I didn't r___ I hadi made a mistakee until he t...

>>> Not until yesterdaythat I had made a serious mistake.A.did..
Not until yesterday    that I had made a serious mistake.A.didn’t I realizeB.did I realizeC.I didn’t realizeD.I realize
B选B。考查倒装语序。not until接状语从句放在句首时, 主句用倒装结构。
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“ Not until yesterdaythat I had made a serious mistake.A.did..”主要考查你对&&全部倒装,部分倒装,省略句&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
1、here和there位于句首时的倒装:表示地点的here和there位于句首时,其后用完全倒装形式。这类倒装句的谓语通常是动词be和come,go等表示移动或动态的不及物动词: 如:Here's Tom. 汤姆在这里。 &&&&&&& There's Jim. 吉姆在那儿。 &&&&&&& Here comes the bus. 公共汽车来了。&&&&&&&&&There goes the bell. 铃响了。 &&&&&&& There goes the last train. 最后一班火车开走了。注:(1)以上倒装句中的谓语动词come和go不能用进行时态,即不能说:Here is coming the bus.&&&&&&& &&&&&&& (2)若主语为代词,则不倒装:如:Here I am. 我在这儿。/ 我来了。 &&&&&&& Here it comes.它来了。&&&&&&& (3)其中的动词有时也可能是stand, lie, live等表示状态的动词(表示存在): 如:There stood a desk against the wall. 靠墙放着一张书桌。 &&&&&&& Once upon a time there lived a man known by the name of Beef. 从前有个人名叫比夫。 2、away和down等位于句首时的倒装:地点副词away, down, in, off, out, over, round, up等位于句首时,其后用完全倒装语序。这类倒装句的谓语通常表示动态的不及物动词: 如:Away went the runners. 赛跑选手们跑远了。 &&&&&&& Round and round flew the plane. 飞机盘旋着。 &&&&&&& The door opened and in came Mr Smith. 门开了,史密斯先生进了来。 &&&&&&& Down came the rain and up went the umbrellas. 下雨了,伞都撑起来了。注:若主语为人称代词,则不能用倒装: 如:Away he went. 他跑远了。 &&&&&&& Down it came. 它掉了下来。 3、某些状语或表语位于句首时的倒装:为了保持句子平衡或使上下文衔接紧密,有时可将状语或表语置于句首,句中主语和谓语完全倒装: 如:Among these people was his friend Jim. 他的朋友吉姆就在这些人当中。&&&&&&& By the window sat a young man with a magazine in his hand. 窗户边坐着一个年轻人,手里拿着一本杂志。注:在表语置于句首的这类倒装结构中,要注意其中的谓语应与其后的主语保持一致,而不是与位于句首的表语保持一致。比较:In the box was a cat. 箱子里是一只猫。 &&&&&&&&&&& In the box were some cats. 箱子里是一些猫。 4、现在分词、过去分词或不定式置于句首的倒装:有时为了强调,可将谓语部分的现在分词、过去分词或不定式置于句首,从而构成倒装: 如:Buried in the sands was an ancient village. 一个古老的村庄被埋在这沙土之中。 &&&&&&& Standing beside the table was his wife. 站在桌旁的是他的妻子。 &&&&&&& To be carefully considered are the following questions. 下列问题要仔细考虑。部分倒装的概念:
倒装英语句子的主语通常位于谓语动词之前,这种语序被称为正常语序。但有时出于修辞或某种特殊的语法结构的需要,需要将谓语动词放在主语之前,这种语序则叫倒装语序。主语和助动词倒置叫部分倒装。部分倒装:1、含有否定意义的副词位于句首时的倒装:在正式文体中,never, seldom, rarely, little, hardly, scarcely, no sooner, no longer, nowhere等含有否定意义的副词若位于句首,则其后要用部分倒装: 如:I shall never forgive him./ Never shall I forgive him. 我永远不会宽恕他。 &&&&&&& He seldom goes out for dinner./Seldom does he go out for dinner. 他很少出去吃饭。 &&&&&&& She hardly has time to listen to music./Hardly does she have time to listen to music. 他几乎没时间听音乐。 &&&&&&& He little realize show important this meetingis./Little does he realize how important this meeting is. 他不甚明白这个会议的重要性。&&& &&&&&&& We had no sooner reached the airport than the plane took off./No sooner had we reached the airport than the plane took off. 