i tried to stop him fromstop smokingg, but he just...

does the conversation take place?
C. At home.
are the speakers talking about?
machines.&&& B.
Paying for tickets.& C. Changing
3.Why does
the woman refuse the man's invitation?
doesn't like going out with the
will have dinner with Jack.
C. She has
to prepare for a plane trip.
long has the man been learning French?
less than 5
For more than five
four and a half years.
can we learn from the conversation?
woman is wearing her friend's
woman wore the dress yesterday.
speaker are in the same class.
6. What is
the man's feelings after his job interview?
A. Anxious
many candidates were able to go to the second
C. Sixteen
will the woman do if the telephone rings?
the phone.&B. Call the man back
the neighbor's.
9. How can
we describe the man?
He's excited.
did the woman leave school?
C. In 1994
did the woman start running?
A. To keep
B. To make
To become famous.
does the woman plan to do next year?
part in the race in
Europe with her family.
more money for a good school.
does the man want to be?
A. A movie
C. A great musician.
does the man feel about his future?
C. Uncertain.
will the man go to find a manager?
he takes his last
B. After he moves to London.
he knows his exam results.
will the man probably do at first in London?
B. Publish his
part-time jobs.
doesn't the speaker want to go to the mountains this
A. Because
it is a little cold this time and too far away.
B. Because
he went there last year
C. Because
it is not beautiful enough.
does the speaker like about the seashore?
A. Bathing
B. Taking a walk on the
C. Swimming in the sea.
can the speaker probably go to the seashore?
C. By bike.
did the speaker decide to go at last?
hometown.&& B. To the
C. To the mountains.
Parents are supposed to make their own personal _____until they
feel their teens are responsible enough to drive
permission&& D.
particularly gifted but always trying to get the most out of his
ability, the young man maximized his _____and finally succeeded in
his career.
D. boundary
have to replace these old lamps with the new energy-efficient ones
because they _____too muchelectricity.
D. consume
Studies show that 30-40% of all job applicants put false
information on their resumes or applications, and_____their
qualifications during interviews to increase their chances of
getting the post.
exaggerate& B.
Unemployment is forcing many young people, often eager for
independence, to_____their parents longer than they would have
D. carry on
social scientists suggest that westerners should take advantage of
the ancient Chinese wisdom to_____the drawbacks of western
A. hold on
B. make up
go in for&& D. put up
should be_____in the way you treat your children instead of being
changeable, or they would get confused about how you really want
them to be.
D. critical
Korea has apparently told China it may be ready to return to
six-nation talks, which appears to be a (n)_____ step aimed at
ending its nuclear weapons programs.
aggressive&& B.
D. passive
to an amusement park or ball game, watching a movie or television,
are fun activities that help us relax,____forget our problems and
maybe even laugh.
physically&& C.
regularly&& D.
government should keep the society safe and stable_____
establishing a sound social security system.
chance of&& B. in terms
of&& C. by means
of&& D. in favor
was a US pilot in Vietnam. He flew 74 successful
tasks.& 31 ,on his 75th mission, his F4 fighter
was 32& by a surface-to-air missile (导弹) and he
was forced to escape. The only thing between him and near death was
the& 33& that he prayed would
open. It did open and Charlie&
34& it down to the ground alive, but he was caught
and spent 6 years as a(n)& 35& of
war in a Vietnamese prison camp.
many years after returning to his homeland, Charlie and his wife
were sitting in a little& 36& in
Kansas City when he noticed two tables over was this guy who kept
looking at him& 37&
looked back but did not& 38& him,
but he kept catching this guy&
39& at him. Finally the guy stood up and walked
over to Charlie's table and said, “You’re Captain Plumb. You flew
jet fighters in Vietnam. You& 40 from the aircraft
carrier, you parachuted& 41&
enemy area and you were& 42& a
prisoner of war.”
Somewhat& 43& ,
Charlie looked up at the guy and asked, “How did
it& 44& that you know all that?”
