激情加挑战表情包 英文怎么表达达

When you stop doing the wrong things and start doing the right things, almost anything you want and everything you need comes within reach.当你不再做错事,而是开始做一些对的事情时,几乎一些你想要的和需要的都会变得触手可及啦。
Which means it&s time to&所以是时候....
5 Things to Stop Doing停止做的5件事
1. Stop stalling and being lazy.停止拖延和懒惰。
You can&t build a good reputation or a successful way of life based on what you could do or might do someday. The quality of your life is in direct proportion to your commitment to get things done, regardless of your chosen path.要有好的名声或是成功的生活,仅靠幻想那些你未来可以做到或可能会做的事情可远远不够哦。不管你选择哪条道路,生活的质量取决于你到底做了多少事情。
So don&t sit there and say, &Somebody should really do something about that someday.& Be that somebody, and make today the day. 所以别在那坐着然后说:&我有一天一定会成为大人物的。& 要成为大人物,现在就开始努力吧!
2. Stop neglecting your self-control.别忽视自己的自制力。
Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke, lazy, out of shape, uneducated, etc. These things happen when you lose your self-control.没人想破坏自己的计划,变得又懒又没有教养。但如果你的自制力不够,这些情况的确会出现。
Showing a lack of self-control is in the same vein granting authority to others: &Perhaps I need someone else to help control me.& And if you&re lucky enough to have good friends and family, they might try. But the truth is no one is going to look out for you every second. No one is going to follow you around and say, &Don&t buy that, get off the couch, take a jog, go to the library, etc.&自制力的缺乏,就表现为有这样希望给别人督促你的念头:&也许我需要别人来监督我。& 如果你足够幸运,有很好的朋友和家人,他们说不定真能帮上你。但实际上没有人会时时刻刻看着你。也没有人会无时无刻的在你身边,说:&别买那个,别再赖在沙发上啦,去慢跑,去图书馆吧,等等。&
You, and YOU ALONE, must make the choice between what is right and what is easy in your life.你,也只能是你自己,必须要在正确和容易中做出选择。
3. Stop looking outside yourself.别再不断地寻找。
In life you have to CREATE your own love, define your own meaning, and harbor your own inspiration. This process starts on the inside, not somewhere else. Much of this can be accomplished simply by staying true to your values, pursuing your passions, learning more today than you knew yesterday, and helping others smile as you go.生活里,你需要的是创造自己的爱情,定义自己的意义,保护自己的灵感。这样的过程是从内到外的,而不是在外面寻找的。只要忠于自己的价值观,追求自己的激情,每天学习更多点,以及尽你所能帮别人,你就可以做到这些。
4. Stop letting negative people drain you.别让消极的人影响到你。
You might think being alone makes you lonely, but that&s not entirely true. Being surrounded by the wrong people is the loneliest place in the world.你也许觉得独处会孤单,这不完全正确。身边围着错误的人可是世界上最最孤单的事情了。
Before you diagnose yourself as an unhappy person, first be sure that you are not simply surrounded by negative people constantly trying to bring you down to their level.判断自己是不是幸福之前,倒不如先看看周围有没有充斥着那些消极的人们,他们会渐渐影响到你哦。
5. Stop belittling your efforts and your progress.别再轻视你的努力和进步。
Appreciate where you are now and keep fighting for where you want to be tomorrow. You are not a failure until you give up on yourself. Keep going!欣赏现在的自己,为想成为的那个自己而奋斗吧。只要不放弃自己,你都不会是失败者,加油!
