
洛克是什么意思 洛克在线翻译 洛克什么意思 洛克的意思 洛克的翻译 洛克的解释 洛克的发音 洛克的同义词 洛克的反义词 洛克的例句
洛克 基本解释洛克名:[人名] 洛克。名:[人名] 洛克。名:[人名] 洛克。洛克 网络解释1. Roke:今年第2号热带风暴洛克(ROKE)将继续向偏西方向移动,风暴中心将穿过菲律宾进入我国南海南部,受其影响,明天到后天,菲律宾中南部、加里曼丹岛北部将有大风大雨.2. RoC:眼霜类: 左:洛克(ROC)最强全方位多效眼霜:霜质有点厚,起初担心会无法吸收,或者很油,但涂在眼睛周围没想到吸收的还是比较快的,而且有一点点凉凉的感觉.洛克 双语例句1. 但是,洛克关于教育的见解并不是首创的----事实上,当他的《教育漫话》问世的时候,他的进步理论已经陈旧了。&&&&But Locke's educational ideas were scarcely virginal -- in fact, when his Thoughts were given to the world, his progressive theories were already stale.2. 洛克什么意思2. 无论是康德也不莱布尼茨制定本土的位置是空的方式,洛克索赔。&&&&Neither Kant's nor Leibniz's formulation of the nativist position is empty in the way that Locke claims.3. 3. 在本土然后修改,以适应其要求洛克反对,再次洛克物体,并依此类推,直至在本土立场变得微不足道。&&&&The nativist then revises his claim to accommodate Locke's objection, Locke objects again, and so on until the nativist position becomes trivial.4. 4. 洛克乌德先生又是如何因为他古怪的举止,得了个冷酷无情的名声。&&&&Lockwood gained the reputation of deliberate heartlessness because of his curious disposition5. 911查询·英语单词5. 高中毕业后,我考上了宾利法尼亚洲的洛克海文大学,我学习的专业是政治科学以及国际研究。&&&&After high school, I went to Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania and studied Political Science and International Studies.6. danci.911cha.com6. London.2010年伦敦奥运会以及残奥会的吉祥物文洛克,曼德维在伦敦的一所小学出现。&&&&The 2012 Olympic Games mascot Wenlock and Paralympic mascot Mandeville were presented at a primary school in London.7. 7. 洛克海文大学建立与1870年,已经列入宾夕法尼亚州高等教育系统中并且拥有另洛克海文学生自豪的历史。&&&&It is well-known for its programs in teacher education, and is one of the few colleges in the country to offer a program in sports medicine.8. 洛克海文大学位于,历史悠久,乡土气息浓厚的比夕法尼亚州。其校区分布在许多洛克海文市的小城镇中。&&&&Lock Haven university is located in the all-American small town of Lock Haven, Pennsylvania on the historic East Coast of the United States.9. 9. 你曾和奇想乐队、滚石乐队、唐诺文还有伯特巴卡洛克合作过。&&&&You played with The Kinks, with The Stones, with Donovan, with Burt Bacharach.10. 10. 使馆一个入口,可以从街上直接登上宽广的楼梯,到二楼公共图书馆和艺廊,这里曾展出战后美国艺术家像杰克森。波洛克及其妻李。克伦瑟,海伦。法兰肯莎勒及菲力普。&&&&One entry led straight from the street up a broad staircase to a public library and an art gallery that showcased postwar American artists like Jackson Pollock, Lee Krasner, Helen Frankenthaler and Philip Guston.11. 11. 它是黑白无声电影,由麦克斯。史瑞克饰演使人毛骨悚然的奥洛克伯爵。&&&&&&This film is a black and white silent picture that stars Max Schrek as the creepy Count Orlock.12. 他左边的是名声狼藉的洛克菲勒银行和商业帝国的尼古拉斯洛克菲勒&&&&&&To his left is Nicholas Rockefeller of the infamous Rockefeller banking and business dynasty.13. 13. 出生之后不久,他家就搬到了布里斯托尔以南约7英里的本思福集镇,洛克就是在贝鲁顿的乡村风格的住宅长大的。&&&&&&Soon after Locke's birth, the family moved to the market town of Pensford, about seven miles south of Bristol, where Locke grew up in a rural Tudor house in Belluton.14. 贝尼尼的建筑、雕刻和喷水池作品给巴洛克风格一个鲜明的特色。&&&&&&The architecture, sculpture and fountains of Bernini () give highly-charged characteristics of Baroque style.15. 15. 最上面的是Shamrocks版,接下来是洛克版的。&&&&&&At top is the Shamrocks edition and directly above is the Rucker Edition.16. 洛克说,评判梅利伯(Meliboeus,《牧歌》中的人物)屠宰一头小牛作为宗教仪式上的祭祀品是否合法,要取决于当时人们在餐桌上吃牛肉是否合法。&&&&&&Locke asks if it is lawful for Meliboeus (a name borrowed from pastoral poetry) to slaughter a calf and offer it as a sacrifice at a religious meeting. It depends, he says, on whether slaughtering a calf in order to put food on his family`s table is lawful.17. 艾洛克谢了司机,走上铺满砾石的通往围满铁丝栅栏的研究所的小径。&&&&&&Eloik thanked the driver and set off towards the graveled path that led to the wire-fenced doors of the Institute.18. 这是伊丽莎白?查洛克经手的许多个不寻常案例中的一个。&&&&&&IT IS one of the more unusual cases that Elizabeth Charnock has worked on.19. 滴洒画法是美国抽象表现主义画家波洛克对艺术史的一大贡献,正是通过这些随意的滴洒,而非理性的思考,艺术家才最有效地将自己的情感和观念形式化于布面之上,并最终传达给我们的观众。&&&&&&The dropping and splashing skill of creating paintings is in art history a big contribution by the american abstract performance artist Baroque, it`s exactly not the thinking of the reasonableness but the free droppings and splashings that efficiently translated the artist`s own emotions and cocepts on the canvases, and passed to the audience.20. 他们谈论如何散财捐赠。会议在洛克菲勒大学举行。&&&&&&To talk about giving away money, held at Rockefeller University, and included notable洛克是什么意思,洛克在线翻译,洛克什么意思,洛克的意思,洛克的翻译,洛克的解释,洛克的发音,洛克的同义词,洛克的反义词,洛克的例句,洛克的相关词组,洛克意思是什么,洛克怎么翻译,单词洛克是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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