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1含含糊。糊涂11!!虫11!,111[Oracle @ yncpxdb1 admin] $ srvctl start listener-n yncpxdb1 yncpxdb1: ora.yncpxdb1.LISTENER_YNCPXDB1.lsnr: yncpxdb1: ora.yncpxdb1.LISTENER_YNCPXDB1.lsnr: LSNRCTL for Linux: Version - Production on 21-JAN-:30 yncpxdb1: ora.yncpxd
Unable to allocate 111 620 bytes of shared memory (&shared pool&, &select tfi.ins_process_name. This error occurs because the sql statement you write too much, oracle shared pool errors caused by lack of space Solution: show parameter share
北京时间3月23日消息,据国外媒体报道,我们每个人或多或少都有一些怀旧情结.我们收集过去的小东西,我们不舍得丢弃陪伴自己多年的收音机和随声听,甚至书包和铅笔盒.但是你知道全世界一些最古老的,并且仍在被使用的电器和其它老古董吗?一家国外网站近日对此进行了部分罗列: 1 世界使用时间最长的灯泡--111年 世界使用时间最长的灯泡 全世界使用时间最长的电灯泡已经连续工作了111年,因此你或许不会以下这条消息感到有什么奇怪:这个灯泡竟然还拥有自己的粉丝俱乐部,成员有数千人之多,他们甚至还建立了自己的网站
一.ie7使用$(obj).attr(&onclick&,&alert(111)&)没效果 改成 1) $(obj).bind(&click&,function(){ alert(111); }) 2) $(obj).click(function(){ alert(111); }) 二.绑定事件时,直接传ID会导致多个元素绑定最后一个元素的ID;,假如最后一个input id为5,那点击每一个input都会alert(5);,解决方案就是直接调用
Being compiled. . .
Exercise 1.11 A mathematical function into the process, calculated using recursive and iterative forms. 1) recursive version (define (f n) (if (& n 3) n (+ (f (- n 1)) (* 2 (f (- n 2))) (* 3 (- n 3))))) 2) iterative version of Iterative version of the
iResearch艾瑞咨询根据网络广告监测系统iAdTracker的最新数据研究发现,2009年网络品牌广告主数量增长快速,1至11月共计品牌广告主10163个,同比增长39.4%:投放费用79.2亿元,同比增长6.2%.iAdTracker数据显示,09年广告主数量的变化与08年趋势基本一致,1月.2月春节前后广告主数量处于低谷,此后基本保持上升态势.但09年广告主数量增长速度明显高于08年,9月开始单月广告主数量始终维持在4500个以上. 艾瑞咨询分析认为,一方面,互联网普及度的提高加强了网络的营销价
年底了,很多公司都要求大家写年终工作总结.估计很多童鞋就开始犯愁了.年年写,来来去去总是那些模式,自己都觉得没意思. 今天,教大家一招:禅道导出数据做透视表,简单轻松的让你做好年终总结. 原文地址:http://www.zentao.net/thread-view-83104.html 特别提示: 1.禅道开源版本导出数据为csv格式,你需要把里面的数据复制粘贴到excel表格里.(导出时请选择相应的编码格式.) 2.如果你的数据很多,也建议你以csv格式导出,这样导出速度会很快. 3.禅道导出的数据表,
下述代码若要运行,得在***Python之外***matplotlib.numpy.scipy.six等库,专门来看这篇小贴的朋友应该知道这些库. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from numpy import * fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(349) ax.plot(x,y) plt.show() 参数349的意思是:将画布分割成3行4列,图像画在从左到右从上到下的第9块,如下图: 那第十块怎么办,3410是不行的,可以
1, object-oriented features of what has 1. Abstract: Abstract is that it has overlooked a subject has nothing to do with the current goal of those aspects in order to more fully with the current objectives of the attention-related aspects. Abstract d
Apache + HAProxy a server (A) Rails App two servers (B, C) version = 2.0.4 Medium production.log suddenly discovered some time ago only shows haproxy of IP. And should not show the real client ip However, in / etc / haproxy.cfg has been annotated #op
The beginning of contact with Ruby, read the entry-point information. After the installation of Ruby, in the cmd command line, type ruby-v Will output ruby 1.8.6 ( patchlevel 111) [i386-mswin32] Writing inside SciTE at a few procedures, the
&html& &head& &title&Test a js select select &/title& &/head& &script language=&javascript&& &!-- function jsSelectItemByValue(objSelect,objItemText) { //Determine the existence of var isExit = for(v
Gem install mysql on Rails2.2.2 Environment: WindowsXP RadRails ruby1.8.2 rails2.2.2 mysql5.1.30 click google and found Rails2.2.2 database does not include the mysql adapter, needs its own installation. The first attempt to directly run gem install
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Original Address: /Article/803.html . For object creation and inheritance make a detailed description of In-depth detail, there are a few points need to be clear about 1, JavaScript is not the concept of category. Since the definit
The use of hibernate, error is as follows: [DEBUG]
09:31:32 [http-8098-1] org.hibernate.jdbc.AbstractBatcher.log(AbstractBatcher.java:393) select this_.ASSET_ID as ASSET1_8_0_, this_.description as descript2_8_0_, this_.status as status8_0
