
BALL SKILLS ( 24 ) 控球技巧: A! m( ?, _+ K, w" Q# r7 o1. Smash home a volley in the Arena 在训练场射入凌空抽射/ Y4 j0 }* |' h6 gBall Control +1 控球; l* \2 @, R8 c
y! w2. Dribble past an opposition...
→ 足球经理.2.1 部分翻译
类型:游戏其他大小:22KB语言:中文 评分:5.0
英文快成我的2外了...程度一样平常且对足球术语不是非常熟谙, 大年夜家纠错吧...
友情提示: 若是有进比赛就跳出的环境, 删除游戏目次里data\updates\update-1120内里的events便可办理
最新hotfx 11.2.1内容-----------------------------&& Football Manager .1
General全局===========- Fixed issue where old saves with Polish league loaded could not be loaded修正旧的波兰联赛存档在加载(11.20)后没法读取的题目- Users can now change contract length in network game联机游戏能点窜合同期限
-----------------------------Football Manager .0-----------------------------
Crash Fixes游戏崩溃修正===========- Fixed pre-match attendance news item crash on load.修正打开赛前消息发布会消息条目时游戏崩溃的题目- Fixed crash on start of matchday if a human manager has a touchline ban and has no players picked currently.修正如玩家所节制锻练被禁赛且未选择出场声势(一个上场球员都没指定), 比赛日当天游戏崩溃的题目.- Fixed a potential award crash with custom leagues.修正自定义联赛"潜力奖金"导致游戏崩溃的题目.- Fixed crash when processing retirements when a staff has no nation set.修正无国籍职员退休导致游戏崩溃的题目.- Fixed crash when processing retirements when a player has no club.修正自由球员退役导致游戏崩溃的题目.- Fixed a potential crash after a player is removed from a shortlist.修正将球员从候选名单移除时可能导致游戏崩溃的题目.
Match比赛=====- Fixed assistant feedback on players being played out of position when using wingbacks.修正利用WB(进攻性边后卫, 猜想是位置而非职责---译者注)时助教会反馈"球员不在善于位置"- Fixed issue where replay of last disallowed goal in last 5 minutes of match shows the whole last 5 minutes.修正重放比赛最后5分钟里的无效进球时会重放全部5分钟的题目.- Fixed issue with one goalkeeper kick from hands animation not playing correctly.修正门将手抛球时动画显示不准确.- Fixed issue with players fading out at the end of a highlight when another highlight starts immediately after.修正重放结束时球员淡出,此外一段重放立刻开真个题目.- Fixed issue where match would sometimes freeze until the user goes to a pitch view or changes screen.修正画面有时会定住, 直到玩家切换画面或打开小舆图为止- Physio and stretcher bearer colours improved.优化物理加快和stretcher bearer colour(谁熟谙硬件的, 这叫甚么色采...)
Finances财务========- Added extra restrictions on fees, bonuses and clauses for Israeli 19-21 year olds to reflect their wage cap.对以色列19-21岁的球员增长签字费,奖金及条目方面的额外限制, 以表现工资帽.- Adjustment for English lower league finances.调度英格兰低级别联赛财务.- Adjustment to Spanish lower league expenditure调度西班牙低级别联赛开支- Increased chance of AI teams improving stadia.进步AI节制俱乐部改良活动场的可能性.- Fixed discrepancy in wage amounts that can be offered.点窜开工资时的辨别(?)
General全局=======- Tweaked attendances in later stage cup competition matches played at neutral stadiums.微调在中态度地进行的杯赛后阶段比赛的上座率.- Adjusted the effects of setting a player to "Rest" training schedule.调度练习日程中让球员"歇息"的结果- Adjusted second nationalities to ensure foreign newgens don't require work permits when created.调度随机人的第二国籍, 确保这些家伙不需要老公.- Improved code to select city of birth for foreign newgens.优化选择随机人出世都会的代码- Adjusted Swedish attendances especially for rivalry matches.调度瑞典联赛的上座率, 出格针对"德比"比赛- Renamed "Movement" individual training to "Off the Ball" to match the player profile attribute naming.将转向练习中的"移动"改名为"无球跑"以与球员能力中的该项目对应(译者: 娘的我就说弄不懂所谓的移动事实是神马东西...)- Fixed bug where starting squad numbers are not set correctly for certain teams.修正某些球队首发球员号码设置弊真个碧油鸡.- when a coach leaves a human team, only the coaching categories left without a coach get assigned a new coach without affecting other assignments.当一个锻练分别玩家节制俱乐部时, 主动给没人练习的项目设定一名锻练, 其他已有放置不受影响- When a specialist (GK or fitness) coach joins a human team, he is automatically assigned to the two related categories rather than one.当一名体能/门将锻练插手玩家节制俱乐部时, 主动设定对应锻练对应的两项练习而不是一项.- For consistency, vacant national team positions will now appear in the job centre, even if the human cannot apply for them.为了调和, 所有国度队的空缺职位都将呈现在职业先容所内, 即便是不克不及申请的.- Fixed training ground injuries potentially being inflicted by a co-owned player who is not currently at the club.修正已离队的球员可能跑你练习场里"摆乌龙"踢伤你球员的题目.(译者注: 日..........)- Adjusted non-player progression.调度非球员过程(???????)- Improved game performance when processing retirements on game update days when database has a very large number of players.优化了联赛刷新日对退休部分的措置时的游戏措置速度, 在内球员数目许多时结果较着- Bosman transfers can now be registered after the transfer window closes (for nations which allow this)若是你地点的国度允许, 转会窗口后签进的自由球员现在能注册了.- Adjusted learning rates of match preparation when using similar tactics.调度利用类似阵型时"比赛筹办"里的进修速度(比之前更快?)- Stopped human teams in some leagues getting the same referee for every match.有些联赛里玩家俱乐部不再一直碰到同一个裁判....- Agents now retire at the end of season for the league they work in rather than on the 1st of January.经纪人在赛季末退役, 不再是1月1号.- When players retire they get removed from their agents client list.球员退休后即从经纪人客户的列表里明白- Added "Throwing" individual training for goalkeepers and re-arranged the sorting order of the dropdown to better match player profile attributes.个人专项练习里增长"手抛球", 并对下拉列表重新排序- Stopped teams transfer listing the whole team when the team is relegated.降级后不会把所有球员都扔进转会列表里(我了个往的SI,一般般没降级过)- Fixed issue where player got an additional 3 match ban for being sent off for 2 yellow cards.修正球员2黄下场被追加3场停赛的题目.- Issuing a player with a warning no longer sto you being able to fine him for a week.球员被警告以后不会消掉一星期.- Fix some issues with incorrect starting days to gain nationality, will be fixed with new games using 11.2 database.依托毛病开档日期来获得国籍的题目会在用11.2数据库新开档时被修正.(用来恢复伤病啊甚么还是能的咯?)
Conversations对话=============- Danger man comments no longer always pick out the same player for each game.威胁人物提示不再是每场比赛同一个人- The correct topics are now displayed if you go to chat with a player if you are both a club and international manager.当你同时兼任俱乐部锻练和国度队锻练时, 与队员谈话时已能显示准确的主题.- Reduced the time between able to chat to players about tutoring.
类别: 编程辅助 &&&大小:559KB
&&&语言: 英文
削减"指导"的冷却时候.- Added an option for the user to back out of tutoring conversations if the player reacts badly.指导时小牛不买账的话能经过过程新加的一个选择项返回指导对话- Conversation about a player disliking a team-mate no longer ends without the player giving a response.关于球员不喜欢队友的对话, 不会在球员给出一个答复以后立刻结束.- Allowed more players to be tutored.能有更多球员被指导.即放宽学生限制.- Disabled transfer listing conversations for co-owned players.对已离队的球员, 转会警告对话不成用.- Disabled conversations that shouldn't be available if the player is away from the club on loan e.g. place in reserves.对不在队中的球员(如外租或租来)禁用那些不该存在的对话选择项.- Improved the conversation flow for when players are unhappy about not wanting to leave the club.
- Players who agree to a contract termination now don't then wish to chat about been unhappy about the contract termination.同意解约的球员会是以不欢畅而不想鸟你- When a player has agreed to a contract termination or go on the transfer list they no longer say they are looking forward to more positive talks in the future.球员若是承诺解约或是被挂牌的话会说希看以后谈话能更调和- If you make a promise to give a player a chance in the first team during the off season or near the end of a season they only expect the promise to be fulfilled the followingseason.若是你在休赛期或是赛季末期承诺给球员一线队出场机缘, 你要在接下来的赛季兑现承诺球员才会满意.- Improved players morale reactions to conversations.强化谈话对士气的影响- Fixed issue that could cause board to not find any international loan link feeder clubs.修正可能没法找到国外租借卫星俱乐部的题目- Fixed removal of preferred move conversations.修正要球员改掉落场上习惯的对话.
Inte***ce界面=========- Fixed issue where selecting 'Accept All Loan Offers' and then changing asking price of a player would result in 'No instructions' being incorrect selected修正以下题目: 设定球员转会状况为"接管所有租借申请"时若是有俱乐部问价, 转会状况会被弊真个设为"没有指令"- Added missing 'Tactical Knowledge' column to Mental Attributes view on a team's staff screen.在球队职员-精力属性下添加"战术常识"列- Fixed issue with dates being disabled wrongly when arranging tours.修正放置友情赛光阴期被毛病显示为不成选的题目- Fixed Winning a youth competition not being displayed in a player's history achievements.修正球员汗青成绩里不显示青年队奖项的题目- Fixed training news item not linking to the correct sub-tab修正"练习新项目"没有准确起感化的题目(译者注: 锻练组会议里提示给球员设定专向练习那)- Fixed [Home] key not selecting the top news item when it jumps back to the top of inbox修正HOME键跳到收件箱最顶而不是选中最新项的题目- Fixed incorrect date in greyed out widget for Amateur player contracts修正青年球员合同到期日期为灰色的题目- Enabled editing of custom training schedules in player profile training levels section.球员练习界面下能设定自定义练习日程了. (译者注: 终究回到2010了...便利许多啊)- Selling team proposals should not appear in the selling team's transfer centre until the buying team has actually made an offer.只有在买方俱乐部正式提出报价以后才会在卖方俱乐部的转会中间里显示.- Fixed issue where friendly proposal can be rejected but stays on the fixtures screen.修正被回尽的友情赛建议仍然显示在日程界面里的题目- Fixed custom views having "Custom: " prefixed after matches.修正自定义界面的名字在比赛后反复添加"自定:"的题目- Fixed custom views not being kept when creating one and immediately using quick flicks to change the team.修正建立自定义界面后立刻用快捷键切换队伍导致该自定义界面没法被保存的题目
News消息====- Fixed player being described as not playing well last term when he did.修正球员上个赛季阐扬不好的毛病形貌- Fixed news item referring to the player's contract club when a player vows to help his team "currently under-performing in the league" when they aren't.修正球员发誓会帮忙他的球队"在联赛中阐扬的不好"的毛病信息- Teams should receive the appropriate "New [league] season draws near" news item for the division they will be playing in next season.赛季切换日时消息中将收到"新赛季即将开端"的提示- Fixed code in news headline about player feeling they are been forced out due to their wage.点窜消息题目中"球员感受因为工资太高会***离队"部分的代码- Fixed news item referring to a player having problems settling in a country using the wrong nation.修正关于球员没法适应某国生活的消息中的国度毛病- Improved occurrence and content of fans' view of match news.改进球队撑持者对比赛的观点- Ensure team can renew loan deal before adding button to news item.包管球队能改变租借合同- Players who aren't playing games are no longer picked out as danger men.没法插部下场比赛的球员不会再被当作危险人物- Fixed matchday round-up news wrongly stating 'x goals were not enough' in rare circumstances.修正某些时辰比赛日综述中提示"X个进球还远远不敷"- Managers no longer complain about the state of the pitch when they are the hone team manager.主队锻练不会再抱怨场地环境- Fixed code appearing in transfer bio news item.点窜转会汗青消息里的代码- Fixed erroneous record news items for leagues that have opening and closing stages.修正开幕战/收官战消息里弊真个记录- Fixed an issue where the number of games listed in the Manager of the Month news would be incorrect.修正"月最好主帅"消息里弊真个比赛数字
Press Conference消息发布会================- Stopped 'injury hits team hard' question, despite finishing the season.赛季结束后不再有"伤病对球队影响巨大年夜"的题目
Network收集=======- Player nicknames now get used in the match on network clients.客户机在比赛中能够显示球员的昵称- Fixed issue where a match might get stuck if a manager has a player sent off, confirms without *** changes and has another manager who is watching the match.修正以下导致游戏可能卡住的环境: 有球员被罚下并未作出调度, 同时有此外一个锻练正在不雅看比赛.- Removed code from conversation strings on the interaction screen when playing a network game.删除联网时对话界面下的交谈语句.(没联网过, 不知道是甚么.)- Other players can no longer respond to another managers players transfer request news item.
