跪求甲类三幅航海王考古研究所题库英语题库3300 有电子版的哥哥给...

【单选】 During fueling,all doors,hatches,and ports ______.
A.should be opened
B.to leeward should be opened and the ones to windward should be
C.to windward should be opened and the ones to leeward should be
D.should be closed
【单选】 Which radiotelephone signal indicates receipt of a distress
A.Roger wilco
B.SOS acknowledged
D.Mayday roger
【单选】 ______ cargo means to check all cargo loaded into or
discharged from a vessel.
A.Tallying B.Weighing C.Examining D.Handling
【单选】 Temporary seizings on wire rope are made with ______.
A.marline B.sail twine C.wire D.tape
【单选】 Which general weather conditions should you expect to find
in a low pressure system?
A.Scattered clouds at high elevations
B.Fair weather
C.Precipitation and cloudiness
D.Gradual clearing and cooler temperatures
【单选】 When compared to a high-expansion foam,a low-expansion foam
will ______.
A.be less heat resistant
B.be dryer
C.be lighter
D.not cling to vertical surfaces
【单选】 After jacking down your liftboat you have an unexpected
list. You find that the only cause of this list must be a flooded
leg. The list caused by a flooded leg means your vessel has a(n)
A.increase in the waterplane and the metacentric height
B.decrease in the GZ (righting arm)
C.less chance of deck edge immersion
D.negative GM (metacentric height)
【单选】 The single turn method of returning to a man overboard
should be used ONLY if ______.
A.a boat will be used to recover the man
B.the vessel is very maneuverable
C.the man is reported missing rather than immediately seen as he
falls overboard
D.the conning officer is inexperienced
【单选】 In the Northern Hemisphere,if your vessel is in a
hurricane's navigable semicircle it should be positioned with the
wind on the ______.
A.port bow,hold course and make as much speed as possible until
the hurricane has passed
B.starboard bow and heave to until the hurricane has passed
C.starboard quarter,hold course and make as much speed as
D.port quarter,maintain course and make as much speed as
【单选】 The Muster List shows each person's lifeboat station,duties
during abandonment,basic instructions,and ______.
A.work schedule
B.instructions for lowering the lifeboats
C.all emergency signals
D.the time each weekly drill will be held
【单选】 The term flood current refers to that time when ______.
A.the water is moving towards the ocean
B.the water level is not changing
C.the water is flowing towards the land
D.the water level is rising because of heavy rains
【单选】 Which of the following Inmarsat ship earth stations can
provide telephone,telex as well as high speed data
【单选】 If the engine of a survival craft does not start,check to
see ______.
A.if the air supply system is open
B.that the fuel valve is open
C.if the water sprinkler system is open
D.if the limit switch is on
【单选】 PORT A BIT SLUGGISH means that port rudder ______.
A.rudder answers all right& B.answers
slow& C.answers fast&
D.answers very well
【单选】 The machinery associated with heaving in and running out
anchor chain is the ______.
A.dynamic pay out system B.windlass C.winch D.draw
【单选】 Which of the following would be of immediate concern after
discovering a large fire in the ship's galley?
A.A storeroom directly above,containing combustible
B.An adjacent storeroom,containing spare parts
C.An adjacent storeroom,marked "Stewards Stores"
D.An adjacent storeroom,containing mattresses and linen
【单选】 Apparent wind speed blowing across a vessel under tow can
be measured by a(n) ______.
A.wind vane
【单选】 Chafing gear ______.
A.reduces and prevents corrosion of standing rigging
B.reduces and prevents wear caused by the rubbing of one
object against another
C.protects the body against extreme cold
D.prevents corrosion of running rigging
【单选】 You are riding to a single anchor. The vessel is yawing
excessively. Which action should be taken to reduce the yawing?
A.Veer chain to the riding anchor
B.Drop the second anchor at the extreme end of the yaw and veer
the riding anchor
C.Drop the second anchor at the extreme end of the
yaw,then adjust the cables until the scope is equal
D.Heave to a shorter scope of chain on the riding anchor
【单选】 Where do we find information regarding mechanical
ventilation in cargo tanks?
A.In the ISM Code
B.In the Safety Manual
【单选】 The working frequency band for a ship earth station in
Inmarsat system is ______.
&【单选】 A slow and easy motion of a vessel in a
seaway is an indication of a ______.
A.low center of gravity
B.small GM
C.large GZ
D.stiff vessel
SHOWERS.This description is likely to be under the heading of
【单选】 Prior to getting underway,the Master or person in charge of
a vessel must ______.
