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例句与用法China national railway s steam locomotive gj class中国国铁蒸汽机车工建型Mr . shiozaki visited to sujiatun in march , 1999Gj是工建型的简称。 The features are same as gj series性能与系列相同。 Straightening series ultra - thin precision straightener ultra - thin precision straightener gj - 200a精密薄板材料矫正机gj - 200a Then only one gj class locomotive was still working . but sujiatun engine depot was disappearing在苏家屯附近,这工建型是惟一还行驶的水柜式蒸汽机车。 Two sections type straightening device , it is no need to is no need to adjust straighten function when rolled material is under straightening process from start to endGj两段式矫平过程中头端-尾端中途不须再作矫平之调Following the fast development of market economy , seller - oriented market is changed to buyer - oriented market the product ' s price , quality , customer service and quick respond is the key to occupy the market for example , boeing chain spare part center is the distinguished enterprise which use scm it established the long term strategy partnership with most of chinese airlines in this environment , using scm to reorganize purchasing department of gj airlines is the guarantee to strengthening the core competitive capability . this thesis want to point out that scm is the good way to improving customer service . reducing inventory , reducing cost . meanwhile , scm can cause scale economy and enhance the competitive capability and share more information & materials . scm can also promote the e - business developing . through the research of scm and use of scm , we will find and take advantage of core competitive capability of gj airlines如波音中国零部件寄售中心在这方面做的非常优秀,它与国内多家航空公司间建立的库存支援协议,为航空公司以及其自身的经营创造了双盈的局面。在此环境下,针对航空公司航材采购方面的供应链优化设计,就成为gj航空公司增强企业在这个市场上的核心竞争力的有力保障。本研究通过对有效地实现供应商选择和与供应商的良好结合,提高保障质量;降低航材库存,降低财务成本;减少资金占用,实现信息和航材共享,产生规模效应,发展企业的低成本战略;促进企业使用电子商务等方面的研究成果,发掘gj航空公司的核心竞争力。 Gordon gj et al recently described the cellular responses and time course for liver regeneration after ph in rats with retrorsine - induced hepatocellular injury . this model involves the prior administration of the dna - binding pyrrolizidine alkaloid retrorsine to rats blocking native hepatocyte proliferation最近, gordongj等报道了一种新的肝脏再生反应,他们首先用倒千里光碱( retrorsine )抑制大鼠成熟肝细胞的再生能力,然后通过肝2 / 3切除施以肝脏强大的再生刺激。 Which are higher than electric driven heat pump , gas boiler , coal boiler and electric boiler . the energy grade theory analysis results also show that the energy utilization of gehp is comparatively reasonable . exergy cost of gehp is 11 . 2 yuan / gj by thermoeconomic method , which is much lower than the heating price nowadays对比发现,燃气机热泵的一次能源利用率和(火用)效率均高于电动热泵、燃气锅炉、燃煤锅炉和电锅炉;对燃气机热泵系统的能级分析也表示系统的能量利用过程比较合理;通过热经济学的分析,得出燃气机热泵的供热(火用)成本为11 . 2元gj ,这个价格与现行集中供热的价格相比还是很有优势的。 Through the research of history of purchase of gj airlines and external environment & industry environment , the essay points out that : supply chain management is the key to strengthen the competitive capability from 1990 . different from the competition between the traditional enterprises , the characteristic of the enterprises which use supply chain management is the closed partners . the supply chain management make the enterprises the interactive systems which can quick response to customers " demands and achieve the common targets and take advantage of core competitive capability . the background of supply chain management emerging is the result of market change . the market environment is changing from seller - oriented to customer - oriented , meanwhile , the quick development of information technology and continued shorten life cycle of product enhanced the competitive situation between the enterprises本文通过对gj航空公司物资采购的发展历程、外部宏观环境、行业环境、各企业状况的广泛调研,在对调研成果进行综合分析的基础上,针对重庆gj航空公司的采购思想、对象、方式,用供应链的管理战略即“横向一体化”思想进行研究认为:供应链管理( supplychainmanagement ,简称scm )逐渐成为企业增强竞争力的重要途径而gj航空公司仍然采用的是传统的单个企业管理和参与市场竞争,特别在航材采购上采用的是市场询价和货比三家的传统方式,没有采用供应链管理具有的紧密合作的企业伙伴关系,没有使供应链中各企业集成为一个有机联系的系统整体,没有发挥核心竞争能力。 更多例句:&&1&&&&
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