The man smiled and said, “Because I packed your parachute. I guess
it& 45& .”
lay awake that night,& 46& all
the times he had walked through the long narrow room, below sea
level on the aircraft carrier, with the tables where the men packed
the parachutes. He wondered how many times he passed the man whose
job would& 47& save his life
without even saying “hi”,“good morning” or “good job” or
“I& 48& what you
Practically B. Unfortunately& C. Consequently D.
destroyed B. exposed C. attracted D. Approached
door B. Filter C. Carrier D. Parachute
threw B. dragged C. dropped D. Made
prisoner B. pilot C. passenger D. Officer
library B. restaurant C. cottage D. Cinema
curiously B. occasionally C. seriously D.
associate B. recognize C. confirm D. Mention
staring B. laughing C. shouting D. Pointing
40. A. set
back B. took off C. moved up D. settled down
44. A. refer
46. A. judging
&& During my
visit to my parents, I decided to explore their attic
(阁楼). They have lived in their home in the mountains since
1953, so investigating the attic was a trip down memory lane for
& I climbed the unstable
ladder to the dusty, cold third floor. I looked around and noticed
a very old basket in the comer, in which I found letters piled
high, faded and dirty-untouched there. As I opened each letter, I
discovered a new and previously unrevealed page of my parents'
My father served in the Army. He wrote
about his daily experiences with civilians, German POWs, baths and
more. I was drawn to these letters. Each of my mother's letters was
sealed with her 1944 lipstick kiss. Daddy wrote that he sealed his
return letters by rekissing her lipstick kiss. Oh, how they missed
I finished reading six months of the
letters and discovered there were at least eleven months missing.
Where could they
& Just six weeks after my visit,
Daddy became very ill and was hospitalized. He was scheduled for
kidney dialysis (肾透析)when I decided to fly to visit him. We
discussed the letters. He told me how much receiving those
lipstick-kissed letters had meant to him when he had been so far
from home. As I left, the thought raced through my mind that
tomorrow was Valentine's Day. But I quickly dismissed this
thought. My father wasn’t in any kind of shape to shop for a
valentine. My parents had been married for fifty-six years. My
mother would understand that her valentine would just have to be
skipped this
& Later that evening.
Mother and I revisited the attic in search of the lost letters.
Toward the bottom, we discovered an unmarked gold cardboard box.
Yes! Here were the long-lost letters! I began looking through them.
Lying separate, on top of the letters was the valentine card my
father had sent Mother in
& The next day, Mother
and I visited Daddy in the hospital. I joked with him, saying
softly, “Today is Valentine's Day, and I know you have been a
little busy lately, but I’ve got something you covered.” I handed
him the card. He carefully opened the card, and when he recognized
it, his eyes filled with
& There was nothing
lacking that Valentine's Day after all. My father, in a voice
shaking with emotion, read the loving message he’d sent to my
mother fifty-six years earlier. And this time, he could read it to
51. What information do we get from the
& A. The Valentine’s
card to Mum sent by my father in 1944 was a real treasure to
& B. I revisited the
attic, hoping to find some gold
& C. My father’s state
of health was nothing serious six weeks after my first
& D. My father had been
in the army for just one
52. The underlined word
“dismissed” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning
B. laid off &&
turned down
53. From the last paragraph, we can infer
& A. my father became
totally well after he got the lost
& B. my father was
excited to read the loving message to my mom
& C. my mother was
fifty-six years old when she got the
& D. my father and
mother had never sent Valentine’s cards to each other
54. The letters in this passage are the
symbol of&&
Tuesday, a group of ,middle school students took a trip to,
learning, cooking and
students were part of A Taste of New Zealand at the Blair House,
the President's guesthouse. The event was hosted byChief of
Protocol, Ambassador Capricia Marshall, and featured theAmbassador
to the, the Right Honorable Michael
Ambassador Moore was also previously the Prime Minister of New
Zealand.is an island in the South Pacific near Austialia. It's
composed of,as Ambassador Moore joked, around 4.5 million people
and 40 million sheep. It also has nice multi-cultural food and
traditions, which the students experienced
local students were joined by kids from theembassy and they all got
their hands messy cooking some of the favorite dishes in. The menu
included lamb chops, fish and chips, and a Kiwi-style vegetarian
The food was delicious and beautifully
craftcd with some help from the Blair House chief cooks and a
special guest cooks from a New Zealand-style restaurant
dessert, there were several delicious things to choose from. But
what stood out from the rest was the Pavlova, a treat made with
fruit and others. Not only was the Pavlova nice to look at, but
it’s also a dish with some
Peter Macaulay, an adviser to the Embassy
of New Zealand who attended with his two children, Brianna and
Fraser, cheerfully explained why the Pavlova was so
Named after a Russian ballet dancer who visited the country in
1927, the Pavlova was created by the New Zealanders in honor of
their special guest. The hullabaloo started when the dancer
was honored with the same exact dish when she visited. Ever since,
a friendly competition has carried on over which country should
take credit for originating the
& “We say that we did.