Hard times may hold you down for a while but they will not last forever, and when all is said and done, you will be able to stand even taller than those who didn&t earn it.挫败期也许会让你消沉一段时间,但这只是暂时的。当一切都过去,你就会比那些没有经历过挫败的人站的更高。
Seriously, you may not be where you want to be yet, but look how far you&ve come. Be thankful that you&re not where you used to be. If you have no other testimony right now, you have this one: &I&m still here trying.&也许你还没有做到自己想做的事情,但是看看你目前取得的进步吧,再感激一下你并没有在原地踏步。如果你现在没有什么别的誓言,就用这个吧:&我还在这努力着。&
5 Things to Start Doing5件开始做的事情
1. Start living.开始生活。
Don&t simply exist in this world, grab life&s full potential by the horns and ride it out. Dare life to be all it can be. Make it a memorable, gripping account of accomplishment. Make it a thrilling, challenging, bold adventure. Make life a passionate, enduring, poetic romance.不要只是生存在这个世界上,抓住生活的各种机会,努力争取。相信自己的人生充满着无尽的可能性。达到一个值得记住的成就。来一次令人兴奋充满挑战的冒险,把生活打造成一首激情非凡长存久远的浪漫诗篇。
Whatever it is you decide to do with your life, LIVE it! Get going! Move forward, aim high, plan your takeoff. Don&t just sit on the runway. Adjust your attitude and gain some altitude. 无论你决定干什么,都要好好生活下去!不断努力朝前看,目标高远点,计划着每一步。别总坐在那里。调整自己的态度,获得一些正能量吧。
2. Start taking chances that feel right.感觉对了就抓住机会
Life will try to nothing and no one can completely protect you from it. Remaining alone in your comfort zone won&t either, for endless,
solitude will also break you with yearning.生活有时会试图打击你,没有人能真正的全方位保护你。一直呆在自己的小空间里也不是长久之计,长久的孤独也会打破你的向往。
You&re human. You have to love. You have to feel. You have to strive. You are here to risk your heart by putting it into something you believe in. If you avoid taking these chances, one thing is certain, you will make is safely to death someday, feeling empty and unfulfilled.你是个人,你需要去爱,你需要去感受,你需要去努力。你需要冒险把自己的心给那些你觉得可以信任的东西。如果你放弃了这些机会,我只能确定一点,你会平静的死去,空虚且失落。
3. Start indulging in meaningful challenges.开始迎接有意义的挑战
What a true blessing it is that there is always work to be done. Because the real value of any accomplishment is not in the end result, it is in the process of accomplishment.真正的幸福感就是永远有干不完的活,因为满足的真谛不是得到最后的结果,而是整个过程。
Success is a state of mind, and the most reliable way to reach that state is by working mindfully through a meaningful challenge. Such a challenge might seem somewhat overwhelming when you first encounter it, yet as you progress through it, you transform the work from overwhelming to fulfilling. 成功是一种精神状态,想要达到这样的状态,最靠谱的方法就是通过一次有意义的挑战来谨慎的工作。也许一开始碰到挑战时会让你不知所措。但是只要你经历过了,你就会从不知所措到得心应手。
4. Start nurturing your real family.学会照顾自己的家庭
Famil it&s not determined by marriage certificates, divorce papers, and formal adoption documents. Families grow from the heart, through mutual love and respect. The only time family becomes
is when the ties in the heart are cut. If you cut the ties, these people are not your family. If you build the ties, these people are your family. So build ties with the right people and nurture them with love.家庭基于爱,它不是由结婚证、离婚文件或是正式领养文件组成的,家庭在互爱和尊重的基础上从内心慢慢培养出来的产物。一旦心与心之间的联系被割断,家庭也会出现危机。如果你隔断了这些联系,那么这些人就不再是你的家人。如果你建立了联系,这些人就是你的家人。所以和那些正确的人建立关系,用爱来维系。
5. Start making time for YOU.给自己空出时间
There is objective time meant for focused work, but also subjective time where the pulse of your life breathes & your relationships, your awareness, your hobbies, etc.客观上的确该有时间用来专心工作,但主观上你也需要享受一下自己的生活&&你的人际圈、你的意识以及你的爱好等等。
So find the time & the time to read, to smell the flowers, to take a walk in the wilderness, to share a laugh, to learn a fun craft, to try a new recipe, to explore somewhere new, to really be with someone you love, to paint your dreams, or even to just do nothing and relax for a while.所以空点时间出来:读读书,闻闻花香,在野外散散步,大笑一次或是学习一次有趣的工艺,试试新菜谱,去新地方看看,或是和自己爱的人在一起,描绘一下自己的梦想,甚至是什么也不做仅仅放松自己。


