我在网上找到的replay media catchcoser都是怎么找到cp不能用...

&&&& 一个很不错的网站http://videolectures.net/,正如其网站名所指示的那样,是关于讲座的视频。其中,绝大多数视频是有关于计算机科学的,而在这其中更多的又是和模式识别,机器学习,人工智能相关的居多,很多都是最近的会议讲座;有一句话,叫“足不出门,开遍大会”可见这些视频的精良性。
&&&& 而我的目的很简单,把上面的视频给下下来,而且最好要使用简单,而这一过程之相当之纠结。
&&&&& 最开始以为,在搜索引擎里输入”how to download video from videolecture.net”“videolecture”“videolecture视频下载”这类的关键词,就可以搞定(尤其是像这种热度比较高的,关注的人多,自然打它主意的也就比较多)。它们返回的结果都有一个共同的结果:Replay Media Catcher。
&&&&& Replay Media Catcher软件绝对给力,打开一新网页或刷新一下网页,软件就呼呼地开始下。但可惜的是它不是免费的,在未注册也就是Demo Mode下只能下载50%(4.09version)。那就想办法找一个破解的,或带什么keygen之类的。还是行不通,换句话说,网页中存在很多的无效或过期信息(wiki有编辑功能,为什么这些无效的网页也不能来一些“编辑”功能啊!)。
&&&&& 好吧,反正是下载流媒体,总不会只有这一家才卖药吧。于是,思路变成“视频下载”“流媒体下载”等之类的关键词。什么“网站里粘贴上视频网址,即可返回文件下载地址”“文件嗅探软件”之类的都啃不动videolecture.net,而那种“缓冲文件下的.flv文件”更是不见踪影。
&&&&& 后来再一看Repaly Media Catcher的介绍,发现有一词“rtmp”,才大概了解到,videolecture.net上的视频采用了rtmp协议传输,正因为如此,所以才有那么多的帖子变成了“老帖”,那么多的“无能无力”。感觉好像又进了一步,可以对“rtmp”下手,找着什么软件或方法针对rtmp协议传输的视频文件。
&&&&& 于是,我使用了realone player,orbit downloader(外国版“迅雷”),酷抓6+刀锋(很拉风的名字搭配)等,其结果如下:
&&&&& realone player:&&&&&&&& 很抱歉,视频文件无法下载;
&&&&& orbit downloader:&&&& 很抱歉,我果断的找到了地址,只是我无法拖动我的进度条;
&&&&& 酷抓6+刀锋:&&&&&&&&&&& 很抱歉,ie和firefox无法匹配我“强大”的“地址嗅探”功能,双双崩溃,不给
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 我 “地址分析”的机会。
&&&&& Thunder:&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 很抱歉,我发现,orbit downloader交给我的文件地址,我分析得到的文件大
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 小是0.0byte;
&&&&& 哎,看来“软件也是不完美”的啊。看了一个网页,大概说,针对rtmp协议,一些软件可以伪装成“请求在线播放视频文件传送”,而避开“文件下载请求”,“骗过”了服务器,从而下载其文件。像迅雷这种下载软件本身就不支持rtmp协议的,因此是不能寄希望于此的。不过,目前来看好使的也只有Replay Media Catcher,能找的都找了,基本上都不想弄这个东西了。本身就不打算去看看“rtmp protocol”,只是想能不能有一些“好人”给一些简单的方法来下载文件;加之,看看那个Replay
Media Catcher软件目录下的文件命名太不“规范”了,本身层次又低,“肉眼”根本就看不出来哪个是跟“注册校验”有关,所以“修改注册相关信息”的想法也就打消了。
&&&& 在不想就这样放弃,在这样又没有“激情”的双重作用下,重新开始了“Replay Media Catcher”关键词下的搜索。“下一页”就这样无聊地翻着,看看有没有新结果。就在搜索结果的第10多页时,突然发下了一个“唯影”,本来都不打算抱有多大希望的;可是好像它和“rtmp”“维棠”有关,于是仔细看了看,装了装,结果:好使;可“你”问什么偏偏要“躲”的那么“深”呢!是机缘?还是巧遇?应该是“折腾”!
