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威望 基本解释威望[wēi wàng]词典:声誉;威信,威望,声望;(财势的)显赫;信望。词典:特征;威信;(显示优越的)标志;扁囊药剂。词典:超自然力量,威望。词典:尊敬,敬畏;敬礼;受尊敬;尊严。威望 汉英大词典威望[wēi wàng]prestige:  例:崇高的威望    high prestige威望 网络解释1. Mana:5.欢迎舞(HakaPowhiri):欢迎舞是由主方跳的,目的是要用呼叫(Karanga)时在精神上织出的绳子拉动客方的精神上的独木舟(waka)进入会堂,并藉此舞蹈来显耀主方(tangatawhenua),其会堂(marae)、部族(iwi)、部落分支(hapū)及祖先(tupuna)的威望(mana).2. Respect:帮派火并:威望(RESPECT)到达一定程度,剧情发展到doberman圣安地列斯攻略之后就可以组织帮派间的火并. 地图上绿色的为我方势力范围,紫红色为敌对势力范围,***为中立势力. 要想抢占一块地盘只要攻击这个地盘内的其他帮派成员3个以上就会开始争夺战,3. prestige n:231. prescription n. 处方 | 232. prestige n. 威望> enjoy high ~ | 233. prevalent a. 流行的威望 双语例句1. 威望1. 阐明国家公职人员利用人民赋予的权力,大肆索取、收受贿赂,必将会坑害回家,损害党和国家的声誉与威望,离间人民群众同党和政府之间的关系,挫伤群众建设社会主义的积极性。&&&&Thesis explain that it will endanger prestige of the sate and the Chinese Communist Party and relation between the party and government with the masses and positive that the masses construct are socialist that the state government-employee extort and accept bribe, using the power that the people give.2. 一方面,许多雄心勃勃的大学毕业生认为这是一个较高的社会地位,更大的权力和威望,这些考试的跳板上许多休息的其他意愿。&&&&On one hand, many ambitious college graduates view these exams as a springboard to a higher social status, greater power and pstige, on which many of their other wishes rest.3. 原北京鼓楼中医院院长,曾获北京市有突出贡献专家,是全国公认的著名中医男科学术带头人,在国内外均享有极高的威望和声誉。&&&&He is an outstanding expert in Beijing, an acknowledged leading doctor in the field of andriatry. He has great prestige both domestically and abroad.4. 对于中国来说,他的宇宙计划提升了民族骄傲和国际威望。&&&&For China, its space program is all about boasting national pride and international prestige.5. 在中国,我们是最有威望的一个实验室。&&&&In China, we are the most prestigious lab.6. 6. 他在商界一位很有威望的人。&&&&He is a big figure in the business world.7. 他是一个有着很高国际威望的人。&&&&Eg: He is a man of high international prestige.8. 8. 然后,他的威望预示驾驶的是世界上最有名的名字。&&&&He then heralded the prestige of driving for one of the world's most famous names.9. 中国在国际上的威望提高了。&&&&China`s prestige in the world rose.10. 你这两点威望是怎么来的?&&&&Who is the Apple of my eye?11. 威望的近义词11. 我和高教授工作,他是学校最有威望的教授之一。&&&&&&In their eyes, the university is just a bigger high school.12. 12. 蒋介石於一九七五年溘逝,蒋介石之子蒋经国继承台湾总统的职权,有人担心蒋经国欠缺统治台湾的必要威望。&&&&&&Chiang Kai-shek had died in 1975, and though his son Chiang Ching-kuo inherited the island's presidency, there was concern that he might not have the prestige to hold Taiwan together.13. 出生于巴西的勒西腓,Mestre Eclilson de Jesus是一名具有30多年教授经验的极具威望的巴西战舞大师。1990年Mestre Eclilson de Jesus被邀请到美国和加拿大参加一系列的表演活动,从此他那融合格斗术与舞蹈的惊人技艺开始被世人所熟知。&&&&&&Born in Brazil, Mestre Eclilson is a highly regarded Master of Capoeira, with more than 30 years of experience. In 1990, Mestre de Jesus was invited to USA and Canada to participate in various festivals, demonstrating this unique martial art/dance. That`s when he decided to make Vancouver his new home.14. 我们的保险业务在世界上享不很高的威望。&&&&&&Our insurance emjoys high prestige all over the world.15. 15. 个性:严肃时像高等法院的大法官威望十足,轻松时像马戏团里的小丑般爱搞笑。&&&&&&Serious like a high court judge, full of prestige. Relax like a circus clown, love to joke around.16. 斯泰特先生,注意你的方式,要保持你职务的威望和本法庭的威望。&&&&&&Proceed in a fashion more in keeping with the dignity of your office and this Court, Mr. State.17. 前苏联作曲家德米特里?肖斯塔科维奇是其中最有威望,最有创作胆略的作曲大师。&&&&&&Within such a period, former Soviet composer Dmitri Shostakovich outstood others as the most prestigious and creative master.18. 首句has been declared 大概用被???好一?,因?本文?不特??疑???果金钱+ 9 威望+ 2&&&&&&Some 55 people were said to have been killed in clashes between an Arab community and southern soldiers.19. 19. 在缺乏一个师资配备良好的政治科学讲座的条件下,没有一所有威望的大学可以兴办下去。&&&&&&The time will soon come when no college of respectability can afford to do without a well-filled chair of political science.20. 我们所能考虑的仅是,我们能否妥善处理这些问题,增强我国的威望,以及我们对这些新问题的处理不当,会不会成为我们历史上黑暗耻辱的一页。&&&&&&All we can decide is whether we shall meet them in a way that will redound to the national credit, or whether we shall make of our dealings with these new problems a dark and shameful page in our history.威望是什么意思,威望在线翻译,威望什么意思,威望的意思,威望的翻译,威望的解释,威望的发音,威望的同义词,威望的反义词,威望的例句,威望的相关词组,威望意思是什么,威望怎么翻译,单词威望是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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