Flex for the most need to know 10 things 1. Flex is a web standard MXML is a Flex application's standard language, which allows developers to customize the structure of applications, including not only the layout also includes the class structure, an
1: System test username and password, it is best not to set difficult to identify the modes: such as 111,111, most likely do not know some are 1. 2: System design, as far as possible the corresponding functional block separate to facilitate other pro
1function HashMap(){ 2 3 var ItemCollection=new Array(); 4 //private 5 6 this.getMapCollection=function (){ 7 return ItemC 8 } 9 10 var MapItem=function (key,value){ 11 12 this.key=(key==null?&&:key); 13 this.value=(value==null?&&
/RicCC/archive//JavaScript-Object-Model-Execution-Model.html Cow too, and it is the browser developers. . . . Data Type &br /& The basic data types are basic data types of the JS implementation language of the bottom.
java interview questions Pen ~ a very comprehensive summary of major java interview questions large aggregate sum First, to talk about the final, finally, finalize the distinction. The most commonly asked. Second, Anonymous Inner Class (anonymous inn
1. What types of documents would you need for QA, QC, and Testing? 2. What did you include in a test plan? 3. Describe any bug you remember. 4. What is the purpose of the testing? 5. What do you like (not like) in this job? 6. What is quality assuran
This article is part of my summing up, attachment containing the full content, please download java written Guinness Collection 1. (&,|,^) Logical operation on the operation and conditions (&&,||) difference. (15 points) A major difference bet
Reprint: OneChen's Blog Read some basic knowledge about the Jquery. Posted about sharing. A lot of excellent online article. Study hard in ~ With the rise of JavaScript, JavaScript libraries have a series of flourishes. From the Early Prototype, Dojo 2006
Reprint: OneChen's Blog Read some basic knowledge about the Jquery. Posted about sharing. A lot of good articles online. Study hard in ~ With the rise of JavaScript, JavaScript libraries have a series of flourishes. From the Early Prototype, Dojo 2006 jQu
Some JSP code &script src = & / js/jquery-1.2.6.min.js &Type =& text / javascript && &/ script& &script& / / Jquery in order to avoid the '$' and other '$' conflict, in this will be in jquery's' $ 're-named the' jQuer
1. JavaScript objects. Object in JavaScript is a set of data collection of key-value, somewhat similar to Java in the HashMap, all of these data is Object's property. Normally, JavaScript object used in the creation of a &new& together with the
&html& &head& &meta http-equiv=&Content-Type& content=&text/ charset=gb2312&& &title& Fixed header and column &/title& &style& .FixedTitleRow { position: top: expression(this.offsetPar
http://blog.csdn.net/taige5555/archive//2511901.aspx Description: jbpm3.2.2 is the best mix of tomcat6.0, rather than tomcat5.5! JBPM 3.1 in the document, does not address how the deployment of its tomcat5.5 the following web console, in JB
&!--[ if! supportLists] -& 8, &!--[ endif] -& view the DOM structure Functional area will be the second line of the label to switch to the &DOM& I can see the level of the DOM structure of the entire page. Through the &Options&q
Basic knowledge of J***A-related 1, object-oriented aspects of the characteristics of which 1. Abstract: Abstract is that it has overlooked a theme has nothing to do with the current objectives of those aspects in order to more fully with the current
J***A based on knowledge-related 1, object-oriented aspects of the characteristics of which 1. Abstraction: Abstract is a neglected topic has nothing to do with the current goal of those aspects in order to better attention-related aspects of the curr