And I would stick with our story!” said Ambassador Moore, when
asked about the
Taste of New Zealand was the fourth place in a series designed to
highlight the unique cultures of select nations around the world.
Like previous events, it was fun, enlightening, and
55.From the passage, we can infer
& A. New Zealanders each
have more than 10
& B. raising sheep is a
big business
& C. sheep are what New
Zealanders live
& D. Pavlova was a
special guest tofor a ballet
56. The underlined word “hullabaloo” may
57. By saying “We say that we did” in the
second paragraph from
& A. New Zealanders
created the dessert
& B. New Zealanders
joined in the
& C. New Zealanders
could dance
& D. New Zealanders was
honored for the
58. The passage is mainly
& A. American students
took part in an exchange
& B. American students
made a trip
& C. American students
learned the unique culture
& D. American students
Sales of crime novel The Cuckoo's Calling
have rocketed since its author Robert Galbraith was unmasked as JK
Rowling, according to The
said 17,662 hardback copies were sold between 14 and 20 July, up
from just 43 copies the previous week, according to Nielsen
BookScan data. The Cuckoos Calling was the week’s bestselling
hardback novel, despite some booksellers running out of
The Harry Potter author was identified in
a newspaper article last week. On a website Rowling said 8,500
English language copies had been sold in all forms, including
e-books, before her
& The author added that
she had received two offers from television production companies.
“The situation was becoming increasingly complicated, largely
because Robert was doing rather belter than we had expected him
to,” she said. “But we all still hoped to keep the secret a little
longer. Robert’s success during his first three months as a
published writer (discounting sales made after I was found out)
actually compares favourably with JK Rowling's success over the
similar period of her
& However, the
Bookseller reported the hardback had sold fewer than 500 copies in
its three-month period on sale before the Sunday Times’ expose. The
recent sales were not enough to send The Cuckoo's Calling to the
top spot in the officialtop 50, instead landing it in third
& The Rowling revelation
coincided with the paperback release of The Casual Vacancy -- her
first official post-Potter work -- which sold 19,548 copies in the
same week, making the book number two in the sales chart. Neither
title managed to draw John Grisham's The Racketeer from the top of
the chart, which shifted 24,222 copies -- a 19% drop on the previous
& Elsewhere on the
Robert Galbraith website, Rowling has revealed the reason she chose
her pen name. She said she picked Robert becausesenator Robert F
Kennedy was her “hero” and she had never used the name in one of
her earlier
& “I can only hope all
the real Robert Galbraiths out there will be as forgiving as the
real Harry Potters have been,” she wrote. A follow-up to The
Cuckoos Calling has been finished and should be published next
year, the author
59. What can we know about the sale of
The Cuckoos
& A. The English edition
sells better than other
& B. The sales have come
across decline in recent
& C. The sale is beyond
satisfaction before J.K. Rowling
& D. Book sellers can't
cover any expense for the running out of the
60. Why did J.K. Rolling reveal the true
identity of her pen
& A. She wasn’t involved
in her former reputation
& B. She couldn't count
on an imaginary man to go
& C. She attempted to
accept her inner
& D. She received offers
from television
61. What attitude does J.K. Rowling
expect her readers to have towards Robert
Complimentary.&& C.
62. What does the passage
mainly talk about?
& A. New challenges are
coming for Rowling's
& B. Unmasked author
brings about a new
& C. Best sellers result
from a new
& D. Rowling's
Creativity leads to another
& Is there a connection between a
nation’s contributions to international aid programs and the
happiness of its citizens? According to a study of nine European
donor (捐赠人)countries, there is a direct relationship between
the level of foreign aid and level of happiness in the UK and
France but for other European countries there seems to be no link.
