dota里dota2神灵武士士开场说的是什么?听起来像Ninjas for什么...

20:50:53 本文行家:
神灵武士Sacred Warrior  Emerging from the throes of the sacred Nothl Realm, Huskar opened his eyes to see the prodigal shadow priest Dazzle working a deep incantation over him. Against the ancient rites of the Dezun Order, Huskar’s spirit had been saved from eternity, but like all who encounter the Nothl he found himself irrevocably changed. No longer at the mercy of a mortal body, his very lifeblood became a source every drop spilled was returned tenfold with a fierce, burning energy. However this newfound gift infuriated Huskar, for in his rescue from the Nothl, Dazzle had denied him a place among the gods. He had been denied his own holy sacrifice. In time the elders of the order sought to expand their influence and Huskar, they agreed, would be a formidable tool in their campaign. Yet becoming a mere weapon for the order that denied him his birthright only upset him further. As the first embers of war appeared on the horizon, he fled his ancestral home to find new allies, all the while seeking a cause worthy of unleashing the power his total sacrifice could bring.神灵武士  从虚无之境带给他的剧痛中逃离后,哈斯卡终于睁开了双眼,醒来的第一件事却是发现暗影牧师戴泽正在对他吟唱一个艰深的咒语。哈斯卡的灵魂从永恒虚无中被救了出来,这是违背了德尊教团古老仪式的准则的,然而和其他去过虚无之境的人一样,哈斯卡也发现自己的身体被那里所彻底改变了。他不再怜悯凡人的肉体,他的生命之血成为了强大的力量源泉,每一滴鲜血都给他成倍的狂暴的、灼热的能量。然而,这一新生的天赋却激怒了哈斯卡,因为在拯救他逃离虚无之境时,戴泽拒绝让他进入神灵之地。他的自我牺牲也被拒绝。当教团的的长老们试图寻找一个扩大自己影响的方法时,他们一致认为哈斯卡将成为他们在战争中最可怕的武器。然而,成为教团的武器让哈斯卡更加愤怒,因为他们不仅利用他,还否定了他与生俱来的权利。于是在战争打响之际,他逃离了家乡,去寻找新的盟友,寻找那些值得他牺牲自己,释放强大力量的盟友。
[1] 游久网


