星际争霸2英文语音 按哪个键语音发言

[Corsair] /
It is a good day to die. (, and .)
[Zealot] / 狂战士 /
My life for Aiur!
Raynor](Vulture, Marine and Hyperion
Raynor here.
This is Jimmy.
Aaany time you're ready.
Go ahead commander.
Hey! Quit it!
What's your problem, man?
Look, commander, do you mind?
I knew I should've stood in bed this morning. (sic)
Sounds fun.
Riiight on.
This should be good.
Oh yeeaaahh...
2, Terran Units
[Terran Adjutant] /
(high beep) Upgrade complete.
(high beep) Research complete.
(high beep) Nuclear missile ready.
(high beep) Add-on complete.
(high beep) Base is under attack.
(high beep) Your forces are under attack.
(high beep) Nuclear launch detected.
(mid error beep) Not enough minerals.
(low error beep) Insufficient Vespene Gas.
(mid error beep) Additional Supply Depots required.
(mid error beep) Not enough energy.
(mid error beep) Landing sequence interrupted.
(mid error beep) Unacceptable landing zone.
(high beep) Abandoning auxiliary structure.
[Battlecruiser] /
Battlecruiser operational. (possible reference to Star Wars:
A New Hope "Battle Station operational", referring to the
All crews reporting.
Receiving transmission.
Good day, commander.
Hailing frequencies open. (Commander Nyota Uhura, )
Identify yourself.
Shields up, weapons online....Not equipped with shields?
...Well then, buckle up! (probably a reference to
and the lack of shields on Enterprise B
maiden voyage)
We are getting way behind schedule.
I really have to go, Number One. (reference to Star
Make it happen. (Take-off of "Make it so" by Captain Jean-Luc
Picard, Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Set a course. (A common nautical command.)
Take it slow. (could also be "Make it so", referencing Captain
P also possibly a common nautical command)
Engage! (again, Jean-Luc Picard, Star Trek: The Next
Note: It can be debated that the "number one" line is actually
in reference to using the lavatories and is therefore a double
Note: The voice of the battlecruiser is homage to Admiral Gloval
from the anime .
Just as the Yamato cannon it fires is homage to the anime .
[Civilian] / 居民
Hey, how'd I get here? (Civilians cannot be built in the game
engine without modifications.)
Hey there!
How y'all doing?
What's up?
I wanna be all I can be...
I'll tell what, I think I'll join up!!
I'm a little claustrophobic though...
Hope they don't put me in any tight spaces. (reference the
Ah, what the hell. I need that college money.
Sure thing!
All right!
I'm goin'!
Can I take your order?
Go ahead HQ.
I'm listenin'.
Input coordinates.
When removing your overhead luggage, please be careful.
In case of a water landing, you may be used as a flotation
To hurl chunks, please use the vomit bag in front of you.
Please keep your arms and legs inside until this ride comes to
a full and complete stop.
In the pipe, five by five. (Corporal C. Ferro, )
Hang on, we're in for some chop. (Corporal C. Ferro,
In transit HQ.
Buckle up.
Strap yourselves in boys.
I copy that.
[Firebat] / 火焰兵
Need a light?
Fire it up!
You got my attention.
Wanna turn up the heat?
Is something burning?
(short fire burst) Haha, That's what I thought.I love
the smell of napalm. (Lieutenant Colonel Bill Kilgore, )
Nothin' like a good smoke.
You tryin' to get invited to my next barbecue?
Got any questions about propane?
Or... propane accessories? ()
You got it.
Let's burn!
(injection sound) Ah! That's the stuff!
(injection sound) Ah! Yeah!
[Ghost] / 幽灵兵 /
Somebody call for an exterminator?
Ghost reportin'.
Call the shot.
You called down the thunder......now reap the whirlwind!
(Brigadier General Francis Xavier Hummel, , )
(breathing faster) Keep it up! I dare ya!
I'm about t' overload my aggression inhibitors!
I hear that.
Never know what hit 'em.
I'm all over it.
You got it.
[Goliath] / 机器人
Goliath online.
Go ahead, .
Comm-link online.
(beebeep) Channel open.
Systems functional.
(low triple beep) Checklist protocol, initiated.
Running level one diagnostic.(strange beep)
(strange beep)
(beebeebeep) Checklist completed...
Acknowledged H.Q.
(high beep) Nav-comm locked.
Target designated.
[Marine] / 机***兵
You wanna piece of me, boy?
Standin' by.
Jacked up and good to go.
Gimme something to shoot!
We gotta move!
Are you gonna give me orders?
Oh my god, he's whacked!
I vote we frag this commander.
How do I get out of this chickenshit outfit? (Private W.
Hudson, Aliens)
If it weren't for these damn neural implants, you'd be a
smoking crater by now!
Let's move!
Rock & Roll! (Military slang for firing a
weapon fully-automatically)
(injection sound) Ah! That's the stuff!
(injection sound) Ah yeah!
[Medic] / 护士/ 医疗兵
Prepped and ready.
Need medical attention?
Did someone page me?State the nature of your medical emergency.
(playful voice) Where does it hurt?
I've already checked you out commander.
You want another physical?Turn your head and cough. (Medical
examination instruction for
Ready for your sponge-bath?
His EKG is flatlining! Give me a defib stat!
CLEAR! (zap!)
He's dead, Jim. ()
Right away.
I'm on the job!
On my way!
[Science Vessel] /
(bling) Explorer reporting.
Ah, greetings command.
Transmit orders.
(bling) Receiving, headquarters.
(bling) We have you on visual.
I like the cut of your jib. (Reference of Montgomery Burns from
The Simpsons Halloween Episode "Devil and Homer Simpson" and
many other places)
E equals MC... D'oh, let me get my notepad. (D'oh has a lasting
"o" sound)Hmm... Fusion eh? I'll have to remember that. (Montgomery
(monkeys screeching in background) What - Who set all
these lab monkeys free?! (possibly a reference to Burns' attempt at
mutant flying monkeys used to stop employees from using room
(monkeys still screeching, hiss starts) (voice rises
in pitch) I think we may have a gas leak!
(alarm blaring) Do any of you fools know how to shut off
this infernal contraption?
(alarm noise dying out) Ah... (breathing heavily)
The ship... Out of danger? (Captain Spock, )
"Excellent!" (Monty Burns style)
"Affirmative sir"
"Let's roll!" (Also from The Simpsons)
SCV good to go, sir.
Orders, Cap'n?
I read you.
Reportin' for duty.
Come again, Cap'n?
I'm not readin' you clearly.
You ain't from around here, are you?
I can't believe they put me in one of these things!
And now I gotta put up with this too?
I told 'em I was claustrophobic, I gotta get outta here!
I'm locked in here tighter than a frog's butt in a watermelon
seed fight.
Roger that.
Right away sir.
Orders received.
I can't build it. Somethin's in the way.
I can't build there.
Job's finished.
[Siege Tank] / 坦克
Ready to roll out!
I-dentify target!
Orders, SIR!
by , mirroring
Apocalypse Now)
I'm about to drop the hammer...
...and dispense some indiscriminate justice!
What IS your major malfunction? (Gunnery Sergeant Hartman,
De-lighted to SIR!
[Valkyrie] / 瓦格雷
Valkyrie, prepared.
Need something destroyed?
I am eager to help.
Don't keep me waiting.
Achtung! (German for attention)
This is very interesting... But stupid. (Arte Johnson, )
I have ways of blowing things up...
You're being very naughty.
Who's your mommy?Blucher! ()
(horse winnies) (Young Frankenstein, where this
happened always after any character said "Blucher".)
Of course, mein Herr! (German for my lord)
It's show time!
Jawohl! (German for yes, sir)
[Vulture] / 雷车
(Bike engine starts up) Alright! Bring it on!
Whadda you want?!
I read ya... Sir...
Somethin' on yo' mind?
Somethin' you wanted?!
I don't have time to f%#$ around!
You keep pushin' me boy...
...and I'll scrap YOU along with the aliens!
What the hell do you want?
Yeah I'm goin!
No problem.
Oh... Is that it?
[Wraith] / 隐飞
Wraith awaiting launch orders.
Go ahead commander.
Transmit coordinates.
Standing by.
Reporting in.
Last transmission... breakin' up... come back.
I'm just curious, why am I so good?I gotta get me one of these.
(Captain Steven Hiller, ) You know who the best star fighter in
the fleet is? (Gordon Cooper, )
Yours truly. () Everybody's gotta die sometime, Red. (Sergeant
I am invincible, that's right. (Boris Grishenko,
Coordinates received.
Attack formation.
Vector, locked in.
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