
刺客信条兄弟会威利斯前哨的真相图标在那_百度知道梅瑟?迈尔这套书要给孩子们看,更要家长们细细品味,自身的成长,才能换来孩子们的成长;不要迷恋“小怪物”,小怪物就在你我身边小毛怪在树林里发现了一只小猫,他可真喜欢它!小毛怪用牛奶吸引小猫,把它捉回家养。小猫真是够调皮的,不过,小毛怪还是觉得它是一只很好的小猫,为什么?您可能错过的精彩:小怪物系列《I was so Mad!》(点击可阅读故事)《What a good kitty!》I have a good kitty.我有一只小猫咪。She likes to sleep.她喜欢睡觉。I like to play.我喜欢玩。She likes to play.她也喜欢玩。We play chase.我们追逐玩耍。My kitty is hard to catch.我的小猫跑得很快,我很难追上她。I trick her with some milk.我用一些牛奶引诱她回来。Then I catch my kitty.然后我抓住了她。She messes up my dad's &newspaper.&她搅乱了我爸爸的报纸。Dad &says,&Bad kitty!&爸爸说,“坏猫!”My kitty messes up Mom's knitting.我的小猫搅乱了妈妈的针织。Mom says,&Bad,bad kitty!&猫妈妈说:“坏猫,坏猫!”My kitty is messy.我的猫凌乱了。She messes up my little sister's dolls.她搅乱了妹妹的布娃娃。My little sister says,&Bad,bad,bad kitty!&妹妹说,“坏猫!坏猫!坏猫!”My kitty spills Blue's food.小猫打翻了布鲁的食物。Blue barks,&Woof,woof.&布鲁冲着她喊,“汪,汪。”My kitty runs away.吓得小猫赶快跑掉了。She scares the fish.她在鱼缸旁边吓唬鱼。She spills the trash with a loud,loud crash.她很大声地打翻了垃圾桶。Oh,no! My kitty is in big trouble.&完了,完了!这下小猫有大麻烦了。Dad puts my kitty outside.爸爸把我的小猫拎了出去。My kitty is mad.小猫生气了。She runs up a tree.&她爬到了一棵树上。The tree is very tall.这棵树非常高。My kitty can't get down.&小猫下不来了。She cries and cries.她在树上哭啊哭。Dad feels bad and climbs the tree.爸爸觉得很内疚然后就爬上了树。But he can't reach my kitty.但是他够不着小猫。Dad gets stuck,too.爸爸被树杈卡住了,也下不来了。Mom calls the fire department.妈妈给消防部门打***。They come with a big fire truck.他们开来了一辆大大的消防车。Fireman Joe saves my kitty and my dad.消防队员乔救了我的小猫和我爸爸。Dad is not happy with my kitty.爸爸对小猫的做法很生气。Mom is not happy with my kitty.妈妈也很生气。Little Sister is not happy with my kitty.妹妹也很生气。My kitty is sad.小猫非常难过。I play with my kitty.我跟我的小猫一起玩。Little Sister plays in the sandbox.妹妹自己一个人在沙箱里玩。She is still mad.她还在生气。A big mean dog comes in our yard and growls at Little Sister.一只大狗突然出现在院子里冲着妹妹狂吠。Little Sister is scared.妹妹吓坏了。I am,too.我也被吓坏了。My kitty is brave.我的小猫非常勇敢。She scares the mean dog away.她吓跑了那只凶猛的狗。Dad says,&what a good kitty!&爸爸说,“真是只可爱的猫咪!”