Full details of the analysis and its conclusions are published this
month in the journal Global Business and Economics
& Mark Arvin and Byron
Lew of Department of Economics,in., have investigated the old
proverb that it’s better to give than receive. Previous research
has suggested that for individuals giving money to worthy causes
brings more happiness than spending it oneself. Elizabeth Dunn and
colleagues at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, found
that people said they were much happier if they were spending money
“pro-socially” -- that is on gifts for others or on charitable
donations -- rather than spending it on
& Whether this proposal
translates to the national level is open to question, but Arvin and
Lew hoped to confirm that it is indeed the case by looking at the
foreign aid disbursements (支付款) of nine
donor countries in Europe and using general measures of happiness
among a nation's citizens. Their statistical analysis hoped to
reveal whether happiness levels could predict levels of aid
& “Our results reveal
that for two important European donors, France and the, the
aid-happiness link is a positive causal relationship from happiness
to aid,” the team says. “In addition, for, there is also a positive
causal connection from aid to happiness. This leads us to suspect
that aid and happiness are likely both naturally born -- at least
& The researchers point
out that it is not surprising that there is a different effect in
countries other than theandbecause there are different attitudes
towards foreign aid. Some nations have smaller public parts others
donate at the institutional level and through private channels.
Nevertheless, public giving seems to bring greater happiness to a
nation as a whole as well as assisting those less
63. The first paragraph mainly intends
& A. teach us how we can
bring greater happiness to
& B. show us how the
researchers made their
& C. guide us to read
the conclusions drawn by the
& D. tell us different
effects of giving on other European
64. It can be inferred from the passage
& A. any country can get
greater happiness from giving at any
& B. there is a negative
connection from aid to happiness for European
& C. the same effect
exists in countries other than
& D. giving money brings
more happiness than spending it on himself or
65. How does the author support his idea
about the link between aid and
&A. By doing survey and
By gathering data and
& C. By making
comparison and detective. D. By giving examples and
66. Which can be the best title of the
& A.Happier to Give than
to Receive&&B.Different
& C. Donations and
A Relationship from Happiness to Aid&
weather system known as a polar vortex brought dangerously cold
weather to large parts of thethis week. A polar vortex is a cold,
thick low pressure system. The air turns counter-clockwise when on
The polar vortex started up in. After
crossing the border, it moved deep into the southeastern. The polar
vortex brought the coldest temperatures in more than 20 years to
many areas. Alice Jenkins lives
& “I have a coat on. I
have three sweaters. I have two blouses. But I don’t feel like I
have anything
& Another woman, named
Amanda, lives nearby
&“It’s D.C. It’s not
supposed to be this
extreme weather started with a low-pressure system near the North
Pole. The Arctic air was pushed as far south ason wind currents
known as the jet stream. The bitter cold covered much of the
central United Stales, forcing schools, government offices and
businesses to
the polar vortex did not have the same effect
Interestingly enough, it is wanner inand
also somewhat wanner overbecause when you exhaust cold air in the
North Pole and the Arctic region, when it’s forced southward, it
can’t all stay there. Basically it’s rushing towards us in
Camden Walker, a weather expert, says the
weather system moved away quickly from places like. But the cold
air and high winds were staying longer in the middle of the
Temperatures of minus 10 degrees Celsius or lower were reported
in,,and. In fact. temperatures in all or parts of the 50 states
were below freezing at some point on Tuesday. Even in, it was minus
six degrees at the top of the state's highest
The effect of the polar vortex was
extensive. Airline companies cancelled more than 11,000 flights
over a four day period. The cold weather also interfered with train
service. In the south, the Tennessee Valley Authority said it set a
single day record for electricity as homeowners struggled to stay
warm. But there was more to the
67. Which of the following statements
about the polar vortex is NOT
& A. It came from around
the North Pole
& B. It caused great
& C. It caused, D.C to
be colder than usual in this
& D. All the places it
swept across became extremely
68. The purpose of Paragraphs 3,4 and 5
& A. say Alice and
Amanda should have put on more
& B. indicate the
extremely cold weather this year is unusual for,
& C. show, D.C is the
most affected place
& D. tell us women
suffered more from the extreme
69. Centralwas more severely affected by
the cold because____
& A. it was the place
where the polar vortex was
& B. it was too low here
for the polar vortex to
& C. it was close to,
& D. it was the cold air
and high winds that stayed longer
70. The passage is probably going to talk
about_____if it
& A. what can be done to
stop it happening
& B. how long the
extreme weather will
& C. other damage the
polar vortex
& D. the best way to
stay warm this
71. When I was little, my mother used to
sit by my bed, ____________________u ntil I fell asleep.
