
don’t get what you deserve. You get what you negotiate.”
Karrass, Negotiation Expert
works by repetition. Repeat, repeat, and repeat.”
Fortune China received the following email from a reader in
a marketing executive. My boss is not in the same office with me. I
never received bad comments from her and I thought she’s satisfied
with my work result. But when I asked for a raise recently, she
refused and told me she didn't see many highlights in my work.
Actually, I worked hard and finished many difficult tasks without
any guidance because she was so busy. How can I let her know that?
I don't want to argue." & Frustrated
this short note it is easy to sense that the writer is working very
hard, is very committed to delivering results and also very
frustrated that her work is not being recognized by her boss. Sound
familiar? I hear this kind of thing quite frequently---Asia is a
big region and its very common to report to a boss that lives and
works in a another country, another city or even far across town.
As such, it’s easy for an employee to be “out of sight, out of
are five tips for managingcommunication with an Absentee
fact, these tips will work find even if your boss sits right next
to you in the same office!)
1. Negotiate Crystal Clear Performance Criteria with Your
am always surprised when I ask people that I coach about their
agreed performance criteria for their job and they aren’t able to
articulate the standards of success for me. Often no written
document exists. Usually they will refer to their job description!
In reality, your job description outlines the kind of work you will
be doing, the competencies required, key job focuses, etc. It
spells out your role in the organization.
a job description is not enough to clarify “What specific results
is the boss expecting from me in the next 12 months and over the
longer term?” To get that level of clarity requires a Goal Setting
Conversation. Sometimes such a conversation happens as part of the
company’s Performance Management process, if such a process is in
use. Often, these conversations never happen at all. Without
clearly defined performance expectations, written in black and
white, how are you going to get a fair evaluation of your work? You
won’t! You will have zero leverage to manage their perception of
your performance. And its likely you will end up frustrated.
you don’t have such crystal clarity, I urge you to request a Goal
Setting Meeting with your boss and insist on clarifying:
What specific results will you hold me accountable for delivering
in the next 12 months
What specific success criteria will be applied in order to evaluate
if the results were delivered as expected?
In other words, how will you know, beyond all doubt that I have met
your expectations.
accept vague answers and generalizations like “just do good work
and everything will be fine.” Often bosses haven’t really asked
themselves these questions and so they won’t have a ready answer.
If that’s the case, ask them to come back to you in a week (or
other agreed time-frame) with some answers.
what if they never come back with the crystal clear success
criteria?”&I can hear people saying! In
that case, sit down and draft your own success criteria for your
work and send it to them for consideration. Talk to people who have
more experience and ask them to review and comment on your draft.
In any case, its up to you to ensure that clear performance
benchmarks are in place if the boss or HR can’t provide them for
you. Show your commitment by taking the lead instead of ‘suffering
in silence.’ Are you a Leader? Then lead.
don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate.
Send Your Boss a Written Copy of Your Performance Goals and Success
you have agreed crystal clear performance goals and benchmarks with
your boss, send them a copy via email and be sure to keep a copy
posted in your workplace where you can see your goals every day.
Let your boss know you are committed to achieve these, and more,
and you will stay focused on the agreed goals. Refer to your goals
several times a day and make sure you organize around priority work
that will lead to achieving your goals. (See my previous Fortune
China article on.)&
Advertise Your Progress.&In the case of the
frustrated reader, above, it seems clear that she was focused on
doing great work and achieving her goals. But since her boss is far
away in another location, its likely that her performance did not
achieve a very high “Share of Mind.” The reality is, bosses are
human and very busy and you cannot rely on them to simply remember
your good work, especially when they don’t see you everyday and
they have a thousand other things on their mind. So, as the saying
goes “It pays to advertise.” Here are some ways to stay on your
bosses radar:
Send an email every time you achieve something significant, giving
specifics and linking them to your agreed success criteria. Keep it
short and sweet. Save a copy.
Send a brief report every month with details of progress you have
made towards your goals.Save a copy.
When there is something tangible involved, make photographs and
send them via email.Save a copy.
When your boss is not available and you need advice, proactively
seek it out, get ideas and suggestions and feedback from people in
your location. Type up some notes on what you are learning and
doing and send to your boss. Save a copy.
time you are steadily building a strong case file, full of evidence
of your good work and your commitment, and of course, your
achievements. Naturally you will bring this material to your boss’s
attention when it is time for a review.
Insist on Regular Reviews.&In many organizations, once
goals are set there may be only one formal review of their progress
after 6 months, or, quite often there is a review only after 12
months. If the boss is far away, that is never going to work out
well. Perhaps this is what happened to our Frustrated
Can You Do?Arrange a 30-minute phone call with your boss at least
once a month to quickly review your performance and any issues you
are having. Use the opportunity to flag any issues you are having
and ask for coaching and feedback. I can’t stress enough the value
and importance of explicitly asking your boss, on a regular basis
“How do you feel I am doing based on our agreed success criteria.”
If the feedback is vague, such as “Well Done!” ask them “what,
specifically did you think I did well?” Write it down. Write up a
report of the call, including any positive comments and areas for
improvement, and send it to your boss. Save a copy.
Plan for some ‘Quick Wins’ and Celebrate Your
Successes.&As soon as you have clarity
about the results you need to deliver, sit down and brainstorm 2-3
‘Quick Wins’ that fit the agreed performance criteria. Commit
yourself to achieving these benchmark achievement that demonstrate
tangible progress within the first four months of the year. They
may be small, but they need to be real evidence of progress and
they need to be unambiguous: anyone seeing these results would be
convinced you are achieving momentum in the right direction. When
you achieve a Quick Win, get a few people together over a cake and
drinks and take a photo to commemorate your victory. Use this as
part of your Advertising Campaign to say on your boss’s radar
throughout the year.
these 5 tips, its easy to see that creating awareness of your
performance achievements is your responsibility and it isn’t going
to happen by itself. Communication works by repetition. Let me
repeat that: Communication Works By Repetition. Without becoming a
nuisance, use every opportunity to maintain open communication
channels with your boss and keep your good work on their radar
screen throughout the year. Is this a lot of trouble? Perhaps. But
successful people know that managing ongoing communication with the
boss is the only way to be sure you will be fairly evaluated when
its time to talk about a raise.
to our Frustrated Reader:it may too late for this year but
you could go back through the year and assemble a Case Study that
demonstrates your notable achievements and the many contributions
you made even though you had an Absentee Boss. Put it all in a
PowerPoint and send it to your boss and ask for the chance to
present your case to them. Better still, organize yourself
proactively around these 5 tips and you will be much more confident
of getting the recognition you deserve next year.
Note to the Bosses:
If you are hoping to get better performance from your team and are
trying to do so without setting crystal clear performance
objectives with each and every member, please wake up and start
acting like a real leader.
It is in your best interests as well as your team’s best interests
to take the time to really think about what you want and how you
are going to evaluate performance. People need clarity to perform
and if they don’t perform its going to be your job on the line.
Fuzzy goals will get you fuzzy performance and the best people are
going to take their skills elsewhere.
When your team members reach out to you and ask for clarity, give
it to them and give them regular feedback and coaching throughout
the year. That’s the very least to expect from a boss in the 21st


