zinc oxide的功效是什么

zinc oxide
n. [无化] 氧化锌
氧化锌(Zinc Oxide)是一种紫外线吸收剂,是防晒霜中最常见的物理性防晒成分。氧化锌在吸附油脂的同时,会带走水分,所以用后皮肤会干燥,能够达到收...
中文:氧化锌;英语:zinc oxide;日语:酸化??;法语:O
慈阳科技工业股份有限公司- 氧化锌 Zinc Oxide (锌氧粉)
化妆品原料配料常用术语中英对照词汇 ...
Yarrow Extract 蓍草萃取 平衡油脂,促进细胞再生
Yeast 酵素 含有碳水化合物、乳酸、重要的矿物质及维他命群,可以促进皮肤及粘膜的细胞机能,并能迅速***污垢、促进肌肤新陈代谢
Yellow Gentian Extract 黄龙胆根萃取 可预防雀斑、有滋养作用
Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil 依兰精油 平衡油脂分泌,适合油性肌肤使用
Yogurt 优格 修护肌肤、嫩白
Zinc Oxide 氧化锌 物理性防晒剂
Zostera Marina Pectin 海草胶 保湿
Zthylhexyl p-methoxycinnamate 化学性防晒成分,属桂皮酸盐类
β-Glucan β-聚葡萄醣 滋养、保湿、预防老化 ...
- 引用次数:219
Zinc Oxide is a material widely used in many areas.
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- 引用次数:144
Optimized insulation coating formula is 40% zinc oxide, mica 30%, 30% of diatomite. Epoxy resin powder accounted for 4% of the lithium-bentonite powder 4%, alcohol accounted for 100% powder.
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- 引用次数:2
The activity of single lead oxide and zinc oxide has been studied.
参考来源 - 苯酚与碳酸二甲酯酯交换法催化合成碳酸二苯酯的研究
zinc oxide
a white powder used as a pigment or in cosmetics or glass or inks and in zinc ointment
zinc oxide
【化学】氧化锌 [亦称作 flowers of zinc, zinc white]
zinc oxide
a white insoluble powder used as a pigment in paints (zinc white or Chinese white), cosmetics, glass, and printing inks. It is an antiseptic and astringent and is used in making zinc ointment. Formula: ZnO 氧化锌 (Also called flowers of zinc, philosopher's wool)
n. [无化]氧化锌
The new technology is baded on using strands of zinc oxide layered in between two electrodes, reports the Telegraph.
A 2005 study in Environmental Science & Technology showed that zinc oxide nanoparticles were toxic to human lung cells in lab tests even at low concentrations.
A sound-absorbing pad on top vibrates when sound waves hit it, causing the tiny zinc oxide wires to compress and release.
The technology is made possible by tiny strands of zinc oxide that are sandwiched between two electrodes.
The traditional method for making zinc oxide is to grind it into crystals about 200 nanometers wide.
Nine hundred million of these zinc oxide crystals could be spread across the head of a pin in a single layer.
- 来自原声例句
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A research group consisting of National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) and Tohoku University developed a coating technique using a zinc oxide (ZnO) material, an environment-friendly, low-friction material developed ...
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High-performance electronic circuits made entirely from transparent materials could have countless applications, from head-up displays on car windscreens to transparent TV sets and smart windows in homes and offices. Researchers ...
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Hybrid solar cells utilize an interface comprising layers of organic and inorganic materials to convert sunlight into electricity. Zinc oxide (ZnO) is a popular choice for the inorganic material because it is cheap, non-toxic ...
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Scientists are working diligently to prepare for the expected increase in global population--and therefore an increased need for food production-- in the coming decades. A team of engineers at Washington University in St. ...
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University of Oregon physicists have combined light and sound to control electron states in an atom-like system, providing a new tool in efforts to move toward quantum-computing systems.
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Kyoto University researchers have discovered a way of replacing surface ions of copper oxide nanocrystals at ambient conditions--a feat that will make nanocage production considerably simpler.
Mar 24, 2016
After six years of painstaking effort, a group of University of Wisconsin-Madison materials scientists believe the tiny sheets of the semiconductor zinc oxide they're growing could have huge implications for the future of ...
Jan 29, 2016
After six years of painstaking effort, a group of University of Wisconsin-Madison materials scientists believe their breakthrough in growing tiny sheets of zinc oxide could have huge implications for the future of nanomaterial ...
Jan 21, 2016