Backroom Advice锻练组建议===============- Action button for squad status changes advice for B team players now work correctly.针对B队球员球员定位的建议现在正常了.- Conversation based advice is no longer generated if the user has already spoke to the player on the same day.若是今天已对一名球员进行过对话, 锻练组将不再有对话建议项目- Correct player is linked when chatting about tutoring.指导的对话能找到准确的球员了- Stopped inappropriate advice being generated for co-owned players who aren't at the club e.g. tutoring.对已离队的球员不再有不该存在的建议 - Scouts who are away on assignments will no longer offer you scouting recommendations.已有事情放置的球探不再提出考查建议
Board Requests董事会交换=================- Fixed the incorrect completion date been shown for the relaying of the pitch on the board request progress screen.修正弊真个球场迁徙时候- Removed inappropriate second conversation phase options for the new contract and give more time requests.[]移除需求新合同对话中弊真个项目,增长提出需求的时候- Transfer income percentage no longer drops so soon after the request has been approved.需求被同意后不会立刻导致转会收进可用比例降落- When rejecting a contract offer you have requested you no longer keep getting offered a new contract each day.需求的合同被回尽后不会天天给你新合同- User can no longer request to improve the teams training and youth facilities if an upgrade is already in progress.练习办法和青训办法升级已在进行的话不克不及再次提出需求- The planning end date is correctly updated when further times is needed when the board is planning on building a new stadium.若是董事会已在打算建设新球场,当球场还需要新建时会准确加载正在进行的工程的结束日期- Previous completed board requests no longer appear to restart once a new board request in progress.新的需求正在进行时, 之前已完成的需求不会重新开端
Squad Management声势办理================
- Added code to help try and reduce inflated French squad sizes in future years in the game添加代码使得此后能缩小痴肥的法国队声势
- Prevented agent from demanding a lower wage after x appearances clause than the basic wage when the user has upped the squad status制止出现更改球员定位后"x场后改变工资"的数字小于根本工资- Stopped players with impatient agents from going straight to min demands when negotiating contracts制止出现经纪人极不耐烦时球员直接需求最低工资需求的环境- Reduced the time period before agents will re-enter contract talks with human following previous talks having broken down缩小构和***后到下一次经纪人愿意构和之间的时候间隔- Fixed contract end date not matching the contract offer screen end date修正合同结束日期与合同商谈界面下合同结束日期分歧的环境- Stopped human user form being able to negotiate his own contract down to &1玩家经理的薪水不克不及是1- Fixed staff members negotiating contracts when in fact they just don’t have any interest in joining you修正职员对你毫无乐趣的话时合同商谈的部分- Reduced massive signing on fees for very high earning players削减高收进球员的签字费- Prevented user from being able to bribe the agent so much the players doesn't actually get a wage himself禁止玩家贿赂经纪人导致球员得不到工资
Transfers转会(部分参考30楼hhh2260同窗, 感激)=========
- Fixed approach to sign for players based in England when user is managing in England点窜了玩家在英国执教时签在英国效力的球员的编制- Reduced the willingness of high-ish profile out of contract players from dropping down a division降落高程度合同过期球员签约低级球队的意愿- Ensured transfer listed by request players asking prices are higher if they are important first team players确保首要的一线队球员本身需求被挂牌时,挂牌价会更高- Stopped human managers from having an unfair advantage when applying for job due to their attributes being really high玩家经理在申请事情时不会再因为他们的高属性而有特别的上风- Prevented really top players from being touted around for really low values制止顶级球员被以极低的价钱兜售- Fixed clubs offering you players that aren't interested in joining you修正俱乐部向你兜售对你不感乐趣的球员的题目- Fixed some issues to make it easier to offload players via the use of offer to clubs做出一些修正使得用保举的编制更轻易卖出球员
