那个插件 checkbox插件 是 插件自带的还是你自己加的?

用iCheck(jQuery 和 Zepto) 插件定制复选框(checkboxes)和 单选按钮(radio buttons)
在不同浏览器和设备上都有相同的表现 & 包括 桌面和移动设备
支持触摸设备 & iOS、Android、BlackBerry、Windows Phone
支持键盘导航 & Tab、Spacebar、Arrow up/down 和其它快捷键
方便定制 & 用HTML 和 CSS 即可为其设置样式 (试试 6 套针对Retina屏幕的皮肤吧)
支持 jQuery 和 Zepto JavaScript工具库
体积小巧 & gzip压缩后只有1 kb
25 种参数 用来定制复选框(checkbox)和单选按钮(radio button)
8 个回调事件 用来***输入框的状态
7 个方法 用来通过编程方式控制输入框的状态
能够将输入框的状态变化同步回原始输入框中, 支持所有选择器
Checkbox, #input-1
Checkbox, #input-2
Radio button, #input-3
Radio button, #input-4
将 1 和 3 输入框置为 checked 状态
$('#input-1, #input-3').iCheck('check');
移除 1 和 3 输入框置的 checked 状态
$('#input-1, #input-3').iCheck('uncheck');
将 2 和 4 输入框置为 disabled状态
$('#input-2, #input-4').iCheck('disable');
移除 2 和 4 输入框置为disabled状态
$('#input-2, #input-4').iCheck('enable');
Checkbox 1
Checkbox 2
Disabled & checked
Radio button 1
Radio button 2
Disabled & checked
Color schemes
Disabled & checked
For Zepto library, instead of jquery.icheck.js use zepto.icheck.js.
If you need a minified version, use jquery.icheck.min.js or zepto.icheck.min.js.
Choose a color scheme, there are 10 different styles available:
Black & minimal.css
Red & red.css
Green & green.css
Blue & blue.css
Aero & aero.css
Grey & grey.css
Orange & orange.css
Yellow & yellow.css
Pink & pink.css
Purple & purple.css
Copy /skins/minimal/ folder and jquery.icheck.js
file to your site.
Insert before &/head> in your HTML (replace your-path and color-scheme):
&link href="your-path/minimal/color-scheme.css" rel="stylesheet">
&script src="your-path/jquery.icheck.js">&/script>
Example for a Red color scheme:
&link href="your-path/minimal/red.css" rel="stylesheet">
&script src="your-path/jquery.icheck.js">&/script>
Add some checkboxes and radio buttons to your HTML:
&input type="checkbox">
&input type="checkbox" checked>
&input type="radio" name="iCheck">
&input type="radio" name="iCheck" checked>
Add JavaScript to your HTML to launch iCheck plugin:
checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_minimal',
radioClass: 'iradio_minimal',
increaseArea: '20%'
For different from black color schemes use this code (example for Red):
checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_minimal-red',
radioClass: 'iradio_minimal-red',
increaseArea: '20%'
Checkbox 1
Checkbox 2
Disabled & checked
Radio button 1
Radio button 2
Disabled & checked
Color schemes
Disabled & checked
For Zepto library, instead of jquery.icheck.js use zepto.icheck.js.
If you need a minified version, use jquery.icheck.min.js or zepto.icheck.min.js.
Choose a color scheme, there are 10 different styles available:
Black & square.css
Red & red.css
Green & green.css
Blue & blue.css
Aero & aero.css
Grey & grey.css
Orange & orange.css
Yellow & yellow.css
Pink & pink.css
Purple & purple.css
Copy /skins/square/ folder and jquery.icheck.js file to your site.
Insert before &/head> in your HTML (replace your-path and color-scheme):
&link href="your-path/square/color-scheme.css" rel="stylesheet">
&script src="your-path/jquery.icheck.js">&/script>
Example for a Red color scheme:
&link href="your-path/square/red.css" rel="stylesheet">
&script src="your-path/jquery.icheck.js">&/script>
Add some checkboxes and radio buttons to your HTML:
&input type="checkbox">
&input type="checkbox" checked>
&input type="radio" name="iCheck">
&input type="radio" name="iCheck" checked>
Add JavaScript to your HTML to launch iCheck plugin:
checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_square',
radioClass: 'iradio_square',
increaseArea: '20%'
For different from black color schemes use this code (example for Red):
checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_square-red',
radioClass: 'iradio_square-red',
increaseArea: '20%'
Checkbox 1
Checkbox 2
Disabled & checked
Radio button 1
Radio button 2
Disabled & checked
Color schemes
Disabled & checked
For Zepto library, instead of jquery.icheck.js use zepto.icheck.js.
If you need a minified version, use jquery.icheck.min.js or zepto.icheck.min.js.
Choose a color scheme, there are 10 different styles available:
Black & square.css
Red & red.css
Green & green.css
Blue & blue.css
Aero & aero.css
Grey & grey.css
Orange & orange.css
Yellow & yellow.css
Pink & pink.css
Purple & purple.css
Copy /skins/flat/ folder and jquery.icheck.js file to your site.
Insert before &/head> in your HTML (replace your-path and color-scheme):
&link href="your-path/flat/color-scheme.css" rel="stylesheet">
&script src="your-path/jquery.icheck.js">&/script>
Example for a Red color scheme:
&link href="your-path/flat/red.css" rel="stylesheet">
&script src="your-path/jquery.icheck.js">&/script>
Add some checkboxes and radio buttons to your HTML:
&input type="checkbox">
&input type="checkbox" checked>
&input type="radio" name="iCheck">
&input type="radio" name="iCheck" checked>
Add JavaScript to your HTML to launch iCheck plugin:
checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_flat',
radioClass: 'iradio_flat'
For different from black color schemes use this code (example for Red):
checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_flat-red',
radioClass: 'iradio_flat-red'
Checkbox 1
Checkbox 2
Disabled & checked
Radio button 1
Radio button 2
Disabled & checked
Color schemes
Disabled & checked
For Zepto library, instead of jquery.icheck.js use zepto.icheck.js.
If you need a minified version, use jquery.icheck.min.js or zepto.icheck.min.js.
Choose a color scheme, there are 10 different styles available:
Black & line.css
Red & red.css
Green & green.css
Blue & blue.css
Aero & aero.css
Grey & grey.css
Orange & orange.css
Yellow & yellow.css
Pink & pink.css
Purple & purple.css
Copy /skins/line/ folder and jquery.icheck.js file to your site.
Insert before &/head> in your HTML (replace your-path and color-scheme):
&link href="your-path/line/color-scheme.css" rel="stylesheet">
&script src="your-path/jquery.icheck.js">&/script>
Example for a Red color scheme:
&link href="your-path/line/red.css" rel="stylesheet">
&script src="your-path/jquery.icheck.js">&/script>
Add some checkboxes, radio buttons and labels to your HTML:
&input type="checkbox">
&label>Checkbox 1&/label>
&input type="checkbox" checked>
&label>Checkbox 2&/label>
&input type="radio" name="iCheck">
&label>Radio button 1&/label>
&input type="radio" name="iCheck" checked>
&label>Radio button 2&/label>
Add JavaScript to your HTML to launch iCheck plugin:
var self = $(this),
label = self.next(),
label_text = label.text();
checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_line',
radioClass: 'iradio_line',
insert: '&div class="icheck_line-icon">&/div>' + label_text
For different from black color schemes use this code (example for Red):
var self = $(this),
label = self.next(),
label_text = label.text();
checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_line-red',
radioClass: 'iradio_line-red',
insert: '&div class="icheck_line-icon">&/div>' + label_text
Polaris skin
Checkbox 1
Checkbox 2
Disabled & checked
Radio button 1
Radio button 2
Disabled & checked
Disabled & checked
For Zepto library, instead of jquery.icheck.js use zepto.icheck.js.
If you need a minified version, use jquery.icheck.min.js or zepto.icheck.min.js.
Copy /skins/polaris/ folder and jquery.icheck.js file to your site.
Insert before &/head> in your HTML (replace your-path and color-scheme):
&link href="your-path/polaris/polaris.css" rel="stylesheet">
&script src="your-path/jquery.icheck.js">&/script>
Add some checkboxes and radio buttons to your HTML:
&input type="checkbox">
&input type="checkbox" checked>
&input type="radio" name="iCheck">
&input type="radio" name="iCheck" checked>
Add JavaScript to your HTML to launch iCheck plugin:
checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_polaris',
radioClass: 'iradio_polaris',
increaseArea: '-10'
Futurico skin
Checkbox 1
Checkbox 2
Disabled & checked
Radio button 1
Radio button 2
Disabled & checked
Disabled & checked
For Zepto library, instead of jquery.icheck.js use zepto.icheck.js.
