有人给详细解释下古道热肠 猥琐的解释含义?

猥琐是什么意思 猥琐在线翻译 猥琐什么意思 猥琐的意思 猥琐的翻译 猥琐的解释 猥琐的发音 猥琐的同义词 猥琐的反义词 猥琐的例句
猥琐 基本解释猥琐的翻译猥琐[wěi suǒ]词典of wretched appearance:猥琐。词典of dreadful appearance:猥琐。猥琐 汉英大词典猥琐[wěi suǒ]of of dreadful appearance猥琐 网络解释1. 1. ws:SP:support,支持 | ws:猥琐 | BRB:Be right back,马上回来2. dirty:dicision决定 | dirty猥琐 | disease疾病3. 猥琐是什么意思3. indecency:流行 popular trendyfad trendiness 3 | 钱 money 4 | 猥琐 indecency 2猥琐 双语例句1. 我知道,怀疑和惶恐都是没有用的,回首之余,我抬起头,才发现一切猥琐和胆怯都被自己踩在了脚下。&&&&I understand that suspicion an and in retrospecting and reviewing the past, I look up just to find that I have trampled under my feet all indecency and cowardice.2. 也正是由于这些新的游戏机制,在星际2中如果想猥琐的话将变得更加的困难。&&&&Turtling, ` will be a bit harder to do in StarCraft II because of these mechanics as well.3. 崔晓一边说道,一边用那种猥琐的目光看着我。&&&&Cui Xiao talked and stared at me in an obsess way.4. 在黎明中我把我的智力沐浴在《对话录》的宏伟宇宙的哲学中,自从这一部史诗完成了之后,神仙的岁月也不知已逝去了多少,而和它一比较,我们的近代世界以及它的文学显得多么地猥琐而藐小啊;我还怀疑,这一种哲学是否不仅仅限于从前的生存状态,它的崇高性,距离着我们的观点是这样地遥远啊!&&&&In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonal philosophy of the Bhagvat-Geeta, since whose composition years of the gods have elapsed, and in comparison with which our modern world and its literature s and I doubt if that philosophy is not to be referred to a previous state of existence, so remote is its sublimity from our conceptions.5. 与自私者为友,像把自己的灵魂挂在秤钩上,价值镏铢,形容猥琐。&&&&Selfish and to make friends with those who, like his soul hang in the balance hook, the value of the baht lutetium, described as insignificant.6. 在生命之潮的大大起大落中,你别无选择,只有抖落一身的疲惫和猥琐,咬紧牙关积蓄力量,在狰狞和恐怖的淫笑中再次站起来!&&&&In the great wave of ups and downs of life, you no choice but to shake off the fatigue, and a wretched, teeth accumulate strength and terror at the hideous Yin Xiao stand up again!7. 表情猥琐出身微贱的卑鄙小人;卑微的出身的。&&&&Baseborn wretc of humble birth.8. 表情猥琐出身微贱的卑鄙小人;卑微的&&&&Baseborn wretc of''.'humble'.9. 9. 把这个该死的猥琐卑鄙的叛徒给我关起来&&&&Send this pestilent, traitorous, cowhearted, yeasty codpiece to the brig.10. 因为还没下班,我还不能走,于是就又回到了办公室。可是不一会儿张又过来了,同样猥琐的动作,正好被我的QQ好友拍了下来。对此,我真的很感激。&&&&After a short while, he came again to my ofc, pressing my breasts, while I was videochatting with my best frnd, so by chance, he took 3 pics, for which, I felt so thankful.11. 同时,教育部还建议学生拒绝使用攻击性或猥琐性语言,慎交网友。&&&&&&The students were also advised not to use offensive and obscene language and to be careful about making friends on the Internet.12. 他留着长头发,形容猥琐,就像是从来没在一间办公室里工作过的一样。&&&&&&He was a long-haired young man, indecently dressed, who had certainly never worked in an office.13. 我不相信那些猥琐的人会有什么好下场。。&&&&&&I do not believe that those person of wretched appearance is able to what good end to have..14. "是的,那行为太猥琐了,他这个年纪应该懂事了。&&&&&&Yeah, that kind of behavior is obscene, he should know better at his age.15. 你以为我们可以在这猥琐的世界上做正派人。&&&&&&You thought we could be decent men in an indecent world.16. 在现实中就是一个极其猥琐,自闭,极端的一类人。&&&&&&In reality, is an extremely insignificant, autistic, extreme class of people.17. 17. 最近做过的最猥琐的事情是什么?&&&&&&When i was answer the questions, i am looking up the dictionary.....18. 就像我今天遇上的停水事件一样,发愁地连上楼都猥猥琐琐的我怎么也没想到会来水,所有的担心不过是庸人自扰而已。&&&&&&Like today, I encountered the same events without water, even the stairs have to worry about being petty in how I have no idea we'd runoff, all of the fear is nothing but just make trouble for themselves.19. 19. 如果有一天,当一个男人,不管猥不琐猥琐,不敢出门调戏一下漂亮美眉。&&&&&&And if the day should come, when any man, no matter how humble, can`t go out there and soil the loins of some hot litter dancer.20. 作者:张一楠来源:新东方】我很欣赏一个长相近乎猥琐的男人,只因为他出身卑微,几乎是start from nothing,但是他心怀远大的理想。&&&&&&Offer letter: Hi Jason, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you --- you help me a lot! About few months ago, I sent my PS to you.猥琐是什么意思,猥琐在线翻译,猥琐什么意思,猥琐的意思,猥琐的翻译,猥琐的解释,猥琐的发音,猥琐的同义词,猥琐的反义词,猥琐的例句,猥琐的相关词组,猥琐意思是什么,猥琐怎么翻译,单词猥琐是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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猥琐一般指的是相貌上 看起来不爽 形象不好猥亵指的是下流的动作 一般是指男性对女子进行的 这个是要被BS的 严重的话是犯罪行为 日常生活里比如性骚扰龌龊可以指人也可以指事 你可以说这人比较龌龊 一般是指他的品行方面 指事的话也可以 比如某某做了什么什么龌龊的事 或者某事很龌龊 不过这个词形容的话是比较过分的 一般性的用这个龌龊来形容就不适合
自己体会下:猥琐 wěi suǒ (容貌、举止)庸俗不大方且夫贤君之践位也,岂特委琐喔啮,拘文牵俗,修诵习传,当世取说云尔哉!----司马相如《难蜀父老》举止猥琐一作“委琐”。不魁梧;短小看贾环人物委琐,举止粗糙。----《红楼梦》身材猥琐猥亵 wěi xiè 做下流的动作下流龌龊 wò chuò...


