
& [存档]三次出圣城+arsuf+偷窥+假结局+涂鸦+再回ACT7+ACT ...
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UID1415538主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分182金钱431 荣誉2 人气0 在线时间6 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 182, 距离下一级还需 18 积分
帖子精华0积分182金钱431 荣誉2 人气0 评议0
☆:pass act4刚刚回实验室的存档(第二次出Jerusalem)
☆:在memory block6刚刚从Jerusalem出来在kingdom出现arsuf的存档(第三次出Jerusalem,arsuf就是百人斩)
☆:在memory block6pass从Jerusalem出来后,在kingdomd地图pass了arsuf刚刚回到实验室的存档
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &    & && && && && &(回去后可以偷窥3个电脑,记得从衣橱拿东西出来)
& && && && &注意:用这个存档在字幕结束之后在实验室溜达(偷窥电脑发现老头的信多了两封),然后可以自己用那台设备回ACY7(没有助手mm,也没有老头在场).
☆: passACT7后回到实验室剧情结束,字幕结束,又一次偷窥.可以直接走到那台设备上自己回ACT7(没有助手mm,也没有老头在场),的存档
☆:第二次passACT7了,在设备上看到了ACT8. 这下好了,去疯狂的找旗子,欺负看箱子的十字军吧(我已经点亮一个基因了)
& &&&ps:这个也许高人们都已经玩儿过了,不过不要笑我们.我们小白...&&呵呵
这些存档 英文版都可以进游戏
只是涉及到 要进入Jerusalem和arsuf两张地图就需要用俄文版了 其他都无所谓
具体说去arsuf(百人斩)的存档需要俄文进入arsuf 不过用英文版也看得到arsuf只是你在他外边进不去罢了(会跳)
xp 的在&&C:\Documents and Settings\用户名\Application Data\Ubisoft\Assassin's Creed\Saved Games
vista 在&&C:\User\用户名\AppData\Roaming\Ubisoft\Assassin's Creed\Saved Games
正式版 继续使用 泄漏版存档 现行简单办法
ps:说白了就是 先生成一个自己的新存档,然后再用之前的档替换掉三个后缀相同的文件,保留新出现的一个.
(注意 旧文件名要修改成自己新生成存档的名字就好了)
另说明 目前泄漏版与正式版是否存在隐藏部分还未可知 是否会因某些未知因素无法开启隐藏部分也未可知
存档汇总& &(因为在旅途中,匆忙整理.所以难免出现遗漏或标注错误.如有问题请向下寻找.望请见谅)
ps:pass ACT4的存档
ps:这是memory block6刚刚从Jerusalem出来在kingdom出现arsuf的存档
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ps:这是memory block6pass从Jerusalem出来后,在kingdomd地图pass了arsuf刚刚回到实验室的存档
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memory block7-ACT7(可省略部分ACT6结束时剧情)
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memory block8-ACT8(共三个.第一个全剧情.第二个无剧情.第三个补充部分基因、旗子但还不够完美,以后继续添加)
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这是用很久很久收集的全部DNA图谱 期望出现可能存在的隐藏部分吧&&(备份内没有)
(10.28 KB) 意义不大 只是为了善始善终 这也算一个乐章的落幕吧&&只是... 我的助手mm去哪儿了...
ps:为了保持所有档案的一致性 这个档案依然保持了泄露版的格式 用俄语版测试过一切正常
(全部)---------------------------------------------------- 3楼& &(信件+剧情+涂鸦,才能完全理解这个故事的前因后果)
(借用)----------------------------------------------- 11楼& &(感谢 游侠会员neweclipse 为大家提供这么好的地方)
(略清晰)-----------------------------16楼& &(这个略微大一点,多少清楚一点)
(部分汇总) -------------------------------------- 20楼& &(感谢 游侠会员donothing 寻找到的资料以及解析)
(基本都有,不如看原文)--------------------- 30楼& &(放出来只是希望能多些人关注剧情,不要一味的屠城了)
(下载帖链接)------------------------------------& &(送给刚刚接触信条砍人还不够顺手的朋友看)
感觉玩儿Assassin's Creed最好不要用修改器,它会使你失去很多乐趣.
Assassin's Creed绝对不是简单的在人身上戳几个窟窿+徒手攀岩.
谢谢和我一样的普通玩家朋友 有大家的努力才有众多素材与资料的出现
但是&&我觉得这贴不用顶了 真的&&需要什么尽管拿去好了&&不用客气
别人的存档,只能像一次洋快餐.刚刚接触的时候,很新奇.可随着时间的推移,当你再次看到它的时候 你会发现,它仅能给你一些感官上的刺激和少许慰寄,除此以外便别无它物.当你回味的时候,它将索然无味.
当你漫步在海边,在被海水浸湿的黄沙中发现一枚并不完美的贝壳,并欣喜的将它拾起.你可能还会隐约看到一行模糊的小字&chinasand& 那时我已经很开心了.
不要像我一样 跟你说啊 我就是一小白&&呵呵
(谢谢你看完我的胡言乱语,不要当真 呵呵)
ps:下边的内容虽与存档相关,也可不看.如果有足够的时间看过一次也许会有少许帮助.算是个人笔记吧&&呵呵(别嫌乱啊,我工作日志比这还热闹呢 呵呵)
一楼是memory block6刚刚从Jerusalem出来在kingdom出现arsuf的存档(arsuf就是盛传的百人斩,进arsuf需要俄文版)
二楼还有pass了arsuf的存档& &
三楼有部分偷窥内容& &
& && & 完成act3中Jerusalem任务的存档 \ pass act4在刚刚回实验室的存档 \ 直接进入act7的存档(偷窥已经作过了)
另外 四楼的底部加入(上边一点) 可能的不完美结局(详见四楼)
& && &&&PS:另外要说一下用这个存档回实验室,看完剧情.字幕结束之后,可以在实验室溜达(再次偷窥小桌上的电脑发现老头信多了两封).然后可以用那台设备自己回ACT7(没有助手mm,也没有老头在场).
☆ 四楼最底部加入 passACT7后回到实验室剧情结束,字幕结束,又一次偷窥.可以直接走到那台设备上自己回ACT7(没有助手mm,也没有老头在场),的存档.(再次偷窥也作过了)
& && &&&ps:一些荧光涂鸦在20楼&&(太粗心了,少了几个.把遗漏的加上了 呵呵)
☆八楼有& &第二次passACT7,在设备上看到了ACT8的存档.这下好了,去疯狂的找旗子,欺负看箱子的十字军吧,呵呵(我已经点亮一个基因)
☆11楼有& &找旗用的地图
感谢 游侠会员neweclipse 为大家提供这么好的地方
☆:pass act4刚刚回实验室的存档(第二次出Jerusalem)
☆:在memory block6刚刚从Jerusalem出来在kingdom出现arsuf的存档(第三次出Jerusalem,arsuf就是百人斩)
☆:在memory block6pass从Jerusalem出来后,在kingdomd地图pass了arsuf刚刚回到实验室的存档
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && &    & && && && && &(回去后可以偷窥3个电脑,记得从衣橱拿东西出来)
& && && && &注意:用这个存档在字幕结束之后在实验室溜达(偷窥电脑发现老头的信多了两封),然后可以自己用那台设备回ACY7(没有助手mm,也没有老头在场).
☆: passACT7后回到实验室剧情结束,字幕结束,又一次偷窥.可以直接走到那台设备上自己回ACT7(没有助手mm,也没有老头在场),的存档
☆:第二次passACT7了,在设备上看到了ACT8. 这下好了,去疯狂的找旗子,欺负看箱子的十字军吧
& && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && && & (我已经点亮一个基因了.前几楼太乱了,放在八楼了)
& &&&ps:这个也许高人们都已经玩儿过了,不过不要笑我们.我们小白...&&呵呵
这些存档 英文版都可以进游戏
只是涉及到 要进入 Jerusalem 和 arsuf两张地图就需要用俄文版了 其他都无所谓
具体说 一楼的 去arsuf(百人斩)的存档需要俄文进入arsuf 不过用英文版也看得到arsuf只是你在他外边进不去罢了(会跳)
xp 的在&&C:\Documents and Settings\用户名\Application Data\Ubisoft\Assassin's Creed\Saved Games
vista 在&&C:\User\用户名\AppData\Roaming\Ubisoft\Assassin's Creed\Saved Games
memory block6中从Jerusalem出来的存档& &
这次Jerusalem的boss是个十字军版&花木兰& (怎么看都像助手mm 呵呵)
03:51:23 上传
ps:这是memory block6刚刚从Jerusalem出来在kingdom出现arsuf的存档
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下载积分: 金钱 -1
[ 本帖最后由 chinasand 于
02:21 编辑 ]
总评分:&金钱 + 40&
UID1415538主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分182金钱431 荣誉2 人气0 在线时间6 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 182, 距离下一级还需 18 积分
帖子精华0积分182金钱431 荣誉2 人气0 评议0
哦 忘记说了 这个地方英文版的进的去进不去可不知道 困了明天再看吧
失眠了 顺便就把act6pass了~&&(好像英文版进不去arsuf)
05:50:51 上传
还记得act3pass时从老头偷的那根手写笔吗?藏在衣橱里那根.这次要找出来,没人的时候回实验室开控制台电脑.发现了助手mm的私人通讯记录. (强烈反对偷窥mm隐私)& & ps:最后一封是TO&?&的 (这就有情敌了 呵呵)
然后还可以去实验室另外一个房间(会议室),在大桌子上有个本,里边有特长一封信是个没头像人的#9 (太长了)
ps:这是memory block6pass从Jerusalem出来后,在kingdomd地图pass了arsuf刚刚回到实验室的存档
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[ 本帖最后由 chinasand 于
13:22 编辑 ]
UID1415538主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分182金钱431 荣誉2 人气0 在线时间6 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 182, 距离下一级还需 18 积分
帖子精华0积分182金钱431 荣誉2 人气0 评议0
13:25:53 上传
英文名字给人一种小气的感觉 呵呵(露茜)
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这是谁啊 项目主管...
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[ 本帖最后由 chinasand 于
00:42 编辑 ]
UID1415538主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分182金钱431 荣誉2 人气0 在线时间6 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 182, 距离下一级还需 18 积分
帖子精华0积分182金钱431 荣誉2 人气0 评议0
人人为我 我为人人 把自己得档都放出来的了,以后自己找也方便
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ps:pass act4的存档
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ps:一些荧光涂鸦在20楼(太粗心了,少了几个.把遗漏的加上了 呵呵)
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ps:那些所谓的荧光涂鸦在20楼(太粗心了,少了几个.把遗漏的加上了 呵呵)
这怎么说呢& &在用字幕结束之后在实验室溜达的存档(偷窥电脑发现信多了两封)
字幕飘过去了,可以自由活动了? 偷窥小桌上的电脑发现老头儿的隐私多了两封新的,具体的自己进去看吧(和3楼图对比)
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下载次数: 402
下载积分: 金钱 -1
[ 本帖最后由 chinasand 于
19:20 编辑 ]
UID486353主题阅读权限40帖子精华0积分576金钱3934 荣誉1 人气12 在线时间647 小时评议0
Lv.4游侠高级会员, 积分 576, 距离下一级还需 424 积分
帖子精华0积分576金钱3934 荣誉1 人气12 评议0
Intel E3 1230 v3
Kingston DDR
gigabyte Z87P-D3
Asus GTX970
M6P 256G + Seagate 2TB+3TB
UID1769959主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1208金钱8947 荣誉2 人气49 在线时间8034 小时评议0
Lv.5游侠白银会员, 积分 1208, 距离下一级还需 792 积分
帖子精华0积分1208金钱8947 荣誉2 人气49 评议0
UID1756466主题阅读权限60帖子精华0积分2551金钱6216 荣誉8 人气3873 在线时间5780 小时评议0
Lv.6游侠黄金会员, 积分 2551, 距离下一级还需 3449 积分
帖子精华0积分2551金钱6216 荣誉8 人气3873 评议0
UID1415538主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分182金钱431 荣誉2 人气0 在线时间6 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 182, 距离下一级还需 18 积分
帖子精华0积分182金钱431 荣誉2 人气0 评议0
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下载积分: 金钱 -1
[ 本帖最后由 chinasand 于
21:22 编辑 ]
UID509224主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分14金钱39 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间0 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 14, 距离下一级还需 186 积分
帖子精华0积分14金钱39 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID1415538主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分182金钱431 荣誉2 人气0 在线时间6 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 182, 距离下一级还需 18 积分
帖子精华0积分182金钱431 荣誉2 人气0 评议0
arsut是用俄文进的 而且每进去一点后路就会封闭
这两天很忙 也很气愤 生气不是因为工作忙 而是我的预定的包裹竟然还没到...&&气死我了
已经投诉他们了... 答复2天以后到
哎~ 早知道就不预定了 请朋友代买一个就算了那用这么麻烦 不过也无所谓了 反正用他的盘我也***上了 先不还他了玩儿够了再说 嘿嘿
(我决定收到以后也不拆封了 保持原样收藏了 我早些年那包diablo也没拆封 哪个是直接有CDK那种哦&&呵呵)
ps:虽然档案最终的收集过程是使用正式版收集全的 但是所有的存档都是用泄露俄语版的格式最后出的 也是最终用泄露版测试过可用的 这样一定程度上也保持了所有档案的一致性 至于怎么用在正式版上一楼有说明的
因为那天熬夜传送东西 顺便把几天的报告都作了 弄得自己 今天没事儿作 可以玩儿游戏了 呵呵
进去了到处溜达 结果很幸运的看到了最后一面小旗子 以前找了她很久很久 也没能找到 今天不找了 她自己出来了
(就像是在车库失踪了东西 找它找不到 不用找了反而觉得它很占地方 呵呵)
放出来也就是为了着帖子能做个了结 总也能算是一个善始善终吧
ps:这些DNA一共收集了两次 第一次收集全的不幸丢失了 只好再搞一次...
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22:59:06 上传
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下载积分: 金钱 -1
&&这也算一个乐章的落幕吧&&只是... 我的助手mm去哪儿了...
ps:这是很久很久收集的全部DNA图谱 期望出现可能存在的隐藏部分吧
22:59:06 上传
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[ 本帖最后由 chinasand 于
02:16 编辑 ]
UID1415538主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分182金钱431 荣誉2 人气0 在线时间6 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 182, 距离下一级还需 18 积分
帖子精华0积分182金钱431 荣誉2 人气0 评议0
感谢 游侠会员neweclipse 为大家提供这么好的地方
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UID511123主题阅读权限0帖子精华2积分1973金钱4706 荣誉23 人气0 在线时间107 小时评议0
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UID1415538主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分182金钱431 荣誉2 人气0 在线时间6 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 182, 距离下一级还需 18 积分
帖子精华0积分182金钱431 荣誉2 人气0 评议0
看俄文确实比较累 再加上他的字体 就更看不懂了 不细看感觉就像乱码
不过说真的 听欧洲式俄语比听美式英语舒服些 蹩脚的地方口音更痛苦
而且俄文的名字更好听 呵呵
UID1767041主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分164金钱2669 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间928 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 164, 距离下一级还需 36 积分
帖子精华0积分164金钱2669 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
UID1415538主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分182金钱431 荣誉2 人气0 在线时间6 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 182, 距离下一级还需 18 积分
帖子精华0积分182金钱431 荣誉2 人气0 评议0
这些存档 英文版都可以进游戏
只是涉及到 要进入 Jerusalem 和 arsuf两张地图就需要用俄文版了 其他都无所谓
具体说 一楼的 去arsuf(百人斩)的存档需要俄文进入arsuf 不过用英文版也看得到arsuf你在他外边进不去罢了
UID1415538主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分182金钱431 荣誉2 人气0 在线时间6 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 182, 距离下一级还需 18 积分
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Assassin's Creed图标中文注释
Assassin's Creed图标中文注释
00:16:31 上传
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00:47 编辑 ]
UID975861主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分159金钱489 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间7 小时评议0
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UID975861主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分159金钱489 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间7 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 159, 距离下一级还需 41 积分
帖子精华0积分159金钱489 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
原帖由 chinasand 于
19:48 发表
看俄文确实比较累 再加上他的字体 就更看不懂了 不细看感觉就像乱码
不过说真的 听欧洲式俄语比听美式英语舒服些 蹩脚的地方口音更痛苦
而且俄文的名字更好听 呵呵 ...
UID975861主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分159金钱489 荣誉0 人气0 在线时间7 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 159, 距离下一级还需 41 积分
帖子精华0积分159金钱489 荣誉0 人气0 评议0
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
UID1415538主题阅读权限20帖子精华0积分182金钱431 荣誉2 人气0 在线时间6 小时评议0
Lv.2游侠会员, 积分 182, 距离下一级还需 18 积分
帖子精华0积分182金钱431 荣誉2 人气0 评议0
有些时候 他们会用隐讳的形容方法 不一定是字面的意思 这需要更多地了解当时的文化与历史&&而且众所周知古阿拉伯人、玛雅人、印加人、纳斯卡人、古埃及人的天文学知识非常丰富. 玛雅历法的准确度极高,古阿拉伯人对星空的认识甚至已经拓展到星系这一范畴.他们都有着奇特的独到之处.(很奇怪,为什么不加入藏传佛教的天文学内容.可能是mm制作人不了解)
我个人感觉 这句话 有些隐讳
Artefacts sent to the skies to control all nation, to make us obey a hidden crusade. Do not help them.
感觉是& & ps:先看备注(蓝色部分不要读出来,用来替换或帮助理解)&&(黑色部分读出来,是加入的补充部分)
(ps:也许不对 或者有些地方不明确&&甚至是误解、误读.还希望有高人帮助解读这些晦涩的玩意...&&真想粗口&&这些东西太... 刚好一点被它弄得又开始头痛了...)
五芒星(那颗带圆环的五角星),它也可以理解为,代表宇宙、生命(生命之树的顶端)、自然秩序、权利. 同时它也是传说中所罗门王的印章(所罗门的魔法戒指).另外Metatron的封印也是此物,她掌控火星天(殉教者的灵魂被赐居此天界)
就这么多废话了,大家休息吧.&&祝大家好梦.& && && & 在此敬上 于旅途中...&&
这是些 可能不完美结局出现的荧光涂鸦(很可能是血液)
Artefacts sent to the skies to control all nation, to make us obey a hidden crusade. Do not help them.
01:55:12 上传
01:55:12 上传
Eye of Providence(使人想起人面鱼纹,呵呵)
01:55:12 上传
特眼熟,一时想不起来了.&&(就先说它是五环少两个好了,呵呵 玩笑)
01:55:12 上传
They drained my soul and made it theirs. I drained my body to show you where I saw it.
01:55:12 上传
条形码? 日期 地求失效日期 还带生产批号吗? 呵呵 (玛雅历世界末日)
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一只眼睛,和三个三角形.眼睛像埃及神话里的(Eye of Horus),那三角形可能是胡夫金字塔和另外与它处于同一直线的两座胡
01:55:12 上传
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01:55:12 上传
有些佛家儒家道家的东西掺杂在里边,还看到希伯来文(Olam Habah,意为&新时代&)
01:55:12 上传
22:13 是时间?还是比例? 还有些小字,可惜这个不能近距离观察.涉及的东西太多太杂乱.
130000是什么,宇宙速度?16.7才行.& & 可能是十三幺&&呵呵
01:55:12 上传
还感兴趣的最好看一下《星云学说的力学推论与自然规律的统一》或者类似的 在或者和Chaos相关的 呵呵
真是粗心啊!&&竟然有遗漏的 涂鸦...& & 呵呵
近距离的观察了一下卧室的 涂鸦
另外 那个标注有1300的图,感觉是130000少写了(因为字体和数字上下错开的排列位置都像是130000的前半部分)
17:21:52 上传
We are all books containing thousands of pages and within each of them lies an IRREPARABLE truth
Within Emperor Jiajing's sin and Quetzcoaltz's hunger lies the Answers
I've entered the Abyss and never returned
17:21:52 上传
图中两次出现&Ω&,此外还有&22:13&的数字,这其中22:13是代表〈启示录〉中的相应章节&I am the Alpha and the Omega,the First and the Last,the Beginning and the End(我是阿拉法,我是俄梅戛; 我是首先的,我是末后的:我是初,我是终)&,于是Ω就可以理解为&终结&的意思.
Zn+1 = Zn^2 + c&此方程意义详细希望
中间最大的图象是洛伦茨吸引子(Lorenz attractor)的呈现图
17:21:52 上传
若人欲了知 三世一切佛 应观法界性 一切唯心造(大方广佛华严经)
人无远虑 必有近忧(论语)
欲知未来果 今生作者是(三世因果经)
下边这些全是纳斯卡地画,再详细的解释就不用我说了吧 呵呵
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很多东西都是胡说八道,胡乱猜测,不要当真. 呵呵
Q. Who is Subject Seventeen?
A. That would be you, Desmond.
Q. Is Desmond actually Altair?
A. No, Desmond is a descendent of Altair, and by using the Animus he's able to locate Altair's memories that are hidden in his DNA. This means that Altair had at least one child after the events of Assassin's Creed - otherwise Desmond would not have Altair's memories locked away inside him.
Q. What's all this writing about?
A. The room's previous occupant, Subject Sixteen, left all of the writing that you can see for Desmond to read.
Q. Okay, so why can I not see it until the end of the game?
A. Abstergo washed the messages off of the walls and the floor, but Desmond is able to spot the messages by using his Eagle Vision.
Q. Wait a second. You said that Desmond wasn't Altair! What gives?
A. He's not, at least, not yet... Read through Vidic's emails and you'll stumble across one that mentions 'The Bleeding Effect.' Vidic reports that, after using the Animus for a given length of time, some previous subjects were unable to distinguish between their ancestors' lives and their own. Their genetic and real-time memories have literally 'bled' into one another, which is why Desmond is able to use the Eagle Vision power at the end of the game.
Q. Why only the one power?
A. Be patient! Assassin's Creed is the first part of a trilogy. By the end of the third game Desmond will have a lot more moves to play with...
Q. Who are Abstergo?
A. Modern Templars. Abstergo are a company intent on world domination. Their 'aim' is for world peace, but the methods with which they wish to achieve this can be considered mad. They think that by controlling mankind, and killing those that aren't influenced by their power, they can achieve peace. Even their name betrays this secret: it's Latin for 'cleanse'.
Q. Who is Lucy?
A. Lucy Stillman is an employee of Abstergo, but is actually an undercover operative working with the Assassins. She is the one that passes on the door code to Desmond, and is trying to delay the project. In a series of emails to a person known only as '??' she asks for aid. The final message is coded, but reads, &We will be there soon.& Vidic has his suspicions of Lucy. Alan Rikkin sent him an email regarding the fluoride leak: &Makes me wonder if the fluoride leak was internal after all... And if it was, are we dealing with a whistle blower or something worse?& It's highly reasonable to assume that Lucy was this leak.
Q. Back to the writing. What does the triangle of text say?
A. &They drained my soul and made it theirs. I drained my body to show you where I saw it.& Subject sixteen wrote this, along with all of the other messages, in his blood. The first part refers to Abstergo stealing his soul, or in reality, his memories. They watched his ancestor's life to locate an important artefact, hence 16's belief that his 'soul' was taken. The second part is more literal. 16 drained his body to show you where he saw it, meaning that he used his own blood to leave you clues as to where the artefact lies. What artefact is he talking about? There's a strong chance it could be the Holy Grail. We'll look at some evidence later on that suggests this is the case.
Q. What does the block of writing say?
A. &Artefacts sent to the skies to control all nation, to make us obey a hidden crusade. Do not help them.& This message refers directly to Abstergo's plan should they (and they will) get hold of the artefact that you're being used to locate. They plan to send it into space and attach it to a low orbit transmitter to brainwash mankind. In the final battle Altair discovers just what the artefact, the Third Piece of Eden, is capable of. It can make people believe anything, and was responsible for many Biblical illusions such as the parting of the Red Sea (in 'reality' it did not happen - the artefact simply made people think that it did). Subject Sixteen is well aware of Abstergo's plans and asks you not to help them.
Q. What does
A. It may be easier if we call it , for this number's a date. Specifically, 21 December 2012. It's a hugely important date, for it marks the 'end of the world as we know it'. The ancient Mayan civilisations used the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar (incidentally, we use the Gregorian calendar), and a significant event is supposed to take place. In Assassin's Creed this event is obvious, and it also tells us when the game takes place.
Square words
Reading through Vidic's emails you'll see that Abstergo must 'launch' on 21 December. It is safe, then, to say that the 'present day' antics take place in September 2012, and that Abstergo wish to launch the satellite on 21/12/2012 to begin the new era in control of mankind.
Q. What about
A. This refers to 21/12/2012 again. To be more precise, it is the date written in long count form and marks the beginning of the thirteenth Baktun.
Q. What is the significance of the animal pictures?
A. There are three animals pictures: a hummingbird, a spider and a monkey. All three pictures are drawings of the famous Nazca lines - a series of lines in Peru that, when viewed from above, reveal giant animals. It's probable that the area is home to another ancient artefact, or if not the pictures reveal the location of one.
Q. What are the pyramids about?
A. The step pyramids are a common symbol of Mayan architecture. The Mitchell-Hedges skull was found inside a Mayan temple, and there are more artefacts locked away within the ruins.
Q. What is Yonaguni?
A. Yonaguni is the westernmost island in Japan, and a likely setting for the next game (or at least part of it). It is widely believed that an ancient and advanced civilisation once lived on Yonaguni, and that they suffered a similar fate to Atlantis' people. Buildings found submerged around Yonaguni predate any other known buildings in the world, so expect any Japanese ancestor tales to take place before Assassin's Creed 1.
Q. What is 22:13?
A. Revelations 22:13. &I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.& There are also a few alphas and omegas scrawled on the giant mural.
Triangle words
Q. What's the eye in the triangle about?
A. Yet another reference to a God. It's a Christian version of the Eye of Providence - the eye of God. The triangle emphasises the Trinity. It's strange that among all the religions and beliefs there are some strong Christian vibes - strange because the game keeps sewing seeds that hint it's a lie.
During the game it's mentioned that Jesus Christ is not the Son of God and that it's a fabrication. The final email also mentions that artefacts related to Christ are probably fictional. And yet we have a couple of Christian symbols and a massively powerful New Testament verse that suggests maybe the opposite is true. Maybe the Piece of Eden has been used not to support a lie about Christ, but to cover up the very truth of the matter.
Q. Emporer Ji... Jing...?
A. &Within Emperor Jiajing' sin and Quetzcoaltz's hunger lies the Answers.& Emporer Jiajing was the Emperor of China from 1521 to 1567, and the 11th emperor of the Ming dynasty. He was not a kind emperor, and an internal plot to assassinate him was planned although ultimately failed (note: a possible 'level' in a future Assassin's Creed). He built the Temple of the Sun (notice a theme about the Sun in the paintings around the two rooms) and collected rare materials from around the world. One of these rare materials is almost certainly an artefact.
Quetzcoaltz isn't familiar, but is a likely misspelling of Quetzalcoatl, the Aztec sky and creator God and another reference to the Sun. Although primarily an Aztec deity the Mesoamerican influences are strong, and the Mayans had their own version: Kukulk?. His 'hunger' refers to the ritual animal sacrifices that were made to appease him, and an artefact is probably lying within one of his temples.
Q. What is the significance of the door code?
A. It's the date of the Philadelphia Experiment.
Q. Can you please explain the email on the final computer?
A. Sure thing. We'll look at it piece by piece:
Email: &The others and I have finished reviewing the Animus recordings from Subjects 12-16. While the Piece of Eden remains our priority, we must continue working to locate and understand the remaining artefacts. I am sure you can understand our reasoning behind this. Although satellite is accomplished to a fair portion of the work for us, we will certainly need to deal with those who are either immune to - or protected from - its effects.
Explanation: There are multiple artefacts that Abstergo want to possess in order to control the world, and they all have different powers. Once the satellite is in orbit most of Earth's population will be under their control, but some people will be immune to its effects. They need to secure other artefacts to help deal with these people, otherwise their plans will be exposed and Abstergo will be under attack from rebels.
Email: &Piece of Eden (no. 3) - We applaud your continued efforts to locate an alternate artefact with the loss of no. 2 in the DIA Satellite Accident. We understand Subject Seventeen is having trouble interfacing with the Animus, leading to delays. As a result, we estimate another 24 hours before your next critical update. In the meantime, we'll prepare an extraction team and set them to standby. We're relying on you to obtain the additional information we require. He knows where the other objects are - even if he doesn't realize it. You MUST unlock that final memory or all of this will have been for nothing.&
Explanation: The company is frantically trying to locate another Piece of Eden. They were about to launch a satellite with the second piece but an accident occurred and 20 people were killed. Desmond is being used to find another Piece of Eden with which Abstergo can launch another satellite and control the world.
Email: &Philadelphia Project - Data provided from Animus Subject Twelve indicates that the ship briefly manifested in a future state for approximately 18 minutes. It is unclear whether the timeline is consistent with or parallel to our own. Although we have recovered enough data to reconstruct and repair the original artefact used in the experiment, Administration has refused to move forward on the project, citing paradox concerns. Corporate policy remains in place: any objects found to interfere with or manipulate time must be contained. Artefact will be moved to secure storage.&
Explanation: According to an email in Lucy's inbox the door code is
- the date of the alleged Philadelphia Experiment. It is rumoured that on 10 October 1943 the US destroyer escort USS Eldridge was subject to a top-secret experiment and became temporarily invisible. It has been suggested that it also underwent both teleportation and time travel, and that its crew never recovered. Many went mad, and some were even fused to the ship's bulkhead. This email confirms that the experiment took place and that the Templars were behind it.
Abstergo have the ability to manipulate time and space with the artefact, but dare not try in case of triggering paradoxical events. It's possible that Desmond will use such an artefact to stop Abstergo before they even begin their operation.
Email: &Tunguska Incident - Now believed to be the direct result of assault by Assassins. Research station destroyed as was artefact. Alternate wave generation devices have been located in storage, but we have insufficient data at the moment to initiate research. The risk of accident is too high.
Lineage Discovery and Acquisition Division should attempt to locate descendents of any attack survivors (either Assassin or Brotherhood) in order to continue research. Resurrecting this particular type of technology will aid us greatly with any holdouts following the Satellite's activation. We're putting together a team to push research in this area.&
Explanation: On 30 June 1908 a massive explosion rocked the world. The incident, near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in Tunguska (now Krasnoyarsk Krai of Russia) is believed to have occurred when a meteorite burst above the Earth's surface, flattening trees and causing widespread destruction. The email states that it was caused by a group of Assassins destroying a Templar base and the artefact at that location. Abstergo obviously believe that there is a great need for alternate wave generation artefacts to help deal with (ie destroy) resistance following the satellite's launch. Think of this as a powerful weapon, such as a neutron bomb that can be harnessed and aimed at certain targets.
Email: &Grail - We are removing the Grail from our list of objectives. There is insufficient evidence to confirm its existence. Current examination of Subject Seventeen indicates that aside from the Piece of Eden, all other artefacts related to Christ-figure are literary devices (or derived from Piece of Eden) and not actual objects. Even if the object is real, its use to us at this stage is negligible. Our resources are better used elsewhere.&
Explanation: In what's likely to be Abstergo's biggest mistake they decide to stop searching for the Holy Grail. Why is this a mistake? It's likely that this artefact does exist, and that Desmond and the Assassins will track it down and use it against Abstergo in the future. It's possible that Subject Sixteen knew the location and provided clues for Desmond to follow - knowing that Abstergo wouldn't look for its locations while they were so focused on the Piece of Eden. If this is true then Abstergo have underestimated the Grail's significance - 16 obviously believed it was a key artefact in the battle against Abstergo.
Japanese buildings
Email: &Mitchell-Hedges Communicators - Analysis of the objects is complete. The good news is that they work. As a result we now have a safe and secure communication channel for use after the launch. However, they are severely limited in number, and so we will be providing them only to our most essential facilities. You will obviously retain possession of the one you have.&
Explanation: The Mitchell-Hedges communicators are possibly the most interesting items mentioned. Found in a ruined Mayan temple in Belize at around 1926 the 'communicators' are ancient crystal skulls, and there are believed to be only 13 skulls worldwide. The origin of these skulls is unknown, but they are rumoured to bestow the holder with scrying powers - ie the ability to communicate psychically. Abstergo have located these skulls, and it will allow their top facilities to communicate with one another without fear of the Assassins listening in. The mythology of these skulls is interesting: some claim it originated from Atlantis (remember Yonaguni?) at that the Knights Templar carried one about during the crusades. If so, it's likely that it was passed down through the Templars and is now the one in Vidic's possession. That does, however, leave the Mayan relevance in some doubt...
Email: &Warren, I cannot stress how important it is that you wrap things up with Subject Seventeen as soon as possible. We're obviously relieved that you seem to be closing in on the target memory, but you need to step it up. Everything we're working towards depends on your retrieving these locations. Without them, we've got nothing. May the Father of Understanding guide you to success.&
Explanation: The target memory in question is the final boss fight, and the revelation of multiple artefact locations. Obviously they're keen to get the information as quickly as possible so that Abstergo's retrieval teams can locate the artefacts.
Q. What are these Pieces of Eden?
A. It's unclear, but they could be the mythical golden apples. Apples are mentioned numerous times, and there are apples drawn in blood at the end. In Greek mythology there existed three Golden Apples, and it could be that this belief has been linked with Biblical aspects, and the Pieces of Eden and Golden Apples are the very same thing - the 'forbidden fruit' in the Garden of Eden.
Q. Explain the Achievements please!
A. There are two. After using Eagle Vision in the bedroom you'll unlock 'Visions of the Future', which is self-explanatory: clues for the next games. The Eagle and the Apple -1191 Achievement isn't as obvious. The Eagle is Altair - the parallels between the protagonist and the bird are too numerous for that not to be the case. His hood mimics an eagle's beak, his leap of faith move is accompanied by an eagle's cry and even the name Altair means 'The Flying'. 1191 is the year in which Assassin's Creed is set, which strongly suggests that the other games will take place in different times. The Apple? That would be the Piece of Eden that Altair viewed at the end of his adventure - the third Golden Apple.
Q. What's the other writing?
A. There's Arabic, Hebrew and Chinese writing on the mural too.
Still after more answers? We've devoted three pages of our latest issue to answering your questions and talking about your suggestions! Look out for Xbox World 360 Issue 61 on sale at all good newsagents now.
[ 本帖最后由 chinasand 于
03:32 编辑 ]
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