出现GTAgta4 iv fatal errorR: Unrecoverable fault该怎么调

  http://gta./attachment.php?aid=314566  http://gta./attachment.php?aid=314567  http://gta./attachment.php?aid=314568  http://gta./attachment.php?aid=314569  http://gta./attachment.php?aid=314570  http://gta./attachment.php?aid=314571  送给那些玩不了IV的玩家(同时下载,随便点击一个解压)  翻译的不到位的话请指出来  另外附上错误代码 另行翻译 有时间的话  If you get the Fatal Error : RMN40. You need to download Windows XP Service Pack 3 from Microsoft Website .  BH10  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game 重启游戏  DD3D50  D3D Error - DirectX 9 video card required 需要DX9显卡  TEXP100  D3D Error - Failed to copy surface - Please restart the game 重启游戏  TEXP90  D3D Error - Failed to copy surface - Please restart the game 重启游戏  TEXP110  D3D Error - Failed to create texture - Please restart the game重启游戏  DWIN20  D3D Error - Failed to query memory. Please re-start the game.重启游戏  DD3D10  D3D Error - Please re-boot your system  DD3D30  D3D Error - Please re-boot your system  DWIN30  D3D Error - Please re-boot your system  DD3D20  D3D Error - Please re-install the game and/or re-install DirectX 重装游戏或者重装DirectX  DWIN10  D3D Error - Please restart the game重启游戏  DD3D60  D3D Error - Shader Model 3.0 or higher is required  DD3D70  D3D Error - Unable to retrieve D3D Device. Please re-boot your system  GPUP10  D3D Error - Unable to retrieve D3D Device. Please re-boot your system  TEXP20  D3D Error - Unable to retrieve D3D Device. Please re-boot your system  TEXP30  D3D Error - Unable to retrieve D3D Device. Please re-boot your system  TEXP80  D3D Error - Unable to retrieve D3D Device. Please re-boot your system  DD3D40  D3D Error - Unable to retrieve device capabilities. Please install latest video card driver and/or re-install DirectX ***最新显卡驱动或者或者重装DirectX  TEXP10  D3D Error - Unable to retrieve device capabilities. Please install latest video card driver and/or re-install DirectX ***最新显卡驱动或者或者重装DirectX  DD3D80  D3D reset failed - Please restart the game.重启游戏  STRB10  Failed to delete file - Please re-boot your system  RMN10  Failed to read file - Please re-boot your system  STRM10  Failed to read file - Please re-boot your system  STRM20  Failed to read file - Please re-boot your system  BNDL10  Failed to write file - Please re-boot your system  STBF10  Failed to write file - Please re-boot your system  VOIC10  Fatal voice chat error - Please restart the game重启游戏  ZLIB10  Initialization failed - Please re-boot your system  WS20  InitWinSock failed - Please re-boot your system and/or re-install the game  WS30  InitWinSock failed - Please re-boot your system and/or re-install the game  TMR10  Invalid instruction - CPU not supported.  ARCH10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  BDTR10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  BDTR20  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  BLDB10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  BNDG10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  BNKM10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  BNKM30  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  EBDB10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  EFC10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  EFC20  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  FVF10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  MA10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  MA20  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  MM10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  MOTC10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  MOTC20  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  MS10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  MV10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  PLYT10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  RC10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  RC20  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  SCRP20  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  SCRP60  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  SCRP70  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  SCRT10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  SCRT20  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  SCRT30  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  SCRT40  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  SCRT50  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  SHDR10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  SHDR20  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  SHFC10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  SHFX10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  SHFX20  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  SHFX30  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  SHVR10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  SRCP10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  SRCP40  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  SRCP50  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  STRC10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  STRM30  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  TEXP120  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  TOK10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  VI10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  VI20  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  VI30  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  VT10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  VT20  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  VX10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  W***S10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  CURV10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  SHGR10  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game  ZLIB20  Invalid resource detected - Please re-install the game.  WS40  Network error - Please restart the game重启游戏  WS50  Network error - Please restart the game重启游戏  ANM10  Out of memory - Please re-boot your system  ANM20  Out of memory - Please re-boot your system  ANM30  Out of memory - Please re-boot your system  ANM40  Out of memory - Please re-boot your system  BNKM20  Out of memory - Please re-boot your system  MHA10  Out of memory - Please re-boot your system  MMA10  Out of memory - Please re-boot your system  SMPA10  Out of memory - Please re-boot your system  SMPA20  Out of memory - Please re-boot your system  TMRT10  Out of memory - Please re-boot your system  RESC10  Out of video memory - Please re-boot your system  BA10  Out of virtual memory - Please re-boot your system  EA10  Out of virtual memory - Please re-boot your system  TEXP40  Unable to create color multisampled render target - Please re-install DirectX and/or install the latest video card driver.  