should no longer apply to the next heir
if the heir in training has died before taking the throne.
- Loan offer message has been fixed and brought to to modern
EU4 standards.
- Juan II of Castille is now considered to have ruled since he
was declared to be an adult.
- Subject alliances with other subjects will now break when
they are willingly released.
- Country Estate View land tooltip will no longer say the
estate is losing loyalty for lack of land if it is above the
minimum territory limit.
- Force limits will now be properly calculated when loading a
- Diplomatic requests are now properly saved and cannot be
avoided by saving and then loading a game.
- Parliament debates will no longer end prematurely (before
100% chance to win) when bribing.
- MP: Fixed out of sync when upgrading fleets.
- Trying to build a building the player does not have tech for
will now properly inform the player of the building's
- Province development tooltip now makes it more clear what
modifiers are additive or multiplicative.
- Performance optimizations to League War.
- Humiliate CB without The Cossacks DLC will no longer have
the AI be angry about not getting land, as the CB does not allow
- Ambient sounds and other non-music sounds are no longer
played when the game is minized from true fullscreen mode.
- Two-letter country names on the map are no longer
- French Mission to Conquer Savoy will no longer appear if
France has a Royal Marriage with Savoy.
- Added religion = yes to a number of modifiers that lacked
- Later bookmarks now correctly calculate states and tax
- Fixed crash in CDiplomacyDialog.
- Switching to a central american religion will now
automatically reform the religion for non-primitive nations.
- Cleaned up script for Danish Trade mission.
- Fixed an exploit which allowed that allowed a nation to have
more than 3 rivals in co-op mp.
- Chimu Great Artisans modifier should now have the apropriate
effect. Length also increased from 1 to 10 years.
- Mercantilism events now check that you're not at 100
- Dutch republic tooltips and interface text will no longer
refer to elections where not applicable.
- Liberty Desire from Mercantilism now says mercantilism, and
not war exhaustion.
- Exploration tooltip hints will now only show for provinces
in TI adjacent to discovered provinces.
- Making federation members and target overlord allies
cobelligerents when declaring war will now work.
- Can no longer make AI break truce with offensive Call to
- Added more checks in dynastic events to exclude
non-christians and elective monarchies.
- Ceding provinces in a peace deal is now more consistent:
Warscore cost is now reduced only when the wargoal is given to the
owner of the CB. Diplomatic power cost reduction from claims only
happens if the receiving party has a claim on the province.
- Colonist travel time for provinces not connected to capital
though a land route is now calculated from the closest port instead
of the most developed port, reducing travel time for most cases, as
well as making sure travel time will not potentially increase when
gaining more land.
- "Support rebels" spy action will now expire properly.
- Fixed truces and call to arms dates not being properly
transferred to the new country when changing tags.
- Condottieri reinforcements and maintenance costs are now
applied even when maintenance slider is at zero.
- "Recruit Conquistador" interaction with the Nobility estate
now requires Quest for the New World idea instead of just the
exploration idea group.
- Choosing a Cede Province in a peace offer that has Cede
Colony as an option will no longer show the colonial provinces
restricted on the map.
- Hordes now use Horde Unity rather than Legitimacy to
calculate score.
- Concede Colonial Area will no longer center the AE penalty
to the taker's capital, but the colonial area instead.
- Specialized define_advisor tooltip when name is randomly
generated to avoid '?'.
- Fixed potential OOS in pathfinding.
- Retreat paths for armies that have just lost battles will
now always properly check if the path is blocked by forts.
- Wrong option no longer marked as default in event 4042
"National Bank".
- Fixed current ruler being added to past monarchs when a
country ends up in a personal union.
- Can no longer declare restoration of union war on
- The emperor will no longer get automatically called into
succession wars.
- Global synched random seed no longer equal to integer number
of seconds since game start.
- Fixed missing equals sign in province file 4123 - Birkaland
which resulted in no province capital being shown for starts
between 1779 and 1809.
- When vassalizing a country, the new overlord will now
receive the Aggressive Expansion instead of it always going to the
- Removed option to reform religion or native mechanics
without a neighbor without tech penalty nearby.
- Fixed bug with wrong scope for flag in Ethiopia flavor event
- Estate land demand tooltip will now check the minimum amount
of provinces before saying their loyalty will suffer.
- Fixed regencies ending because of a random new ruler even
when there is a valid heir.
- Fixed broken flags in save entries/continue button for
released colonial nations.
- Fixed colonial parent changed when opening save
- Province local autonomy extrema are now properly calculated
when loading a save or starting a new game.
- Condottieri reinforcement will now take the same amount of
money regardless of army maintenance slider setting.
- Military constructions will now stall in occupied provinces
(when even possible).
- Can now stop units created from templates in their current
- Can no longer break nations by offering to sell them
- Fixed exploit related to renting out condottieri.
- Can now demand provinces in peace that are adjacent to
demanded provinces that are your subject's cores.
- No longer possible to contest a country for succession if
the countries are already at war.
- Interregnum death will no longer trigger succession
- Tactics advantage is no longer a penalty to damage dealt in
an assault.
- There is now a popup for when your overlord sacrifices your
- Fixed MSAA having no effect.
- Now removing condottieri when they're cancelled from ongoing
battles (potentially rejoining them) since there were issues
reinforcing a battle that had cancelled condottieri on opposing
- Fixed wrongful use of h in "were" in a tech
- Amina of Zazzau is now female when a general as well.
- Devotion Event 6 "The Quest for religious freedom" will no
longer trigger unless there's a valid province for it to
- Incan flavor event "The Pacific Expedition" will now make
use of an heir flag to avoid some oddities.
- Fixed bad scope in Central African event 17.
- Fixed issue with mercenaries not being canceled when
province changes controller.
- Neapolitan leader surname list will now consist of actual
Neapolitan noble families.
- Missions that grant claims on provinces will no longer
remove permanent claims if aborted.
- French event for claiming the kingdom of Naples will now
have a more relevant text.
- Removed some duplicate discovered_by entries in the province
history files.
- Heligoland is now part of the Holstein province.
- Tengri Province Event Confiscation of Idols now has mtth
scaled to size.
- "Gain CB" popup will now show more than just one wargoal if
the same CB was gained against more than one country.
- Move country panel Estate tab hotkey from - to ' to avoid
clash with Decrease Speed.
- Fixed some price changing events not triggering for random
new worlds.
- Continue game feature can now read games from
- Pragmatic sanction should now always work if the decision
- Fixed Witch Trials ending event that could fire with no
- Fixed bad scope in corruption events 9 and 11.
- Fixed bug where Change Government Form peace option couldn't
be offered by defender.
- Automatic set maintenance on war setting is now properly
saved during MP for clients.
- If you previously selected a country that is overwritten by
RNW generation, the selection is now automatically cleared after
generation finishes.
- Fixed CTD involving unit macro templates.
- Neutral Dhimmi will now have the same tax bonus as happy
dhimmi again (instead of Neutral paying more money than
- Fixed crashes when running generating Random New World in
- Refresh Rate setting will no longer reset to the lowest
supported value when starting the game in windowed mode.
- Cossack Aggression event chain no longer gives CB for
hundreds of years.
- Fixed disaster modifiers ending on ruler death.
- Migrating tribes now move capital state to the new
- Cossacks rather than Nobles will now gain influence when you
hire a Cossack conquistador.
- Canceling a queued ship will now say it will give you the
correct amount of sailors instead of 1000 manpower.
- Fixed bug that you only got Trade Power from Protectorates
after saving and loading.
- Fixed rebel support tooltip showing costs for things that
don't actually exist.
- Fixed countries spawned in wastelands getting more primitive
tech than they should.
- Now possible to use "set all subjects' focus" when you only
have personal unions.
- Core return CB now actually allows returning cores without
extra cost.
- Economy screen vassal income will now include Scutage
- Can no longer merge Sorties into actual armies.
- Fixed: Armies turning into rebels upon country destruction
couldn't enforce demands.
- Some country view tabs no longer have an extra shadow in the
upper part of the window.
- Camera will no longer get stuck when double clicking the
single player button in main menu.
- Tooltips will no longer alternate between two different
dates in some cases.
- Made Hindu religion screen buttons more consistent with the
rest of the religions.
- Made Protestant religion screen buttons more consistent with
the other religions.
- Tooltip for Native Co-existance policy should now be less
- Forming a new country will now not let the AI call you into
a war you already peaced out of recently.
- Added a linebreak to "Create a State" button tooltip.
- Colonists that are working in occupied provinces will now
get sent home.
- Random event 20 will no longer trigger for a subject
- Technology View: Fixed duplicate tooltips for Government
- "Suggest Demands" in peace screen will no longer create
offers the AI doesn't accept.
- Vassalization mission will no longer target trade league
- Technology View: Fixed duplicate tooltips for Government
- Regency Councils no longer display an 'age' on the court
- Added missing localisation reference to
- Fixed broken localisation in nationdesignerview.gui
- fixed broken localisation in countrysubjectsview.gui
- Fixed missmatch of potential and allow in decisions to form
merchant republics
- fixed tooltip for hindu dieties.
- Holy War CB now works again vs Crusade Targets.
- Renaissance painters no longer go to Madagascar to find
- Fixed the militarisation effect tooltip for Prussian
- Tooltips will no longer alternate between two different
dates in some cases.
- Forming a new country will now not let the AI call you into
a war you already peaced out of recently.
- Estate influence now gets recalculated when states are
- Fixed more state creation related tooltips.
- Inviting a friend to a game through a Steam Invite should no
longer complain about different versions.
- "Suggest Demands" in peace screen will no longer create
offers the AI doesn't accept.
- Fixed a calculation error for fortmaintenance impact on army
- Fixed War Declaration View would not show the effect of
diplomatic reputation on AI acceptance under certain
- Typo Fix for a Brandenburgian event.
- Fixed old teleportation error in RNW Tile tilemef2.
- Fixed some message settings localisation
- Fixed circumnavigating ships not taking "at sea"
- Fixed conquistadors sometimes abandoning land exploration
mission for no reason.
EUIV: Evangelical Majors Renders
Discussion in 'Europa Universalis IV' started by Catalack, Oct
10, 2016 at 18:07.
Oh, whats this? Two updates for one and the same expansion?!
Who's ever heard of such a thing?
Well, they say time brings good things to those who wait (even
if they have to wait unreasonably long), and so the day has finally
come when I can write the following:
We're doing it. We're giving you the Evangelical Majors.
Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado I present the
Swedish, Prussian and French unit renders for your perusal.