If you need a minified version, use jquery.icheck.min.js or zepto.icheck.min.js.
Copy /skins/futurico/ folder and jquery.icheck.js file to your site.
Insert before &/head> in your HTML (replace your-path and color-scheme):
&link href="your-path/futurico/futurico.css" rel="stylesheet">
&script src="your-path/jquery.icheck.js">&/script>
Add some checkboxes and radio buttons to your HTML:
&input type="checkbox">
&input type="checkbox" checked>
&input type="radio" name="iCheck">
&input type="radio" name="iCheck" checked>
Add JavaScript to your HTML to launch iCheck plugin:
checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_futurico',
radioClass: 'iradio_futurico',
increaseArea: '20%'
&input type="checkbox" name="quux[1]" disabled>
&label for="baz[1]">Bar&/label>
&input type="radio" name="quux[2]" id="baz[1]" checked>
&label for="baz[2]">Bar&/label>
&input type="radio" name="quux[2]" id="baz[2]">
&div class="icheckbox disabled">&input type="checkbox" name="quux[1]" disabled>&/div>
&label for="baz[1]">Bar&/label>
&div class="iradio checked">&input type="radio" name="quux[2]" id="baz[1]" checked>&/div>
&label for="baz[2]">Bar&/label>
&div class="iradio">&input type="radio" name="quux[2]" id="baz[2]">&/div>
handle: '',
checkboxClass: 'icheckbox',
radioClass: 'iradio',
checkedClass: 'checked',
checkedCheckboxClass: '',
checkedRadioClass: '',
uncheckedClass: '',
uncheckedCheckboxClass: '',
uncheckedRadioClass: '',
disabledClass: 'disabled',
disabledCheckboxClass: '',
disabledRadioClass: '',
enabledClass: '',
enabledCheckboxClass: '',
enabledRadioClass: '',
hoverClass: 'hover',
focusClass: 'focus',
activeClass: 'active',
labelHover: true,
labelHoverClass: 'hover',
increaseArea: '',
cursor: false,
inheritClass: false,
inheritID: false,
insert: ''
labelHover: false,
cursor: true
首先引入 (或 ),然后引入jquery.icheck.js (或者zepto.icheck.js) 。
$('.block input').iCheck();
$('.test input').iCheck({
handle: 'checkbox'
输入框的 checked 或 disabled 状态改变了
输入框的状态变为 checked
checked 状态被移除
输入框状态变为 disabled
disabled 状态被移除
$('input').on('ifChecked', function(event){
alert(event.type + ' callback');
ifCreated 事件应该在插件初始化之前绑定。
$('input').iCheck('check'); & 将输入框的状态设置为checked
$('input').iCheck('uncheck'); & 移除 checked 状态
$('input').iCheck('toggle'); & toggle checked state
$('input').iCheck('disable'); & 将输入框的状态设置为 disabled
$('input').iCheck('enable'); & 移除 disabled 状态
$('input').iCheck('update'); & apply input changes, which were done outside the plugin
$('input').iCheck('destroy'); & 移除iCheck样式
还有一些利用 CSS3 技术给复选框和单选按钮设置样式的途径。例如。下面列出了此类方法的限制和不足:
& inputs are keyboard inaccessible, since display: none or visibility: hidden used to hide them
& poor browser support
& multiple bugs on mobile devices
& tricky, harder to maintain CSS code
& JavaScript is still needed to fix specific issues
While CSS3 method is quite limited solution, iCheck is made to be an everyday replacement covering most of the tasks.
iCheck已经在 Internet Explorer 6+、Firefox 2+、Opera 9+、Google Chrome 和 Safari 浏览器上被验证过,并且应该可以再更多浏览器上工作。
移动浏览器(例如 Opera mini、 Chrome mobile、 Safari mobile 和其它浏览器) 也被支持。已经在 iOS (iPad、 iPhone、 iPod)、Android、BlackBerry 和 Windows Phone 设备上进行了测试。
iCheck plugin is released under the . Feel free to use it in personal and commercial projects.