Player Happiness球员满意度================- Improved AI managers handling of unhappy players.优化AI对不满球员的措置- The reason the player is unhappy is now displayed for players who aren't at the managers club.显示非本队球员的不满启事- Reduced the number of players reacting to feeling a teammate has been treated unfairly.削减因对队友遭到不公道待遇而作出反应的球员人数- Spaced out players getting unhappy about the club under achieving.被打进冷宫的球员会因球队成绩不佳而不满- Stopped players saying they don't want to be transfer list in a conversation and then request to be transfer listed afterwards.制止球员在对话中说不想被卖却在以后需求被挂牌的环境出现- Players unhappy at B teams underachieving no longer want to talk with the A team manager about this issue.B队球员因为球队成绩不佳时不会再找一线队锻练措辞- Players who are transfer listed by request now request to come of the transfer list once the unhappiness is removed.需求被挂牌的球员在不满消弭后会需求打消挂牌- Players who have been promised first team football no longer claim the promise has being broken and request a transfer listed when they have been played regularly.获得过一线队出场承诺的球员若是正常获得一线队机缘则不会流传鼓吹没有获得承诺待遇而需求被挂牌.- when a player is transfer listed the player can no longer be unhappy about not being transfer listed.已被挂牌的球员不会再因为没有被挂牌而不满(这不空话么)- If a player has a future transfer arranged then they will no longer get unhappy about not wanting to leave the club.已肯定转会的球员不会再因为不想离队而不满.- Fixed happiness string indicating a players doesn't want to leave the club but he actually does修正球员想要离队却显示为不想离队的不满的语句
Confidence球队满意度==========- Fixed confidence news item post-match stating fans went home in a buoyant mood after being knocked out by a late equaliser (away goals).修正球队最后时候被扳平而因客场进球而被裁减以后, 消息信息中显示球迷们暗示满意的题目- Fixed an instance of the board thinking the user was doing really well when in fact he was only mid table修正董事会以为玩家做的非常好, 而实际上非常一样平常的环境- Altered match confidence stating fans are slightly concerned following a well fought out draw away to title rivals改变球队在客场与争冠敌手打平以后球迷暗示有点担忧的环境.
Social Networking社区收集(墙浑家民暗示疏忽)=================- Improved upload progress for YouTube videos to make progress on state of upload clearer- Removed in game hang when uploading a video so can now cancel while video is uploading easier
Editor修改器======- Fixed Portuguese end of season date for when divisions are added to the nation.修正葡萄牙的赛季结束日期- Fixed an issue with duplicating people.修正复制人的题目- Champion playoffs now work correctly for lower divisions.低级别联赛的冠军附加赛正常了.- Fixed some issues with adding new levels for Hong Kong.修正给香港联赛添加新级别的题目.- Playoff stages for custom reserve/youth competitions are now shown in the Stages menu in the game.自定义的预备队/青年队比赛的附加赛会在游戏中显示- Fixed bug where home-grown rules for a competition were being ignored.修正青训球员规则在某比赛中没有生效的bug- Fixed some issues when more than 1 editor file with new people added are used together in a new game.修正多个包罗新人物的修改器文件同时加载时产生的题目
Competitions比赛============- Fixed League Cup press conference/news item describing teams having got through the Preliminary round.修正联赛杯的消息呢发布会/消息条目显示球队经过过程初赛的形貌- Fixed bug where team is asked if they want to participate in a reserve league which doesn't exist.修正以下bug: 球队会被扣问是不是插手一个底子不存在的预备队联赛.- Fixed the competition rules screen to display the adjusted money for a position/match prize instead of the default value as this varies going though the years in the game based on the league reputation.比赛规则界面会显示根据该联赛名誉改变而计算后的排位/单场奖金, 而不是默许值.
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