72. The general manager was on the point
of driving away ________________ that he had left the important
document in the office.
73. Luckily I brought with me my
umbrella, without which I _________________ in the rain on my way
74.___________________, the beggar
refused to accept the food thrown to him on the ground.
75.__________________ in performing the
task, we shall keep in mind that we are a group and everyone is
76. I can't find my keys. I
__________________ them in the supermarket while shopping with my
77. Mr. Li earns only
_____________________ as his wife, which makes him feel bad.
78. With the wall of the building
___________________ yellow, it looks even more beautiful.
79. As a matter of fact, it is the mental
addiction rather than the physical effects ___________________it
hard to quit smoking.
80. Now, we are put into a position
________________. Therefore laws for the protection of animals are
so necessary.
As a famous writer once put it, “Life is
like a big pot, when you go to the bottom of it, as long as you are
willing to go, each direction is
&第一部分:听力(30分) 1--5
BACCA&& 6--10 BABCA 11--15
BCACB&& 16--20
ACCBA& 第二部分:词汇知识运用
ABACD&&& 36--40
DBBAB 41--45 AADAB 46--50 DBABB&
DBCA 55--58 ACDA& 59--62 CDBA&
63--66 ACDB 67--70 BCDA
telling me stories / telling stories to me
(suddenly) it struck him
would/could/have been caught
74. Hungry
as he was&
Whatever role (part) one has played/is
what role(part) one has played/is playing/plays
have left&
third(1/3) as much (money)
where/in which many animals are dying
主要结构正确,信息完整,但一个或一个以上拼写错误扣0. 5分;
主要结构正确,信息有遗漏扣0. 5分;
主要结构正确,添加无关信息扣0. 5分;&
71.tell没有ing,零分,没有me扣0.5分,写成a story
73.如果写成should/might/have been
79. 没有that
&80.many animals are dying
out全对,但是没有where/in which扣一分;时态错扣一分。
&One possible
& Our life journey can’t always be
smooth, and we are bound to meet difficulties. Even at the worst
time, if we have ambitious heart, we are sure to enjoy a happy and
meaningful life.
& I still remember my toughest time two
years ago. Top student as I had been before, I was horrified to
find in my new school I was behind others in math however hard I
tried. So pessimistic was I that I sank into desperation.
Fortunately my friend Xiao Ling noticed my depression and said:
“Cheer up. Never give up.” Inspired by her words, I began to look
at myself positively, which gave me the confidence to learn
positive attitude and upward desire that made me a happy and
successful student again. I totally understand that as long as we
are willing to do, all our efforts will pay off definitely some
I’m going to draw the curtain. Is that all right with
W: But I’m
trying to read.
you see, I want to watch this movie on TV
sun’s shining on the screen.
W: Oh, all
right. But I’d like the light on.
me, Can I use notes to buy
Some ticket machines take both notes and coins.
will I know if a machine takes both?
M: It will
say on the machine.
about going to dinner with me
love to, but I haven’t packed yet and my flight leaves at 5
then I’ll ask Jack instead. Enjoy your flight.
you. I’ll call you when I come back.
speak French very well. How long have you been learning the
been learning French for five and a half
W: Oh, you
have had a long practice. That’s why you have a good command of
dress looks familiar. Did I see you wearing it
not me. It belongs to my friend Susan, and she is in your
really has a lot of dresses.
That’s true.
Mark. Are you in town for another job
I'm hopeful this time. I've just finished my second interview with
this company.
sounds great. How many people are they
interviewed 16 the first time and now four of us were chosen to go
back for this interview. So, you& know twelve
failed in the first
W: Well. I
hope it goes well. John and I would love it if you came back to
this area to work, because we are friends.