我们刚到机场,飞机就起飞了。注:(1)对于not…until句型,当not until…位于句首时,其后的主句要用倒装语序: 如:He didn't leave the room until the rain stopped./Not until the rain stopped did he leave the room. 雨停了之后他才离开这房间。 &&&&&&& (2)某些起副词作用的介词短语,由于含有否定词,若位于句首,其后要用部分倒装: 如:On no accounts must this switch be touched. 这个开关是绝不能触摸的。 &&&&&&& In[Under] no circumstances will I lend money to him. 无论如何我也不会再借钱给他了。但是,in no time(立即,马上)位于句首时,其后无需用倒装语序: 如:In no time he worked out the problem. 他马上就算出了那道题。 2、“only+状语”位于句首时的倒装:当一个状语受副词only的修饰且置于句首时,其后用部分倒装语序: 如:Only then did he realize that he was wrong. 到那时他才意识到他错了。 &&&&&&& Only in this way are you able to do it well. 你只有用这种方法才能把它做好。 &&&&&&& Only when he returned home did he realize what had happened. 当他回到家里时,才知道出了什么事。3、“so+形容词或副词”位于句首时的倒装:副词so后接形容词或副词位于句首时,其后用部分倒装: 如:So cold was the weather that we had to stay at home. 天气太冷,我们只好呆在家里。 &&&&&&& So fast does light travel that we can hardly imagine its speed. 光速很快,我们几乎没法像它的速度。 &&&&&&& So sudden was the attack that we had no time to escape. 袭击来得非常突然,我们来不及逃跑。 4、“So+助动词+主语”倒装:当要表示前面提出的某一肯定的情况也同样适合于后者,通常就要用“So+助动词+主语”这种倒装结构: 如:You are young and so am I. 你年轻,我也年轻。 &&&&&&& She likes music and so do I. 她喜欢音乐,我也喜欢。 &&&&&&& If he can do it, so can I. 要是他能做此事,我也能。注:(1)若前面提出某一否定的情况,要表示后者也属于同样的否定情况,则应将其中的so改为neither或nor: 如:You aren't young and neither am I. 你不年轻,我也不年轻。 &&&&&&& She hasn't read it and nor have I. 她没有读它,我也没有读。 &&&&&&& (2)注意该结构与表示强调或同意的“so+主语+特殊动词”结构的区别: 如:"It was cold yesterday." "So it was."“昨天很冷。”“的确很冷。”&&&&&& &"Father, you promised." "Well, so I did."“爸爸,你答应过的。”“嗯,是答应过。” 5、由not only…but also引出的倒装:当not only…but also位于句首引出句子时,not only后的句子通常用部分倒装形式: 如:Not only is he a teacher, but he is also a poet. 他不仅是一位教师,而且是一位诗人。 &&&&&&& Not only did he speak more correctly, but he spoke more easily. 不仅他讲得更正确,也讲得更不费劲了。 6、虚拟条件句省略if后构成的倒装:当if引导的虚拟条件从句中含有had, were, should等时,如将if省略,则要将had, were, should等移到主语前,构成倒装句: 如:Had you come yesterday, you would have seen him. 若你昨天来,你就会见到他了。 &&&&&&& Should you require anything give me a ring. 如果需要什么,可以给我打***。 &&&&&&& Were it not for your help, I would still be homeless. 要不是你帮助,我会仍然无家可归。注:省略if后提前的had不一定是助动词: 如:Had I money, I would buy it. 假若我有钱,我就会买它。 省略句的概念:
1、省略主语: 1)祈使句中的主语通常被省略。如:(You) Open the door, please. 请开一下门。 2)其它省略主语多限于现成的说法。如:(I)Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。&&&&&&&& (It)Doesn't matter. 没关系。 2、省略主谓语或主谓语的一部分:如:(There is)No smoking. 禁止抽烟 &&&&&&& (Is there)anything else? 还有其他事吗? &&&&&&& (You come)This way please. 请这边走。 &&&&&&& (Will you)Have a smoke? 抽烟吗? 3、省略宾语:如:--Do you know Mr. Li? 你认识李先生吗?&&&&&&& --I don't know (him.) 我不认识他 4、省略表语:如:--Are you thirsty? 你30岁了吗? &&&&&&& --Yes, I am (thirsty). 是的,我是。 5、同时省略几个成分:如:--Are you feeling better now? 你觉得好些了吗?&&&&&&& --(I am feeling) Much better (now) 好多了。 &&&&&& (I wish)Good luck(to you). 祝你好运/祝你顺利。省略句在复合句中的应用:
一、并列复合句中的省略:并列句中后边的分句可以省略与前边分句中相同的成分。如:The boy picked up a coin in the road and (the boy) handed it to a policeman.&&&&&&&& 这个男孩在马路上拾起一枚硬币并把他交给了***。 &&&&&&& Your advice made me happy but(your advice made) Tom angry. 你的建议使我高兴但使汤姆生气。 &&&&&&& Tom must have been playing basketball and Mary(must have been) doing her homework. &&&&&&& 汤姆肯定一直在打篮球,玛丽一直在写作业。 &&&&&&& Gao Xiumin was born in 1959 and Fu Biao(was born) in 1963. 高秀敏出生于1959年,傅彪出生于1963年。 二、主从复合句中的省略: 1、状语从句中的省略:一般说来省略现象多出现在下列五种状语从句中:1)由when,while,as,before,after,till,until,once等引导的时间状语从句;2)由whether,if,unless等引导的条件状语从句;3)由though,although,evenif,whatever等引导的让步状语从句;4)由as,than等引导的比较状语从句;5)由as,asif,asthough等引导的方式状语从句。上述状语从句在省略时应遵循下面原则: 当状语从句的主语与主句的主语一致时,可以省略状语从句的主语和系动词be,这时从句中可出现如下结构:连词(as,as if, once)+名词;连词(though, whether, when)+形容词;连词(whether, as if, while)+介词短语;连词(when, while, though)+现在分词;连词(when, if, even if, unless, once, until, than, as)+过去分词;连词(as if,as though)+不定式。如:Once(he was) a worker, Pang Long now becomes a famous singer. &&&&&&& 庞龙曾经是个工人,现在变成一位著名的歌手。& &&&&&&& Work hard when(you are) young, or you'll regret. 趁年轻要努力学习,要不然你会后悔的。&&&&&&&&&He looked everywhere as if(he was) in search of something. 他到处看似乎在找什么东西。&注意: ①当从句的主语和主句的宾语一致时,间或也有这样的省略。如:Her father told her to be careful when(she was) crossing the street. 当她过马路时父亲告诉她要当心。 ②当从句的主语是it,谓语动词中又含有系动词be时,可以把it和系动词be一起省略。此时构成连词(if, unless, when, whenever)+形容词的结构。如:Unless(it is) necessary, you'd better not refer to the dictionary. 如果没有必要,你最好不要查字典。 2、定语从句中的省略:1)一般说来,在限制性定语从句中,作宾语的关系代词that,which,whom可以省略;如:Is this reason(that) he explained at the meeting for his carelessness in his work? 这就是他在会上解释他工作中粗心的原因吗?而在非限制性定语从句中作宾语的关系代词which, whom不可以省略。比较:Tom(whom) you saw yesterday fell ill.(whom可以省)&& 你昨天见到的汤姆病倒了。 &&&&&&&&&&& Tom, whom you saw yesterday, fell ill. (whom不可以省) 汤姆病倒了,你昨天见到他了。 2)在口语和非正式用语中,关系副词when, where,和why经常用that来代替,甚至还可省略。如:This is the first time(when/that) he had trouble with the boss. 这是他第一次麻烦老板。 &&&&&&& He wants to find a good place(where/that) we can have a picnic during the"golden week"holiday. 他想找一个能在黄金周期间野餐的好地方。 &&&&&&& Could you tell us the reason(why/that) he&was so unhappy? 你能告诉我们他为什么如此不高兴吗? 3)当先行词为表示方式的the way时,从句不能用how来引导,应该用that或in which,或将它们全部省略。如:I don't like the way(that/in which) you laugh at her. 我不喜欢你嘲笑他的行为。 3、宾语从句中的省略:1)在及物动词后面所接的宾语从句中,连词that一般可以省略;但如果及物动词后面是由that引导的两个或两个以上的并列的宾语从句,那么只有第一个that可以省略。如:I think(that) the reform of the renminbi's exchangerate is necessary. 我认为人民币兑换率的改革是必要的。 &&&&&& He said(that) the Anti-secession law had been passed and that President Hu Jintao had signed a presidential order. 他说《反分裂国家法》已被通过,而且***主席已签署了主席令。 2)由which, when, where, how, 和why引导的宾语从句,可以全部或部分省略。如:I know that NBA star YaoMing will come to our city but I don't know when (he will come to our city). 