A.conduct a boat drill
B.conduct a fire drill
C.test the emergency generator
D.log the fore and aft draft marks
【单选】 In the Northern Hemisphere,if the center of a high pressure
area is due west of you,what wind direction would you expect?
A.North to east
B.South to east
C.South to west
D.North to west
【单选】 A bold reef is a reef ______.
A.with part of it extending above the water
B.perpendicular to the current
C.that can be detected by water turbulence
D.that drops off sharply
【单选】 It is important to get familiarized with the emergency
exits onboard. When should this be done?
A.Before boarding
B.Immediately after boarding
C.Within a week
D.When you have some extra
&[4085]The Consol navigation system,used in
Russian and Northern European waters,can be used ______.
A.& for precise navigation in coastal
B.& by measuring the phase difference of the
dots and dashes
C.& as an aid to ocean
D.& if the vessel is fitted with a special
Consol receiver
[6043]The major components which determine the length of a
catenary in a deployed anchor cable are cable tension , water depth
and ______.
A.& bottom conditions
B.& water temperature
C.& cable weight
D.& water density
[1342] Radar beacons are transmitters designed to produce a ___
on the screens of ship’s radar sets.
A. incorrect
distinctive image&
C. pictorial
D. pictographic image
[3462]Another name for the garboard strake is the ______.
A.& A strake
B.& Z strake
C.& side keel plate
D.& stringer plate
The lifeboats on your vessel are stowed on cradles on deck and
are handled by sheath-screw boom davits.Which of the following
statements about launching a boat is TRUE ________.
A.The boat should be hoisted a few inches clear of the cradle
before cranking out the davits
B.The inboard gripes should be cast off before the outboard
C.The outboard section of the cradle must be
D.The tricing pendants will automatically bring the boat
alongside at the embarkation deck
2.How is a uncoded racon displayed on the PPI?
A. As a line B. As a
dot&& C. As small
D. As a large circle
单选】 Which statement about stowing spare hose is TRUE?
A.Roll the hose starting at the male end
B.Roll the hose starting at the female end
C.Fold the hose so that the male coupling is about 4 feet
from the female coupling,then roll it up
D.Fold the hose into lengths about 6 feet long and then lash the
folds together
【单选】 After using a Halon extinguisher,it should be ______.
C.put back in service if more than 50% of the charge remains
【单选】 The master shall be ______ the marine environment when
taking collision-avoiding action.
A.interested in& B.aware
of& C.in charge of&
D.clear of
When using an ARPA,what should you consider in order to evaluate
the information displayed?
A.You cannot determine if a small target has been lost due to
sea return
B.The target vessel's generated course and speed are based
solely on radar inputs
C.Navigational constraints may require a target vessel to
change course
D.The trial maneuver feature will automatically determine a
course that will clear all targets
单选】 The following information may not be required to be
communicated to a distressed craft?
A.Own vessel speed and ETA to distressed craft
B.Rescue award if successful
C.Own vessels identity, call sign, name and position
D.Distressed crafts true bearing and distance from ship
单选】 Fire protection regulations apply to those towing vessels
A.used only on inland waters
B.used only within a barge fleeting area
C.owned and operated by the US government
D.used only for pollution response
单选】 When own ships position input to ECDIS wrong, what is the
A.ECDIS will automatically be switched off
C.ECDIS will give warning
D.Positions, range and bearings taken on the ECDIS will be
单选】 In order to pay out or slack a mooring line which is under
strain,you should ______.
A.slip the line
B.surge the line
C.sluice the line
D.stopper the line
【单选】 An orange flag showing a black circle and square is a
A.signal indicating danger
B.signal indicating a course change
C.distress signal
D.signal of asking to communicate with another vessel
单选】 After having been pulled aloft in a bosun's chair on a
mast,you must now make yourself fast in the chair prior to painting
the mast. You should first ______.
A.frap yourself to the mast to take the strain off the hauling
B.have the sailor on deck make the hauling part fast to a cleat
on the mast
C.make the tail of the line leading from the becket bend fast to
a padeye on the mast
D.seize the hauling part and the standing part firmly in
one hand to support your weight
单选】 If the compass heading and the magnetic heading are the same
then ______.
A.the compass is being influenced by nearby metals
B.the deviation has been offset by the variation
C.there is something wrong with the compass
D. there is no deviation on that heading
单选】 It would be possible that part of the cargo got ______ as
great change in the weather during the voyage caused heavy ______
in the hold.
单选】 The correct method of switching off a marine radar is to
turn power switch to ______ position first,then to ______
【单选】 Which document will describe lifesaving equipment located
aboard your vessel?
A.Muster List
B.Certificate of Inspection
C.Clearance Papers
D.Forecastle Card
【单选】 The length of a wave is the length ______.