M: I would
M: Was the
telephone ringing?
didn’t hear anything.&
thought I heard it ring two or three
Sometimes when the windows are open, you can hear the neighbor’s
I’m expecting an important call, and I don’t want to miss
anything I should know about?&
really. It has something to do with work and doesn’t affect us here
why don’tyou go ahead and do what to do outside? I will call you if
the phone rings.&
M: Thanks.
I think I will. I’ve been waiting so long now. I am getting
nervous. I need to get out of house to breathe in some fresh
Chimokel, now, you are rich and famous. Did you want to become an
athlete when you left school?
W: Oh, no,
I didn’t. I come from a very poor family. I left school at sixteen
and then I married
Benjamin a
year later, in 1995. I didn’t think about running or sport at that
time. Then I
beautiful boys. We’re a hard-working family, but we didn’t have any
money to send our boys to school. Then, last year, my neighbor told
me about the running races and the prize money. So, I decided to
start running, and here I am now!
M: Did you
win much money yesterday?&
yes. I did. Now we can send our children to a good
this marathon your last race?
don’t think so!
me to race in Europe next year! I hope I can take my
W: You’re
leaving school soon, aren’t you?
&M: Yes, my A-levels start next week,
but I’m not bothered about the results, because when I leave
I’m going
to concentrate on my music careerI’m the leading singer in a band
and I don’t need any qualifications to be a pop star. I see my
future very clearly. I’m going to be incredibly famous and
&W: So you’ve already got a contract
yet. But the minute I’ve taken my last exam, I’m going to find a
really good manager.
you intend to continue living at
M: No way.
I’m moving to London just as soon as I’ve left school. London’s
where it all happens in the& music
& W: Do you think you’ll be able to live
off your music right from the start?
& M: Well, I believe at first we might
have to get part-time jobs for a few months and it’s going to be
hard, but I bet you, by this time next year, we’ll have had a
record in the charts.
& 听第10段材料,回答第
M: There’s
a holiday next week and I can’t decide what to
I went north to the mountains. Everything was beautiful, but it is
too cold this time of
it’s really too far to go for a short holiday. I have decided that
this is not a good time to go to
mountains. But I do want to go some
&Perhaps this would be a good chance to
go to the beach. I like to go for walks along the seashore in the
warm sunshine and watch the water. It’s only about eighty miles and
I can get there in over an hour. After thinking it over, I’m sure
that this is a better time for the seashore than the mountains. I
guess I’ll plan to go to the beach next week.& Oh,
here’s a letter from Jim. He says he is going to his house in the
mountains for the holidays next week, and he wants me to go with
him. After giving it some more thought, I guess it wasn’t really
too cold last year, and perhaps it might rain at the seashore and
then I wouldn’t enjoy it at all. The mountains are only 300 miles
away. I think I’ll write to Jim right now and tell him I’ll go with
26.***A。“一些社会学家建议西方人应该利用中国传统的智慧来弥补(make up
for)西方哲学的缺陷。”A“弥补”;B “坚持,抓住不放”;C “参加”;D“容忍”。
“挑剔的”;B “负责的”;C“灵活的”;D “一致的”。
30.***B。“政府应该通过(by means of
)建立一个完善的社会保障体系来保持社会的安全稳定。”A“意外的,偶然的”; B“用,通过”;
42.A.“关押。”被关押在了敌军的阵地。Hold 的另外一个词义。
&44.A.“发生、产生”。查理很纳闷,“这一切是怎么回事?”how did
it come about是固定句型。 B。“带来”C。“谈到”
48.A.“感谢”。我感谢你所做的一切。C。“怀疑” D。“容忍”。
55.***A.推理判断题。文章第3段谈到:It's composed of, as Ambassador
Moore joked, around 4.5 million people and 40 million
61.***B。态度判断题。文章最后一段谈到,她希望读者对这本书能像对待the real Harry
&68. ***C。推理判断题。文章中几个人的对话表明Washington
there was more to the
telling me stories / telling stories to
(suddenly) it struck him,时间状语从句和固定句型。
would/could/have been caught,对过去情况假设的虚拟语气。
74. Hungry
as he was, as的倒装。
Whatever role(part) one has played/is
have left,情态动词的完成时态的用法。
third(1/3) as much (money),倍数和比较级的用法。
where/in which many animals are dying


