4月3日需要一篇关于 i am proud of myself(我为……自...

形容从容应对突发状况/专家指导考生从容应对考前摸底考 作者:&●&时间: 17:07:26&●&来源:
Ⅰ : 专家指导考生从容应对考前摸底考&&& 天山网讯(记者陈彦仿报道)4月3日是晚报高考直通车开通的第三天,就接到考生和家长咨询***70余条。主要涉及到考生在考前如何复习、如何解压,以及家长如何配合考生度过复习期等问题。记者对此进行整理和筛选后,将其反馈给相关专家,对考生的问题做出了解答。 &&&&家长不应盲目请家教
&&&&张先生是位高三学生的家长,他给孩子请了两门课的家教。他说,孩子成绩不错,可自己想让她的成绩再上个台阶,就给她请了家教。后来发现孩子成绩没提高,人却很疲惫。孩子对他说,每天除了上课还要上家教,人累压力也大,更不想学了。 &&&&据了解。像张先生这样盲目请家教的家长不在少数,对此市教研中心文科部主任董建成表示,如果学生某一科很差,可以请家教专项突击。对于学习比较好,请了家教自己又感觉学起来很累的学生,最好不要盲目请家教。
&&&&还有一部分学生来电反映,&二模&的考分不理想,估分也不准确,不知道高考的时候会不会也就是这个分数了。对此,市教研中心理科部主任曾世威解答说,二模考试的难度相当于高考的难度,学生在这次考试中不用太在意分数。 &&&&直通车中部分学生对自己目前的状态表示担心。高三学生李玲玲说:&二模&考试结束,我的成绩还算正常。现在我却越来越紧张,每次做试卷前心里都害怕。 &&&&新疆海景心理咨询中心咨询师苏香说,这是考生心理过度紧张的表现。考生可以练习做深呼吸,吸气要深、满,吐气要慢、匀,全身进行放松。
&&&&专家建议 数学重点考查基础知识的运用&&&&
&&&&试卷难度:文科难度系数0.32,理科难度系数0.44,与去年高考数学难度一致。 &&&&考生基础知识的掌握有提高,已初步形成了运用基础知识分析问题和解决问题的能力,初步具备了蓄势待发应对高考的能力。 &&&&●问题分析
&&&&选择、填空题中有些基础题(4至6道题)理解的不深不透,造成无为失分;中档题中概率题作答不好,许多考生搞错概率事件,前提出错,无从得分;后三道试题又多是审题不清、思路难理、遇阻躁动,不够冷静,以至于束手无策,心态不够平和。 &&&&●复习建议
&&&&60天的复习非常重要,在稳定的基础上力求飞跃。 &&&&1.进一步夯实基础,从讲练试题中认真体会,提高做题的理性起点。 &&&&2.仔细分析讲练过的试题,梳理归纳,多提取思想方法层面的东西。 &&&&3.讲究答题策略,加强收集信息的能力。大题一般多问设置,每问都应考虑,后一问很可能要用前一问的结论,要适应并用好分步得分规则,全力采集分数。 &&&&4.调整好心态,保持好心情。 Ⅱ : 形色对应形成目标:通过操作使幼儿感知图形和颜色的合成和***过程:1、导入环节,引发幼儿学习的兴趣。t:小朋友今天陈老师想带你们去参观数学王国,你们想去吗?我们一起开火车去吧。(幼儿闭上眼,口中念&咔嚓、咔嚓&开火车的声音。教师边出示范例图&&《图形宝宝的家》)2、游戏:送图形宝宝回家(1):通过实物图片让幼儿感知其两个特征&&形状和颜色t:呜``````,火车到了,我们第一站是图形宝宝的家,夷!图形宝宝的家好奇怪啊,我们进去参观一下吧。这里很多空房子到底是什麽颜色的图形宝宝住的呢?在各个房间的旁边都有颜色和图形的指示标志。(幼儿自由回答)t;哎!看了这麽久,怎麽都不见图形宝宝呢?他们去那呢?2):通过引导幼儿将图形宝宝送到图表中相应的位置&&形色对应t:哦!原来图形宝宝都藏在你们的凳子底下,现在请你们把图形宝宝送回家吧!(请幼儿分别把图形宝宝送到图表中,然后教师与幼儿一同检查有哪个宝宝住错了房)(3):通过变换图表中图形卡和颜色卡的位置,让幼儿再次练习形色对应(请幼儿闭上眼睛)t:图形宝宝都出去玩了,我们跟它们做个游戏好吗?(教师把颜色卡和图形卡换位置)t:好啦,它们都回来啦,有谁能把这些图形宝宝送到他们的房间里。(请几位幼儿送宝宝回家)3、游戏&&整理衣柜。用衣服卡演示,练习让幼儿进一步感知形色对应t:好啦,我们都帮图形宝宝找到家,现在也该去参观数学王国的下一站〈服装店〉,请上车。(& 幼儿闭上眼睛口中念&咔嚓、咔嚓&,教师把背景图换成服装店)t:呜`````,我们到了服装店 ,为什麽店里的衣服这麽乱。谁来帮忙收拾一下?(请几名幼儿把衣服和裤子按颜色和形状对应放好,然后教师与幼儿一同检查)4、操作练习1、引导幼儿理解& &放在方格里的含义,学习按符号& &的指示完成任务。t:绿人学校要组织去春游,所以绿人老师来到服装店,想给小绿人们买一套衣服,谁来告诉绿人老师这是什麽样的衣服和裤子?2、小组操作:t:绿人老师已经选好衣服,现在服装店把衣服送到学校,你们能帮绿人老师把衣服分给每个小绿人吗?并且在给每个小绿人穿好衣服后,都要用笔做好记录。(幼儿分组操作,教师巡视指导)3、评价活动(放音乐让幼儿回到座位上挑两组幼儿所做的进行评价)t:你们都帮小绿人们穿好衣服,现在我们开火车跟它们去春游吧! Ⅲ : 高大的矮人从容应对挑战-2( To continue)The hardest thing about being a dwarf is dealing with people's reactions. Sometimes people seem to think I'm invisible and they'll do stuff like cut in front of me in a line as if I'm not even there. And one time I was with about five of my dwarf friends and this woman wanted to take our picture. We said no, but she kept asking. It was like she thought we were street performers or something.My average size friends will stick up for me like when there's a new kid at school who's making fun of me. If I'm with my dwarf friends mostly we just ignore the stares and the teasing. Sometimes we'll stare back--hard--and that usually embarrasses the person so much that the staring stops.stick up for 为…辩护  teasing n. 戏弄、逗弄Except for rude people I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable. So I don't mind some questions. Usually people want to know what to call a person with my condition. I tell them it's OK to refer to people like me as dwarfs or little people. Just don't call us midgets--it's an outdated term that offends us. I don't mind talking about dwarfism because that makes people see I'm a person just like them.midget n. 侏儒  outdated adj. 过时的  offend v. 冒犯、使…不愉快My T-shirt kind of does the same thing. It shows people the real me, a kid with a sense of humor. And maybe that's the real trick showing others that I'm just like them. I play sports and video games, I go to school and I hang out with my friends. I'm just shorter. I mean no one is exactly the same. We're all different in some way, so we should just accept each other's differences. And anyway I'm proud of who I am. Why would I want to change?(finished)kind of 有几分  中文:  (续)身为矮人最难的事就是应对人们的一些反应。有时人们好像对我视而不见,在我面前显示他们的本领----比如站成一排挡住我的去路,好像我根本不在那儿。甚至有一次我和五个矮人朋友在一起时,有个女人还想给我们拍照!她不顾我们的反对一直要求,好像把我们当成了街头表演者之类的人了!  当学校里有新生作弄我的时候,我那些身高正常的朋友都会保护我。如果和矮人朋友在一起,我们大部分时候都不理会别人的注视和嘲弄。有时我们也会回以严厉的目光,这常常令那个人很尴尬而停止注视。  我不想弄得别人不愉快,除非他们表现得很粗鲁无礼,所以我并不介意人们提一些问题。通常人们想知道该怎么称呼像我这样的人,我就告诉他们叫我们矮子或小矮人都没关系,但是别叫侏儒,那可是个令我们恼怒的过时词汇。我也不介意谈论侏儒症,因为那会让人们明白我和他们一样也是人。  我的T恤衫也就有这方面的意思:它向人们展示真正的我----一个有幽默感的孩子。也许这才是我的真实用意:告诉人们我和他们没什么两样。我不仅运动、玩电子游戏、上学,还和朋友们一起闲逛。我只是矮了一点,我是说没有人同别人一模一样,人和人之间总有某些方面是不同的,所以我们应该接受彼此的不同之处。不管怎么样,我为自己感到自豪。既然这样,为什么还想着改变呢?(完)※本文作者:佚名※ Ⅳ : 高大的矮人从容应对挑战-1Big Challenges "Keep staring, I might do a trick" That's the message on a T-shirt of mine. People stare at me all the time so I thought this shirt would be funny. See, I'm a dwarf.dwarf n. 矮子、侏儒Most of the time people aren't trying to be rude--they just haven't seen many dwarfs like me before. I can understand that. But I also want to let them know that I see them staring. Usually the T-shirt makes them laugh at themselves not at me. I was born with achondroplasia, the most common form of dwarfism. I have an average size torso but my arms and legs are shorter and my head is bigger than average.achondroplasia n. 软骨发育不全  dwarfism n. 矮小、侏儒症torso n. 人体的躯干Right now I'm almost four feet tall and that's about as tall as I'm going to get. I'm not going to pretend that my HeiGHT isn't a challenge. It is. Light switches and counters are usually too high for me. I can't reach some shelves in the grocery stores. It takes me three steps to keep up with one step of an average size adult. And my mom has to hem almost all of my pants.switch n. 开关、电闸  grocery n. 杂货、食品  hem v. 缝…的褶边But everyone faces challenges. You just have to face them with a good attitude. So I have a long barbecue fork to pull things down from pantry shelves. I'm a great climber and I can make a stool out of just about anything. I'll even be able to drive a car with the help of pedal extensions. If all else fails I ask for help.barbecue n. 吃烧烤肉的野餐  pantry n. 食品室、餐具室   pedal n. 踏板The way I see it I can do just about anything that an average size person can do. OK, so I'll never play professional sports but I have no problem testing my limits. I have to. For instance, everyone uses stoves. Little people just have to figure out how to use them in different ways. I use a stool to reach mine at home. It may take me longer and it may be harder but I can still do it. (to be continued)  中文:  “瞧着吧,我会有我的高招!” 这就是我的一件T恤衫上面写的东西。因为人们总爱盯着我瞧,所以我想这件T恤衫会让他们感觉很有意思。猜到了吧,我是一个小矮人。  大多数时候人们都不是有意表现出无礼----他们只不过以前很少看到过像我这样的矮人而已。我能理解这点,但仍想让他们知道我注意到他们在盯着我看。这件T恤就常常使他们自嘲起来,而不是笑话我。  我生来就患有软骨发育不全症,这是侏儒症最常见的一种。我的躯干大小和常人一样,但胳膊和腿都比常人短,脑袋也比常人大一些。  现在我差不多有四英尺高,但基本上不可能再高了。事实就是如此,我不能装作无视身高这个挑战。对我来说灯的开关和柜台常常太高了;在杂货店里有些货架我够不着;我要走上三步才能赶得上普通***迈一步。妈妈不得不为我把几乎所有的裤子都缝上折边。  但每个人都会遇到挑战,我们必须用良好的心态去面对它们。所以我会用一个很长的烤肉叉把东西从食品室的架子上弄下来;我擅长攀爬,任何东西都能被我当作凳子来用。借助踏板延伸设施,我甚至还能开车。要是所有其他的努力都不管用,那我就会请求帮助了。  正是这种态度,使得普通人能做的我也一样能做到。是的,我将永远无法参加职业运动项目,但我总有办法测试我的极限----我不得不如此。例如人人都用炉子,我们小矮人就必须想出怎样用不同的方法来使用炉子(在家里我站在凳子上才能够到煤)。这可能会让我花更长的时间,做起来也更困难,但我总算能做到。(待续)※本文作者:佚名※
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proud是什么意思 proud在线翻译 proud什么意思 proud的意思 proud的翻译 proud的解释 proud的发音 proud的同义词 proud的反义词 proud的例句
proud英 [pra?d] 美 [pra?d] 比较级:最高级:proudproud 基本解释形容词自豪的,得意的; 光荣的,高尚的; 傲慢的; 有自尊心的proud 同义词proud在线翻译形容词proud 反义词形容词proud 相关词组1.
: 自豪, 高兴;2.
: 养尊处优;proud 相关例句形容词1. He is proud of his daughter's ability to speak four languages.&&&&他为女儿能说四种语言而骄傲。2. He's too proud to speak to poor people like us.&&&&他太骄傲了,从不与我们这样的穷人说话。3. 3. She is proud of her accomplishments.&&&&她为自己的成就而自豪。4. danci.911cha.com4. I'm proud to be your friend.&&&&做你的朋友我感到骄傲。5. 5. They're poor but proud.&&&&他们虽然穷但很自重。proud 网络解释1. 骄傲:为此作者感到骄傲(proud),而不仅仅只是友好(friendly),幸运(lucky)和充满希望(hopeful). 13 A 语句连贯词义比较 虽然(although)作者才七年级,但当地一家服装店已同意让他赊账. Although表示转折关系. while表示时间或对照;2. 自豪:只要这是你依然在深爱着的男人,你就一定会有办法把他夺会来,有一个3P的说法可以借用一下,自豪(Proud),耐心(Patient)和坚持(Persistent). 对自己过去的感情生活感到自豪,就一定能够耐心地,坚持不懈地努力,重新构筑爱情的堡垒.3. 骄傲的:proud ?傲的 | daughter 女? | another 另外的4. 自豪的:proud flesh 疤 | proud 自豪的 | proudhearted 骄傲的proud 双语例句1. Cossack Musketeers have inherited the proud military traditions of their cavalry brethren.&&&&哥萨克滑膛***兵对他们前辈骑兵的赫赫威名极感自豪,并延续了这一光荣传统。2. Among the proud there are always contentions: but they that do all things with counsel, are ruled by wisdom.&&&&傲慢只有引起争端,虚心受教的人才有智慧。3. proud的近义词3. We are so very proud of every man and woman serving this country.&&&&我们非常非常自豪,每个男人和女人为这个国家。4. I'm so proud of her. I love her to bits.&&&&我以她为荣,我爱死她了。5. 5. She is proud of her new car.&&&&她为自己的新汽车颇觉得意。6. Be proud to do sth.⑴She is proud of her n ew car.&&&&她为自己的新汽车颇觉得意。7. proud的解释7. He was alive, trembling ever so slightly with delight, proud that his fear was under control.&&&&他还活着!他高兴得微微有点颤抖,也因自己能够抑制内心的恐惧而感到自豪。8. Now we are 258941 proud members and the Total Membership fees is now $ 10.2 millions.&&&&现在我们是 258941个骄傲的成员,而且总会员资格费用现在是一千零二十万元。9. Golden autumn wind delivered curls darkly fragrant comes in frost chrysanthemum to offer is fragrant one season to kiss setting sun afterglow to like overflowing gentle eye pupil to look at four wild serene the fervor to fly verse to listen to Yellow River to carry innumerable misery history view river sand heavy to accumulate how many recollection sores all over the eye is piece by piece your old times'appearance childhood difficult leaves behind brand mark which did not extinguish wind frost and snow rain the half century to assault deep pool far class long fiveMillennium civilization's trail historical perpetual flow tumbles former days heroic great waves time string to play an instrument and sing today magnificent melody the motherland, I for your proud worked as the palatial engraved pillar, let the tall and straight stature put on the dawn, worked as grand Tiananmen, lets the wind and cloud welcome Dongsheng sun.&&&&金秋的风送袅袅暗香而来霜中的菊献片片芳菲一季吻夕阳余辉爱溢出温柔的眼眸望四野安详激情飞上诗句听黄河汩汩载无数苦难历史观河沙沉沉积淀多少回忆满目疮痍是你旧时的容颜儿时的艰辛留下了不灭的烙印风霜雪雨半个世纪的搏击渊远流长五千年文明的足迹历史的长河翻滚着昔日英勇的浪涛时光的琴弦弹唱着今日辉煌的旋律祖国啊,我为你自豪当巍峨的华表,让挺拔的身躯披上曙光,当雄伟的***,让风云迎来东升的太阳。10. There is one parting thought I wish to leave with you: Wherever you go, and whatever you do, act as a true Chinese should, and be very proud of being a Chinese.&&&&我有个临别的话要交待你们:不管你们到那里,不管你们做甚?,你们要表现得像个堂堂正正的中国人,并且要以身为中国人为荣。11. Proud first place winner Leo Vidar Bjornsson in the center with second place Hafsteinn Thorvaldsson on the left (holding his dressed for race boys) and happy third place winner Gudbjorn Grimsson on the right.&&&&&&骄傲的第一名狮子座子维达尔布扬松在第二位的哈夫斯坦索瓦尔松就在中心的左边,幸福的第三位获奖者Gudbjorn格里姆松在右边。12. When we leave the campus of that a moment, let us look at our path, I believe that we have the feelings. The proud have no to idle away one's time, Have the vision for a bright future!&&&&&&当我们离开校园的那一刻,再让我们回首看我们走过的路,我相信,我们有的是恋恋不舍的感情;有的是没有虚度年华的自豪;有的是对美好未来的憧憬!13. He said: We are proud of the tradition of the Audi brand and our company's history of success.&&&&&&他说:我们感到自豪的是传统的奥迪品牌和我们公司历史上的成功。14. 14. However, we also have something that we can be proud of.&&&&&&我们也没有了平静的心境去学任何东西。15. She is proud of her horsemanship.&&&&&&她为自己的马术感到自豪。16. 911查询·英语单词16. This is a piece of work I cam be proud of.&&&&&&这是我的得意之作。17. proud17. I hope you live a life that you're proud of.&&&&&&我希望你以你自己的生活为荣。18. I know everybody is proud of him, but I'm not.&&&&&&我知道每个人都以他为荣,但我不是。19. I love my school and I am proud of her!&&&&&&我爱我的学校,并且以她为荣!20. 20. As you learn more about us, you will understand why more than 20, 000 College of Business alumni are proud Salukis.&&&&&&正如你了解我们,您将明白为什么超过20000商学院的校友而感到自豪Salukis 。proud 词典解释1. 骄傲的;自豪的;得意的&&&&If you feel proud, you feel pleased about something good that you possess or have done, or about something good that a person close to you has done.&&&&e.g. I felt proud of his efforts...&&&&&&&&&&&我为他的努力感到骄傲。&&&&e.g. They are proud that she is doing well at school...&&&&&&&&&&&他们为她出色的学习成绩感到骄傲。proudly'That's the first part finished,' he said proudly.“那是已完成的第一部分,”他自豪地说。2. 最值得夸耀的;最引以为荣的&&&&Your proudest moments or achievements are the ones that you are most proud of.&&&&e.g. This must have been one of the proudest moments of his busy and hard working life.&&&&&&&&&&&这一定是他劳碌工作的一生中最引以为荣的时刻之一。3. 自尊的;自重的&&&&Someone who is proud has respect for themselves and does not want to lose the respect that other people have for them.&&&&e.g. He was too proud to ask his family for help and support...&&&&&&&&&&&他自尊心太强,不愿向家人寻求帮助和支持。&&&&e.g. We are a proud people. We are not used to begging or taking things.&&&&&&&&&&&我们是有自尊的民族。我们不习惯乞讨或接受施舍。4. 骄傲的;傲慢的;妄自尊大的&&&&Someone who is proud feels that they are better or more important than other people.&&&&e.g. She was said to be proud and arrogant.&&&&&&&&&&&据说她傲慢自大。5. 超出…之外的&&&&If one object stands proud of another object that it is attached to or next to, it extends beyond it.&&&&e.g. The handles stand proud of the doors of the car.&&&&&&&&&&&把手位于车门之外。6. 盛情款待;给…以隆重待遇&&&&If someone does you proud, they treat you very well, for example by welcoming you and giving you good food and entertainment.&&&&e.g. The hotel has indeed done them proud.&&&&&&&&&&&这家宾馆的确对他们盛情款待。proud 单语例句1. What now makes him proud and excited is developing the business in China, a land where he saw " opportunities and future " for Wall Street English.2. " I'm quite proud of their acting, " Meng says.3. CANBERRA - Hollywood star Nicole Kidman received an Australian government honour Friday, saying it would make her parents more proud than her Oscar.4. Being the city where ancient foreign businessmen started their China tours with their merchant ships, the Cantonese capital surely has a proud history behind it.5. I'm truly proud and humbled to carry the Qatar flag among my fellow athletes from all over the world.6. " I feel very proud because there were a lot of good players out there, " she said.7. " Catherine has always been pretty voluptuous and proud of her curves, " said an onlooker.8. The sailing center is also proud of its pontoon system, the most advanced without the stakes in the world.9. In addition, they think negatively about frugality while feeling proud of being extravagant.10. Local officials are proud of the rapid changes made to Chongqing's cityscape.proud 英英释义adj1. having or displaying great dignity or nobility&&&&e.g. a gallant pageant&&&&&&&&&&&lofty ships&&&&&&&&&&&majestic cities&&&&&&&&&&&proud alpine peaks&&&&Synonym: 2. feeling self-respect or pleasure in something by which you measure your self-worth&&&&or being a reason for pride&&&&e.g. proud parents&&&&&&&&&&&proud of his accomplishments&&&&&&&&&&&a proud moment&&&&&&&&&&&proud to serve his country&&&&&&&&&&&a proud name&&&&&&&&&&&proud princesproud是什么意思,proud在线翻译,proud什么意思,proud的意思,proud的翻译,proud的解释,proud的发音,proud的同义词,proud的反义词,proud的例句,proud的相关词组,proud意思是什么,proud怎么翻译,单词proud是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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