A.measured from crest to crest
B.of the wave's crest
C.measured from crest to trough
D.of the wave's trough
【单选】 What is used to prevent twisting of a towing bridle?
A.A bulkhead
B.A fishplate
C.A V-spring
单选】 Why is 6X19 class wire rope more commonly used for cargo
runners than the more flexible 6&37 wire rope?
A.It resists abrasion better
B.It hugs the winch drum better
C.It is less expensive
D.It is longer
【单选】 The term SHORT BLAST means ______.
A.a blast of about two seconds' duration
B.a blast of about one second's duration
C.a blast of about four seconds' duration
D.a blast of about three seconds' duration
【单选】 Protection of cargo against tainting damage can best be
obtained by ______.
A.segregation of cargo by using different
B.not ventilating the space
C.ventilating the space
D.proper use of paper separation and dunnage
【单选】 What is NOT a form used by ice support services to
disseminate information?
A.Ice Forecasts& B.Ice
Analyses& C.Ice
Bulletins& D.Ice Outlooks
单选】 When fighting a fire in a space containing an IMO class 1
hazardous cargo,the most effective fire fighting procedure is to
A.shut down the ventilation and exclude all air to smother the
B.activate the fixed CO2 firefighting system
C.use water from fire hoses or a sprinkler system
D.use high-expansion foam
单选】 First aid means ______.
A.emergency treatment at the scene of the
B.dosage of medications& C.setting of broken
bones D.medical treatment of accident
单选】 Heave is motion along the ______.
A.longitudinal axis B.transverse axis C.centerline axis
D.vertical axis
【单选】 Why should you report accidents to the Designated
A.So the company can calculate your safety bonuses
B.To be able to receive an insurance claim&
C.To find some one to blame
D.To prevent it from happening again
【单选】 When a sea anchor for a survival craft is properly
rigged,it will ______.
A.prevent the survival craft from pitching&
B.prevent the survival craft from rolling
C.help to prevent broaching&
D.completely stop the survival craft from drifting
【单选】 If a person gets something in his or her eye and you see
that it is not embedded,you can ______.
A.get them to rub their eye until the object is gone
B.remove it with a match or toothpick
C.remove it with a piece of dry sterile cotton
D.remove it with a moist,cotton-tipped
6. When anchoring, good practice requires 5 to 7 fathoms of
chain for each fathom of depth. In deep water you should use
A. the same ratio& B. less chain for each
fathom of depth
C. more chain for each fathom of
depth& D. two anchors with the same ratio
7. Your oceangoing vessel is required to have a waste management
plan. This plan must be in writing and describe procedure for
disposing waste from marine sanitation devices
reducing the amount of shipboard waste
segregating the different types of shipboard waste
collecting and discharging garbage
19. A device used to tighten up remaining slack in wire rope
when you are making up to a tow in inland waters is a
steamboat ratchet
tripping bracket
tripping bracket
Norman pin
21. The ISM code is part
D. High Speed Craft Code
22.What is best method to overcome the effects of shadowing when
attempting to place an INMARSAT-B call?
A. A small course change should work
B. Select a CRS that serves the INMARSAT satellite that will
handle the call
C. Turning on compensators will work in all but extreme cases of
D. Installing a shadow correction filter will compensate in
fringe areas ***:A
28.The first treatment given to a person overcome by benzene
vapor should be to____.
flush their face with water for about 5 miutes
remove their clothing and wrap them in blankets
stand them up and walk them around
remove them to fresh air ***:D
45. For small angles of inclination, if the KG were equal to the
KM, then the vessel would
negative stability
maximum stability
neutral stability
positive stability ***:C
47. To treat a person suffering from heat exhaustion, you
put him in a tub of ice water
give him sips of cool water
administer artificial respiration
cover him with a light cloth ***:B
48. What benefit is a weather bulletin to a mariner?
It is of little benefit since the weather changes frequently and
It allows the mariner to make long term weather forecasts
It provides a legal reason to cancel a projected voyage
It gives the mariner time to prepare for weather changes ***:D
57. On cargo boom’s preventers are _.
A. auxiliary guys
B. steel bands
C. extra fair leads
D. stops ***:A
60. What is NOT a requirement for testing the line throwing
appliance on a vessel?
