老师您好ppt,单号 9356431836 ,已经到我所在区,却迟...

英语翻译翻译内容:我号在hanon下单,(单号:68152)至今已经过了一个多星期,订单却迟迟未处理,发email给***也没有任何回应!承诺的发货日期也不见实行!再不处理我要投诉到底!我要去英国的bbs facebook twitter上面给别人讲,还要去你的监管部门投诉你.
I placed my order on Feb 6,2012 (Order number is 68152).It’s been over a week now and my order has not been processed yet.I emailed the customer service and have received no response as of today.The promised delivery date has already passed.If I do not get any reply from you,I will file a complaint.I will also share my terrible experience with your (store,shop,or company 选一个) on facebook,twitter,etc in British.Additionally I will send a formal complaint to the appropriate regulation department.
现在我可以看到你的痛苦,我很抱歉 (再见) 今晚,我哭了 (再见) 今晚,我哭了 我哭了今晚的夜 等我洗完澡 还没有人翻译 我就来翻
sent this order written on “hanon”to you on February
6, 2012 (Order number :68152).
More than one week
passed ,but the order
is still not
treated, there is no answer or reply after sending ema...