Basic knowledge of J***A-related 1, object-oriented aspects of the characteristics of which 1. Abstract: Abstract is that it has overlooked a theme has nothing to do with the current objectives of those aspects in order to more fully with the current
Javaeye site before it was written three dice will roll a number of kinds of the results of a surface sample questions, with the object-oriented way of thinking, then their own thought and thought one day late at night and found that this problem can
Projects have had some code that is the attribute value to do compression code, implemented functions: for example, pid1: vid11; pid1: vid12; pid2: vid2, compressed after pid1: vid11, vid12; pid2: vid2 The original code is as follows: public static S
Great summary of examination questions java interview Pen Great summary of examination questions java interview Pen First, to talk about the final, finally, finalize the difference. Most frequently asked. Second, Anonymous Inner Class (anonymous inne
First, under the so-called java nio to understand is what! And hair design of a traditional server-based network is to use blocking I / O for multi-threaded model to achieve, but because the systems are often read and write at the time of making the
(1) can run the following command to check whether the required packages are installed rpm-q gcc make binutils openmotif setarch compat-db compat-gcc compat-gcc-c + + compat-libstdc + + compat-libstdc + +-devel If there is no ¬ found&, said t
Beanutils Basic Usage Beanutils used the magic of reflection technology to achieve a lot of useful features exaggerated, are C / C + + did not dare think about the times. No matter who the project, and always will be the lingua franca of the day it i
Spingframework-2.5.5 Struts-2.0.11 Sitemesh-2.4.1 Hibernate-3.2.6 (antlr-2.7.7.jar) Weblogic Server 10.3.1 (multi-language versions - English Version) 【java version &1.6.0_11&】 1, package antlr conflict org.hibernate.QueryException: ClassNotFoun
1 /* 2 * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates 3 * and open the template in the editor. 4 */ 5 6 7 8 import java.util.ArrayL 9 import java.util.L 10 11 /** 12 * 13 * @author root 14 */ 15 public class Main { 16
Spring Quartz Timing details of the
15:03 In the Spring, use the JDK's Timer class library to do the task scheduling is not very convenient, it can not be as critical as cron service can specify a specific year, month, day, time and hours
While emphasizing the development of reusable components, today, in addition to its own from start to finish development of a reusable logging operations outside classes, Apache provides us with a powerful logging operations package-Log4j. Log4j is a
Spring + quartz tasks to do from time to time to re-order first class the first to write a Job package com.kcyg.ebid.organ.wszf. import java.text.SimpleDateF import java.util.D import org.quartz.JobExecutionC import org.quart
Last done uploading and downloading, so it pulls out again, and familiar with one, do a bit of adjustment byte conversion and upload type of restrictions, of course, upload the path restrictions. However, the question has been considering how to find
/* * Test on &table&&tr&&td&&/td&&/tr&&/table& The resolution */ public void testTable() { Parser myP NodeList nodeList = myParser = Parser.createParser(&&body& & + &&table ’table1′ &
ip division, super-detailed IP and subnet mask as we all know, IP is a number composed of four paragraphs, in this, let's look at three types commonly used IP A Class IP Section to B class IP Section to
Serious: Exception starting filter struts2 Action class [testAction] not found - action - file: / D: / PROJECTS / MyEclipse / .metadata / .me_tcat / webapps / proibitais / WEB-INF / classes / struts.xml: 9:61 at com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.provide
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