An entry about the test must be made in the Official Log Book
A regular service line should be used when testing
The appliance should be tested every three months
A regular projectile should be used when testing ***:B
61. Chart legends printed in capital letters show that the
associated landmark is
a radio transmitter
a government facility or station
conspicuous ***:D
63. The most frequent cause of fires aboard tankers is due to
leaking of cargo pump glands
spontaneous combustion
tobacco smoking
improper gas freeing ***:C
65. What is the worse case consideration for the hull girder at
When a wave length is two times of that of the ship
When the wave crest are fore and aft
When a wave length between the crests is approximately equal to the
length of the ship
If the wave crest is amidships ***:C
68. In coastal waters GPS positions should be checked by
Visual observations
Visual and radar observations
Radar observations
Buoys and seamarks ***:B
77. A fire hose with a nozzle attached must be connected to each
hydrant except when exposed to heavy weather or when the
fire-main system is not charged
vessel is in port
fire hose might be damaged by cargo operations
fire pumps are used for purposes other than supplying water to the
fire main ***:C
83. A steep barometric gradient
light winds
strong winds ***:D
84. In very high latitudes, the most practical chart projection
Lambert conformal
Mercator ***:C
85. It is generally NOT allowed to clean up an oil spill by
suction equipment
chemical agents
skimmers ***:C
【关联题】 Oil-supply operations for ships shall not be conducted at
the quay of Mizushima Works, unless a written oath, jointly signed
by the master of the ship and by the oil-supplier, is previously
submitted to and approved by the transportation Control Section.
These operations shall be conducted only in the daytime from
sunrise to an hour before sunset. In an exceptional case where it
is necessary for some inevitable reason to execute the oil supply
at night, such shall be subject to a prior specific approval of the
Section, to which a due application shall be made stating the
reason. Before commencing the oil-supply operation, oil fenecs
shall be installed in addition to other preventice measures. For
the purpose of early detection of pollution accidents, watchmen
shall be duly posted on the spot of operation.
(1) The oil-supply operation for ships can be done at the quay
of Mizushima Works when
A. the vessel gets oral permission from the master and
B. a written form is signed by master and oil-supplier
C. A written form which is signed by the master and oil-supplier
is to be submitted to and approved by the Transportation control
Section in advance
D. the vessel gets written permission from the master and the
oil-supplier ***:C
(2) Before the oil‐supply operation begins_.
A. install oil fences as well as preventive
B. take preventive measures
C. state reasons
D. fit in oil fences only ***:A
(3) This paragraph is most likely extracted
A. Port of Entry
D. BLU code ***:C
(4) If we have to carry out the oil‐supply at
night, we shall_.
A. Subject a prior specific approval to the Section
B. State inevitable reasons only
C. Execute it if we feel it necessary
D. get the approval of the Section beforehand by
making a due application ***:D
【关联题】 The official original data (S57 data) of the electronic
nautical chart is usually supplied on CD-ROM or, in case of
updates, via digital telephone or satellite communication system.
This original data is also called electronic nautical chart
(ENC).The chat database is organized in cells that cover the entire
earth's surface without overlapping. The cells store all nautical
chat objects as well as objects created only during the operation
of the system, such as waypoints and leg lines, notes, positions of
own ship and of other vessels, etc.The data in the System
Electronic Nautical Chart (SENC) is generated from the original
data of the ENC. The Enc has to be kept unaltered in order to be
able to reconstruct the SENC data if this is unintentionally
damaged or destroyed. In SENC, the chart data is stored in a
proprietary file format designed by the ECDIS manufacturer for
speed and reliability.The S57 data represents a specific kind of
attributed vector data. The kind of data (object description with
geometry and geographical position) requires an efficient kind of
storage. For compactness and speed, vector data is the optimal
solution in contrast to the voluminous raster data.
(1)Which of the following is Not Correct as to the ENC and
A.The ENC can be reconstructed from the SENC
B.The SENC can be reconstructed from the S-57
C.The SENC is generated form the S-57
D.The ENC is the raw data of the Electronic Nautical Chart
(2)The passage implies ______.
A.ENC is the raw data of the Electronic Nautical Chart
B.SENC may be designed with different representation purposes by
different ECDIS manufacturers
C.SENC is the raw data of the Electronic Nautical Chart
D.The vector data is the optimal solution for ECDIS
(3)The passage indicates that the update of the S-57 can be done
via ______.①CD-ROM②Digital telephone③Satellite communication
system④Floppy Disk
A.①~④ B.①~③ C.②~④ D.②③
(4)Which of the following is correct statement?
A.The database of an Electronic Nautical Chart System is
compacter and the speed of the system is faster if those use
voluminous data
B.ENC is the raw data of the Electronic Nautical Charts and it
may be changed by ECDIS manufacturer for speed and reliability
C.SENC is the raw data of the Electronic Nautical Charts and it
may be changed by ECDIS manufacturer for speed and reliability
D.ENC is a kind of voluminous raster data while the SENC is a
kind of vector data


