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&&ok, i'll unleash my dog to thank and to depress myself. really crushed to powders
writing超级简单,如果有和小弟一样写过GRE,不用写了。我的是说什么卖interactive online program。我的两个攻击点是:1. no matter how interactive a program is, it can't make a trainee trainer, simply because training requires an in-depth knowledge of what to teach. if a guy knew it already, he or she wouldn't need a training. so part of the argument just logically contradicts anohter: it is designed to train a person by assuming that person is already knowledgeable enough to train himself. this is ludicrous. 2. training new employees isn't just a simple process of teaching them skills and techniques, but more a process to adopt them into the new environment and build up their personal network. online program will deprive them of this opportunity of interacting with the experienced employees. And the argument just arbitrarily assumes that such a process as seemingly takes up some working time, is counterproductive. Actually in a long run, this familiarization and adoptation will boost productivity.
唯一问题是写不完,我还有好多想写的,没时间了。在有3分钟的时候停止了,然后想了一个漂亮的opening zinger, to brag a bit:
the pope just paid a blockbuster visit to my city a month ago, showing that some half of the world's population believe that even though the light is in their heart and the book at their desk, the guidance from above needs to passed on to them through a tutor. But a salesman of an online program definitely belongs to the other half, holding a belief that with the light in his heart and a book at hand, he can be bright anywhere only if he digs in.
Q: 第一道题还可以,然后就开始各种难,但是因为阅读变容易了,所以我还是在继续做:
p is the sum of 3 consecutive integers a b c and the product of 3 consecutive integers x y z, what is the remainder when p is divided by 5
(1) the remainder is 1 when a is divided by 5
(2) the remainder is 1 when x is divided by 5
a grass field and walking track. don't know how to draw a graphy--srrry dudes. what is tbe ratio of the track to the whole area?
the grass field is L in length and W in width while the track is like a combo of 4 quarter circles with a radius of d and two straight lines with length of L and width of d
make it simple: just the ratio of the track to the field
(1) the perimeter of the grass field is 3d
because the area of the grass field is L*W, while the area of the track is
so the ratio is
2Ld+2Wd+pie*d^2/LW, insufficient, from L+W=3/2d we can't have LW equals to how many times as d^2
(2) whatever is 300 meters. believe me, no one uses meters so pass it. and again, we want a ratio, a specific number won't help. we need to know the ratio.
(1)(2) we need to know LW=?d^2 , no answers, so
E--possibly wrong but when I got this far, I kinda lost my stamina and was seeking help from my gut feeling
PS: interesting and needs more reading than math:
a circuit has few conjunction points: A, B, C, D, E, and the connections from one to another is listed in a table:
so how many ways from A to D given that no points will be passed twice
a picture helps a lot and the aswer is 8: 3*2+1*2
PS: a set: 0.1, 0.001, 0.01, 0.000001
select two or more numbers to add them together, how many results can be yielded?
kinda all i can still remember
V: 第一个很简单:
sentence correction,具体想不起来了,但是整个句子就是一个mess,无数的modifiers: a prepositional phrase: on cold winter day, an infinitive phrase: to prevent, a participal phrase: being spread:我眼中怀疑GMAC语法自己就不好,整个考试语文水平和GRE不是一个层次的,太烂了:being spread? what is the fuck
但是最后只剩下这个being spread最legit。应该是C,把整个句子说清楚了:尽管说的很烂,真的:
on cold winter days, a truck driver
see salt being spread
这个绝对是错的,太恶心了:if it's a state, just simply see salt spread, being is totally redundant, spread is a past participal phrase to describe the state of the salt
the truck driver sees the state
or the truck driver see the action of spreading salt
then it's an active action and being spread is awkward--way more awkward than in GMAC's own standard. correct structure should goes like: someone/whatever spreading salt
like you can't say someone is being hit, it's a fuck, someone is hitting someone and someone is HURT
the passive mode is a bullshit and proves gmac is bullshit. seriously, go back to college and learn basic literature/rhetoric knowledge.
to prevent
这个infinitive phrase modifies spread to tell its purpose
两个差不多的这样的句子以后,是一个超级长的阅读,但是可以读,因为有三段还是四段,分开了,说family business
然后是三个critical reasoning,我其实想考试的是GRE(V169--still pondering what i did wrong, Q163, AWA 5.5),语文水平和这个完全不是一个层次,那个阅读非常愉快,verbal整个是一个非常愉快的事情,各种文章有各种rhetoric/literal beauty,这个完全就和在办公室写的报告一样,太次了,烂的没办法读。super dry and dull,一点文学都没有,什么啊
然后是三个critical reasoning,fuck gmac,能把reading写成10倍长的reasoning
这篇文章整个就是一段,我整个屏幕全部是字,比第一篇还要坏,这么长的一段话,分开好不好。nope,那就写很漂亮,和小说一样好不好,nope, 整个文章全部是很dry dull descriptions and qualifications,句子特别长,特别长,很长还有很多qualifications,读起来太痛苦了:
historians found documents, including tax--super important, write it down to the pad, limited in the use for the study of women status. blablablabla, all dry explanations for what results in the limit
then it makes a turn:
(a douchebag seeing things in a different way), whatever she's called, figure out such omission/limit might be helpful though
blablabla again, a brief introductions of her assumptions
1764--very important--write it down to the pad, from here the article starts to cite the douchebag's specific evidence to support her assumptions
at least from here the story could go interesting, telling a vivid story, analyzing a literal work, whatever. BUT NOPE, 又是特别无聊的举例,说是在philly,怎么怎么样,关键是
tax assessor,对matriarch of a household特别关照,很多细节,很无聊,结果全部都提问了
最后结论:反映当时的recognition of a certain part of women status: 又是很多细节,都rec哪些了
fuck it off,小弟我耐力有限,到这个时候崩溃了。后面不管对错,全部选了C,好多自己都知道错的也不想了,脑子也不同意我想了。我真的当时完全BLANK
当然悲剧了,很悲剧:V33, fuck, does it even pass the fail line? definitely way below the average
it won't appear good with such a discrepancy between v and q, the gap making the high score a fluke
cancel it immediately. the total was 690 though
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这个 狗() 放() 的我给满分,括号里按北美吐槽君的来填吧, lmao
在线时间 小时
这个 狗() 放() 的我给满分,括号里按北美吐槽君的来填吧, lmao
哈哈哈 秒懂
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gooooooooooooood like
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真想不起来了。因为当时我很freak out
然后一个题是有noun-verb agreement,什么东西缩小了,用单数shrinks/is shrinking,但是这个错误不是主要的,有个更大的错误,有三个正确使用了数量,但是两个把主要错误改了,但是有一个错的对了,又写错了一个
parallelism--最常见的就是than/as .... as:parallel comparison
tense--最常见的就是后面发生的had,前面发生的simple past
rhetoric prediction+diction,不是这样简单的结构问题,做得时候认真阅读吧,没别的办法,都明白句子到底要说什么意思,想明白到底用词的准确
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690都 cancel吗。。。。
在线时间 小时
690都 cancel吗。。。。
the score looks stupid
数学很难大家都很有准备了,希望提高对语文的重视吧。平时练习的都不考,建议critical reasoning和阅读直接使用lsat原题,lsat是全部公开的
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