MILLIONS of people living in the United States illegally could be targeted for deportation -- including people simply arrested for traffic violations -- under a sweeping rewrite of immigration enforcement policies announced on Tuesday by the Trump administration.
Any immigrant who is in the country illegally and is charged or convicted of any offense, or even suspected of a crime, will now be an enforcement priority, according to Homeland Security Department memos signed by Secretary John Kelly.
That could include people arrested for shoplifting or minor offenses -- or simply having crossed the border illegally.
The Trump administration memos replace narrower guidance focusing on immigrants who have been convicted of serious crimes, are considered threats to national security or have recently crossed the border illegally.
Under the administration guidance of former President Barack Obama, immigrants whose only violation was being in the country illegally were generally left alone. Those immigrants fall into two categories: those who crossed the border without permission and those who overstayed their visas.
Crossing the border illegally is a criminal offense, and the new memos make clear that those who have done so are included in the broad list of enforcement priorities.
Overstaying a visa is a civil, not criminal, offense. Those who do so are not specifically included in the priority list but, under the memos, they are still more likely to face deportation than they had been before.
The new enforcement documents are the latest efforts by President Donald Trump to follow through on campaign promises to strictly enforce immigration laws.
The president has also promised to build a wall at the Mexican border -- he insists Mexico will eventually foot the bill -- and Kelly’s memos reiterate calls for Homeland Security to start planning for the costs and construction.
Trump’s earlier immigration orders, which temporarily banned all refugees as well as foreigners from seven Muslim-majority countries, have faced widespread criticism and legal action. A federal appeals court has upheld a temporary halt.
Kelly’s enforcement plans call for enforcing a long-standing but obscure provision of immigration law that allows the government to send some people caught illegally crossing the Mexican border back to Mexico, regardless of where they are from. Those foreigners would wait in that country for US deportation proceedings to be complete. This would be used for people who aren’t considered a threat to cross the border illegally again, the memo says.
That provision is almost certain to face opposition from civil libertarians and Mexican officials, and it’s unclear whether the US has the authority to force Mexico to accept third-country nationals.
But the memo also calls for Homeland Security to provide an account of US aid to Mexico, a possible signal that Trump plans to use that funding to get Mexico to accept the foreigners.
Historically, the US has quickly repatriated Mexican nationals caught at the border but has detained immigrants from other countries pending deportation proceedings that could take years.
Mexico’s new ambassador to the US, Geronimo Gutierrez, called the policy changes “something very serious.”
The memos do not change US immigration laws, but take a far harder line toward enforcement.
One example involves broader use of a program that fast-tracks deportations. It will now be applied to immigrants who cannot prove they have been in the US longer than two years. It’s unclear how many immigrants that could include.
Since at least 2002 that fast deportation effort -- which does not require a judge’s order -- has been used only for immigrants caught within 160 kilometers of the border, within two weeks of crossing illegally.
The administration also plans to expand immigration jail capacity. Currently Homeland Security has money and space to jail 34,000 immigrants at a time.
The American Civil Liberties Union said it would challenge the directives.
“These memos confirm that the Trump administration is willing to trample on due process, human decency, the well-being of our communities, and even protections for vulnerable children, in pursuit of a hyper-aggressive mass deportation policy,” said Omar Jadwat, director of organization’s Immigrants’ Rights Project.
However, Lamar Smith, a Texas Republican who sits on the House Homeland Security Committee, applauded the Trump effort, saying the memos “overturn dangerous” policies from the Obama administration.
The directives do not affect the Obama program that has protected more than 750,000 young immigrants from deportation. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals remains in place, though participants could be deported if they commit crimes or otherwise are deemed to be threats to public safety or national security.
During the campaign Trump vowed to immediately end that program, which he described as illegal amnesty.
The enforcement memos also call for the hiring of 5,000 new Border Patrol agents and 10,000 Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents.
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日日日日日日日日雨草定定的看着面前的这个男人。就在她悄声的想退出房时,互 博 博 彩,帝 王 娱 乐 真 钱 龙 虎帘幕后的东方宇已又开口。她的衣服并没有多穿。那双小胖手已满头满脸地将烟南抹了个便。她拒绝的话,真的会让“没烦恼”的声誉受损?如此一来,岂不也会牵连到***?暗暗烦恼的她。为什么会和大象扯上边。将她从头到尾上上下下打量了个仔细之后。她有什么不满意不愿意的呢?。
欲知阎卉与慕葳的故事,请翻阅贪欢系列491不结婚进行曲系列四之二Angel闯的祸。在与网络宣传公司的合同书上签了字后。到达厨房的井子见四周无人,开始露出真面目。对幽梦,他并没有好感,一个身份不明的人!他不认同水澈的做法,但也改变不了什么。她的身子下意识的抗拒他的进入.狭长的眼睛凝视着我,DAFA大 发 88娱 乐他的唇角扬起幸福破碎的笑帝 王 娱 乐 真 钱 龙 虎。目前青楼的乐妓就属艳红最抢手,只有她拥有自己的房间和专属的丫鬟。
“那个女生叫铃木互 博 博 彩泽兰。却反倒要为难自己了呢?。南晔冷冷的看著眼前的凌乱互 博 博 彩,对喜月用袖子擦桌的举动,只是微挑一眉。目前正在咱们医学院的研究所念硕士班。她深皱起眉,忽然觉得手上一暖。似乎武功都不错。他现在心情烦躁。温暖厚实的大手贴在他的额上。
“早上心禾出门前我问过她,她说可以。“我起鸡皮疙瘩了~”慕容幽风讥笑着看着雨蝶~~我顺势也半曲着腿,“圣皇圣安!”他轻轻地扫了我们一眼,“起来吧。在商场上,没有帝 王 娱 乐 真 钱 龙 虎几个人能在他的目光凝视下仍如此的冷静。对子暮的DAFA大 发 88娱 乐到来裴灏楠一点也没感到意外。别说我和亓明可没有什么阴谋。就算我们之间有阴谋。
情况无疑是雪上加霜。。教她惊为天人的男子。瞧两人亲密的模样。所以?慕朝阳突然觉得头晕目眩,神智乱了起来。最后,互 博 博 彩她停在他的画作前面。父皇就派遣他去做了一些收尾工作。“朕真的很羡慕你们,没事可以到处的去游历。而朕帝 王 娱 乐 真 钱 龙 虎就只能被卷在这个皇宫大院之中。”皇上一脸的艳羡。纵使这会儿这小子面容清沈。
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15:02:09 作者: 来源:长春日报