TEXP50  Unable to create color multisampled render target - Please re-install DirectX and/or install the latest video card driver.  TEXP60  Unable to create color render target - Please re-install DirectX and/or install the latest video card driver.  TEXP70  Unable to create depth render target - Please re-install DirectX and/or install the latest video card driver.  TF10  Unable to write to disk - Please restart the game重启游戏  BSP10  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  CLTH10  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  CURC10  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  CURN10  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  DD3D90  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  IMC10  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  INPT10  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  MNFD10  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  MNFD20  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  POLY10  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  RMN50  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  SMPA100  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  SMPA110  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  SMPA120  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  SMPA130  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  SMPA140  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  SMPA150  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  SMPA160  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  SMPA170  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  SMPA180  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  SMPA30  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  SMPA40  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  SMPA50  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  SMPA60  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  SMPA70  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  SMPA80  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  SMPA90  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  STR10  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  TXTR10  Unrecoverable fault - Please restart the game重启游戏  RMN20  Windows Vista: Need to have Service Pack 1 or higher to proceed.  RMN30  Windows XP 64 / Server 2003: Need to have Service Pack 2 or higher to proceed.  RMN40  Windows XP: Need to have Service Pack 3 or higher to proceed.  WS10  XNetStartup failed - Please re-boot your system and/or re-install the game  AE10  Insufficient Memory to Start Game - Please close some applications and restart the game  RP10  CReplayMgr::StartWorkerThread: Could not create the replay-save thread - Please close some applications and restart the game  RT10  Could not create the render thread - Please shut down some applications and restart the game  SI10  Code is expecting version %d but file %s has version %d! - Please reinstall GTA IV  PC10  Unable to retrieve D3D Device - Please reboot your machine or reinstall your display driver  WTV10  Failed to load kernel32.dll - Please reboot your machine  WTV20  Failed to load ntdll.dll - Please reboot your machine  WTV30  Failed to load winmm.dll - Please reboot your machine  WTV40  Failed to access kernel function - Please reboot your machine  WTV50  Failed to access kernel function - Please reboot your machine  WTV60  Failed to access kernel function - Please reboot your machine  WTV70  Failed to access kernel function - Please reboot your machine  WTV80  Failed to access WINMM.DLL function - Please reboot your machine  WTV90  Failed to access WINMM.DLL function - Please reboot your machine  WTV100  Failed to access WINMM.DLL function - Please reboot your machine  WTV110  WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::InitializeDelayedObjects( ) - XLivePBufferAllocate( ) FAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE  WTV120  WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::InitializeDelayedObjects( ) - WriteToProtectedBuffer: QPC\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE  WTV130  WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::InitializeDelayedObjects( ) - WriteToProtectedBuffer: QPF\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE  WTV140  WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::InitializeDelayedObjects( ) - WriteToProtectedBuffer: NtQPC\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE  WTV150  WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::InitializeDelayedObjects( ) - WriteToProtectedBuffer: GTC\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE  WTV160  WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::InitializeDelayedObjects( ) - WriteToProtectedBuffer: GT\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE  WTV170  WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::InitializeDelayedObjects( ) - WriteToProtectedBuffer: BP\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE  WTV180  WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::InitializeDelayedObjects( ) - WriteToProtectedBuffer: EP\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE  WTV190  WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::Check( ) - ReadFromProtectedBuffer: QPC\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE  WTV200  WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::Check( ) - ReadFromProtectedBuffer: QPF\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE  WTV210  WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::Check( ) - ReadFromProtectedBuffer: NtQPC\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE  WTV220  WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::Check( ) - ReadFromProtectedBuffer: GTC\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE  WTV230  WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::Check( ) - ReadFromProtectedBuffer: GT\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE  WTV240  WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::Check( ) - ReadFromProtectedBuffer: BP\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE  WTV250  WindowsTimerFunctionsValidator::Check( ) - ReadFromProtectedBuffer: EP\tFAILED! - Either reboot or reinstall Game For Windows LIVE  NEM10  Network event manager ran out of event ids - Please restart GTA IV
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内容提示:解决GTA4出错、弹出、崩溃、死机、画面不动等问题 解决GTA4..
上传日期: 19:14:09|
官方公共微信GTA4问题gta iv fatal error: unrecoverable fault -please restart the game_百度知道GTA4 FATAL ERRROR :Unrecoverable fault -please restart the game GTA4 进去玩一下就这样了为什么?_百度知道的海词问答和网友补充:


