WOWGF335版本 能用的Quickheritage auctionss 2 能为好心的大大能...

[翻译] Quick Auctions 2 汉化(版本r 台服3.3适用)和一些Quick Auctions 3的信息
受朋友所托,简单汉化Quick Auctions2 (发完发现自己发错区了,烦请版主转移一下,感谢 [s:36]
[s:36] )希望和广大地精分享。时间原因没有修改lua,一些代码激活的文字没有汉化参照ahn的帖子,对enUS本地化文件中文本修改。其中summary的分类扫描功能测试通过。赶工之作,难免有一些粗糙,见谅。关于Quick Auctions3新版,作者修正了WTF配置文件,每个组将会有独立的设置,修正了自动发送邮件功能,增加设置堆叠功能等。提高了Summary的扫描速度,同时作者还在继续完善QA,在下个版本中还要进一步改进,让购买物品变得更简单便利。原本文本汉化完成,但是由于操作失误转码时成为乱码且不可逆,时间问题就不重做了,功能大体上和之前版本无太大差异,可以将summary功能那些关键字更改一下不知道新版中宝石扫描功能是否已经改善,还请大家自行测试。-------------------------------------------- 分割线--------------------------------------------------------------------------UI版本r 原UI下载地址:[url]/downloads/wow-addons/details/quick-auctions.aspx[/url][img][/img][img][/img][url=]ahn的教程传送门[/url][url=/files/6a7b49ab-f7a1-11de-8dfb-a/]RayFile下载[/url]如果网盘下载不便,请复制一下代码到localization.enUS.lua文件中即可,当然,也可酌情自己修改 [s:25] [code=lua]QuickAuctionsLocals = {& &[&%d (max %d) posted by yourself (%s)&] = &%d (max %d) 你的AH放置數量 (%s)&,& &[&%d log messages waiting&] = &%d 日誌信息&,& &[&%s lowest buyout %s (threshold %s), total posted |cfffed000%d|r (%d by you)&] = &%s 最低出價 %s (起始 %s), 總共數量 |cfffed000%d|r (你的放置 %d)&,& &[&/qa cancelall &group/12/2& - Cancels all active auctions, or cancels auctions in a group if you pass one, or cancels auctions with less than 12 or 2 hours left.&] = &/qa cancelall &group/12/2& - 取消所有正在拍賣的物品, 或者取消一組你通過的物品, 或者取消拍賣時間少於12或者2小時的物品&,& &[&/qa config - Toggles the configuration&] = &/qa config - 设置&,& &[&/qa summary - Shows the auction summary&] = &/qa summary - AH物品概况&,& &[&/qa tradeskill - Toggles showing the craft queue window for tradeskills&] = &/qa tradeskill - 在商业技能窗口显示生产队列&,& &[&12 hours&] = &12 小時&,& &[&24 hours&] = &24 小時&,& &[&48 hours&] = &48 小時&,& &[&ALTER_PERFECT&] = &ALTER_PERFECT&,& &[&Add items&] = &添加物品&,& &[&Add items matching filter&] = &添加物品匹配過濾器&,& &[&Add new group&] = &添加新的組(類別)&,& &[&Add new player&] = &添加新的玩家 &,& &[&Adds a new player to the whitelist so they will not be undercut.&] = &在白名單中添加新的玩家,使減價不會受到他們的影響&,& &[&Allows you to override the default auto fallback settings.&] = &允許覆蓋自動回跌門檻的默認設置&,& &[&Allows you to override the default auto mailer settings.&] = &允許覆蓋默認自動郵寄的默認設置&,& &[&Allows you to override the default bid percent settings.&] = &允許覆蓋出價百分比的默認設置&,& &[&Allows you to override the default fallback after settings.&] = &允許覆蓋回跌門檻的默認設置&,& &[&Allows you to override the default fallback settings.&] = &允許覆蓋回跌&,& &[&Allows you to override the default items per auction.&] = &允許覆蓋每次拍賣物品的默認設置.&,& &[&Allows you to override the default post cap settings.&] = &允許覆蓋拍賣的物品組數量的默認設置&,& &[&Allows you to override the default post time settings.&] = &允許覆蓋拍賣時間的默認設置&,& &[&Allows you to override the default price threshold settings.&] = &允許覆蓋價格門檻的默認設置&,& &[&Allows you to override the default threshold settings.&] = &允許覆蓋初始價格的默認設置&,& &[&Allows you to override the default undercut settings.&] = &允許覆蓋削價值的默認設置&,& &[&Are you sure you want to delete this group?&] = &確定要刪除這個組嗎?&,& &[&Auction House closed before you could tell Quick Auctions to cancel.&] = &在拍賣行關閉前通過Quick Auctions取消物品拍賣。&,& &[&Auction House must be visible for you to use this.&] = &你必須可以使用拍賣行&,& &[&Auction scan finished, can now smart cancel auctions.\n\nScan data age: %d %s&] = &拍賣行掃描結束,你現在可以使用自動取消拍賣功能.\n\n掃描數據: %d %s&,& &[&Auto mail&] = &自動郵寄&,& &[&Automatically mails items to your banker if you set a bank name.\n\n[WARNING!] There is no confirmation once it starts mailing, if you enter the wrong banker name it's your own fault.&] = &使用自動郵寄功能前請先設置一個倉庫號名稱。\n\n[警告!]如果沒有確認倉庫號名稱而直接使用郵寄功能,後果自負。&,& &[&Automatically posts auctions at the fallback price if the lowest item in the auction house is below the threshold price.&] = &如果拍卖行中该物品的最低竞价低于門檻价格,自动物品拍卖功能将把价格自动回落到门槛价&,& &[&Banker name&] = &倉庫號名稱(小號)&,& &[&Bid percent&] = &競標價格占一口價的百分比&,& &[&Bracer&] = &Bracer&,& &[&Bracers&] = &Bracers&,& &[&Cancel&] = &取消&,& &[&Cancel auctions with bids&] = &取消拍賣的出價&,& &[&Cancel binding&] = &取消功能绑定&,& &[&Canceling&] = &取消拍卖&,& &[&Cancelled %s&] = &已取消 %s&,& &[&Cancelling interrupted due to Auction House being closed.&] = &取消中斷,關閉了拍賣行對話框&,& &[&Cancelling |cfffed000%d|r of |cfffed000%d|r&] = &取消中 |cfffed000%d|r / |cfffed000%d|r&,& &[&Cancels any posted auctions that you were undercut on.&] = &取消所有你已經減價物品的拍賣。&,& &[&Cannot cancel auctions without the Auction House window open.&] = &無法取消拍賣,請先打開拍賣窗口.&,& &[&Cannot find class index. QA still needs to be localized into %s for this feature to work.&] = &找不到相關的類別索引. QA 始終需要本地化文件 %s 來使用本功能.&,& &[&Cannot find data for %s.&] = &找不到 %s 相關數據&,& &[&Click an item to add it to this group, you cannot add an item that is already in another group.\n\nYou can enter a search and it will automatically add any item from your inventory that matches the filter.&] = &點擊一個物品添加到該組中,你不能添加一個已經存在在其他組中的物品\n\n你可以搜索并從你的庫存中自動添加已經通過物品匹配過濾器任何物品。&,& &[&Click an item to remove it from this group.&] = &點擊一個物品,它將從該組中刪除&,& &[&Clicking this will cancel auctions based on the data scanned.&] = &點擊將取消基於此次物品掃描的拍賣物品&,& &[&Consumable&] = &消耗品&,& &[&Could not post all auctions, ran out of space.&] = &無法將所有物品進行拍賣,沒有足夠的空間&,& &[&Craft queue help&] = &生產隊列-幫助&,& &[&Creates a new group in Quick Auctions.&] = &在Quick Auctions中添加新的組(類別)&,& &[&Default auction settings&] = &設置&,& &[&Delete&] = &刪除&,& &[&Disable cancelling&] = &禁用取消&,& &[&Disables automatically cancelling items if they are undercut and in this group.&] = &如果在這個組中的拍賣物品減價,將禁用自動取消拍賣功能&,& &[&Disables cancelling of auctions with a market price below the threshold, also will cancel auctions if you are the only one with that item up and you can relist it for more.&] = &當市場價格低於起始價格時,將禁用自動取消拍賣功能,如果你是唯一的賣家,也將取消拍賣,你可以重新定價并繼續拍賣&,& &[&Displays the Quick Auctions log describing what it's currently scanning, posting or cancelling.&] = &Quick Auctions log將顯示當前掃描的信息內容,拍賣信息,取消拍賣信息。&,& &[&Does a status scan that helps to identify auctions you can buyout to raise the price of a group your managing.\n\nThis will NOT automatically buy items for you, all it tells you is the lowest price and how many are posted.&] = &信息掃描可以幫助你確定哪些是你可以一口價購買的物品,在買進物品之後提高它的價格。\n\n但是它將不會自動買入物品,只是告訴你最低價格和數量的多少。&,& &[&Either your inventory is empty, or all of the items inside it are already listed in other groups.&] = &無論你現在的庫存是空的,還是這些物品已經存在在其他的組中。&,& &[&Elemental&] = &元素材料&,& &[&Elixir&] = &藥水&,& &[&Elixirs&] = &藥水&,& &[&Enable auto fallback&] = &啟動自動回跌门槛價格&,& &[&Enable auto mail&] = &啟用自動郵寄&,& &[&Enable super scan&] = &啟動強力物品掃描&,& &[&Enables Quick Auctions auto mailer, the last patch of mails will take ~10 seconds to send.\n\n[WARNING!] You will not get any confirmation before it starts to send mails, it is your own fault if you mistype your bankers name.&] = &允許郵件自動發送,在最後的補丁中,發送郵件將花費10秒時間.\n\n[警告!] 請在啟用此功能前確認你的倉庫號名稱,因為錯誤輸入造成的損失,後果自負。&,& &[&Enchant materials&] = &附魔材料&,& &[&Enchant scrolls&] = &物品附魔&,& &[&Enchanting&] = &物品附魔&,& &[&Fallback after&] = &回跌门槛&,& &[&Fallback price&] = &取消拍賣價格&,& &[&Finished cancelling |cfffed000%d|r auctions&] = &取消 |cfffed000%d|r 拍賣完成&,& &[&Finished posting |cfffed000%d|r items&] = &拍賣 |cfffed000%d|r 物品完成&,& &[&Finished status report&] = &狀態完成&,& &[&Flask&] = &精鍊藥劑&,& &[&Flasks&] = &精鍊藥劑&,& &[&Food&] = &食物&,& &[&Food & Drink&] = &食物和飲料&,& &[&Gem&] = &珠寶&,& &[&Gems&] = &珠寶&,& &[&General&] = &通用設置&,& &[&Get Data&] = &獲取數據&,& &[&Glyph&] = &雕紋&,& &[&Glyphs&] = &雕紋&,& &[&Group name&] = &組名&,& &[&Groups are both how you list items to be managed by Quick Auctions as well as giving you finer control for auction configuration.\n\nYou cannot have the same item in multiple groups at the same time.&] = &組(類別)的設置能夠方便地管理你的拍賣物品,以及給你能夠更好地控制拍賣的配置\n\n你不能在同一時間內向多個組添加同一樣物品。&,& &[&Help&] = &漢化 by 水晶之刺 Marina@Stars(www.)&,& &[&Herb&] = &草藥&,& &[&Herbs&] = &草藥&,& &[&Hide uncraftables&] = &隱藏無法生產物品&,& &[&How long auctions should be posted for.&] = &選擇拍賣時間&,& &[&How many auctions of the same item should be up at any one time.\n\nNote that post cap only applies if you weren't undercut, if you were undercut you can post more until you hit the post cap.&] = &同一時間拍賣的相同物品的數量。例如5個藥水,放五次到AH,即為五組商品,每組1個。\n\n請注意,只有在物品沒有降價的情況下,物品拍賣的物品組數量才能一直生效。如果你進行了降價,你可以拍賣更多的物品知道物品的最大數量上限。&,& &[&How many items each auction should contain, if the item cannot stack it will always post at least one item.&] = &每樣物品幾個為一組堆疊,如果物品不能堆疊,它將默認為1個。&,& &[&How much auctions should be undercut.&] = &需要減價的拍賣物品&,& &[&How much of a difference between auction prices should be allowed before posting at the second highest value.\n\n例如,如果玩家A以50g價格出售符文紅寶石,玩家B以30g價格出售符文紅寶石,而你的價格為29g, 之後玩家B的寶石拍賣時間到期。如果您設置的價格門檻至30%,它將取消你29g的拍賣,而在下次拍賣時定價為49g,因為價格差異 42%在定義的門檻價格之上&] = &&,& &[&If someone posts an item at a percentage higher than the fallback, it will automatically use the fallback price instead.\n\nFor example, fallback is 100g, fallback after is set to 50% if someone posts an item at 160g it will fallback to 100g.&] = &如果有人拍賣的價格百分比高於回跌值, 講用回跌價格代替原始價格.\n\n这个设置项决定了当市场竞价比门槛价高出多少的时候,物品价格就自动回落到门槛价。比如你的某个物品的门槛价是5g,这个滑动栏设置到500%,如果该物品市场最低价是23g,则QA会通过前面的削价量设置自动削价,但是最低价是27g(超过了门槛价的 500%)的时候,你的物品则将会以5g门槛价出售。&,& &[&If the data is too old and instead of canceling you would rather rescan auctions to get newer data just press this button.&] = &如果數據太舊,按這個鈕重新掃描獲取新數據&,& &[&Invalid money format entered for \&%s\&&] = &輸入的金幣格式無效 \&%s\&&,& &[&Invalid time entered, should either be 12 or 2 you entered \&%s\&&] = &輸入的時間格式無效,請輸入12或者2 \&%s\&&,& &[&Item Enhancement&] = &物品附魔&,& &[&Item data not found, you will need to see this item before the name is shown.&] = &物品信息沒有找到.&,& &[&Item groups&] = &物品組(類別)&,& &[&Items&] = &物品&,& &[&Items in your inventory (and only your inventory) that match the filter will be added to this group.&] = &添加物品匹配過濾器中的物品(你的庫存)到這個組。&,& &[&Items per auction&] = &拍賣物品分組內每組物品數量&,& &[&List&] = &列表&,& &[&Log&] = &日誌&,& &[&Log (%d)&] = &日誌 (%d)&,& &[&Mass cancelling posted items&] = &物品取消拍賣&,& &[&Mass cancelling posted items in the group |cfffed000%s|r&] = &物品(組)取消拍賣 |cfffed000%s|r&,& &[&Mass cancelling posted items with less than %d hours left&] = &取消在拍賣少於 %d 小時的物品&,& &[&Materials required&] = &所需材料&,& &[&Maximum price gap&] = &最大差價&,& &[&Name of your banker on this realm/faction, this is where items will be mailed if you have any items to auto mail.&] = &你設定的自動郵寄的物品將會郵寄到你的倉庫號&,& &[&No&] = &否&,& &[&No auctions or inventory items found that are managed by Quick Auctions that can be scanned.&] = &Quick Auctions沒有發現可以掃描的拍賣或庫存物品&,& &[&No group named %s exists.&] = &不存在任何名為 %s 的組(類別&,& &[&No player name entered.&] = &沒有輸入玩家名稱&,& &[&None posted by yourself&] = &你沒有放置任何物品&,& &[&Not all your auctions were posted, ran out of space to split items even after waiting 10 seconds.&] = &不是所有的拍賣物品都會被拍賣,將等待10秒時間,應提供更多的空間來分割存放物品&,& &[&Nothing to cancel&] = &沒有可以取消的物品&,& &[&Nothing to cancel, you have no unsold auctions up.&] = &沒有可以取消拍賣的物品,你在拍賣行中沒有拍賣任何物品&,& &[&Ok&] = &Ok&,& &[&Override auto fallback&] = &设置自動回跌&,& &[&Override auto mail&] = &设置自动邮寄&,& &[&Override bid percent&] = &设置最低競價占一口價的百分比&,& &[&Override fallback&] = &設置回跌门槛價&,& &[&Override fallback after&] = &設置回退門檻價&,& &[&Override per auction&] = &設置拍賣物品&,& &[&Override post cap&] = &設置拍賣的物品的組數量&,& &[&Override post time&] = &设置拍卖时间&,& &[&Override price threshold after&] = &設置價格門檻&,& &[&Override threshold&] = &设置起始價格&,& &[&Override undercut&] = &设置削价量&,& &[&Percentage of the buyout the bid will be set at, if the buyout is 100g and set you set this to 90%, then the bid will be 90g.&] = &競價幾個基於一口價格的百分比,如果一口價格為100g,你設置為90%,則競價價格為90g&,& &[&Perfect (.+)&] = &完美(.+)&,& &[&Play sound after cancel scan&] = &在掃描之後播放聲音&,& &[&Player name&] = &玩家名稱&,& &[&Post&] = &拍賣&,& &[&Post cap&] = &拍賣的物品組數量&,& &[&Post items from your inventory into the auction house.&] = &在拍賣行中你拍賣物品的數量。&,& &[&Post time&] = &拍賣持續時間&,& &[&Posting %s%s (%d/%d) bid %s, buyout %s&] = &拍賣物品 %s%s (%d/%d) 競價 %s, 一口價 %s&,& &[&Posting %s%s (%d/%d) bid %s, buyout %s (Buyout went below zero, undercut by 1 copper instead)&] = &拍賣物品 %s%s (%d/%d) 競價 %s, 一口價 %s (一口價低於0,減價成1銅)&,& &[&Posting %s%s (%d/%d) bid %s, buyout %s (Forced to fallback price, lowest price was too high)&] = &拍賣物品 %s%s (%d/%d) 競價 %s, 一口價 %s (被迫回到最低門檻價,最低價格設定過高)&,& &[&Posting %s%s (%d/%d) bid %s, buyout %s (Forced to fallback price, market below threshold)&] = &拍賣物品 %s%s (%d/%d) 競價 %s, 一口價 %s (被迫回到最低門檻價,低於市場的門檻)&,& &[&Posting %s%s (%d/%d) bid %s, buyout %s (Increased bid price due to going below thresold)&] = &拍賣物品 %s%s (%d/%d) 競價 %s, 一口價 %s (競價價格上升,由於持續低於初始價格)&,& &[&Posting %s%s (%d/%d) bid %s, buyout %s (Increased buyout price due to going below thresold)&] = &拍賣物品 %s%s (%d/%d) 競價 %s, 一口價 %s (一口價價格上升,由於持續低於初始價格)&,& &[&Posting %s%s (%d/%d) bid %s, buyout %s (No other auctions up)&] = &拍賣物品 %s%s (%d/%d) 競價 %s, 一口價 %s (沒有其他拍賣物品)&,& &[&Posting %s%s (%d/%d) bid %s, buyout %s (Price difference too high, used second lowest price intead)&] = &拍賣物品 %s%s (%d/%d) 競價 %s, 一口價 %s (價格差異過大,更改成第二個最低價格。)&,& &[&Posting interrupted due to Auction House being closed.&] = &物品拍賣中止,拍賣行關閉&,& &[&Posting was interrupted due to the Auction House was closed.&] = &物品拍賣中止,拍賣行關閉&,& &[&Price items should be posted at if there are no others of it's kind on the auction house.&] = &如果拍賣行中沒有其他類似物品,請指定物品價格&,& &[&Price threshold on %s at %s, second lowest is |cfffed000%d%%|r higher and above the |cfffed000%d%%|r threshold, cancelling&] = &初始價格 %s 在 %s, 第二個最低價格 |cfffed000%d%%|r 高於 |cfffed000%d%%|r 初始價格, 正在中止拍賣&,& &[&Prices will be rounded to the nearest gold piece when undercutting, meaning instead of posting an auction for 1 gold and 50 silver, it would be posted for 1 gold.&] = &當價格削減接近1G時,將會四捨五入,如當一個物品拍賣價格為1G50S時,它的拍賣價格為1G&,& &[&Queued %s to be posted&] = &隊列中 %s 物品將被拍賣&,& &[&Queued %s to be posted (Cap is |cffff2020%d|r, only can post |cffff2020%d|r need to restock)&] = &隊列中 %s 物品將被拍賣 (物品組數量 |cffff2020%d|r, 只需要補充 |cffff2020%d|r )&,& &[&Quick Auctions&] = &Quick Auctions&,& &[&Quick binding you can press to cancel auctions once scan has finished.\n\nThis can be any key including space without overwriting your jump key.&] = &快速綁定,當一次掃描完成之後取消拍賣\n\n可以是任何按鍵,包括空格鍵,不會覆蓋你原來按鍵的設置&,& &[&Read me, important information below!\n\nAs of 3.3 Blizzard requires that you use a hardware event (key press or mouse click) to cancel auctions, currently there is a loophole that allows you to get around this by letting you cancel as many auctions as you need for one hardware event.\n\nOdds are this loophole will be closed eventually making it impossible to smart cancle, but for the time being the workaround has been implemented into this version of Quick Auctions, see /qa config for a few options related to this change.\n\nFrom now on, you will have to do a cancel scan then another hardware action to actually cancel auctions after it finishes scanning. Posting has not changed and still can be done automatically without your interaction.\n\nThe /qa cancelall slash command will continuing working as is without any special changes, provided you are using a key press to active and not some form of automated macro like /in # /qa cancelall\n\nYou will only see this message once.&] = &重要信息\n由於 3.3暴雪要求使用硬件事件(按下一個鍵或鼠標點擊)来取消拍賣, 目前有个漏洞,讓你只需要一個硬件事件來取消多個拍賣,風險是这个漏洞將可能被封閉導致智能取消拍賣功能的失效, 但是暫時的解決辦法已經在這個版本中實現,在 /qa config 設定中做了一些相關調整.\n從現在開始,你將不得不進行一次掃描之後取消拍賣,這就是取消掃描的功能。自動拍賣功能還是能按照你的意願正常執行。\n /qa cancelall 這個命令沒有任何特別的改動,將繼續工作, 前提是你需要用一個按鍵來激活這個功能,而不是用自動宏的方式。例如:/in # /qa cancelall\n你只能看到這條消息一次。&,& &[&Remove&] = &移除&,& &[&Remove items&] = &移除物品&,& &[&Rescan&] = &重新掃描&,& &[&Reset craft queue&] = &重置生產隊列&,& &[&Reset the craft queue list for every item.&] = &重置每種物品的生產隊列&,& &[&Retry |cfffed000%d|r of |cfffed000%d|r for %s&] = &重試 |cfffed000%d|r of |cfffed000%d|r for %s&,& &[&Scan finished!&] = &掃描完成!&,& &[&Scan interrupted before it could finish&] = &掃描在完成前被中斷&,& &[&Scan interrupted due to Auction House being closed.&] = &掃描中斷,拍賣行窗口已經關閉&,& &[&Scanned page |cfffed000%d|r of |cfffed000%d|r for %s&] = &已掃描頁 |cfffed000%d|r of |cfffed000%d|r for %s&,& &[&Scanning %s&] = &掃描中 %s&,& &[&Scanning page |cfffed000%d|r of |cfffed000%d|r for %s&] = &掃描頁 |cfffed000%d|r of |cfffed000%d|r for %s&,& &[&Scanning |cfffed000%d|r items...&] = &掃描中 |cfffed000%d|r 物品...&,& &[&Scroll of (.+)&] = &Scroll of (.+)&,& &[&Scroll of Enchant (.+)&] = &附魔(.+)&,& &[&Scroll of Enchant (.+) %- .+&] = &附魔(.+) %- .+&,& &[&Show craft queue&] = &顯示生產隊列&,& &[&Show uncraftables&] = &Show uncraftables&,& &[&Shows information on how to use the craft queue&] = &顯示關於如何使用生產隊列的信息&,& &[&Simple&] = &簡易&,& &[&Skipped %s lowest buyout is %s threshold is %s&] = &跳過 %s 最低一口價 %s 起始價格
%s&,& &[&Skipped %s need |cff20ff20%d|r for a single post, have |cffff2020%d|r&] = &跳過 %s 需要單個放置 |cff20ff20%d|r , 有 |cffff2020%d|r&,& &[&Skipped %s posted |cff20ff20%d|r of |cff20ff20%d|r already&] = &跳過 %s 已放置 |cff20ff20%d|r of |cff20ff20%d|r &,& &[&Skipped cancelling %s flagged to not be canelled.&] = &跳過 取消已經被標記不取消物品 %s 的拍賣&,& &[&Skipped cancelling %s flagged to post at fallback when market is below threshold.&] = &跳過 取消 %s 被標記當市場價低於門檻價的物品的拍賣&,& &[&Slash commands&] = &漢化 by 水晶之刺 Marina@Stars(www.)&,& &[&Smart cancelling&] = &智能取消拍賣&,& &[&Smart undercutting&] = &智能壓價&,& &[&Starting to cancel...&] = &開始取消拍賣...&,& &[&Status&] = &狀態&,& &[&Stop&] = &停止&,& &[&Stopped splitting due to Auction House frame being closed.&] = &由於拍賣行關閉操作停止&,& &[&Summary&] = &物品概況&,& &[&Super scan will drastically speed up your auction posting, but you will lose the ability to use whitelist functions and it will undercut anyone except the character you are posting on.&] = &強力掃描將為你的拍賣提供很大的便利,但是它將使白名單失效,對任何低於自己價格的玩家進行壓價&,& &[&The %s group does not have any items in it yet.&] = &%s 组中没有任何物品&,& &[&The craft queue in Quick Auctions is a way of letting you queue up a list of items that can then be seen in that professions Tradeskill window, or through /qa tradeskill with a tradeskill open.\n\n|cffff2020**NOTE**|r This does not work with the enchant scroll category.\nQueues are setup through the summary window by holding SHIFT + double clicking an item in the summary.\n\nFor example: If you want to cut 20 |cff0070dd[Insightful Earthsiege Diamond]|r you SHIFT + double click the |cff0070dd[Insightful Earthsiege Diamond]|r text in the summary window, it will then show\n\n|cfffed0000 x|r Insightful Earthsiege Diamond|r\n\nThis tells you that it is ready and you can input how many you want, once you are done setting how many you want to make hit ENTER. If you were to enter 20 it will now look like\n\n0 x |cff20ff202Insightful Earthsiege Diamond|r\nAnd you're done! Once you open the Jewelcrafting Tradeskill window you will see a frame pop up with\n\n|cff0070dd[Insightful Earthsiege Diamond]|r [20]\n\nIf you click that text you will create 20 |cff0070dd[Insightful Earthsiege Diamond]|r providing you have the materials&] = &Quick Auctions的生產隊列功能,可以在商業技能製造介面中找到QA按鈕, 或者在聊天窗輸入 /qa tradeskill打開窗口\n\n|cffff2020**注意**|r 附魔技能中無法使用\n在“物品概況”窗口中按住SHIFT鍵雙擊物品\n\n例如: 如果你要切20 |cff0070dd[符文的血色紅寶石]|r 你按住SHIFT雙擊|cff0070dd[符文的血色紅寶石]|r , 它將會顯示\n\n|cfffed0000 x|r 符文的血色紅寶石|r\n\n
然後指定要生產的數量 按回車(ENTER). 如果你輸入20個,它將顯示\n\n0 x |cff20ff202符文的血色紅寶石|r\n說明你操作成功。 當你打開珠寶技能介面,你講看到一個彈出框\n\n|cff0070dd[符文的血色紅寶石]|r [20]\n\n當你點擊文字 將生產20個 |cff0070dd[符文的血色紅寶石]|r ,要取消生產,SHIFT+雙擊,Backspace到00,然後回車即可&,& &[&The group \&%s\& already exists.&] = &組 \&%s\& 已經存在&,& &[&The price at which an auction won't be posted, meaning if you set this to 10g then no auctions posted through Quick Auctions will go below 10g.&] = &如果你的價格無人問津,意思是如果你設置了拍賣價格為10g但是無人競拍,那麼Quick Auctions將設置價格低於10G&,& &[&Threshold price&] = &起始價格&,& &[&Toggles hiding items you cannot craft in the summary window.&] = &隱藏你不能生產的物品在物品概要窗口&,& &[&Toggles the craft queue window&] = &切換到生產隊列窗口&,& &[&Trade Goods&] = &商品&,& &[&Undercut by&] = &減價&,& &[&Undercut on %s by |cfffed000%s|r, but %s placed a bid of %s so not cancelling&] = & %s 減價 |cfffed000%s|r, 但是 %s 設置了競價價格
%s 所以不能取消拍賣&,& &[&Undercut on %s by |cfffed000%s|r, buyout %s, yours %s (per item)&] = & %s 減價 |cfffed000%s|r, 一口價 %s, 你的 %s (單價)&,& &[&Undercut on %s by |cfffed000%s|r, their buyout %s, yours %s (per item), threshold is %s not cancelling&] = & %s 減價 |cfffed000%s|r, 他們的一口價 %s, 你的 %s (單價),
%s 不能取消&,& &[&View a summary of what the highest selling of certain items is.&] = &AH销售的各种商品概况&,& &[&When Quick Auctions finishes a cancel scan it will play the ready check sound telling you that it needs your interacting.\n\nOf course, you need sound enabled for this to do anything.&] = &當 Quick Auctions 完成一次取消掃描,它將發出聲音引起你的注意。\n\n當然,你需要啟用聲音提示功能。&,& &[&Whistlists give you a way of setting others users who Quick Auctions however, if they match your buyout and undercut your bid they will still be considered undercutting.\n\nWhile your alts are not shown in this list, your alts will be considered yourself automatically.&] = &白名單將使你不會因其他玩家(白名單中)的原因而開始降價&,& &[&Whitelist&] = &白名單(設置通過玩家)&,& &[&Will cancel your auctions even if they have a bid on them.&] = &將要取消您拍賣的物品,即使有人已經對它們出價&,& &[&Yes&] = &是&,& &[&You are the only one posting %s, the fallback is %s (per item), cancelling so you can relist it for more gold&] = &你是 %s 的唯一賣家, 他的回跌價格 %s (單價), 取消拍賣,你可以提高價格重新拍賣&,& &[&You can set the fallback settings to use for items that do not have one set specifically for their group, or per item.\n\nMoney values should be entered as \&#g#s#c\&. For example, \&50g20s\& is entered as 50 gold, 20 silver.\n\nAll sliders can have their values entered manually, use the middle number below the slider bar.&] = &你可以為這些物品設置回跌價格\n\n貨幣輸入格式: \&#g#s#c\&. 例如, \&50g20s\& 意思是50 金, 20 銀&,& &[&You cannot use auto mailer on your banker as you cannot mail items to yourself.&] = &請不要將倉庫號設置成自己&,& &[&You do not have any items to post&] = &你沒有任何可以用於拍賣的物品&,& &[&You have nobody on your whitelist yet.&] = &你的白名單列表中沒有任何玩家&,& &[&You have to set a banker before you can use the auto mailer.&] = &在使用自動郵寄功能前,你必須設置一個倉庫號(小號)的名稱&,& &[&\n\n%d in inventory\n%d on the Auction House&] = &\n\n%d 庫存\n%d 拍賣行&,& &[&hours&] = &小時&,& &[&lowest price&] = &最低價格&,& &[&minutes&] = &分&,& &[&seconds&] = &秒&,& &[&undercut&] = &減價&,}[/code]
让Quick Auctions 2 来的更猛烈些吧
可以使用 get data 功能了?
我想问下 适用国F3.13吗?
[quote][pid=][b]Post by MadArale ( 00:08):[/b][/pid]我想问下 适用国F3.13吗?[/quote]国服使用的话,可以试试用ahn那个帖子里面的方法,修改一下扫描的关键字其他的文字用google繁体转简体即可。因为没有国服客户端,帮不上忙。
LZ···能麻烦下 把您的汉化过的这个QUICK2发我行不cj.谢谢了····我实在不懂LUA··
[quote][pid=][b]Post by bw的神仙 ( 01:17):[/b][/pid]這個是12月13日的新版還是以前的老版本?[/quote]是12月13日的新版,因为3.3 API的一些调整localization.enUS结构已经与旧版本不同国服怕是用不了 [s:35]
ORZ...AH已死, 我準備去當農夫了.
楼主,经测试。。3.3的台服,珠宝的绯色宝石打不开,& &天炎钻石打不开配方,其他均可& &另外,少威严刚石。。只有5种紫宝石,没有蓝色的那个紫宝石。蓝色品质宝石中,有1,2个也是打不开的。另外感谢楼主的努力,继续努力!0.0!
GF的早自己汉化了~虽然我只汉化了一部分,自己够用不就OK早就有教方法了啊多研究,,总有收获GET DATE早能用了


