急!求以下台词的英文翻译 最好今晚2点前能有***!跪求大神世兰:你不要做梦了,你把我害到如此地步,我做鬼都不会放过你.甄?:没有人要害你 ,是你自作自受.甄?:淳贵人溺水是你做的吧,在温宜公主食物里下木薯粉也是你做的,指使余氏在我药中下毒,推眉庄入水,冤枉眉庄假孕争宠,可样样都是你做的吧.世兰:我就知道,曹琴默那个贱妇,敢反咬我一口,必定是你在背后指使.凭她,哪有那个够胆.甄?:你还真是知人不明,你几次三番利用温宜来争宠.甚至不惜拿她的姓名来开玩笑.
Shilan: Never dream about it! You made me suffer so much and I'll hunt you down till the end of the world.Zhenhuan: No one hurts you, it's you yourself and you deserve it.Zhenhuan: It is you who drowned Lady Chun. It is you who put topioca into Princess Wenyi's food. Talking Yu into poisoning me in my medicin, pushing Meizhuang down into the water, libeling that Meizhuang rival for favor by pretending to be pregnant, everyone of these is by you, isn't it?Shilan: I knew it, Qinmo Cao, that bitch who turned me out must have you behind her. Otherwise she would never dare.Zhenhuan: You're really a loser in knowing people. I use Wenyi to rival for favor from time to time, and even risk her life for it.