我知道NBA明星要到我们城市来但我不知道他什么时候来。 &&&&&& He wants to move abroad but his parents wonders why(he wants to move abroad) 他想搬迁到国外但他的父母想知道为什么。 4、在与suggest, request, order, advise等词相关的名词性从句中,须用虚拟语气形式“should+动词原形”,should可以省略:如:Chirac, President of the Republic of France suggested that the China-France Culture Year(should) last long in various forms. 法国总统希拉克建议中法文化年以各种各样的形式长期持续。 5、主句省略多用于句首:如:(It is a) Pity that I didn't go to Mary's birthday party yesterday. 很遗憾,我昨天没有去参加玛丽的生日聚会。 6、在答语中,主句可全部省略。如:--Why were you absent from school last Friday?&&&&&&& --(I was absent from school) Because my mother was ill.&&&&&&& --上周五你为什么没有上学?&&&&&&& --因为我妈妈病了。 动词不定式省略:
1、保留to的场合: (1)不定式作某些动词的宾语时,这些动词常见的有:love, like, care, wish, hope, expect, prefer, refuse, mean, try, oblige, advise, persuade, agree, want, afford, forget, remember, try, manage等。如:--You should have thanked her before you left.&&&&&&& --I meant to, but when I was leaving I couldn't find her anywhere.&&& &&&&&&& --你本该在离开前谢谢她。&&&&&&& --我本打算这么做,但当我就要离开的时候我却找不到她了。&&&&&& You can do it this way if you like to. 如果你想做,你可以这么做。 (2)不定式作某些动词的宾语补足语或主语补足语时,这些动词常见的有:ask, tell, advise, force, persuade, wish, allow, permit, forbid, expect, order, warn 等。如:The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him not to. 男孩想在街上骑他的自行车,但他母亲不让。&&&&&&& She wants to come but her parents won't allow her to(come). 她想来,可是她父母不让。 (3)不定式在句中作某些形容词的状语时,常见的形容词有:happy, glad, eager, anxious, willing, ready 等。如:--I will be away on a business trip. Could you mind looking after my cat? &&&&&&& --Not at all. I would be happy to (look after your cat). &&&&&&& --我要出差,你能帮我照顾一下我的猫吗?&&&&&&& --没关系,我很愿意。 (4)不定式作某些复合谓语时,常见结构如:be able to, be going to, have to, ought to, used to 等。如:He doesn't like fish but he used to. 他现在不喜欢吃鱼,但过去喜欢。 2、省略to的场合: (1)主语部分有to do,系动词is或was时,作表语的不定式通常省去to。&&&&&&&&& 如:The only thing you have to do is press the button. 你必须做的惟一事情是按按钮。 (2)作介词but, expect, besides的宾语,前面又有实意动词do时,不定式通常省去to。&&&&&&&&& 如:He said that Chen Shuibian had nothing to do except push a pro-"independence"timetable. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 他说陈水扁除了推进支持“独立”的时间表外,什么也没有做。 (3)主语部分暗含todo,表语中的不定式通常省去to。&&&&&&&&& 如:All I want(to do) is go to school and study hard. 我想要(做)的就是上学,努力学习。(4)当两个或多个不定式并列时,其后的不定式符号可以省略,但有对比关系时不可省略。&&&&&&&&& 如:It is easier to say than to do. 说起来容易,做起来难。 (5)在would rather...than...等结构中,不定式符号常常要省略。&&&&&&&&& 如:I would rather stay at home than go to see a film. 我宁愿呆在家也不愿去看电影。 (6)在see, watch, notice, hear, listen to, look at, feel, have, make, let, observe等词后作宾语补足语时省略不定式符号to;why(not)do结构中,不定式不带to。&&&&&&&&& 如:I saw her enter the room. 我看见她进入了房间。 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Why not join us? 为什么不加入到我们的行列里来呢?
与“ Not until yesterdaythat I had made a serious mistake.A.did..”考查相似的试题有:


