14:00:17 |
来源: 按键精灵资源站
华夏新区寄售好难, 自己尝试的写了个脚本,&&第一次做脚本,&&做的不好不要笑话, 看了一天的才写出来的,
可能不是最正确的方法,& &能用就好,
UserVar jiage1=0 &第1个价格&
UserVar jiage2=0 &第2个价格&
UserVar jiage3=0 &第3个价格&
UserVar jiage4=0 &第4个价格&
UserVar jiage5=0 &第5个价格&
UserVar jiage6=0 &第6个价格&
UserVar jiage7=0 &第7个价格&
UserVar jiage8=0 &第8个价格&
UserVar jiage9=0 &第9个价格&
UserVar jiage10=0 &第10个价格&
FindPic 0,0,,&Attachment:\手续费.bmp&,0.9,intX,intY
If intX & 0 And intY & 0 Then
FindPic 0,0,,&Attachment:\包裹.bmp&,0.9,wpX,wpY
If wpX & 0 And wpY & 0 Then
MoveTo wpx, wpy+8
LeftDown 1
Delay 1000
MoveTo intX+565, intY-135
Delay 1000
& & FindPic intx+529,inty-101,intx+564,inty-66,&Attachment:\格子.bmp&,0.9,gzX,gzY
If gzX & 0 And gzY & 0 Then
& && &&&Delay 2000
& && & Goto dier
& & Call jishou1()
& && && && && & Wend
& && &&&Rem dier
& && && && && & i =2
& && &&&FindPic intx+570,inty-101,intx+605,inty-66,&Attachment:\格子.bmp&,0.9,gzX,gzY
& & If gzX & 0 And gzY & 0 Then
& && && && &Delay 2000
Goto disan
& && &&&End If
& && &&&Call jishou2()
& && &&&Rem disan
& && &&&FindPic intx+611,inty-101,intx+646,inty-66,&Attachment:\格子.bmp&,0.9,gzX,gzY
& & If gzX & 0 And gzY & 0 Then
& && && && &Delay 2000
& && &&&Goto disi
& && &&&End If
& && &&&Call jishou3()
& && &&&Rem disi
& && &&&FindPic intx+656,inty-101,intx+687,inty-66,&Attachment:\格子.bmp&,0.9,gzX,gzY
& & If gzX & 0 And gzY & 0 Then
& && && && &Delay 2000
& && &&&Goto diwu
& && &&&End If
& && &&&Call jishou4()
& && &&&FindPic intx+697,inty-101,intx+728,inty-66,&Attachment:\格子.bmp&,0.9,gzX,gzY
& & If gzX & 0 And gzY & 0 Then
& && && && &Delay 2000
& && &&&Goto diliu
& && &&&End If
& && &&&Call jishou5()
& && &&&FindPic intx+738,inty-101,intx+769,inty-66,&Attachment:\格子.bmp&,0.9,gzX,gzY
& & If gzX & 0 And gzY & 0 Then
& && && && &Delay 2000
& && &&&Goto diba
& && &&&End If
& && &&&Call jishou6()
& && &&&FindPic intx+529,inty-60,intx+564,inty-25,&Attachment:\格子.bmp&,0.9,gzX,gzY
& & If gzX & 0 And gzY & 0 Then
& && && && &Delay 2000
& && &&&Goto diqi
& && &&&End If
& && &&&Call jishou7()
& && &&&FindPic intx+570,inty-60,intx+605,inty-25,&Attachment:\格子.bmp&,0.9,gzX,gzY
& & If gzX & 0 And gzY & 0 Then
& && && && &Delay 2000
& && &&&Goto dijiu
& && &&&End If
& && &&&Call jishou8()
& && &&&FindPic intx+611,inty-60,intx+646,inty-25,&Attachment:\格子.bmp&,0.9,gzX,gzY
& & If gzX & 0 And gzY & 0 Then
& && && && &Delay 2000
& && &&&Goto dishi
& && &&&End If
& && &&&Call jishou9()
While i=10
& && &&&FindPic intx+652,inty-60,intx+687,inty-25,&Attachment:\格子.bmp&,0.9,gzX,gzY
& & If gzX & 0 And gzY & 0 Then
& && && && &Delay 2000
& && && &i=11
& && &&&End If
& && &&&Call jishou10()
& & Sub jishou1()
& & MoveTo intx+550, inty-83
LeftClick 1
MoveTo intx+24, inty-124
LeftClick 1
MoveTo intx-12, inty-45
LeftClick 1
& & SayString jiage1
MoveTo intx+24, inty+103
LeftClick 1
& && &&&End Sub
& & Sub jishou2()
& & MoveTo intx+591, inty-83
LeftClick 1
MoveTo intx+24, inty-124
LeftClick 1
MoveTo intx-12, inty-45
LeftClick 1
& & SayString jiage2
MoveTo intx+24, inty+103
LeftClick 1
& && &&&End Sub
& & Sub jishou3()
& & MoveTo intx+632, inty-83
LeftClick 1
MoveTo intx+24, inty-124
LeftClick 1
MoveTo intx-12, inty-45
LeftClick 1
& & SayString jiage3
MoveTo intx+24, inty+103
LeftClick 1
& && &&&End Sub
& & Sub jishou4()
& & MoveTo intx+673, inty-83
LeftClick 1
MoveTo intx+24, inty-124
LeftClick 1
MoveTo intx-12, inty-45
LeftClick 1
& & SayString jiage4
MoveTo intx+24, inty+103
LeftClick 1
& && &&&End Sub
& & Sub jishou5()
& & MoveTo intx+714, inty-83
LeftClick 1
MoveTo intx+24, inty-124
LeftClick 1
MoveTo intx-12, inty-45
LeftClick 1
& & SayString jiage5
MoveTo intx+24, inty+103
LeftClick 1
& && &&&End Sub
& & Sub jishou6()
& & MoveTo intx+755, inty-83
LeftClick 1
MoveTo intx+24, inty-124
LeftClick 1
MoveTo intx-12, inty-45
LeftClick 1
& & SayString jiage6
MoveTo intx+24, inty+103
LeftClick 1
& && &&&End Sub
& & Sub jishou7()
& & MoveTo intx+550, inty-42
LeftClick 1
MoveTo intx+24, inty-124
LeftClick 1
MoveTo intx-12, inty-45
LeftClick 1
& & SayString jiage7
MoveTo intx+24, inty+103
LeftClick 1
& && &&&End Sub
& && && && &Sub jishou8()
& & MoveTo intx+591, inty-42
LeftClick 1
MoveTo intx+24, inty-124
LeftClick 1
MoveTo intx-12, inty-45
LeftClick 1
& & SayString jiage8
MoveTo intx+24, inty+103
LeftClick 1
& && &&&End Sub
& && && && &Sub jishou9()
& & MoveTo intx+632, inty-42
LeftClick 1
MoveTo intx+24, inty-124
LeftClick 1
MoveTo intx-12, inty-45
LeftClick 1
& & SayString jiage9
MoveTo intx+24, inty+103
LeftClick 1
& && &&&End Sub
& && && && &Sub jishou10()
& & MoveTo intx+673, inty-42
LeftClick 1
MoveTo intx+24, inty-124
LeftClick 1
MoveTo intx-12, inty-45
LeftClick 1
& & SayString jiage10
MoveTo intx+24, inty+103
LeftClick 1
& && &&&End Sub