
红色字体部分 这样翻译可否?? - 外贸英语 -
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UID 314912
阅读权限 60
红色字体部分 这样翻译可否??
红色字体部分 这样翻译可否?? “在日本经济面前,中国一直以来是显得无足轻重的”
“This has enormous significance,” said Nicholas R. Lardy, an economist at the Peterson Institute for International Economics. “It reconfirms what’s been happening for the better part of a decade: China has been eclipsing Japan economically. For everyone in China’s region, they’re now the biggest trading partner rather than the U.S. or Japan.”
UID 1121281
积分 35136
福步币 28 块
阅读权限 120
UID 314912
阅读权限 60
我困在eclipsing(使失色,遮掩) 这个词上了。你怎么看这个词在这句话中的意思。
UID 1284752
福步币 20 块
阅读权限 60
我查过了&&eclipse 这个词,它在辞海中的同义词是 overshadow ,词义的感觉 像中国的“使动词”,确切的意思是 “使...失色”
那 LZ 红色的部分就不难理解了,文绉绉一点的翻译就是 :“ 中国已经使日本的经济黯然失色”。直接一点就是说:中国超过日本啦。
同时和LZ握个爪子,偶也喜欢看 英文新闻。
UID 314912
阅读权限 60
“A lot of other economies in the region are essentially riding on China’s coat tails, and this is remarkable for an economy with a low per capita income.”
翻译: 基本上其他许多地区的经济状况都在中国之下,这在一个个人平均所得相对低下的国家是很明显的。 我个人不怎么理解China’s coat tails的意思!
UID 314912
阅读权限 60
UID 314912
阅读权限 60
China is also locked in a fierce debate over its currency policy, with the United States, European Union and others accusing Beijing of keeping the Chinese currency, the renminbi, artificially low to bolster exports — leading to huge trade surpluses for China but major bilateral trade deficits for the United States and the European Union. China says that its currency is not substantially undervalued and that it is moving ahead with currency reform.
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