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Defense Of The Ancient based on the game named
Warcraft 3 one of the most famous games
in the whole world 10 player to two opposite groups called sentinel and scourge denfend their own main architecture and defeat the other one 112 heros with own skills and characteristics contains skill,fortunate,teamwork and awareness Sentinel The world tree is destroyed Drow Ranger——Traxex
The Drow Ranger is able to be quite a versatile fighter.She can provide constant support with her Frost Arrow to keep enemies pinned, Silence them so they can’t retaliate with spells once they’re forced to fight.A good Archer will keep their distance,kiting an enemy in constant barrage,never letting them get dangerously close,and Traxex can achieve just that. 游戏截图 * The Brief Introduction of DotA Scourge vs The Brief Introduction of DotA The frozen throne is destroyed The road in a map The buildings in a map The small map The two heroes are brothers. TB
corrupted in scourge for power. So his younger brother joined in sentinel to save him. Eventually ,they will have a fierce battle between them. Magina - Anti-Mager—AM - - - - - -AM 敌法师 Terrorblade - Soul Keeper—TB - - - - - - TB 恐惧的灵魂 Earth shaker They are in the barren-lands. So tremendous was their power that their magic leaks out of the earth violently with every spell. These warriors were feared of them. When the World Tree was threatened, couriers searched for these mighty ones but found just one. A young adept, Raigor Stonehoof, seeks battle to weave new tales of these shamans.
Some other heroes *