&&&& 就这样,挥之不去的纠结终于尘埃落定,长舒一口气;什么叫释然,什么叫折腾,哎。
2.在使用唯影下载videolecture.net的视频时,我的经历是最初直接给出视频网页地址时,它自己没能解析出地址(可能是跟没有视频播放有关,或许是和那个windows mediaplayer有关吧)。我采取的做法是,先点击” Switch to Windows Media Player”,听到声音后,再点击”Switch to Flash Media Player”,这样就能看到视频,同时分析出文件地址,选中,点击下载即可。(估计这也就是全文唯一的亮点了)
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> Replay Media Catcher(FLV视频捕捉软件) V5.0.1.54 官方最新版
Replay Media Catcher(FLV视频捕捉软件) V5.0.1.54 官方最新版
& & &Replay Media Catcher是一款方便易用的FLV视频捕捉软件。该软件可以让你轻松捕捉Flash视频和MP3的音频,操作简单,只需要按下开始键就可以了。所谓的FLV 是FLASH VIDEO的简称,FLV流媒体格式是随着Flash MX的推出发展而来的视频格式。由于它形成的文件极小、加载速度极快,使得网络观看视频文件成为可能。
  Replay Media Catcher是一款音频、视频录制软件,在我们需要录制一些音频和视频文件时就需要用到,该软件能清晰的录制各种音频将杂音降低到最小,提高音频清晰度,在录制视频文件时只需轻轻点击即可录制。支持YouTube、MySpace、Daily Motion、iFilm、Metacafe、电视节目网站、电影网站。
HyperSnap是一款简单易用的屏幕截图软件,如果用户想要截取windows屏幕照片或者捕捉文字,那么使用hypersnap 软件就是最快捷最简易的方式了,它是一款融合了先进的图像编辑实用工具和屏幕捕捉应用程序的强大工具。
win7自带截图工具是从windows 7系统之中提取出来的一款截图软件,这款软件为win7系统所自带,非常的好用,由于很多用户不知道win7的截图工具在哪,所以特地将这款软件提取出来供大家下载。
Replay Media Catcher(FLV视频捕捉软件) V5.0.1.54 官方最新版
Copyright (C)
.All rights reserved.Top 5 streaming video recorderStreaming video recorder is a kind of program which enables users to record videos from video-sharing websites like YouTube, Dailymotion, Yahoo, Metacafe and more. For giving more convenience to users in offline viewing, some programs also attach convert, edit or other features. With an online video record program, you can record streaming video off Internet and save it in your PC. A powerful one even can help you convert videos for your portable devices, then you are allowed to watch fantastic videos anytime and anywhere. In a word, video recorder is an indispensable tool to every video lover.Here, I’ll give a brief introduction of 5 workable video recorders. You can have a quick look and choose a suitable one for yourself.Apowersoft Streaming Video RecorderApowersoft Streaming Video Recorder integrates video downloader, screen recorder, converter and editor in one tool, it means you can complete various kind of tasks with the help of this program. The video recorder has capacity to record online videos from almost any sites. It supports you to download HTTP, MMS, RTSP, RTMP videos on YouTube, Veoh, Hulu, ABC, BBC, CBS and tons of sites. Advanced downloading technology makes the recorded video quality keep the original high definition perfectly. While downloading, you can watch the video with the built-in media player. Record Screen feature do you a favor when you desire to record live streaming video from Twitch.tv, Ustream, Justin.tv. Moreover, the embedded video converter facilitates you to convert videos between numerous video and audio formats such as MP4, 3GP, ***I, WMV, MP3.Applian Replay Media CatcherThe download manager provides you the ability to download online video and audio streams from thousands of popular sites. It is compatible with all the browsers and super easy to use. Just open an online video and play it, after you click Start Recording, the program will copy the video and save it to your local disk. While downloading, it can auto-name the downloaded video files smartly.Wondershare Streaming Video RecorderWondershare Streaming Video Recorder can record online videos, TV shows, movies, live videos and performances on the net. It supports popular streaming video transport protocol and allows you to download most streaming videos online. In order to save your effort, the recorder is able to download multiple videos at the same time. Besides, the built-in converter is helpful in converting downloaded videos for your iPhone, iPod, Zune and smart phones.Internet Download ManagerIf you want to accelerate your download jobs, the ideal choice is using Internet Download Manager. It is a full-featured tool and has been evaluated as the fastest video recorder which can increase download speed by up to 5 times. The resume downloading function assist you to restart interrupted downloads due to network or computer errors. It is a safe program that will check virus and stop to download them while working. The new versions added FLV grabber, and you can use it to download flash videos from video websites.Jaksta Online Media DownloaderTo Mac OS users, Jaksta is the best way to record streaming video, audio and all kinds of media files for you. Once running Jaksta, it will save videos from a variety of sites as they play on your Mac. After downloading, these files can be converted to common used formats by the program and then transferred to other devices like iPod, iPhone, iPad, Apple TV or burned to a DVD disc. Comparing with other Mac video recorders, Jaksta works with more sites and video encoded formats.Which one is your ideal program? Download it and have a try. Rating: 4.3 / 5 (based on 29 ratings) Thanks for your rating!Related posts: Please input a valid email address!Please input review content!
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